• Published 3rd Sep 2019
  • 1,809 Views, 41 Comments

In Her Own Skin - mayorlight

Fluttershy and her friends belly dance to raise funds for the animal shelter.

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Chapter 2

The following Monday evening at White Tail Gardens, Fluttershy, Sugarcoat, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Lemon Zest met after their belly dance class to discuss the hafla fundraiser. The setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and magenta. Thankfully, the outdoor shopping center's structures provided plenty of shade over the courtyard. The girls sat down at a pair of tables near the fountain where Twilight got right down to business.

"We've been talking about a public performance for a while now, and I think Pinkie's hafla idea is an excellent opportunity. Not only would we be benefiting the animal shelter, but we would also have a chance to show others what belly dancing really is."

"The ones who are receptive, anyway," remarked Sugarcoat.

"Hey, don't forget, you made a believer out of me," said Lemon.

Twilight and Sugarcoat smiled, fondly recalling the moment when they revealed their newfound hobby to Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap. Initially, Lemon and Indigo were dismissive, nearly doubling over with laughter. Their disdain, however, quickly gave way to curiosity when Twilight and Sugarcoat invited them to watch their recital. After watching them, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy perform, Lemon enrolled in the class.

"We're sure to drum up more interest in Chiffon Veil's dance studio," added Pinkie.

"Do we have a venue in mind?" asked Rarity.

"The dance studio might be a bit small," said Twilight gesturing in its direction. "So I was thinking of asking Principal Celestia if we can use CHS's gym."

While it was not widely known, Principal Celestia of Canterlot High School and her sister Vice Principal Luna were both members of Chiffon Veil's adult belly dance class. After the success of hosting their quarterly recital in the school gymnasium, chances are they would be open to hosting another such event.

"Makes sense," said Sugarcoat. "Security-wise, a high school would also be the safest place for us after the dance studio."

"Indeed," continued Twilight. "I have considered the possibility of creepers."

The other girls all murmured assent. Their own recital had been a private event - by invitation only. If they were going to put on a ticketed public performance, they would need to take precautions for their safety. Not unlike those we normally take when performing as the Rainbooms, Fluttershy thought to herself.

Rarity scoffed as she fingered her geode. "I think we can handle any troublemakers who show up."

Lemon grinned as she palmed her fist. "That's if I don't get my hands on them first!"

Twilight adjusted her glasses. "As long as we hold the event in a highly visible place during daylight hours, I doubt anybody would be starting trouble. Another reason I'd like CHS's gym is that whenever school facilities are in use, at least one school administrator must oversee the activity. As an added measure, however, I'll ask my brother if he can be present during the event. Now, as far as promotion, I'm thinking of advertising the event within the same circles we do for the Rainbooms - to our peers at both CHS and CPA."

"Don't forget Dean Cadance and the rest of Chiffon Veil's adult class," said Sugarcoat. "I'm sure some of them might be interested in coming."

"Now that brings me to my next question - how comfortable do we all feel about belly dancing in front of our classmates?"

Fluttershy nervously ran her fingers through her hair. While part of her felt relieved that their audience might be made up primarily of people she already knew, another part of her felt even more anxious at the thought of dancing in front of them. Although, if any of their teachers were present, she might feel a little bit more comfortable...

Rarity shrugged. "Doesn't bother me. Most of them have already seen us at the pool or the beach."

Fluttershy nervously shifted in her seat. In a wetsuit or a one-piece, yes.

"It's not like we're auctioning ourselves off for dates," Sugarcoat said flatly.

"I don't think many guys would even show up at all unless they were going with a gal pal," said Lemon.

"What all of you just said," chirped Pinkie.

"How about you, Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

Once again, Fluttershy struggled to find her tongue. She wondered if it was too late to ask Rarity for a more modest costume - one that did not bare her midriff. No, even if she did wear such an outfit, she would feel no different about dancing in front of an audience - strangers or not. Still, it might not hurt to ask if a few more drapes could be added to the front of her top...

Twilight placed her hand on Fluttershy's.

"If you don't feel comfortable performing, there is no shame in sitting this one out."

"Don't you worry," said Pinkie. "I can shimmy for the both of us!"

At that moment, Fluttershy did consider backing out. After all, she could still help with the event by selling tickets and ushering. Yet she still could not help but feel that we would be letting her friends down - human and animal alike.

"No, I want to take part in it! That is...if...my partner is comfortable with it."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Partner?"

Rarity, Pinkie, and Lemon all leaned forward, eyes wide with intrigue. Sugarcoat gave Fluttershy a quiet smile of encouragement.

"Cecil." Fluttershy paused a moment before adding "The...python at the shelter."

"Wicked!" said Lemon.

"It...certainly has that...old-time carnival vibe to it," Rarity said hesitantly.

"I think it's cute," Pinkie said as she produced a plush alligator from her bag. "What do you think, Gummy?"

"You plan on dancing with a snake?" Twilight exclaimed with disbelief. She clearly had more than a few reservations about what Fluttershy was proposing.

Fluttershy shrank back a tiny bit, wondering whether it had been wise to even suggest the idea.

"There is some context here," Sugarcoat said quickly. "We are raising funds for the animal shelter and the snake is one of its residents."

"Weren't you also including Spike in your solo?" Pinkie asked Twilight.

"Spike volunteered to be my drummer."

"Exactly. You did not wrangle him into it," Sugarcoat added without missing a beat. "If Cecil is okay with being in Fluttershy's hands during her solo, I don't see an issue."

The girls quietly waited as Twilight mulled over their words. As the one with the most belly dance experience out of all of them, she was their resident authority on it. While she was not particularly fond of its more garish trappings - such as the belly jewels Pinkie and Rarity had grown especially fond of wearing - her friends' enjoyment of this beautiful, oft-misunderstood art form ultimately mattered most to her. After several moments, Twilight recomposed herself and spoke more calmly.

"I've always trusted your judgment when it comes to animals, Fluttershy. If Cecil agrees to it, and you feel comfortable, why not?"

"Just don't dance to that song, 'Slave 2 B'," added Lemon. "That would be in very poor taste!"

At that moment, the fountain suddenly turned off. The girls looked around to find many of the stores preparing to close up for the day. They adjourned their meeting, agreeing to continue their planning on Wednesday evening.

Fluttershy felt a tiny bit more confident as she headed back home. At least Twilight had been a little bit more understanding than she had expected. Thank goodness Sugarcoat spoke up when she did. Now, she wondered just how receptive their classmates - their potential audience - would be. And whether Cecil would be comfortable going up on stage with her. One thing at a time, she quietly told herself. One thing at a time.

Author's Note:

I imagine the Shadowbolts make up for their lack of magic with a willingness to fight dirty - kinda like how Batman can stand alongside his superpowered teammates on the Justice League.

I originally considered making the fundraiser a joint effort between the adult and the junior belly dance classes (which would have been a more realistic scenario). I ultimately decided to focus on the junior class this time around.

I'll update the character tags accordingly as more of the cast reveal themselves.