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Running. That’s all that I have been doing for a long time, is running. I have been running from this.....this black ugly looking figure, that is about three times my height and had two bright blow glowing angry eyes boring through me even as a run through the endless endless woodland. I am tired, and exhausted but I keep running.

Suddenly I tripped on some hard rock that I failed to see in my path and fall hard to the ground, my legs immediately giving up on me, failing me once more. Then before I knew it, I felt a harsh excruciating pain on my back as the horrid figure picks off the ground.

“Can’t run now can you?” Say a very familiar yet not familiar voice all around me. It sounded like the deep bitchy bitterness edge of my voice in some degree, with a hint of the demon voice I once heard as my demon voice the night I ended up in a crater. But it also had something more in the voice, something dark and almost inhuman like.

The voice boomed down my wounded body as I lay here helplessly unable to de anymore to save myself from what was to follow next. “HAHAHAHAHA! LOOK AT YOU! YOU'RE SO PATHETIC!”

As helpless as I was, I wasn’t a coward. “Fine! Go ahead!” I said as I manage to stand up, my legs suddenly finding their strength. But I was done running at this point, so I decided to go hard core on this. “DO IT! TEAR ME TO SHREDS! BURN ME ALIVE! I DONT GIVE A SHIT OF WHAT YOU DO!”

The figure laughed and at first I thought that she was going to tease me more. Or it. I’m still not sure what it is, but I’m just assuming it’s somehow apart of me, so....I’m calling it a she. Then she suddenly grabbed a hold of my body and jammed her unbelievably sharp, long three claws down my belly, causing red hot pain to come after it.

She then grabbed a torch and before I could even scream at the pain in my belly, she lites up my face, laughing as I scream in pain, blinded by the orange light.

“MMMWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” I immediately flicked on a light in my room as I jump from my bed, terrified of the events that had followed. I quickly reach down to feel my belly to find that there are no scratches there. Knowing that I was safe in my room and not in some hell forsaken place, I release a a heavy sigh of relief.

“Ugh, not again....” I do not get this dream as often as I used to, but every now and then it comes back. Lately though, it’s been an everyday occurrence. The same dream over and over.

I take a deep breath, as scared as I was to fall back asleep, I need my sleep. Otherwise tomorrow won’t be fun for anyone. So, I turn of the light once more and laid back down on my bed. I turned on my phone to YouTube and listened to someone read me a nice story while I try to fall asleep. I didn’t expect to fall back asleep right after, but I slowly drifted of of consciousness quickly.

I wake up the next morning to a beautiful dark blue sky with a lighter shade of blue and pink fading into the sky. I rubbed my eyes and gave out s little yawn as I try to wake up my senses a little more. I’m not usually a morning person, but on Saturday’s, I just love to wake up early in the mornings to go to the park that’s about two miles away from where I live. No one really knows where I live, I live in an a home that an elder lady lended to me several years ago. Said I could have it for as long as I needed since I always helped her out. Even before I was hit with the rainbows.

I like to keep my life private, so no one really knows where I live. Nor do they really ask. Today looked like it was going to be a little frosty, so I got up out of bed and proceeded to get ready, making sure to dress nice. I don’t have a whole lot of close, but since I don’t have to pay for rent or for any of the bills in the house besides my phone, food and my school stuff, I try to save some money in the side in a jar or something for clothes or video games or books and I’ll go buy something for myself with whatever I got.

I put on some black leggings, and for some reason I wanted to wear something a little different, with a camy (spaghetti shirt) and I went with a nice little pink and white knitted sweater. It had a whole the shape of a heart on my chest to add tot he peace. I put on my favorite necklace, one that I secretly wear out to almost anything and everything but hide under my jacket or my shirts, is my beautiful jade stone, with diamonds around it the shape of a turtle with bits of gold in it.

I got it once when I went to Kenishwa Mane. I went their for a research I was doing and I found a lady that was selling the necklace and said of how it was supposed to represent luck. I loved it since I first saw it and even if what she said wasn’t true, it was nice to have something pretty for myself to wear.

I put that on and I head down stair, got a banana from the table, slipped on my leather jacket, my leather gloves and headed out the door with my keys in my hand. I stuck the banana between my teeth as I stretch out my arms a little before I get on my motorcycle. I put on my helmet, switched it on and I was off.

When I got to the park, I parked my bike in a parking spot and locked it safe before I got off to watch the sun come up. I took the banana out of my mouth and held it in my hand, I was saving it for later. I looked around for a spot, and I see a bench near by, but I realized that I don’t feel like sitting on the bench today. So I decide to go sit by the pond. I walk and walk until I walk over the little hill and came up around the pond. I immediately found a good spot to rest and enjoy the sunrise.

Once I’m comfortable in the spot, I sit and watch for it to come. I opened up the banana and took a bite. The sweet, softness of the banana was perfect for the morning setting. I watched as white clouds of smoke drifted out of my nose while I chewed.

Then I saw the pink slowly start to bleed into a bright yellowy red-orange. It’s beauty mirroring in the water of the long. A light breeze blows little cool sensations across her body, as it blew a couple of leaves off the the trees above. Then I could spot a little sliver of the sun slowly peaking its way out of from behind the mountains. “It’s always so beautiful.” I said quietly to myself.

As the sun finished getting out from behind the mountains, I finishes my breakfast, takes one last breath before I decides it’s time to head back home. I throws away my trash and starts to walk away from the pond, but as I turn away from the pond, I felt myself bump into something.

“Oh!” I exclaimed, realizing a second later that what I bumped into felt more like a person. “I looked up and immediately started to apologize. “Sorry I.....” As I finally see who I bumped into my mood changed immediately. “Oh.....you.” Adagio Dazzle. A girl I hate so much. I didn’t always did, but that little twit decide to pinch a nerve in me. The girl seems shock to see me, but angry and nervous at the same time. She also seemed unkempt. Her hair was awful! Full of knots and tangled and had dirt and twigs in it. It look so dry, that it seemed ready to fall off. Her Body looked s little frail, skinny and weak. Pale. But she had on a t-shirt and pajama pants, so I figured it may have been front he chilly air. Her skin was dirty and she stunk like she hadn’t showered in a good while. Her cloths weren’t any better. The were dirty, wet and muddied all over. Her face looked awful, her eyes looks scared and desperate, her lips were chapped, and her face was paper than the rest of her body, aside front he roast cheeks from the cool air.

She looked awful, but I was not in the mood for this, this early, I did bumped into her so.... “Sorry.” I repeat and attempt to walk away. But I felt a hand grab my wrist.

“Wait! Please!” She exclaimed. I automatically turned and smacked her hand off my wrist as hot anger and fear built up in my chest front he grip. “DONT TOUCH ME!” I snapped. I couldn’t control it. I wasn’t angry originally, but fear turns into anger for me, so when I feel scared I’ll react faster then I would when I’m angry. Seeing her terrified expression, I take a deep breath to calm myself. “Sorry, but please don’t touch me.” I say in a softer tone.

She nods. “Of course.” She looked down at the ground and then she looked back up at me in tears. “But can you please help us?” She asks again.

“No.” I say.


“NO!” I say a little more emphasize. She then grabbed my hand again and pulled it toward her. “Please, we need you help! Sonata is sick, and if you don’t help we are going to die of hunger. Please? I promise we will do what it takes if you help us.”

I looked up at the sky and back at Adagio prepared to tell her no again, but the look she gave me was a piecing on and they way she looked didn’t help me either. I am not sure how this friendship thing is supposed to work, but I don’t have a choice do in this, do I? Nope. I then exhaled and closed my eyes for a moment. Then I opened them again and looked at her. “Okay, fine. What is it that you need my help with?”

She immediately brightens and says, “We need a place to stay.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Thinking about what this could mean. Showing another to my own home. No, three. They might brake something, or eat all my food, make the house a dump, or worse use all the hot water. Okay Sunset, now you’re just being ridiculous. They probably aren’t that bad. I thought to myself. But I still felt wrong inviting another into my home. I have not really ever done it before. The only one that is allowed in is the lady that rents me out the place, and she deserves it because she is generally an amazing woman. But this?! Am I really even considering this? “Damn, I have changed huh?”

“Well I wouldn’t know.” Said a voice that broke my train of thought. I opened my eyes to find myself still in the park with Adagio. “Look if anything you owe us a little mercy. If it weren’t for you, or your friends, but mostly you since we had them beat until you picked up the mike, and you caused us to loose our voices and the lives we had before you guys ruined it. So will you help us?”

Damn she was right about that. Another thing about the friendship thing. It brings you new dilemmas. Finally coming to my conclusion, I decide to just deal with it. “Fuck it. Fine. You can stay with me. BUT DO NOT SHARE ANY INFORMATION OF WHERE I LIVE!” I say as I raised my voice. “I will share that on my own time when I feel ready to.” Or when I can fully trust others again. I have friends and we do parties but never at my place and I just haven’t gotten to the point of inviting others or letting others know where I live unless it’s necessary.

Adagio smiles. “Good, let’s go get the others, they will be glad to hear this.”