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It was getting cooler in the night, the wind was stronger now, and Adagio and I had just finally gotten home. I was busy thinking about the what had just happen, thinking about how Adagio was igniting some well buried emotions that I never knew I even had, and also hating myself for letting any of them show. Too occupied with my thoughts that I wasn’t paying attention to what was going on in front of me to realize that Adagio had stopped in the middle of the front doorway. I wound up bumping right into her, her body was facing me and I just happened to be shorter than her. Especially since there is a higher step to get to the doorway before you enter, so the platform she was standing on made her a little taller. Because of this, my face had no choice but to be pushed up into Adagio’s upper body. Smack down right into the middle of her big perky breast, and roughly too.

I immediately jumped back with squeak in surprise. I could clearly feel the heat quickly rising to my cheeks as I look up at the person I bumped into. Who was smiling that big, nasty smirk of hers, clearly amused at what just happened. I see her eyes look down at her breasts, which causes my eyes to then follow her eye line. My eyes drop down from her eyes to the top of her breasts, and as much as I hate to admit it, I fell right into her trap. A moment later I hear her chuckle to herself, further confirming my mistake. “Pretty aren’t they?” She said. She drops a hand that was resting against the doorway and lets it fall onto her right breast. She begins to circle her hand over her breast, once clockwise, and once the other way before she stopped, reaches out with that same hand and gently tapped the tip of my top lip. I could only respond by blushing more.

I tore my eyes from her finger and focus them back to her eyes. She is still wearing that wicked smile of hers. “I would have never thought that I would make The Sunset Shimmer, the one who her school claims turned into a demon, the one that knew how to get her way with things, and the one to strip is of our magic and beat us with a simple line of her song.” She says. I roll my eyes in response.

“Are you not going to go in?” I said to her. Ignoring her comment. Her smile gets bigger. “Nope, you have to get through me first.” I laugh at her words. “Tss, okay.” I tried to walk past her, and she blocked my path. I try to walk behind her and again she blocks my way. I was about to try again when it came to me. She wasn’t going to let me past was she. I looked up at her face and could tell that she had more in mind than to just let me past. Nope. She’s not. But I’m probably not going to get anywhere if I don’t follow along with her game. I mentally shook my head in irritation and stop abruptly when a strange idea came to mind. Suddenly a wide, evil smile of my own grew on my lips, bitting my bottom lip as my body became a flame with a burst of adrenaline.

Adagio only had a split second to respond to the smile on my face, her own slightly dropping a few degrees as she realizes that a change of mood had just occurred in me. One that made her eye brows rise a little bit. My hand shot out from my side and tackles the side of her rib cage. Gently brushing my hand up and down, causing Adagio to get a tickle sensation from the contact of my hand.

Adagio begins to laugh uncontrollably, her body moving in ways that she had no way of stopping. Soon she was far enough away from the door for me to take the final step up and into the house with no problem. I didn’t get too far though. Adagio came after me as I ran through the front door, through the kitchen, and towards the bottom of the stairs that led to my room. I could hear the front door close as the chase was on. Getting to the first step of the stairs, I felt a hand slap my behind with so much force that it caused me to cry out in pain.

I keep running though, ignoring the pain in my rear and I hightailed it up the stairs. I could feel Adagio hot on my heels as I reached my bedroom door. I swung it open, I rush in, go to close it when I felt something grab my hand that was on the door and spun me around to face the doorway. I didn’t even have a chance to do anything before I felt a pair of lips slam against me own. I let out a surprised muffled squeak as my lips were a little occupied at the moment. At first I was unsure of how to respond back to the rather quick and unexpected motion, but then I felt myself melt into the kiss. My shock quickly going away and my mind slowly losing itself in the moment.

I was so overwhelmed by everything that had just taken place that it took me a moment to realize the the kiss had ended. My eyes immediately shot open with this new acknowledgment. My blood races to my cheeks again. Adagio was looking right at me. Watching me as my face brightens up with red coloring. She chuckles. Then she gets closer to me. She leans in so close to my burning face, that I could feel her nose brush my own. All the while holding that same wide smile the whole time. “You see Sunny. I am far more powerful than you. I am so powerful that I can do this.” She pressed her lips back on to mine and bring up her hand and gentle touches my neck. She then lightly trails her fingers down all the way toward my breast, in a very achingly slow motion. Causing me to burn with anticipation of what was to come of this next action. I moved my chin up so that Adagio could have better access. Down, down Adagio went until she stopped. Stopping just above my breasts, dropping her hand and cutting the action right there. “This. I can make you weak.” She finishes.

But I wasn’t about to let that fly. I kept my composure. Allowing myself to become breathless and let my voice fall into a nice, slightly high pitched tone. To have that kind of dreamy voice to add to what I was about to do. I raise a hand up and wrapped it around Adagio’s back. “Oh Adagio!:heart:!” You sure know how to charm a girl.” It was clear to me the second that I spoke that Adagio was not expecting this type of response from me. I literally had to fight the urges to laugh and smirk at her as I resumed to my play.

I looked deep into Adagio’s eyes, and pulled her closer to me, making sure that my own breast were pressed against her body. I also made sure that my eyes and mind never left her. I kept my eyes on hers, and continued my act. “Should you ever give me the honor, I would have no choice but to lie back and do this.” I lift myself up on my tippy toes and I pretend to go in for a kiss myself. Adagio’s face forms a very light shade of red. With my free arm, I grab the colorful napkins that Trixie usually sticks up her sleeves (she gave them to me a while ago. I had forgotten that they were in my pocket.) and used that hand to wrap it around the unsuspecting Adagio. Once I knew I would have a firm grip on her, I bring down my other hand and yanked Adagio down to my level.

“What was it that you were saying? I couldn’t hear you over the loud pounding of your heart.” I said. My smirk returning to its own wickedness.

Adagio stars at me for a moment, and then adopted a smile like mine. “Very well, Sunny. Very well.” Then she leans in and gently taps my nose. “It’s cute when you blush though.”

As if on cue, my face heats up again. “Awww! You are so cute!” Adagio laughed. I quickly turned and faced the other direction. “Ugh! Screw you! I’m going to bed.” I walk into my closet, stripped my clothes off, puts on some shorts and a t -shirt, then I get out. I grab my phone and plug it in, before flopping down on my bed and just laying there. “Aw, it’s nice of you to give me a view of your ass while you sleep.”

I lift my head up to see that Adagio was still in my room. I grabbed one of my pens and threw it at her. “Ugh! Get out. Go to bed.” I flopped myself into the other side, so that I was not laying on my back.

I hear footsteps in the room, but they don’t sound like they are going away. In fact, they sound as if Th eh are getting closer. I then could feel something beside me. I opened up an eye to see Adagio STILL in my room, now beside my bed. “What?!” I said in an irritated voice.

She ignores my rudeness. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“No.” Was my immediate response. I closed my eye and really tried to go to sleep.

“Aw come on! Please?!” She begged.

“No!” I responded again. Then I could feel her hot breath on my face, causing me to open my eyes. I could see her lips lift up into a smirk as soon as my eyes opened. “Don’t make me have to tickle you for this.” She continues.

“Ugh! Fine. Just don’t take all of my covers and don’t complain about the temperature. I like it cool at night.

“Fair enough.” She says. Then she climbs on in and gets inside the covers. “Goodnight Sunny.”

I lay there for a second in silence. Breathing in the beauty of the night and everything with it. To be honest, I am starting to appreciate Adagio’s company. “Goodnight.” I said back. I glance out toward the window beside my bed. I look at the moon and thank whatever god decided to bless me with this good night tonight. Even the stars seem to smile at me as if in approval. That night we both fall asleep soon after getting nice and comfortable.

At first I was a little anxious, worried that I would ruin such a good moment. But then as I hear the other girl in the room slowly drifting off into a deep sleep, I looked over to her and realized that I would be just fine. She wouldn’t care if anything happens and I could trust her to forgive me and anything that goes wrong we’re to ever be my fault. In fact she would probably laugh at it first. So I was finally able to allow myself to relax. I looked bale at the window, thinking back to everything that has happened in the past. Jumping through that mirror, leaving my first home, leaving a life that I only knew of before hoping into an unknown world of weird beings that calls themselves human. Of which I now calls myself.

I even thought about the fall formal, how I was so close to getting what I wanted, and how it ended so badly. How I was so humiliated and so angry at myself for not seeing my errors. To the battle of the bands, to see another being just like me, doing the same thing, making the wrong choices, and paying the price for it in the end. After a moment of thinking, I decided to finally put my mind to rest and let the darkness take me away from my conscience mind for a while. And for the first time in a long time, I actually had a good night’s sleep.

Author's Note:

Omg! Finally! After so long! Ugh guys I have missed writing.😭 I have been so busy with other things and with my art projects that I haven’t even had a chance to do any writing on my stories. So now that everything has died down and everything is not so wild and hectic, I was finally able to do a little bit of writing. I know that this chapter is a short one, but I hope that you enjoyed it anyways. Tell me what you guys think of the chapter so far and I will try to update another chapter on this story soon. So just bare with me. This story isn’t over yet. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 3 )

You seem to be disregarding the instructions on the cover art. You're clearly Sunset Awesomeness17 and the text on the cover art specifies for you, in particular, to not use it.

Oh well it’s my art. It is the cover to my story. I do not like to use anybody else’s art for covers to my stories. But I changed it anyways. I hope that it will be more clear that it is a disclaimer that the art is not free for others to use. Thank you for the comment though, I appreciate you taking the time to make a suggestion. :twilightsheepish:

That is less confusing. Good luck with your artistic endeavors.

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