• Published 16th Dec 2019
  • 595 Views, 6 Comments

Doctor Whooves and The Lone Dalek - Whooves235

When Ponies start to disappear all across Equestria The Main 6 are asked by Celestia to go to and investigate, however soon they to disappear. So now its up to The Doctor and Zap Apple to find them before Equestria loses its only protectors

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Chapter 4: The Diplomatic Talks

The T.A.R.D.I.S

As Zap, Flurry, and The Doctor enters the TARDIS they made their way to the control panel, The Doctor then pulled some levers and turned a screen in the direction of the two, Zap standing next to Flurry who was still contemplating how she is in a box that is bigger on the Inside.

"Alright, here is what we know" The Doctor said "A Weeping Angel surprised Twilight and her friends at the castle, sending them back in time almost 30 years ago"

"Ok, but what about that Creature from town?" Flurry said

"I'm just getting to that," The Doctor said "We also know that a Dalek, one of my oldest and greatest of foes has somehow found its way to Equestria, and it has been instructed to kill me and my companions"

"But the Angel said that whoever sent the Dalek also sent him" Zap said "He also said that whoever is doing this is an old enemy of yours"

"Precisely, and that my dear Zap is where we now have the upper hand!!" The Doctor said, meanwhile Zap and Flurry just looked at the Doctor, visibly confused as to what exactly he meant "Ugh, what I mean is because this enemy of ours knows me that means he will try to find the T.A.R.D.I.S, and when he or another one of his minions tries to take it"

"We can set a trap!!" Zap said

"Exactly!" The Doctor said

"Ok, but you saw what that Dalek did, how are we supposed to stop it?!" Flurry said

"It's true, you Equestrians don't have the necessary technology to stop a Dalek, however if you know where to go then perhaps instead we can slow it down," The Doctor said, he then walked over to another screen, and pressed some buttons on the control panel, the screen changing images to Canterlot Castle

"We are going to Canterlot?" Zap said

"Yes, and no" The Doctor said "It's true that we can use the Tardis as a trap, however Ponyville is not as protected as Canterlot is, and I cannot have the Tardis fall into the hands of this foe"

"So why go to Canterlot, we would only be putting them in danger with our presence" Zap said

"Because where we are going, only few know about, so much even that Princess Twilight herself does not know about" The Doctor said

"Where is it?" Zap said, now interested by this information

"It's called the Forbidden Section, its located underneath the Canterlot Library and it houses some of the most rarest books and scrolls Equestria has ever seen, the Tardis should be safe while we go and look for some help" The Doctor said

"Wait so we are going to see Celestia and Luna?" Flurry asked

"Yes, right now they need to be informed that something is here, and that something will destroy them if they do not act" The Doctor said

"Well, what are we waiting for??" Zap said "Let's go!"

"I like you Zap" The Doctor said, he then flipped a lever and The Tardis began to make a sound

Canterlot Castle/Throne Room

Celestia sat in her throne, looking over some random paper work, as she heard the door open, she then looked up and saw Luna "Sister I am delighted to see you" Celestia said, slowly putting the file onto the ground "But I must ask, what in Equestria's name are you doing here? is the Crystal Empire in trouble?"

"We are sorry Sister for the drop in, and nothing is wrong in the Empire, we came by per-request of Twilight, she sent a letter to me asking about ponies and if any of my subjects had vanished. I came by to see if she asked you this?"

"Oh yes that. I apologize Luna I'm afraid I'm the one who assigned her to this. Some of my subjects across the land have been going missing, and I asked Twilight and her friends to investagate." Celestia said

"I see...has she not checked in with you about this yet? She is usually quite punctual about checking in with ponies about her missions and reserch"

"Yes, it is rather odd that they have not checked in," Celestia said, pulling a copy of the note she sent to Twilight out "The instructions were clear, and knowing Twilight she and her friends should have found out what happened by now"

"Sister I have a bad feeling about this" Luna said "Should we send a letter to Spike?"

"I will prepare a letter just in case, until then keep an eye out for her" Celestia said "You are welcome to stay in your old quarters if you want to, and as per usual the Guards will always be loyal to you as well."

"As you wish sister, and thank you" Luna said

The Restricted Section/Canterlot Public Library

As The Tardis dematerialized in the room The Doctor, Zap, and Flurry stepped out of the police box and began to view the room they had transported into

"Welcome Zap and Flurry, to the Restricted Section" The Doctor said

"Look at all the books here!" Flurry said "Aunt Twilight would have a panic attack if she saw all this" Flurry said

"Ugh...Boring" Zap said "I'm more interested in the Weapons and the Magic Scrolls!"

"My you two do sound a lot like your Parents" The Doctor said, chuckling a bit

"Ok, just take us above so we can find Celestia and Luna" Flurry said

"Hm" The Doctor said "It might not be that easy, no one ever sees you in public Flurry, so we may draw attention to ourselves"

"Then what do you want me to do?" Flurry said

"Well, you can stay here if you want, plenty to read and the Tardis will tell me if anything is wrong"

"You mean you want me, to stay here with all the books from the past that no one, not even Aunt Twilight has read?" Flurry said

"Uh...yes?" The Doctor said, but before he could say anything else a gust of wind flew past him, and Flurry was already tearing apart a bookshelf of books

"That should keep her busy for a good few hours" The Doctor said "Now Zap come on, we need to get the Princess's"

"Alright let's go" Zap said


As The Doctor stood in the streets of the city, he took out his Sonic Screwdriver and began scanning the area. Ever since they had left the Restricted Section he had been fiddling with the device, it seemed that he was looking for something, but Zap was not exactly sure what he was looking for.

"Doctor come on, we need to get going!" Zap said

"What?" The Doctor said. he then turned around and remembered what they were doing "Ah yes, the Castle right"

"Doctor what are you doing?, you have been playing with that thing for a while now" Zap curiously then looked around the area, as they continued to walk the streets.

"I'm just looking for something" The Doctor said

"Doctor my mother is the element of honesty, even if she was not here I can tell your hiding something" Zap said, his face slightly pouting

"I'm looking for Derpy" The Doctor said

"Why? she should be in Ponyville still right?" Zap asked

"Yes, however with the Dalek around I can never be too safe" The Doctor said "I gave her a piece of jewelry a while back, the gem located in it is essay trackable, so theoretically I should be able to know where she is. However for some reason its not showing up"

"That is wired" Zap said "You don't think she is in any kind of danger do you?"

"That's what I'm worried about" The Doctor said, his tone slightly flat.

As the group came to the castle entrance they were then stopped by two guards "Hult!" One of the guards said

"Who goes there?" The Other guard said, both the guard's wings were blocking the path, their gazes locked on the two ponies

"Hello there, my name is The Doctor, I'm here to see Princess Celestia or Luna" The Doctor said

"Do you have an appointment with them?" the Guard said, his brow-raising a bit

"Uh, no I just need to speak with them" The Doctor said

"If you don't have an appointment then you cannot enter" The Guard said

"Listen its really important that we see Princess Celestia!" Zap said "The fate of Equestria is at stake!"

"Sure kid" The Guard said

"Ugh I don't have time for this" The Doctor mumbled, he then pulled out a piece of cloth and opened it, showing it to the guards "I believe this is enough proof"

The guard looked at the paper, his eyes going wide a bit he signed to the other guard to put his wings down "My apologies Sir Doctor"

"Thank you" The Doctor said, he then walked past them Zap nervously following behind him

Castle Hallway

As Zap and The Doctor made there way down the hall, Zap looked at the scenery. He looked around the marvels of structure, taking in every single detail of it. The window art depicting his Mothers and there many adventures, the defeat of Discord, the great Shadowbolt Battle, and many other things.

"Hay Doctor, what did you show to the two guards?" Zap asked "It made them look like they just peed themselves"

"Its called Physic Paper, it shows weak-minded people whatever they or I want them to see" The Doctor said "When the guard looked at it he saw an ID for the royal guard inspection officer"

"So that only works on week-minded people?" Zap asked "What about the smart people?"

"They will see only a blank sheet of paper" The Doctor said, as the two ponies continued to walk down the hallway they could make out one of the Princess

"Princess Luna!" Zap said

Hearing her name Luna turned to see the two ponies, one of which she recognized "Doctor?" Luna asked

"Hello again Princess" The Doctor said "I'm sorry to barge in but I need to speak with you and Celestia, it's about Twilight"

"You know where she is?" Luna asked "I have been trying to contact her all day, is she ok?"

"All will be explained in time, just find Celestia and met me in the Throne Room"

"If you say so Doctor" Luna said, she then turned around from the direction she was going, and ran to Celestia's room

Castle Throne Room

"Thank you so much for seeing me Princess Celestia and Luna" The Doctor said "Again I would like to apologize my unannounced visit but the matter is dire"

"It is fine Doctor, now you had told my sister you know what happened to Twilight and her friends?" Celestia said

"Yes, I'm afraid a creature is known as a Weeping Angel somehow found them, and transported them 30 years into the past" The Doctor said

"How is that possible?" Celestia said

"The Weeping Angels feed off of the lives that could have been when they transport ponies back in time" The Doctor said "However there is a more concerning matter at hand"

"You mean there is more to this?" Luna asked

"Yes, the Weeping Angel was not working alone, he along with an old foe of mine are working for somepony who wishes to have me destroyed, and possibly take over Equestria"

"If what you say is true then we need to rally up the troops and locate this menace" Celestia said "We cannot have a repeat of Tireks invasion"

"Sister, Equestria has been at peace for 10 months, and much of the country is still rebuilding itself" Luna said "Are you sure gathering the army is the best decision?"

"What else do you suggest we do Sister?" Celestia said in a stern tone

"We could try to reason with the pony" Luna said "We can just send an army to whatever threat comes our way, there has to be a diplomatic solution!" Luna said, slightly shouting

"Luna I out of all ponies know when the time is needed for diplomatic talks, and now is not the time!" Celestia said shouting

"Hoofs On Muzzles!!!" The Doctor shouted, and as if by magic Luna and Celestia put there hoofs on there muzzles and stopped talking "Now, before you two start to argue again, I am more concerned about another ordeal, I previously said that an old foe of mine was working with the pony who wants me dead, this foe is like none you will ever face and if you don't destroy it then Equestria will burn"

"What do you mean burn?" Luna asked, slightly worried

"I mean it will literally be burned, gone, reduced to atoms" The Doctor said "This enemy only knows one thing, and that the extermination of all living things"

"Then what preatell do you suggest we do Doctor" Celestia said

"I need your best soldiers to go and protect the Canterlot Public Library" The Doctor said

"Why there?" Celestia asked

"I put my Tardis in the Restricted Section, if this enemy gets a hold of it, then we truly have lost" The Doctor said

"We...will get our best soldiers on it" Celestia said

"And make sure that its discreet, if a bunch of soldiers just show up in front of the library then it will look suspicious" The Doctor said "So have them spread out but only to where they can see the library and all of its entirety"

"And what about the Restricted Section?" Luna said

"Flurry Heart is down there with my Tardis, she should be safe as long as she does not leave the room" The Doctor said

"If you say so Doctor" Celestia said

"Thank you for your time Princess, now if you would excuse me" The Doctor turned around and walked out of the room

Author's Note:

Hay guys I'm not Dead!!!! hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry for the long wait. Hopefully the next chapter will not take as long as this one did