• Published 17th Aug 2019
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Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 17: VS Peach

The party walked down the path leading to the fighter. As they slowly approached, they could clearly see the fighter's overall appearance. It was clear that this fighter was female from the long blonde hair and the pink dress she wore.

"Oh god I know that dress anywhere," said Mario.

"It's her isn't it?" asked Piranha Plant.

"Who?" asked Ember. The fighter turned around to reveal her face. She had a small blue gem encased on her chest and a small crown with blue and red jewels sat on top of her head. Her red eyes drilling into the party.

"It's Princess Peach," said Bowser.

"Oh if it isn't Mario and Bowser," giggled Peach. "And I see you've brought your little friends,"

"Come on Peach, can we talk about this?" asked Mario.

"I would love to Mario," said Peach. "But Lord Galeem told me I can't spend time with my enemies,"

"Again with Galeem," said Link.

"Is that the Lord of Light you mentioned?" asked Ember.

"Yeah, you were also being controlled by him before Bowser saved you," answered Twilight.

"Alright who's going for it?" asked Lucario.

"I'll go," said Mario. "She's my lover after all,"

"Go get him bro," said Villager. Mario stepped forward with his fists up.

"Don't worry Peach, I'll save you," said Mario.

"Ok!" Peach exclaimed Mario. Mario rushed forward and threw a punch as Peach dodged his attack. Peach quickly grabbed him by the overalls and slapped him four times before throwing him back. Mario slid to a stop and hurled multiple fire balls all of which Peach dodged as she ran towards Mario. She reached out to grab Mario, but he quickly moved out of the way and punched her several times before sending her flying. As Peach stopped herself, Mario ran up and landed a flying kick into her chest.

"Yeah let's get Mario!" Piranha Plant cheered.

"Do it for your love!" added Villager. Bowser crossed his arms while stomping his foot impatiently.

"Something wrong?" asked Ember.

"I just can't sit and watch Mario beat up the person I love," growled Bowser.

"Hmm love eh," chuckled Ember.

"What's so funny?" growled Bowser.

"Nothing," answered Ember. "Didn't think a beast like you would understand what love actually is,"

"Are you saying I'm heartless!?" growled Bowser.

"Well you kinda are," said Link.

"Shut up!" he roared.

"Hey look he's already up to the point where he can launch her off the platform!" exclaimed Twilight.

"What!?" gasped Bowser.

'Impressive," said Eleven. Mario gasped as he wiped the blood off his face.

"Peach you've gotten stronger," said Mario.

"Thank you Mario ," said Peach. "But if you think compliments are gonna save you, you gotta another thing coming,"

"We'll see," said Mario. He got to his feet and ran towards Peach with a fireball in hand. He jumped up and attempted to land on Peach, but she quickly sidestepped avoiding the attack. Mario quickly shielded as Peach tried to slap him again. As she went for the last slap, he dropped the shield and thrusted his arm forward sending her flying off the platform. Peach jumped and pulled out her parasol as she slowly drifted down.

"Hmm nice Perfect Shield," said Link.

"A Perfect what?" asked Twilight.

"A Perfect Shield," repeated Villager. "It's a method in which the fighter drops their shield the moment their opponents hits them,"

"Interesting," said Ember. Mario jumped up and punched downwards as Peach dodged the attack then pulled out a golf club and swung it but Mario dodged the attack then flipped her using his cape. He grabbed Peach's waist and began headbutting her before swinging her and throwing her and sent her flying. However Peach had managed to survive and was floating on her parasol again. Mario smirked as he ran forward and jumped.

"Hey Peach," said Mario.

"What is it?" asked Peach. Smirking Mario raised his fist and slammed it down on Peach's head and sent her crashing off the platform. As Mario landed on the ground, a pillar of light erupted from the spot where Peach had landed.

"Get dunked," said Mario. Suddenly a platform carrying Peach appeared over the party's head. Peach jumped off the platform and walked over to Mario.. "Aye sorry about that Peach," apologized Mario. "Kinda had to do it,"

"Hehe, no worries Mario at least you saved me," giggled Peach.

"And she's back!" said Villager.

"Poyo!" cheered Kirby. The party ran over to Mario and Peach and congratulated them for freeing Peach.

"It's nice to meet you Princess," said Starlight.

"Oh who might your new friends be?" asked Peach. Mario quickly introduced, Starlight, Twilight, and Ember to Peach. "Well it's nice to meet you all," said Peach.

"Alright should we head over to the black portal?" asked Piranha Plant.

'Wait before that, I actually wanted to do something," said Starlight.

'What is it?" asked Mario.

"Wait here ok?" asked Starlight. She grabbed the album and teleported out of the castle.

"Where might she be going?" asked Eleven.

"Well she told us to wait so," said Villager. So the group sat and waited for Starlight to return.

"Where do you think she ran off to?" asked Link.

"Who knows," growled Bowser picking at his teeth with a toothpick.

'Poyo," said Kirby. Suddenly a flash of blue light appeared behind them grabbing Villager's attention.

"Hey guys look," said Villager turning around. The rest of the party got their feet and turned towards the light. The light eventually died as Starlight and another pony appeared.

"Star, there you are where have you been?" asked Mario.

"And who's that?" asked Lucario.

"Sorry guys, I almost forgot that I wanted to revisit Anna," said Starlight. "This here is one of Twilight's friends actually,"

"Oh yeah, the Sunset whatever your name was," said Villager.

"Sunset Shimmer, nice to meet you all," said Sunset.

"So you're back to normal, I assume it's one of Anna's replica dolls?" asked Mario.

"That's right, it took forever to make, so sorry," apologized Starlight.

"I guess that explains why you took forever," said Link.

"Well anyway, Sunset will be joining our party from here on out," announced Starlight.

"Great, nice having you on the team," said Piranha Plant.

"Do your best," said Link.

"Thank you everyone," said Sunset.

"So now we head for the black portal?" complained Bowser.

"Yes Bowser," groaned Mario.

"Great let's go already," said Bowser getting to his feet. he quickly dashed off leaving the party behind.

"Well Bowser's still Bowser," giggled Peach.

"Let's run after him before he does something stupid," suggested Lucario. The party followed after Bowser as he ran off. Now with Peach and Sunset joining the team, Starlight is finally ready to face whatever is awaiting behind the black portal. Who could possibly be waiting? Whoever it is, Starlight knows it's her biggest challenge yet.

Author's Note:

Chapter 17 complete. Wow quick battle. But I guess it makes sense since Mario's pretty experienced with this kind of stuff. Also we saw that Mario performed a meteor smash on Peach. Luckily she came back like every smash game. Also Sunset is back and has joined the battle. Now it's time for the boss. Who could it possibly be? The answer is in the next chapter.

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