• Published 17th Aug 2019
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Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 32: VS Ryu

With Spike's victorious efforts, Starlight's group was able to free the spirit from Galeem's control. However the battle was far from over. According to Tails, there was still four spirits in need of saving plus the one captive fighter. So they continued traveling around Equestria rescuing spirits from their respective puppet fighters. Thanks to the power of teamwork, they were able to liberate all four spirits in no time. They were currently at the Crystal Empire and had finished their battle with the puppet Ganondorf.

"Well that's the last spirit," said Starlight.

"I guess that means we can go find that fighter that still needs saving," said Spike.

"Yep," said Tails. "Come on, let's hurry back to the plane," He turned around and walked back to the plane as Starlight and Falcon followed from behind. They hopped in and took off within minutes.

"So where's this last fighter?" asked Starlight.

"You'll see," said Tails. It wasn't long until Starlight realized that they were heading to Canterlot.

"The castle?" asked Starlight.

"Yep," answered Tails. He flew over the gate and landed in front of the doors to the castle. He opened the door and walked in as Starlight, Falcon, Spike, and Skystar followed from behind. "This way," said Tails as he led them up the flight off stairs. They entered the throne room to find someone standing at the center with their backs against them. He was wearing one of those traditional karate clothing with the sleeves torn off. A black belt was wrapped around his waist and a red headband was wrapped around his head. He turned around to face them as they walked in.

"Oh god it's Ryu," said Falcon.

"Who?" asked Starlight.

"Ryu," Falcon repeated. "He can unleash a lot of powerful moves and his combos are no joke,"

"We better be careful then," said Starlight.

"And that's why, I'm taking him on," said Falcon. "I know him better out of all of us so I have more of advantage,"

"I guess you do have a point," said Spike. Captain Falcon stepped forward as Ryu adjusted his gloves.

"Let's do this," said Falcon. He rushed out to attack Ryu, when he pulled his arms back as a ball of blue energy began to materialize. "I see what you're doin," said Falcon. He thrusted his arms forward as he hurled the blue energy sphere towards Falcon.

"Hadoken!" The energy sphere flew towards Falcon which he jumped over to avoid. Smirking he raised his leg as it ignited.

"Falcon Kick!" Falcon performed a flying kick into Ryu's stomach knocking him back. As Ryu was recovering from the attack, Captain Falcon rushed in and barraged him with a flurry of weak punches, before finishing his attack with a strong punch. Ryu managed to catch himself as he was sent flying. Falcon ran towards him ready to attack, when Ryu flew at him like a spinning tornado.

"Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" Falcon was caught in the tornado of Ryu's kicks and was pushed back. Falcon stopped himself from sliding back further by putting his hand on the ground and looked up. Ryu crouched down and thrusted his fist upward and knocked Falcon into the air with a nasty uppercut.

"Shoryuken!" Falcon quickly recovered by kicking downwards with his burning foot.

"Falcon kick!" His attack connected and Ryu was sent flying backwards.

"This is amazing!" proclaimed Spike.

"Yeah but it also feels kind of strange," said Starlight.

"Huh why?" asked Spike.

"Why are they announcing their moves like that?" asked Starlight.

"Maybe it's a fighting game thing?" said Spike.

"Maybe, but why doesn't Mario yell fireball or Link yell slash when they're using their moves?" asked Starlight.

"Maybe you should ask them," said Skystar. The two continued to go at each other as the three turned their focus back on the battle. All the while Ryu continued to announce his next attack.

"Hadoken!" Once again Falcon jumped over the attack. "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" Falcon managed to avoid getting hit by sidestepping then grabbing Ryu. He punched him several times before knocking him back by kicking him in the stomach. Ryu got to his feet as Falcon rushed in for another attack.

"Let's go dude!" cheered Spike. But as Falcon rushed in for an attack, Ryu pulled his arm back as black energy began flowing out of his body. As Falcon tried to knock him down with his punches, Ryu didn't flinch and countered with a powerful punch, leaving Falcon stunned for a brief moment. Then he landed another uppercut before he could recover.

"Shoryuken!" Falcon was sent flying into one of the walls as Starlight, Spike, and Skystar watched in horror.

"Cap!" Starlight gasped. Ryu began approaching, but as he got close, Falcon shot out and kicked Ryu.

"Falcon Kick!" Ryu had managed to weaken the attack by shielding himself, but Falcon quickly grabbed him and threw him across the room. He ran toward Ryu for another attack, as Ryu got to his feet and shielded himself once more. Falcon pulled his arm back and slammed his elbow into his shield and shattering it. As Ryu got to his feet he put his hand against his head looking dazed. Falcon smirked as he pulled his arm back causing it to ignite. Then, with all of his strength, he punched Ryu with his burning arm.

"Falcon Punch!" Ryu screamed as he was sent flying into Celestia's throne. Light burst out of his limp body indicating that he had been defeated.

"Sweet Celestia!" exclaimed Starlight.

"That was awesome," said Spike.

"Such a flashy ending," said Skystar. Falcon turned around and gave them a thumbs up with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes!" Falcon boasted.

"I've never seen anything like that," said Starlight as they walked over to him.

"What then ending or the battle?" asked Falcon.

"The ending of course," said Starlight.

"She's right that was awesome!' said Spike.

"Well thanks for the compliment," said Falcon. Ryu groaned as he crawled out of the pile of rubble.

"Ow what the hell?" asked Ryu. The four quickly ran over to Ryu, to check up on him.

"Aye Ryu how you doing friend?" asked Falcon.

"Not good," answered Ryu. "My entire body is aching,"

"I guess that's understandable considering you had a crazy battle just now," said Starlight. Ryu looked up at her with a confused look.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Ryu. He checked out his surroundings. "And where in god's good name am I?"

"Remember when Galeem killed all of our friends?" asked Falcon.

"Yeah," answered Ryu.

"Well things get pretty complicated after that," said Falcon.

"What do you mean?" asked Ryu. So Falcon explained everything that's happened after they Galeem's attack.

"Well that's great," said Ryu. "Now we're stuck in a world created by Galeem is what you're saying right?"

"Pretty much," said Starlight.

"Loo, I know it's a lot to take in, but right now we're making our way to Galeem so we can put an end to his evil schemes," said Falcon.

"Fine, if that's the case, then I'm coming," said Ryu.

"Really?" asked Spike.

"Trust me, you'll be needing all the help you can get," said Ryu.

"Great, thanks," said Starlight.

"So now what?" asked Skystar.

"I'm pretty sure, we've done all we can here so I suppose we can start heading back," said Starlight.

"Got it, then let's go talk to Tails," suggested Skystar. "He left during the battle to prepare for our departure,"

"Great let's go," said Starlight. So with Ryu back, Starlight and her friends get ready to return to their world, to prepare for the next challenges ahead.

Author's Note:

Chapter 32 complete. So now Starlight and her friends have officially completed World Tour. Now they must return to their world to prepare for the next big challenges that is coming up. And now that they have Ryu with them, things are only going to get even crazier. We also got to see some of Captain Falcon's moves in this chapter. Like his famous Falcon Punch. Congrats on ending the battle with a flashy move Falcon.

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