• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 800 Views, 1 Comments

Radiant Night - Not

Some ponies dance, some sing, and some... make beer, wine, and whiskey for the bar at a brothel.

  • ...

For A Runaway

The rest of the train ride was rather uneventful. A few meals and some sleep later, and she was there. Now all she had to do was find her escort and start her training. She had no idea if K* would be there in person, or if he would send someone, but either way they weren't there yet, so she dragged her bags to the café nearby. She got hit on twice, and finished a laté before he showed up.

"K!" She jumped up and ran (with her bags) to hug him. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

Scooping her up in a hug he laughed. "It's only been five years, lass."

Radiant rolled her eyes. "It might not be long for you, but that's a quarter of my life."

He smiled and set her down. "Aye, I guess it is lass. Would ye like to walk a while before ya sit in a cart for another hour or so?"

"As long as I can put my bags away first."

"O' course." He led the way to where his cart was parked. His code of chivalry wouldn't allow him to let her carry her own bags while he was strong and able, so he put them away for her.

"It's going to take a while to get used to that."

"To what?"

She smiled and grabbed his hoof playfully. "Having a stallion be nice to me without hitting on me or being my uncle."

He laughed knowing how strange he must look walking like that with a mare less than half his age. "A job is a job. You'll be treated as a lady around me."

"I like that."

They made their way to the marketplace. It wasn't far, but they had plenty to do before leaving.

K grabbed a few things and payed a few dronners as they walked. "Is there anything you or Ling might need?"

Radiant shook her head confused. "Ling?"

"Didn't you get my last letter?"

She smiled and rolled her eyes. "No. I have a phone you know."

"I don't trust 'em." He admitted. "Well, ya have a roommate for a few weeks. Ling won't bother none. Doesn't speak English even." He was a bit strange.

"French?" She asked hopefully.

"Better than most." He smiled. "You might have a hard time getting her to talk, though. She's a quiet one."

"I'd rather have a friend than a stranger rooming with me for a few weeks. Even a quiet one."

"Back to business!" Ge grabbed a few potatoes. "What first? Poteen or whiskey?"

"What in the hay is poteen?"

He smiled big. "You're in for a treat, lass. It's good fun."

It took the better half of an hour to finish his explanation. What pots are best for the traditional form, and what to use for a more modern version. After that they made their way back to K's cart, and back to his house. It took all of two minutes for Radiant to fall asleep during the ride. She awoke to hushed tones in French.

First was a female voice. "²{Do I really have to share a room? What if she sees me showering?}"

K laughed. "{Yes. You have to share. It's the only room with extra beds. As for the showering, you haven't anything she hasn't seen before.}"

There was a rather displeased look on her face. "{She's just so... tall.}"

Radiant decided this was a good time to join the conversation. "{I won't watch you shower if you don't want me to little Ling.}"

Ling let out a little squeak before running away. After a few seconds the sound of a slamming door came from upstairs.

Radiant smiled. "She's adorable! Can I keep her?"

K laughed warmly. "That's up to her. For now let's move your bags inside. Even if your room's locked for now."

"Sounds good to me." Her stomach grumbled. "Then maybe some dinner?"

K smiled knowingly. "Aye, lass. That's the plan. You settle yourself, an' I'll start the cookin'."

Radiant did just that. She went to the main room after nodding. She found a good chair with good light, and a good book. She brought the book from home of course. After about 20 minutes she decided to check on Ling. She went upstairs and found the room easily enough. It was the only locked door on the second floor. There was complete silence from the inside. "{Are you okay in there, Ling?}" She got no response other than a light rustling sound.

She sat with her back against the door. "{Sorry if I came on a bit strong earlier. I'm used to talking to a... tougher crowd.}" She hoped the expression translated properly. "{Can we at least be friends for dinner? It's almost done.}"

The door opened just a crack. "{Is... is it hard?}" A small voice spoke out.

Radiant was glad she got a response, but still confused. "{Is what hard?}"

"{Dealing with all those...}" The door opened enough to show her face. "{drunks.}"

Radiant let out a laugh. "{The hard part was keeping them on the other side of the counter.}"


"{Didn't K ever tell you that the bar I worked in was part of my uncle's brothel?}"

The door closed slightly and Ling's face turned three shades redder. "{No...}"

"{It's fine. I only worked the bar I was under age after all.}"

The door opened almost all the way, but Ling was still half hiding behind it. "{C-come in.}"

She made her way inside the room. The two beds only had about a meter between them and two meters from the foot to the wall. There was a decent amount of closet space, though. She decided to make Ling blush one more time before dinner. "{We can talk more about brothels after dinner. For now let's go eat.}"

It had the desired effect. Ling was stunned for a moment, then followed Radiant out, scarlet faced. Then she surprised Radiant. "{S-sure.}"

Radiant stopped for a moment, stunned, and Ling giggled as she passed her on the way down the stairs. The smell hit them long before they hit the kitchen. Radiant didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't this.

K heard them coming. "{Two minutes for the red bean paste to be done. Sit at the table for a while.}" He had prepared enough food that there would definitely be leftovers. It was more of a Japanese meal than a Chinese one, but that was lost on Radiant, and it was what Ling preferred.

Ling perked up. "Anmitsu?"

K smiled. "Anmitzu. {One of your favorite meals, and your favorite dessert. Though I don't remember if they go together. Yakisoba, bubble tea, lots of raisu, and ninjin-arame kinpira with Anmitsu for dessert.}"

Radiant was lost. "{Never heard of that kind of tea, I think you said rice, and... what?}" (((The Japanese words remain untranslated as they are not French. This is only translated to the level that Radiant understands it.)))

K just smiled. "You'll enjoy it. Don't worry."

Now Ling was lost. "{Stop it! You know I don't speak English!}"

K started laughing. "{Well I speak all three, so I win. Let's eat! Itadakimasu!}"

Ling rolled her eyes and started eating. She enjoyed every last bit. The noodles, the tea, the rice, the carrot and seaweed kinpira (a way of preparing vegetables), and of course the agar jelly served over red (azuki) bean paste. She spoke mostly with K during the meal in Chinese. She didn't get to speak it much here, but at meals they had gotten into the habit. Radiant was lost, but she was also more interested on focusing on strange new foods that she had never eaten before. Basically everything on the table other than rice was new to her. She had eaten rice before.

After a fun half an hour for Ling, a happy half an hour for K, and a strange half an hour for Radiant K kicked the girls out of the room so that he could do the dishes. It was getting pretty late, so they decided to go up to their room for the night to talk a bit, and read a bit. Ling was more interested in the reading part for most of the night, so they read their own books until it was time to get ready for sleep.

They brushed their teeth, then Ling let Radiant shower first while she waited in the bedroom. After about fifteen minutes Radiant came out with a towel around her mane, and a bath robe around the rest of her. "{It's all yours.}"

"{Thank you.}" Ling had a shy smile as she passed Radiant.

Before the door could close Radiant added, "{I meant what I said before by the way.}"


"{When I first got here. I'll look if you want me to.}"

The door swung shut so that Ling could hide her face as it got BRIGHT red. "Wǒ bù fǎnduì ba...(我不反对吧...)" said a small voice from the other side.

Radiant didn't understand Chinese at all, she just laughed, and changed into pajamas to sleep in. Ling came out a few minutes later, and got into her bed across from Radiant. She wasn't good at English, but she had learned a few words so she managed to say one thing before she went to sleep. "Tomorrow... look." Then she hid under her blankets near the wall.

Radiant had a big smile spread across her face. She knew that she would make a quick friend.

Author's Note:

*Currently unnamed, but it will start with a K (Kedehern, Kennedy, etc.)
²Translated from French for ease of reading. Also because I don't know French.

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