• Published 16th Dec 2019
  • 593 Views, 6 Comments

Doctor Whooves and The Lone Dalek - Whooves235

When Ponies start to disappear all across Equestria The Main 6 are asked by Celestia to go to and investigate, however soon they to disappear. So now its up to The Doctor and Zap Apple to find them before Equestria loses its only protectors

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Chapter 2: Gone

Twilight's Castle/Map Room

"Well that took longer than expected," Twilight said, walking into the Map Room. She sat down on her throne and put her head back in exhaustion. "Who would have thought that a post office would take that long to open?"

"Well, they were missing a few people," Spike said. He flew over to a bowl of gems and began to have a snack. "Besides, now we have the rest of the day to spend with Pinkie and Flurry."

"Not exactly," Twilight said. "Pinkie took Flurry to Sugarcube Corner to help with the Cake Twins. Now that they’re running the shop they need some help knowing what exactly to do."

"Oh right..." Spike said as he tossed a gem inside his mouth, then began to choke a little.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight asked, holding up.

He then coughed up the gem he ate and he began to burp until he breathed his Dragon Fire, and a note emerged from the fire. "I think we got a letter," Spike said, then collapsed on the floor.

"Oh! Its a letter from Celestia." Twilight said. "She must need some help in Canterlot, knowing her." She then opened the letter and read the following note, her eyes going wide a bit. "Spike listen to this!"

Dear Twilight,

I would not be writing to you under normal circumstances unless it was important. Enclosed in the following document is an Equestrian Police report. According to the report, ponies have been disappearing across Equestria. From Appaloosa to Ponyville there have been ponies disappearing. Normally I would have the Royal Guard do this job, but things have come up in Canterlot that require my presence. I am sure that you and your friends will have this mystery solved quickly. Included with the previously mentioned document is a map with the locations of disappearances. The fate of Equestria’s citizens lies with you.

Warmest regards,Princess Celestia

"Ponies disappearing?" Spike said. "You would think we would have noticed that."

"Well that would explain why the post office had to deal with such a long wait for the grand opening," Twilight said. She opened the envelope and looked at the map. "Spike, we need to get the girls. This situation is serious."

"Alright, I’m going to go get Fluttershy and Rarity. You can find Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie," Spike said. "See you when I get back." He then ran out of the door to get the others with Twilight following behind.

Sweet Apple-Dash Acres

As Rainbow entered, she tried to hide her blush. The same went for Zap, who was trying not to laugh. They saw that Applejack was cleaning up the mess; Applejack looked at Rainbow.

"What did you do?"

"I didn’t do anything! I just walked in!"

"Bullshit. You’ve got that look in your eyes. You did something."

"No I didn’t!" Dash was quiet for a moment. "Look, it wasn’t even that big of a deal-"

"What. Did. You...Do?!" Applejack demanded sternly.

"I may or may not have accidentally ran into the chicken coup and spooked out all the chickens," Dash said, the blush on her face growing redder.

"Did you clean it up?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, why do you think we took so long!" Rainbow said.

"Good." Applejack smiled, then got up to her face. "And If you ever do anything like that again I will personally see to it that you won’t make it to your next birthday."

"Is it too late to say I love you?" Rainbow asked with a nervous grin.

Applejack just smiled and kissed her wife on the cheek. "Nope," she said, "but I’m serious about that birthday thing."

"Yeah whatever, Apples," Rainbow said. She looked to Zap, who was curiously wondering what exactly he just witnessed. "Zap, how about you go out back and do some of the chores? I'm sure your mother will need more apples by the time she’s done with the fifth pie."

"Uhh...alright mom," Zap said. "Oh, I forgot to tell you: Scootaloo says hi. She wanted to come home but she and Rumble are busy looking for apartments in Manehattan."

"Oh...ok," Rainbow said, slight disappointment in her tone. "I’ll be in the study if you need me, ok?"

"Alright mom," Zap said, then left the house and went to the back. As Rainbow watched him leave she slowly walked to the study. She opened the door and saw the room; it was a simple room with yellow wallpaper and a green flooring to it. The floor was made from a nice tree bark that Applejack’s parents had made before they passed. She sat down on the chair and looked at the wall, the wall of many photos. Applejack called this room The Family Room, because it was in this room where all the family photos went, from Bright Mac and Pear Butters’ wedding all the way to Zap’s birth. However, she was more focused on one photo, in particular, a photo of Rainbow standing next to Scootaloo, who was carrying her highschool diploma, and with it a full college scholarship in Manehattan.

"Rainbow, you in here?" Applejack asked. She found Rainbow in the study, looking at the wall. "Sugercube, you ok?

"She grew up too fast," Rainbow whispered softly.

"Dash, it's going to be ok," Applejack said. "I know ya miss her, but she’s a grown mare now. She has a life, a coltfriend."

"I almost never see her anymore, Jackie," Rainbow said. "It's like I lost a part of me."

"You still have me and Zap," Applejack said.

"Yeah but for how long?" Rainbow said. "Zap is ten and it only seems like yesterday he was born."

"Dash, if we think about the future then we can’t focus on the now," Applejack said. "If we savor the moments we have with our son, then everything will be ok."

"Ma!" Zap said. "Aunt Twilight is here!" The two of them turned around to see Twilight standing at the door to the study, looking quite concerned.

"Twilight, what's wrong? You look like ya seen a ghost," Applejack said.

"I’m sorry to barge in unannounced, but I need you two. It's an emergency," Twilight said.

"¨Why, what's wrong?" Rainbow asked.

"I’ll explain everything later. Right now we need to get to the castle," Twilight said. Zap walked next to Twilight, curious as to what was going on.

"Hey, is everything ok?"

"We can't just leave Zap here," Applejack said.

"I think he’s old enough to take care of himself," Rainbow said. "After all, he is our son."

"Ugh, fine" Applejack said reluctantly. "¨Zap, we’ll be back faster than a jackrabbit on stilts."

"Uhh ok?" Zap said. "What do I do in the meantime?"

"There’s a list of chores on the table in the kitchen," Applejack said as she was pushed out the door by Rainbow.

"OkbyeZapweloveyou!" Rainbow said before closing the door.

"Ok...that...happened," Zap said. He walked over to the list of chores and read them, taking note of what was already done and what needed to be done.

"Alright the faster I do this, the faster I can get back to Daring Doo" Zap smirked

Five Hours Later

As Zap sat in the living room, he continued to read his new Daring Doo book. He had finished his chores over two hours ago, and it had been over five hours since Rainbow and Applejack left on their mission, and Zap was getting worried.

"They’ve never taken this long before," Zap said to himself. He got off his chair and walked over to the front yard, expecting to see his parents returning, arguing as usual only to make up five minutes later. "Maybe they’re just doing some late bucking."

Just then he started to hear a strange sound; it almost sounded like somepony dragging keys along the strings of a broken piano. He turned to the front yard again only to see something he had never seen before: a blue box with the words Police Public Call Box labeled on the top of it. Two ponies stepped out of it.

"According to the machine the disturbance is coming from this time and location," The Doctor said, then walked up to the house porch.

"Doctor, are you sure that there are ponies home?" Derpy said. "It looks like this place is empty."

"Fear not my faithful companion, I have a solution to your problem." He simply knocked on the door. "Hello? This is your apple inspector, I'm here to inspect your apples...and...your...applesauce."

As the door opened Zap stood before the two ponies, he was confused and after what he just heard "Uhh, hi?"

"Hello young colt!" The Doctor said. "Are your parents home? I am the apple inspector and I'm here to..."

"nspect the apples and applesauce?" Zap said. "Yeah I may be a kid, but I definitely know apple inspectors when I see them. Who are you really?"

"Doctor, he’s on to us!" Derpy said.

"Well if you must know, I am The Doctor and this is my companion Derpy. We are here because my machine has picked up a time and space anomaly, and it appears that it is located in this barn."

"Ok, now I'm willing to believe your Apple Inspector story..." Zap said bluntly. "I'm sorry Mr. Doctor, but my mom told me never to let strangers into the barn."

"Well you're in luck, Zap Apple, because I happen to be a friend of your mother's."

"Really?" Zap asked doubtfully.

"Yes, do you want me to prove it?"

"If you’re really a friend of my mom’s, then tell me something only I would know."

"Your mother Rainbow Dash has an addiction to orange juice and your mother Applejack hates it."

"Yeah...that's mom..." Zap said. He stepped aside and let the two ponies enter the house. The Doctor started to wander around the barn a bit, holding a silver box with glowing lights.

"Does he usually do this?" Zap asked Derpy.

"It might look weird at first, but you get used to it."

"I can't imagine," Zap said.

"Derpy, I think I found something!!"

Derpy and Zap followed The Doctor’s voice into the study, where he was standing in front of the photo of Bright Mac and Pair Butter. "Look right here!"

"It's....just a photo" Zap said "What exactly is so important about it?"

"It’s not the photo itself, but rather what it contains," The Doctor said. He carefully took the photo and started to shake it, and a piece of paper fell out of the photo. "Ah ha!!"

"Doctor, what is it?" Derpy asked. The Doctor took out his Sonic Screwdriver and started to scan it.

"Just as I thought, a time anomaly."

"A what?" Zap said.

"A time anomaly, it's sorta like a fragment of time that was misplaced. Other words for it are aberrations, time misplacements," The Doctor said. "The point is this piece of paper did not exist before, but now it does, suggesting something in the past has changed, or rather is changing as we speak."

"Well Doctor, what does the note say?" Derpy asked.

Dear Doctor,

I hope this note finds you. According to Applejack this is the only photo frame that is old enough to be around in this time. From the sentence I have just written you can surmise that me and my friends have somehow been transported into the past; however, we happened to run into a version of yourself who for some reason knows us, suggesting that he is also from the future. He, or rather you, told us that we could not return to the present due to the fact that events will be happening that will be making history. He did, however, tell me to leave this note to make sure that everything goes into its proper place, whatever that means. The point is we are stuck in the past and we can't get back, not yet at least. Please tell Flurry Heart and Pinkie that we are safe and we miss them. Applejack and Rainbow also asked me to tell you to tell Zap that they are ok as well.

From Twilight

"Wait, my moms are trapped in the past?!" Zap shouted.

"Yes, according to Twilight at least. However, what is curious is how exactly they got there," The Doctor said. "If a future version of me is keeping them there it means something big is going to happen."

"Doctor, how far are they trapped in the past?" Derpy asked.

"According to the sonic, Twilight and her friends are trapped in the past over 30 years ago."

"Well if they’re with a past version of you at least they’re safe," Derpy said.

"Doctor, what’s going on?!" Zap shouted. "First you barge into my house. then you say my mothers, as well as my aunts, are trapped 30 years in the past?!”

"Zap, listen to me," The Doctor said, "we are going to find your parents, and find out how this happened."

"But how can you be so sure?" Zap said.

"Because I am The Doctor, and I save People...or...Ponies, rather," he said. "Now then, Zap, where were your parents before they disappeared?"

"Aunt Twilight said something was going on at the castle of friendship."

"Then that's where we will start!!"