• Published 25th Aug 2019
  • 1,645 Views, 129 Comments

MLP: Lord of the Skies - The Bricklayer

There is a saying, speak of the devil and he shall appear. Apparently, when speaking of Titans this applies as well...

  • ...

6: Scootaloo

Scootaloo awoke with a gasp, taking a few deep breaths and gasps of air, her last memory being… “Y-Yeah, we did!” Scootaloo’s voice echoed out of the misty white substance.

“Come on, you can fight this, can’t you?” Sweetie asked. “Please… for me? I… I understand what you were trying to tell me back then. Back in Baltimare! You… you love me right?”

“Y-Yeah,” Scootaloo replied as Twilight began to pull her out of the massive plant which comprised her form. “Yeah, I do. I… I didn’t know how to tell you, I didn’t know what to say or how to express myself. I… I just didn’t want to come across as all mushy, you understand?”

“Y-Yeah, I do!” Sweetie Belle answered. “Please, you can fight this. You can fight that… thing, can’t you? For me, and for Rainbow Dash!”

“Yeah, I can…” Scootaloo said before a terrifying roar cut through the night.

“You can’t have her!” the creature’s other side roared. “She’s a part of me now! You and all your ponies will let me have her, she gave me life! I protect her!”

“You call this life? You call this protecting her?” Twilight snarled. “If you really cared about Scootaloo, you would be able to see she was in pain, and in misery!”

Oh yes, that. Was she dead, was she alive or was she somewhere in between? Scootaloo’s head simply ached from thinking about it. She was not what you’d call a thinker, more of a doer. She chuckled to herself, was this what purgatory was like? “Sweetie....” she whispered as she grasped at the air only to remember that of course that the unicorn couldn’t hear her. How could she?

Scootaloo swiped at the air in a fury whispering to herself: “Celestiadamnit! Why can’t I…?”

Her breath caught in her throat as she choked back a sob and fell to the ground. Was it fair to ask for one or two more moments with her before death? Was that too much to ask? No, of course, she couldn’t have happiness, at least… not for long anyways. Thinking back, the young mare felt cursed.

“Are you sure Doctor?” a voice asked, whispered in such a way that it was obvious the owner hoped Scootaloo wouldn’t overhear. Mane Allgood, Scootaloo’s mother. “I mean… can’t you check again?”

A voice let out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry Mrs. Allgood, but I’ve been checking again and again, testing and re-testing. The tests have shown that-”

“Well, CHECK AGAIN!” Allgood shouted before choking back a sob. “...It… she…”

The second voice let out another sigh. “I’m sorry Mrs. Allgood, but you will have to face the facts, I don’t like it either but your daughter… There’s very little chance she’ll ever be able to fly. Her wings…”

“Yes, yes, I know, they’re underdeveloped,” Allgood said and the sound of trotting came from inside the office, back and forth. Back and forth. It was obvious to anyone’s ear that the mare was pacing, deep in thought. “But that doesn’t always mean… I mean, with years of therapy and a proper coach…”

She sounded as if she was trying more to convince herself more than anyone else. The desperation in her voice, sounding as if she was just barely trying to fight back tears. Scootaloo tried to block it out, flattening her own ears against her head. “No… No… No,” she whispered to herself fighting back tears of her own. “It just can’t be…”

“I hate to be harsh Mrs Allgood, but between you and your husband’s lines of work I doubt either of you will be able to…”

“HOW DARE YOU?” Allgood shouted before taking several more deep calming breaths and recomposing herself. “We can take care of our own child! She’s our filly, and… and yeah, sure we can’t always be there for her but-”

“That was not what I was implying, far from it,” the doctor said calmly unfazed in front of Allgood’s panic. “I am just saying it is highly unlikely you yourself will be able to properly be that flight coach your daughter needs for her… special considerations. One of your sisters is a pegasus are they not?”

“Y-Yes, Lofty. She might be able to…” Allgood replied. “It’s just that…”

“I understand, ma’am, I truly do. You want to do this yourself, but from what you’ve told me you cannot just up and quit your own job at the drop of a hat,” the doctor said in reply before taking another deep breath. “...It has to be hard doesn’t it?”

“...Y-Yes, it is, I’m constantly being called away from my own home, goodness knows I’ve missed several of my own daughter’s birthday parties because some damn creature needs to wrangled…” Allgood whispered. The irony wasn’t lost on her, for the first time in years she’d been able to attend her daughter’s birthday party and then the tests came in. “A-And n-now this happens…” she continued sounding as if she was only several seconds away from breaking down in tears again.

“I understand ma’am,” the doctor said. “I’m a father myself you know, my girl? I’m constantly putting her with foalsitters just because I’m called away from something here at the hospital. She understands of course, and supports me but… it’s hard. My advice to you, Mrs. Allgood, treasure your daughter, hold her when she needs it. Her life from here on in, it’s not going to be an easy one.”

“I… I will.” Allgood said and when she exited the office she just held her daughter tight even as the two cried together. Of course, what Allgood said she’d do and what her and Scootaloo’s father actually did was another matter. They didn’t actually mean to distance themselves from Scootaloo, not maliciously at any rate but all the same, that’s exactly what they did. It just… happened Scootaloo supposed, the two throwing themselves more and more into their work. They took jobs that increasingly led them far away from Equestria. Granted some of this, yes, could be blamed on Monarch needing their expertise but all the same, Scootaloo grew increasingly… disconnected from her own parents.

She found her family more in her Aunties and in Rainbow. Scootaloo was unsure why she idolized the pegasus the way she did, but maybe it was because she was just always ‘there’ it seemed, for Ponyville or as time went by for her. Yeah, partially it was because she was the Element of Loyalty and she had a reputation to uphold but she was the embodiment of loyalty because she was just… so Rainbow. Scootaloo didn’t know how to explain it beyond that.

Scootaloo fought back a bitter laugh at this, the one time she finally tried to connect with her own father and her father seemed to actually be willing to put in the effort… this happened. Of course, that was the way the cookie crumbled with her, wasn’t it? Oh well, at least she still had Rainbow she supposed. No other better demonstration of loyalty or her sisterly bond was exemplified than during the Equestria Games.

“...What's gotten into you, Scootaloo?” Rainbow asked in an almost fury looking the smaller pegasi dead in the eye. In one corner of the room sat a box filled with torn down posters and a distinctive bright rocket red scooter. In the back of the room, both Sweetie and Apple Bloom watched nervously. Sweetie walked forwards hesitantly but Apple Bloom held up a hoof to stop her. This was something Rainbow and her sister had to work out for the time being.

“I didn't want to ruin their chance to win just because I couldn't fly,” Scootaloo mumbled to herself casting a glance to her all too tiny wings. She couldn’t read her honorary sister’s expression or more likely didn’t even want to. Rainbow was probably so ashamed of her, because of course what else would it be? She’d flaked out of the tournament all because of this damned disability.

“And who said you had to?” Rainbow snorted.

Rainbow could probably guess who was responsible for her sister’s change of heart. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out -and Rainbow would self-acknowledge she was no genius when it came to most matters- and she wanted to scream. Those two hoity-toity brats were probably responsible, and she did have to wonder what went through Filthy’s head at times when he never reigned his child in. It boggled the mind because really, Filthy was a nice enough stallion with a good head on his shoulders. No, Rainbow decided. She knew why Filthy never reigned in his own daughter. It was because of his wife. She choked back a bitter laugh. Spoiled Milk, how fitting for that witch. Never had a mare been more aptly named.

“But flying's what Pegasus ponies are supposed to do! You flew when you carried the flag in the games!” Scootaloo shouted near tears and Rainbow blanched. Of course, that’s what this all came down to in the end. Her. Scootaloo idolized her, not that Rainbow could blame her. She was simply THAT awesome. But all the same, Rainbow reasoned, Scootaloo really should try at least to become her own mare. As much as she’d have loved her own personal mini-me, Scootaloo had her own life to live. And Rainbow had to let her sis know it.

But that was me! You're you! And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not,” Rainbow pleaded She made a mental note to talk to both Filthy and Scootaloo’s Aunt Lofty. There were certain matters relating to the squirt’s self-esteem issues that needed to be resolved and soon. For now though, this had to be handled. Rainbow wanted to see Scootaloo carry that flag, flight or no. The squirt was simply amazing, even if at times she didn’t know it. “Your routine was amazing 'cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?” Rainbow asked pointedly and the other two members of the Crusaders stepped forwards.

“Friendship…” Sweetie Belle started and Scootaloo felt her heart flutter slightly at the words even if she didn’t know exactly why at the time.

“...Three kinds of ponies livin' together as friends. Just like us. Earth ponies…” Apple Bloom went on.

“...unicorns…” Sweetie Belle said.

“...and Pegasi,” Scootaloo finished with a small sigh before asking: “But Rainbow Dash... what if... what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly?”

Now, of course, Rainbow was having none of this and brought her sister in for a hug.

“Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't,” she shrugged before nooging her sibling. Scootaloo let out a little giggle as she did so. “You're all kinds of awesome anyway. Who's the toughest little pony in town?”

“Rainbow…” Scootaloo breathed out taking a few steps forward, her mind covered in what looked to be vines that were once blooming with dead flowers. Roses, Scootaloo could guess. Because, of course, what else would they be? Given she’d now been fused with a rose bush and was now a half-giant rose monster. A kaiju of some sorts, Titanus… Bio something or other probably. She’d think about it later, the name was still a work in progress. Could she think about it later? Scootaloo didn’t honestly know. She supposed she had all the time in the world really, now that she was… you know, dead and all, trapped in purgatory. Funny that. “...wonder if you’re proud of me now, kaiju Scootaloo. ...wonder if I can breathe fire like the Big G? Guess I won’t be worshipping Mothra any time soon, eh? Guess I’m going to have to give that church a little rain check really!”

Scootaloo stopped in her tracks, she shouldn’t even have a mind anymore if she was dead. ...should she? She supposed regular logic didn’t really apply where kaiju and death were concerned. Probably. She didn’t know. Continuing to walk forwards, Scootaloo heard a brief voice whisper to her, warm and loving.

“...If there’s a God, fine time for you to go ahead and finally come to collect me,” Scootaloo remarked in a deadpan. “...what kind of creator puts their children through this kind of Tartarus anyways?”

Yep, she was so switching to worshipping Mothra after this!

The voice breathed out her name again. It sounded feminine to her ears. Scootaloo corrected herself. Okay, Goddess. Because, of course, the most powerful being in the universe would be female!

“I’m… sorry,” the voice breathed again sounding a bit like Celestia but… older somehow. And more motherly if that were even possible. Ancient and all-knowing, but still filled with the warmth of a mother’s love. It almost sounded a mix of Celestia and her own mother’s voice, Scootaloo noted. “...I didn’t mean to put you through this, child.”

“Yes, well, I suppose no God or Goddess ever does,” Scootaloo answered. “But these things just sort of happen don’t they? Luck of the draw and all that!”

Scootaloo had to blink at the faint glow, growing even brighter by the moment. Finally, the burning light finally faded, and Scootaloo looked up and found herself staring into the very beginnings of the universe. Stars exploding and life just beginning to come into being. The mare in front of her was tall, Celestia-sized possibly a bit larger with her wings reaching a frankly impossible span. Her entire body was made of crystal, seemingly changing at each and every moment, from emeralds to rubies to pearls. Her form was amalgamous, constantly shifting and yet not reaching the point of outright discord. Every shift made her body parts stay in harmony with each other.

“...Yes, well, I can’t control everything can I?” the mare noted her tone surprisingly casual. “It just wouldn’t do for me to micromanage every part of my little ponies' lives. I’m not a tyrant. It’s the only way they’ll ever learn and grow.”

“Who… who are you?” Scootaloo asked and yet somehow, in the back of her mind she just knew. It was the cutie mark across her flanks and cast all over this mare’s regalia that clued her in. It was a symbol that she knew all too well, everyone did. Six gemstones arranged almost like a star. “W-Wait, you’re… her aren’t you? The Goddess, the one who embodies…”

“Harmony?” the mare asked trotting over to a vine and waving her hoof. The vine suddenly flowered in radiant colors before the Mare smiled and sat down. Again, she waved her hoof and conjured a tea set. “Yes, that’s one name for me. But Creation or Inspiration is the one I prefer. I only created the Elements, I never embodied them. To think anybody can embody a fundamental concept of the universe is folly. Go on, sit.”

“B-But you just said…” Scootaloo stammered.

“Harmony and Inspiration are two very different things. Harmony holds the universe together, keeps it descending into chaos. Think of it like… super duct tape if you will. Inspiration is something less… abstract I’d guess you’d say. Maybe. I don’t know. Now, sit!” the Mare said.

“You know, for The One, you seem… awfully casual,” Scootaloo said awkwardly as she joined the mare. “I-I mean…”

“Yes, well a mother has to bond with her children somehow yes?” Inspiration said with a small giggle. “I am proud of you Scootaloo, you do know that right? You’ve faced so much adversity and look at how much you’ve grown…”

Scootaloo found herself blushing under the praise in spite of herself, not really sure how to respond. Not that you could entirely blame her, after all, how could you even reply to one of the most powerful beings ever to exist? This was so odd, Scootaloo thought to herself as she felt her headache began to grow into a powerful throb. Inspiration looked at her, and with a sad concerned smile rubbed the young pegasus’ forehead, dabbing at it with a soft cloth. “...Um… thanks?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s the least I can do…” Inspiration smiled. “I… apologize for the actions of some of my other children. It’s only natural at times that they get ideas and want to implement them. I cannot fault them I suppose, Titanosaurus just wanted to protect while Meadowbrook wanted to save you.”

“I’m getting the feeling you can’t fault anyone, can you?” Scootaloo asked taking a sip of the offered tea. It didn’t taste like tea, because of course, that would have been far too normal. No, it tasted like a coke from the Hayburger on a hot summer’s day. Scootaloo smiled at this, it was the little things.

“No… I cannot,” Inspiration admitted before smiling. “I suppose some would consider that a fault of mine but everyone needs someone to love them, don’t they? Even those that don’t know it, even those that love nothing but themselves.”

“Hey! Mage Meadowbrook doesn’t…” Scootaloo began before she quickly quieted herself upon remembering who she was speaking to. “...I mean… sorry miss. Madam. My Lady.”

Inspiration could only giggle, hiding her laughter behind a hoof. “Your defense of her is admirable, even after she’s responsible in part for your… current predicament?”

“Well, it's as you said, she was only trying to save my life. Meadowbrook didn’t know that…” Scootaloo said gesturing to all around her. “Well, all of this would happen. She couldn’t have!”

“Quite,” Inspiration said with a smile. “She’s definitely one of my children, having this… drive to save and care for others no matter what the cost.”

“Your children definitely seem to be a varied family don’t they?” Scootaloo remarked noting the fact that Inspiration had referred to Titanosaurus as one of her children. She didn’t even know why she was surprised at this, and yet…

“Yes, well they can’t all be ponies can they?” Inspiration said. “That would just be favoritism! No, no… me and Grogar’s children come in all shapes and sizes. Okay, yes, he’s more responsible for the children you readily deem as ‘monsters’ but I love them all equally.”

Okay, now she sounded like she was judging her, Scootaloo noted. Finally finding her voice after a time, Scootaloo stammered out: “W-Wait, Grogar? He exists?”

Scootaloo mentally chastised herself. Of course, Grogar existed. His bell obviously did, so that could only imply that...

“Yes, he at… one point did, even if my children have all but forgotten him,” Inspiration said with a resigned tone looking away from Scootaloo. She knew that tone, Scootaloo had heard it often enough herself. It was one of one thinking of happier times, reminiscing of things that could have or should have been. “...and perhaps at times, I do wonder if that’s not for the best. Better to spare them the pain of knowing what their father was actually like. He was a wondrous creature at first, devoted to creation like I. But then, as all things should be,” here Inspiration let out a disgusted snort. “They balanced themselves. Good must have evil, and evil must have good. There can never be too much of one force in the universe. My love’s inspiration turned to darker matters.”

Inspiration waved her hoof and the scene changed. Reality warped itself and no longer was Scootaloo standing in a sea of vines. Instead, she stood in a sea of primordial power, volcanoes erupting in the background as waves crashed against a stormy shore. A massive creature erupted from the sea, bow-legged but with a head sharpened to a point like a knife as it carved a path through the landscape. It walked towards a mountain, but Scootaloo realized something long before the creature did. Mountains didn’t glow.

The ‘Knifehead’ -as Scootaloo would call it- was incinerated in a flash of blue plasma and flame even as massive bat-creatures pecked at the King of the Monsters drawing blood. Flashes of light and magic lit up the skies and the ground ripped itself apart great gashes forming in the land. And from those gashes, great things crawled forth. Whispy, icy creatures resembling ponies but far more malevolent, freezing everything they touched. And the sky, oh the sky! Lightning flashes flickered illuminating two great entities horns locked in battle. One was a massive goat being, the other an alicorn of impossible size both made not of flesh and blood but cloud. Both were all but impossible to describe as each reared up on their hind legs. And most horrible of all, in the middle of all this, was a being able to truly oppose the King of the Monsters. It was given a great golden expanse of wings. Lightning and the storms were his domain, and it seemed it was true that the devil bore three heads. While Godzilla represented balance, this creature surely not of this planet could only represent destruction. This entire thing could only be described as a madman’s paradise and Scootaloo just wanted to shut her eyes and block out the horrible sound of it all.

“I am… sorry,” Inspiration apologized sounding genuinely horrified by what Scootaloo had to witness. “But now you see what my husband’s madness created. Nothing drove him to become the way he did, except the universal balance. I raged at the heavens after the great battle. I wanted the creature I’d come to love returned to me. But I knew it to be an impossibility. A great… impossibility.” she said sounding close to tears. Again she waved her hoof and again reality changed.

The world resumed its course as if Grogar had never existed. Ponies, griffons and other creatures came into being ready to fill the void now that the Titans had been slain. Encampments were created for beings to gather and find shelter from those that lurked in the darkness. They evolved to become towns. Eventually, these towns became cities and kingdoms rose and kingdoms fell. The Titans became nothing but a horrible, distant memory. Nobody remembered the Golden Demise, it was as if the very planet itself tried to block it out. Scars, vague memories of course remained. The Ghastly Gorge was one such scar. Stories were told in hushed whispers of the planet’s original rulers, and the Elements of Harmony were left in the minds of certain ponies. Possibilities, just in case for one day when some great disaster were to ever threaten Inspiration’s kingdom yet again.

“I am… sorry if this is all overwhelming,” Inspiration apologized again. “I did not mean to frighten you, my child. But you must understand what legacy you are apart of. The King’s DNA now rests within you.”

She gestured to Scootaloo and like a funhouse mirror, the young mare saw herself but twisted. Moss-like growths hung off her mane, and a glowing yellow orb rested in her chest pulsating. Crocodilian fangs jutted out from her mouth. Scootaloo shut her eyes, not wanting to face the beast that she’d become.

“You will one day have to accept this other half of yourself, Scootaloo,” Inspiration said. “You may not want to accept it just now, but you must find a balance between your kaiju blood and your original self. One must not be allowed to overrun the other. That is why your friends’ plan failed because they do not understand. One half cannot coexist without the other.”

“But… but what if I don’t want to become a monster?” Scootaloo asked near tears. Inspiration placed a hoof to her mouth.

“Shh… Hush, my child,” Inspiration said. “You can’t become a monster, not unless you will yourself to be. You are Scootaloo Allgood, your destiny is yours alone to shape. But you must embrace both halves of yourself, otherwise… you will never know peace.”

“I… I don’t know if I can,” Scootaloo said and Inspiration gave her a sympathetic smile.

“I believe you can, you’re stronger than you look after all,” Inspiration said before she frowned. “Oh deary me, time’s running short. The Kamacuras hoard is on the hunt, and Rodan runs rampant without his mate.”

She sighed, she loved her children but sometimes they made really stupid decisions.

“Nature must bring guidance back, it must protect the planet. Go now!”

With that, Inspiration gave Scootaloo a gentle shove and the whole world went white...

Author's Note:

So... Um... Yeah. Bit of a trippy chapter, but I like it. It gives us a good look into Scootaloo's psyche and hopefully explains a few things amongst the worldbuilding and acid trips.

And gives us a total ripoff of Harmony from the Bridge but... Yeah. I wanted Inspiration to come off as this all-loving if not somewhat exasperated mother figure who is just trying to help Scootaloo through her newfound Kaiju-Hood. (Is that even a thing? I dunno.)

YMMV on if I actually succeeded. In the original draft, this chapter was very different. It focused only on Scootaloo's perspective of events as she fought to control her Biollante half and looked back on the story so far. That quickly became obvious an impossibility for my writing ability. I've never been one for first-person stories, though now I've gained a greater respect for those who do write them. See, this is what happens when you let me off my leash!