• Published 25th Aug 2019
  • 1,645 Views, 129 Comments

MLP: Lord of the Skies - The Bricklayer

There is a saying, speak of the devil and he shall appear. Apparently, when speaking of Titans this applies as well...

  • ...

1: Dawn of a New Age

The reckless ambitions of Man are often dwarfed by their dangerous consequences. Steve Martin never knew just how solid those words would ring true in future years. Even across the dimensional barrier. Science was a funny thing really, even after nature found itself a way to remind of how small ponies could be. The MUTOs were one such example. And again and again, the might of nature would point out the folly of ponies until a way to live in balance was struck.

Sadly, today was not one of those days.

Saddle Arabia was the battleground. Titans all across the world had started emerging ever since Mothra and the MUTOs re-awakened, and Saddle Arabia played host to a few Titans of its own. A roar ripped through the battlefield, one of nature and one of rage.


Glass seemed to bulge and then shattered from the sheer force of the roar. A massive shape was slammed into a mountainside, a long tail whipping about as it lashed out at Godzilla. Designated Titanus Mokele-Membe, the creature had first been spotted in Zebrica before it had… migrated to Saddle Arabia. It had lain mostly undetected for a good solid month after Mothra’s reawakening but after miners had drilled into his mountain abode Mokele had woken up… angry. Resembling the sauropods of old, most of Monarch suspected this was a mostly docile Titan.

The citizens of Saddle Arabia begged to differ in all honesty.

Mokele stabbed Godzilla in the chest with two long tusks protruding from his head causing the King of the Monsters to roar out in pain. A chunk of flesh fell to the ground below even as Godzilla tried to get the panicking Titan under control, buildings crushed underneath as the two squabbled.

Mokele charged at Godzilla, freeing himself from his King’s grip, before his neck glowed and he unleashed a blast of scalding hot water at Godzilla, swiftly being turned into steam by what came next. The first indication was the sound. It came slowly and subtly at first, a low groan began to fill the air like someone running a hand up a guitar string. The lake they tussled in began to glow with an eerie blue light that cut through the darkness. The light began to travel upwards. Then it came out in a force, onlooker’s eyes widened in shock as a massive blast of radiation cut through the night sky. A massive blast of pure atomic fire, meeting the scalding water dead on, turning the water into steam.

As the steam covered the area, Mokele saw his chance.

He then swung his tail as he lashed out at Godzilla, the newly emerged Titan being… well, understandably confused at all the new sights and sounds he had awoken to in his long slumber. He was scared, Godzilla understood this. He did not aim for killing blows, at least at first. He would only subdue the Titan and only go for a kill as a last resort. There were so few Titans left in the world nowadays. Killing one would only lower that number.

As Mokele walked into the nearby town, his tail whipping back and forth bringing down buildings right and left. The Titan looked right and left, terrified and confused as spotlights were shone upon the sauropod. It let out a low rumbling roar as it turned to look inside a skyscraper, terrified ponies inside cowering under desks. Yellow eyes regarded them, looking at the small ones.

So these were the ones who woke him up, Mokele questioned. The one who stopped the flow of rivers did not seem to think much of them. They were far too easily squashed underfoot. And they cowered in the face of him. So why did Godzilla seem to be protecting them?

His day started off simply enough, inside a cave deep within the mountains and salt mines. Then, a bright flash of light and a strange sound as voices came from up above. Strange little creatures with strange machinery. Mokele had let out a roar, just to ward them off and then another roar to try and see if any of his kind were around. No response came, so Mokele had broken through the stone enclosure to see if any others of his kind were even in the area. He had done this a month before, to about the same results.

Intrigued by the strange lights he saw in the distance, Mokele had rapidly made his way to the center of town taking in all that was. This was not his home, at least not how he had remembered it. Far too many strange sights and sounds, and as he had rapidly figured out he was alone in this brave new world. The creatures, now armed with strange glowing sticks took fire at him, and Mokele did what was only natural for a creature in his situation. He responded in kind, roaring and trying to get away from the bright lights. So that was what had led to his current situation, just trying to get away from everything and hopefully -however slim the chance may have been- find another of his kind.

But things weren't always as they seemed. This had been no accident. No, this entire situation had been engineered. In the aftermath of Manehatten, it had rapidly dawned on the world stage that Titans possessed staggering regenerative properties. And so global powers vied to get their hooves on a piece of the metaphorical pie. The age of the bio war had begun.

Snap Shutter was no fool, at the age of 36 he had seen plenty of action regarding the Titans and he knew that sooner or later nations would want them for themselves. So when Mokele had awoken he knew trouble wasn’t far behind.

What he hadn’t counted on was being chased by agents of a foreign power, or some corporate entity. He didn’t particularly care at the moment about which it was. What he did care about -even as surge rifle shots just barely missed his head- was getting the piece of Godzilla’s cells out of here. He knew Mokele had to have been the original target, nobody suspected Godzilla would show up after all. But this situation had just become even more dangerous now that he had. Regular Titan cells were one thing, but cells from the King himself? That was an even scarier prospect.

Soulshine was a dangerous stallion, in his tenacity. He knew the things Titan cells could do for his company, Golden Pharmaceuticals. He could create life-saving medicine. And what did it matter if these things were only in the testing phase? Science could not be advanced without a few broken eggs. Even if those broken eggs happened to be cities crushed in the devastation of a scared and confused Titan on the rampage. All was worth it to advance the cause of science, and perhaps make a tidy sum in the process.

A crack of the whip halted him in his tracks, and he saw her. Daring Do, pointing a pistol directly at him.

“And you’re leaving the party so early?” she asked, still in her little red dress from the meet and greet of all the company officials. “Awwww… and we didn’t even get a chance to dance yet. Shame really, you are such a handsome young buck.”

“I’ll spare you a kiss, maybe send some bottled wine up to your room,” Soulshine smiled. “Compliments of the company. On the house, even!” he said before throwing a punch. Daring caught it and twisted Soulshine’s hoof making him scream in pain.

“Awwwww… But I hate it when goodbyes are so impersonal…” Daring sighed. “Really, and I was beginning to like you…”

“Sorry, but I’ll have to cut this dance short!” Soulshine shouted.

A brief scuffle ensued as the two traded blows in the city streets before Daring was forced to fly out of the way as a piece of building came crumbling down during Mokele’s little stroll. Soulshine made his escape, jumping into the sewers.

Water splashed under hoof as the white stallion ran through the maze of tunnels underneath the city. He then saw Snap, carrying the piece of flesh on his back. Snap’s eyes widened and he broke off into a sprint, the massive earth pony running like hell as he saw the unicorn in hot pursuit. Blasts of yellow magic were fired his way, and soon Snap felt the piece of flesh being levitated off his back and into Soulshine’s grasp, the unicorn smiling as he clutched the scales tightly.

Snap whirled around and ducked behind a corner, pulling out a pistol. A few quick shots were fired off, beads of sweat trailing down Snap’s face as Soulshine threw up a shield. The unicorn then sent him flying backward with a huge blast of energy, brick and stone being torn and thrown loose.

“I’ll send you my regards,” Soulshine remarked. “Perhaps a get well card from the hospital. Who knows eh, maybe these cells will heal those broken bones of yours right?”

Snap fired off a curse and Soulshine only laughed before teleporting off. Soon, Soulshine was outside the city in the back of a carriage, only for his eyes to widen when he saw a familiar golden form rocketing his way. Daring’s eyes narrowed, tucking in her wings and flying directly over the carriage before pulling the pin on a grenade. She tossed it, and the carriage served into a ditch to avoid the explosion.

“Now, what were you saying before about having to cut a dance or two short?” Daring asked tackling Soulshine into the sand dunes. “Really, I’ve never met a ruder stallion in my entire life! ...Well, except for maybe Caballeron but…” she muttered to herself.

She was then soundly socked across the face before she staggered. Soulshine, taking advantage of this, twisted her wrist and sent her toppling into the ground. Soulshine ran at her, but Daring used her hooves to catch him in the chest and sent him flying overhead and behind her. Quickly recovering, Daring looked at the wrecked carriage and then at the henchmen surrounding her.

Breathing hard, and breathing fast she went for another grenade. “Sorry to say this boys, but I doubt you’ll see a paycheck any time soon!”

And then she tossed it.

Meanwhile, Godzilla and Mokele continued their tussle, the two’s battle moving out to sea and away from the city. Mokele bit and snapped at Godzilla, before using his scalding water to push the age-old king back. He then went into a dive, going deep beneath the sea and out of sight. Godzilla gave the kaiju equivalent of a sigh. It was just as well he supposed, the kaiju was out of the city at any rate. Sinking into the water he then made his way out of Saddle Arabia and back into the seas from whence he came, never knowing of what exactly had transpired with the ponies below. If he had known, he probably would have been very scared indeed.

Playing god was a scary thing, and yet the pony species had managed to find a way to do just that time and time again. It was a new age, full of new and exciting sciences and not all of them were safe as proven a few months before with the Oxygen Destroyer and the loss of Prof. Serizawa. His secret he had taken to the grave with him, and if any of Monarch knew how to recreate that weapon, thankfully they had decided to stay silent. However, as it would soon be discovered, it wasn’t the only way to create a monster.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves really. Back to the current situation. The carriage had been destroyed, and Daring was confident the Godzilla cells within were history. However, if that was the case why was Soulshine smirking?

Then she realized, as Soulshine’s image flickered away. A magical hologram, she realized. The real Soulshine was probably miles away by now, and as for the cells? Probably right there with him. She’d been played like a fiddle, and Daring knew it.

Later that night, Daring and Snap Shutter reconvened in a hospital. “So… we got played. Crikey…” Snap muttered. “...Yeah, this is not going to end well for us is it?”

Outside, several Monarch scientists wrapped up pieces of Godzilla’s scales in fabric before placing them in boxes. “You tell me. Genetic engineering is now at the forefront of technology. How long before we see ponykind making its own monsters?”

“That implies we haven’t already seen that…” Snap muttered darkly thinking of the Oxygen Destroyer.

“I know where you’re going with this,” Daring sighed. “And you’re right, we kickstarted an arms race all in our rush to create a way to stop one Titan. Dr. Serizawa must be so ashamed of us right now…”

“So what do you think we’ll see next?” Snap asked. “I shudder to imagine. We should just destroy those cells, do nothing with them.”

“Go home, Snap,” Daring said. “Spend some time with your wife and your daughter. That’s an order. Not a request.”

Daring sighed to herself before walking out of the room. She knew he was right. Nightmares were just around the corner, and as it was, Monarch already had enough trouble containing the already active Titans. Titanus Mokele-Membe was already proof enough of this as it was. And now she could see it, pony-created monsters emerging to disrupt the natural order of things.

“Goddess above, I’m so glad Stellar isn’t alive to see this,” Daring thought to herself. “She wanted to see ponykind living peacefully with Titans, not… well, whatever this is. Godzilla may be on our side right now, but for how long? How long until we ourselves do something so monumentally stupid it ends up backfiring on us and then we have to face the King of the Monsters?”

Daring shuddered to think on that possibility.

Titanosaurus, Godzilla, Mothra. Battra, Sekhmet, Manda. Mokele-Membe, King Cobra and Megaguirus. These were some of the many kaiju now awake and active in the world since the Great Awakening six months prior, as the newspapers had coined it. For the first few months, it could be described as complete and utter pandemonium as ponies struggled to comprehend giants from days long since past now walked amongst them once more.

Rainbow Dash honestly pitied Princess Twilight, the poor mare now having to be at the forefront of calming the populace down and reassuring that kaiju weren’t hiding under every nook and cranny and that they weren’t out to get them. She couldn’t say she blamed anyone, really. Rainbow herself had been rather nervous when she saw the aftermath of the battles of Manehatten and Honolulu. Okay, she admitted, some of the kaiju -Titanosaurus for the win!- were rather cool, but then you heard about the ones like King Cobra. The troublemakers. The ones who wouldn’t even bat an eyelash at trampling you underfoot.

Ponies, after all, were like ants to them. Even as she soared through the skies high up above Ponyville, she had to suppress a fearful swallow. She could only imagine what the world was like ages and ages ago when giant creatures walked the face of the planet. And now it seemed they were returning to reclaim what was once theirs. What was always theirs.

For the longest time, Rainbow had enjoyed the freedom of the skies. It was the one place she felt nobody could touch her. And now even that had been revealed to be a falsehood with creatures like Battra being unveiled to the world.

“Get it together Dash,” Rainbow thought to herself as she darted around clouds in an attempt to clear her head. “They’re just animals like the rest of the world’s creatures. Okay, unnaturally big, hideously frightening in size animals, but still… animals. They keep to their side of the planet, and we keep to ours… in theory anyway. We respect their space, they respect ours.”

Swooping down like some bird of prey, she snagged a fish out of the water of a lake and tossed it up in the air before catching it in her mouth. Okay, so yeah she was splurging a bit but a pegasus was entitled to treat herself from time to time, right? Or maybe she was just stress eating as Rares called it. Okay, so yeah, she was nervous about her place in the world now. She was mare enough to admit it. Everyone was nervous about this brave new world they’d suddenly been forced to venture out onto.

Still, she had to suppress a smile as she saw Scootaloo playing with a toy resembling Mothra. Or was it Battra? She didn’t honestly remember which of the two moths was who. The toy looked cool at any rate, Rainbow noted filing away its appearance for later. She’d never admit it, but Mothra did look awesome. She might place a figure of her -or him?- alongside her shelf next to Titanosaurus. She’d never admit to any of this, by the way. So it seemed some of the ponies were taking this well enough at any rate. Rainbow supposed she shouldn’t have been so surprised, given what the squirt’s parents did. They were wildlife experts extraordinaire. Seems that domain extended to giant wildlife. Megafauna, they called it.

Okay, so yeah, Rainbow was aware Scootaloo’s parents being in Monarch. So what, Twilight told her. Well, it lessened her desire to punch Snap in the face, at any rate, least now they had a better excuse for not being there for the kid and practically dumping her on the parents of Ponyville. Keeping the world safe from kaiju was an important job.

She sorta envied them actually. I mean, they got to be up close and personal with giant monsters. I mean, how awesome was that? Okay, a bit scary yes, but still pretty awesome in some regards.

In any case, Rainbow flew down over to Scootaloo.

“Hey squirt,” she smiled. “So, another Mothra-Holic or whatever they’re calling that new religion?”

After Mothra proved herself to be the Queen of the Monsters during the battle of Manehatten, word of the Shobijin’s personal religion devoted to her had spread. Perhaps a bit unsurprisingly, there had been a few converters. Rainbow supposed she couldn’t entirely say she blamed them, given Mothra did seem to be a goddess of sorts. But she wasn’t about to go ahead and drop everything and worship a giant insect cool as she may have been. Titanosaurus was cooler anyways.

“It’s Mothism, and no I’m not converting,” Scootaloo said. “I’m actually Agnostic, or spiritual but not affiliated or whatever,” she said with a wave of her hoof.

“...Oh, so that’s what they call it…” Rainbow muttered to herself before shrugging. “Huh, who knew right? Still, I… I’m surprised at you squirt. I mean, you seem to be taking giants walking amongst us fairly well, all things considered.”

“Yes, well they’re like us aren’t they? They have… uh, dreams like us. Just… they’re only… uh, bigger,” Scootaloo replied. “Isn’t that right?”

“Well, yeah, I mean, when you put it that way, I suppose it makes a lot of sense really…” Rainbow murmured. “...Ugh, now I just remembered. Twilight got called away for a conference on Titans along with Pharynx up in Canterlot. Basically meaning I’m in charge of the town -more or less- in her… uh, absence.”

“Right,” Scootaloo said. “A conference, that’s what they call it. We sure Fizzlepop’s been told about this? I mean… well, I think we all know what Fizzlepop thinks about Twilight right?”

“Really squirt?” Rainbow asked. “Pharynx and Twilight? That seems… well…”

She paused to give it some thought. “...That… seems… uh, okay maybe not so unlikely given their shared interests… Still, a bug? Twilight could do sooooooo much better. I mean, where would she even… Wait, stop. Don’t answer that one brain! Like, do not! Abort, abort!” she said as Scootaloo found herself overcome with a fit of the giggles.

“Oh sure, yuk it up squirt,” Rainbow muttered. “You’re not the one in need of brain bleach now really…”

That only just increased Scootaloo’s laughter before it quieted down. “Hey… Uh, you think my dad’s going to be alright?” Scootaloo asked. “I mean, he got banged up pretty bad in Saddle Arabia…”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine kid,” Rainbow said giving her a small hug using her wings. “I mean, he goes around the world chasing kaiju for a living. That’s probably certifiable, but he’s a tough guy all the same. It’ll take more than some idiot blasting him with magic to knock him down.”

“Yeah, I suppose so…” Scootaloo admitted. “Still, I’m worried now. From what he told me, or what I overheard anyways that Soulshine guy got away with some Godzilla cells and…”

“Hey now,” Rainbow said looking at her sternly. “Don’t invite trouble, at least that’s what my mom says. Nothing’s going to happen. I’m sure the Royal Guard is on the lookout for him. And Monarch, and Twilight. I doubt there’s anywhere he could hide.”

What Rainbow did not tell Scootaloo was that she knew Soulshine, if he was smart, was probably hiding away in some far off country with some sort of no extradition policy. It was what she would do if she had gotten ahold of some of the big guy’s cells at any rate.

It scared her to think what would happen now that those types of things were out in the wild, so to speak. But she wouldn’t let it show, not in front of the kid anyways.

“Oh, oh, look!” Scootaloo said as she gestured to a nearby viewing crystal in a shop window. “It’s on! She’s on!”

Sure enough, Pharynx stood up on a stage, a projector screen behind him. Rainbow swore she saw Ocellus in the audience below. She chuckled. So that’s where the girl was? Explained why she said she wouldn’t be in class for today. Rainbow supposed she could let it slide, given it seemed Pharynx was cool with this and at any rate, Ocellus was learning something.

“Yep, future Monarch member, right there.” Rainbow thought to herself.

“Okay, okay, quiet down now,” Pharynx ordered as he took the stand. “We now live in a world of monsters. Kaiju, Titans, Gods. Pick what you may. We are, as you all know, are at the dawn of a new age, the Age of Monsters. But we are also in an age of understanding. Fearsome as they may be, Monarch believes from the ashes of devastation we can learn about these creatures. I give the stage now to Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Scattered applause filled the room as the Princess of Friendship took the stage. “Yes, yes, thank you Pharynx. As you said, we are now at an age where we must learn to understand these creatures, it is the only possible way to live in complete harmony with them. Megazoology is a new science, I admit. But it is a science we have an obligation as a populace to continue. If we cannot coexist with the kaiju, what then?” Twilight asked. “What then?”

“Princess Twilight,” a voice rang up. “Why are we not exterminating these creatures? These creatures were here before us. And if we're not careful, they're gonna be here after are they not?”

“Yes, yes,” Twilight said over mumblings. “I do understand the danger. But you saw what we’re up against. It would be nearly impossible to even scratch a kaiju. So we must learn all we can about them and how to exist alongside them. They were here before us, and like you said they could be here after us. I don’t want that statement to become truth, but we will not go about it in the way you suggest.”

Ocellus spoke up. “What we should be worried about is genetic power. That key has been unlocked, and once we opened that box… I don’t think there’s any going back,” she said and all eyes turned to the little changeling. She flushed, before speaking again. “I’m talking about homemade, cataclysmic change. And to be honest, -and yes, I know how this sounds- but it’s like death. I’m not sure what we’ll know what we’re looking at till it’s standing at us at the front of the gates.”

A hushed silence fell over the crowd. “I’m… I’m sorry, did I speak too much?” Ocellus asked nervously.

“No, I think you said it all,” Pharynx whispered if only to himself. “I think that you said it all…”

Far and away a shape carved through the water. Ancient beyond measure, this was Titanosaurus. The aquatic dinosaur would had to have been kidding himself if he was to say only nine to ten Titans in the world still existed. He knew better. Some were still hidden away in long-forgotten places, just waiting to be found by the new rulers of the planet.

He hated to admit it, but he knew his time was over. The ponies, they ruled this planet now. They’d rightfully earned it, after taking away Grogar from the throne. The Father of All Monsters was gone now, and in the ashes, they built a society for themselves. The other kaiju, Titanosaurus knew, probably wouldn’t admit it just yet but they probably suspected that deep down they knew they would have to find a way to coexist with those who walked this world now.

If Titanosaurus was capable of sighing, he would have. Battra was a particular annoyance. He was one of the Guardians of the Planet, yes, but that didn’t mean the small ones fell under that jurisdiction. The rocks, the trees, and other things. That was what he protected. Not what lived on the planet alongside them.

Maybe Battra, in his old age, would wisen up. Or maybe a few battles with the King -presuming Battra was stupid enough to pick a fight with him- would knock some sense into him. He honestly pitied Mothra at times, Titanosaurus mused to himself. Having to be related to the Battle Moth and all.

So, Titanosaurus had to ask himself. Who would awaken next?

Something told him he probably wouldn’t like the answer.

Something rocketed overhead, and Titanosaurus raised his head out of the waters and frowned before diving back in and giving chase. No, he repeated to himself. He definitely wouldn’t like the answer at all.

The Kamacuras hoard was on the hunt.

Unaware of the new Titan awakening, Rainbow and Scootaloo went on about their day. “So… Uh… Rainbow, you… Argh, this is hard to ask.”

“Oh, come on, out with it. I’m sure it won’t be too embarrassing…” Rainbow smiled.

“It’s… just… well, there’s somepony I like and-” Scootaloo stuttered out.

“Ah, I see where this is going. Relax, not going to think you’re uncool or anything just because you’ve suddenly been bitten by the lovebug. Okay, well unless of course you suddenly were about to say you have a crush on me. I mean, I know I’m awesome and all but uh, I’m pretty sure I’m way too old for you kid.”

“What? No! EW!” Scootaloo said. “Gross… Like, no. Just no. See, now you had to go ahead and ruin it, didn’t you?”

“So it’s not me you have a crush on?” Rainbow cackled. “Awww, I’m sorta disappointed really…”

Scootaloo facehoofed and let out a little groan. “...You’re no help.”

“Alright, I promise. No, I Pinkie Promise I’ll shut up about that,” Rainbow said before going through the sacred motions. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. See?”

Scootaloo nodded, before a voice cut through the air. “And remember, if you break that promise you’ll lose a friend FORRRRRREEEEEVVVEERRRRRR!!!” Pinkie said as she popped out of a bush.

“...How did she even…?” Scootaloo asked. “We’re miles up off the ground!”

Then they saw Pinkie flying up above them on some sort of strange candy cane copter powered by pedals. “Don’t question it, it’s Pinkie Pie…” both pegasi reminded themselves in unison.

“Annnnyyyways, it’s about Sweetie,” Scootaloo continued and Rainbow nodded in understanding. “It’s like she’s still Sweetie but cooler, you know? I don’t know when it happened but…”

“But, yeah, I getcha. I completely getcha,” Rainbow said. “Look, okay I admit I’ve never been in a relationship before in my life but way I see it? Just continue on with things with Sweetie as normal. I mean, if she feels the same way, you’ll find out in time right?”

Scootaloo laughed a little. “Continue on as normal. Yeah, easier said than done. You’re not the one who just had their whole friendship completely changed…”

“Look, kid,” Rainbow said. “You’re young right?”

“I’m sixteen,” Scootaloo said in a flat tone. “And by Celestia, I just want to take Sweetie and… ARGH! Goddamn hormones.” she grumbled.

“More information than I needed, really, but… Yeah, been there done that kid,” Rainbow muttered. “Look, just start with small things really. I’m not saying just go on dates at restaurants or anything, but just spend some time with her, like extra time. Until you work up the nerve to confess, I mean.”

“Thanks, Rainbow,” Scootaloo smiled. “Like really, thanks.”

“It’s what I’m here for kid, it’s what I’m here for…” Rainbow smiled giving Scootaloo another hug before taking to the skies. “Hey, we’re still on for flying practice Saturday, right?”

“Yeah, yeah. We are!” Scootaloo called back. “Of course we are. Nothing’s going to change that right?”

Rainbow smiled, before nodding and flying off. She had to laugh. Even in this new age of Monsters and Gods and such, it was still the small things. The kid was growing up, first crush and all that came with it. She’d never been more proud of her sister. “Go on kid,” Rainbow thought to herself. “Go on and make your big sister proud. Who knows, one day you may just be better than me…”

Author's Note:

Okay, so... uh, yeah... this is officially happening now. Rodan, Kamacuras, Biollante, and Titanosaurus all in one fic. I admit I am concerned about balancing all four of them along with the pony side of things.

Okay, so yeah, maybe genetic engineerings isn't as big of a scare compared to the eighties now that we know more about it, but it's still a very timely thing. Plus, if I didn't have it in a piece with Biollante it would just feel... wrong. Like, seriously, it would. Not playing true to her origins would just ruin the character.

Anyways, as ever, your comments and feedback are so welcomed here. Please, seriously, do leave a bit of feedback as I do need to know what I am doing wrong here and what I am doing right.