• Published 3rd Sep 2019
  • 1,805 Views, 41 Comments

In Her Own Skin - mayorlight

Fluttershy and her friends belly dance to raise funds for the animal shelter.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Outside the gymnasium, Snips was clumsily trying to keep his balance as Snails stood atop his shoulders. As a precaution against people peeping in from outside, portable room dividers were wheeled into place in front of each window. Snails extended his arm as high he could, futilely trying to reach his smartphone above the divider.

"We should've just gone in with Zephyr," whispered Snips.

"Naw, man, we'd look like a couple of weirdos."

"Sandalwood went in."

"He went in with Sweet Leaves, so he's got an, uh, alibi or something."

"In that case, we should've gone in with Trixi-ee-achoo!"

Snips sneezed, jerking his head and shoulders. Snails lost his balance and came tumbling down atop his friend. Both of them lay on the grass, flat on their backs, groaning in pain as lights danced on the edge of their vision.

When they regained their senses, they found themselves staring up at Shining Armor. Fists on his hips, Twilight's elder brother loomed over them like a hawk over a pair of field mice. Snips and Snails yelped as they shut their eyes again, bracing themselves for a world of hurt.

Much to their surprise, Shining Armor instead gave an amused laughed.

"You know, gentlemen, it's not too late to purchase a ticket."


The audience hushed as an exotic string melody filled the gymnasium. Slowly, the curtains opened, revealing five dancers cloaked in colorful veils, standing with their backs to the audience. As a lively drumbeat pulsed, the dancers began to sinuously move in place, circling and shimmying their hips underneath their veils. Then as one, they all turned around.

The students in the audience gasped with surprise. The Canterlot High students immediately recognized Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The Crystal Prep students likewise recognized Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat. Everybody recognized Twilight Sparkle.

Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet and Indigo Zap quietly smiled as their classmates' jaws collectively dropped. Their fellow Shadowbolts were no doubt shocked to see their former classmate Twilight Sparkle, the awkward, clumsy egghead, gracefully twirling about in synch with her four co-stars.

Sandalwood tapped his fingers to the rhythm of the song - it sounded like something that he could easily recreate on his bongo drums. Both he and Sweet Leaves were in awe at the spectacle before them. While their classmates' costumes did show a good amount of skin, there was nothing raunchy about their performance. Instead, the vibe he got from it was one of playful innocence.

He then found himself wondering, where was Fluttershy? If Zephyr's cheer a few moments ago was to be believed, she would also be performing. Sandalwood had always admired Fluttershy's dedication to animals, and he was more than ready to cheer her on. He glanced over at Zephyr, who likewise seemed to be wondering as to his sister's whereabouts.

Maybe she'll come on later. For now, Sandalwood contented himself to sit quietly and watch. Neither he nor Zephyr noticed Snips and Snails as the duo slinked into the row behind them, each wearing a pair of novelty nose glasses.


Fluttershy sat on the floor of the stage-left wing with her head buried in her knees. How could she have been so foolish? She had been so certain that she had mustered enough courage to perform with her friends in front of an audience, just as easily as she had done as a Rainboom. Alas, she was sorely mistaken.

Slowly, she turned her head to look at Cecil in his terrarium. The snake regarded her with curious eyes, probably wondering why she had even brought him here.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?"

Fluttershy looked up to find Sunset Shimmer looking down on her with concern. She struggled to find words, but could not get them out. Sunset knelt down beside her and placed an arm around her. Sunset did not say anything, but her gesture spoke louder than any words. They sat quietly for little more than a minute before they heard the audience applaud and cheer. Their friends quickly strode off the stage and gathered around them. Fluttershy finally found her voice.

"I'm sorry, everyone...," she sobbed. "I've let all of you down..."

Twilight knelt down in front of Fluttershy and gently took her hand.

"No, you haven't," said Twilight.

"You still have a chance to do your solo and the finale," added Sugarcoat.

"You've done this before," said Lemon. "I know, I was there!"

Fluttershy brushed away a tear as she remembered their first recital at Chiffon Veil's studio. She had been nervous about performing in front of their Crystal Prep friends. Remembering how she had pulled off her solo and her part in their group routines did raise her spirits a little.

Rarity gestured to the terrarium. "Do it for Cecil, and the other animals at the shelter!"

"You'll do fine! Just have fun!" said Pinkie with one of her contagious smiles.

"Most importantly," added Sunset. "Just be you - the same Fluttershy we all know and love."

The seven of them pulled closer for a group hug. Fluttershy could feel her courage returning. Her friends had fanned that tiny ember into a flame once more. After a moment, Lemon gave her a reassuring smile and pat on the shoulder before returning to the stage for her solo.


Lemon began her solo shimmying her hips to a lively string and drum instrumental. Being the newbie of the junior belly dance class, she stuck to the core basics in her solo - hip circles, lifts, drops, and shimmies. She nevertheless infused each and every one of her movements with the same vibrant energy she did whenever she rocked out to her favorite songs. She had also grown fond of tossing her long green hair, a move which reminded her of a genie character she had once seen in a video game. She finished her solo raising both arms over her head. Out of everyone in the audience, Indigo Zap cheered the loudest.

"You go, Lemon!" Indigo called out, following her words up with her best ululating "warrior princess" trill.

The next dancer up was Rarity. A calm string instrumental began to play as she circled her hips. Elegantly, she circled her wrists as she undulated in the center of the stage. Thanks to Vice Principal Luna's guidance, she had gotten much better at isolating her core muscles. She finished her solo by smoothly lowering herself to the floor, bringing one leg across the other as she brought her head down to her knee, like a goddess at rest.

Next came Pinkie Pie. An uptempo wind and drum instrumental poured in over the speakers as she shimmied her shoulders. She matched Lemon's energy bit for bit. Throughout the song, she was in constant motion, never stopping. Faster and faster, she shimmied her hips, until the jewel in her navel became a blue blur. She ended her solo spinning in place several times before dropping to her knees with the final note.

Then it was Sugarcoat's turn. She began her solo kneeling on the stage floor as a serene string instrumental filled the gymnasium. Slowly, she extended her arms out to each side. Every circle of her wrists, every roll of her chest was controlled and precise. Gradually, she rose to her feet, never once changing the tempo of her movements. She finished her solo on her feet, undulating in place as she brought her arms to rest behind her head. Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet rose from their seats as the audience applauded.

"Yay, Sugarcoat!" cried Sour.

"Bravissima!" called Sunny.

Twilight then stepped out onto the stage followed by Spike and Sunset, the latter carrying Spike's drum and a microphone on a stand adjusted for his height. After quickly placing the microphone next to Spike, Sunset withdrew from the stage. Instead of DJ playing a song, Spike began tapping the drum. Twilight matched her rhythm to his perfectly - speeding up and slowing down in perfect harmony. For each of his beats, she had just the right move. Twilight ended her solo shimmying to a quickening tempo of beats, turning with a grand flourish on the final tap. Both of them took a bow as the audience cheered.

With each of the five dancers having completed their solos, most of the audience now expected them to return for a group finish. They were quite surprised when Fluttershy stepped out onto the stage with a snake resting atop her shoulders.


Fluttershy tuned out the gasps and murmurs rippling through the audience as she took her place in the center of the stage. Through her geode, she could sense that Cecil was apprehensive, but also that he trusted her. It felt a little different placing him on her bare shoulders - he was sure to be more sensitive to any change in her body temperature.

As an entrancing wind instrumental flowed from the speakers, she slowly undulated in place. Cecil began to gradually move down her left arm, which she extended toward the audience. She raised her hands over her head, allowing Cecil to move from her left wrist to her right as she circled her hips. The snake moved up her right arm, coming to rest where he began around her shoulders. Fluttershy held Cecil up over her head as the song ended. As the audience applauded, she whispered to him through her geode.

"Thank you."


After returning Cecil to his terrarium, Fluttershy joined her friends on stage for their group finale. As was their custom, they picked a non-belly dance song - this time, a jaunty classic pop tune. Playfully, they shimmied and circled their hips as the audience clapped and sang along. As one, they took their final bow to the cheers of their friends, classmates, and teachers.

After they had changed back into their everyday clothes, they returned to the gymnasium to find their friends waiting for them. Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Dean Cadance, and Chiffon Veil congratulated each of them. Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap presented each of the dancers with a bouquet of yellow roses. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both ran up to embrace Fluttershy.

"Y'sure had us worried," said Applejack.

Rainbow scoffed. "I knew she'd pull through!"

"Way to go, Flutters!" beamed Zephyr as he strode toward them. His enthusiasm suddenly dissipated when his sister suddenly crossed her arms, giving him an inscrutable look. Sweat beaded on his brow as he struggled to find his words. "Uh...sorry if I let the cat out of the bag a little too early. I mean, when you told me you and your friends were doing this, I thought..."

Fluttershy burst into giggles as she hugged her brother. "I'm glad you made it, Zephyr."

Zephyr did not know how to react until Sandalwood walked up and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, man! We'll work on that timing!" With Zephyr now at ease, Sandalwood turned to Fluttershy with the same earnest smile that she had always known. "That was a wonderful show!"

"Why thank you," said Fluttershy, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly.

"You have got to perform at our next drum circle," said Sweet Leaves. "Everyone will love it!"

They then glanced over to find Zephyr with several other students trying his hand at hip circles. Much to everyone's surprise, he was actually pretty good at it!

Pinkie seized the opportunity to promote Chiffon Veil's dance studio, handing out business cards and flyers she had prepared for the occasion. Several students asked about the costumes. Some tried a few basic moves - with varying degrees of success. A few students even asked about the animal shelter - Fluttershy and Sugarcoat were more than happy to field their questions. When they asked if they could see Cecil, Fluttershy, after getting an affirmative response from him, brought him out of his terrarium. Cecil was more than happy to meet some new faces.

Fluttershy smiled. The event was a resounding success. Not only did the animal shelter now have more funds for supplies, but she had also faced her fears. Although she had fallen down, she managed to get back up again thanks to her friends' support. For the first time in a long time, she truly felt comfortable in her own skin.

Author's Note:

I'm inclined to update the character tags for this story since the narrative ended up focusing on Fluttershy, despite Sugarcoat and Pinkie Pie's parts in the beginning.

Zaghareet is the formal term for the "warrior princess" yell Indigo gives. It is an expression of joy, excitement, and encouragement in Arab culture, and often used to cheer belly dancers on as they perform.

As before, the individual solos took me the longest to write. I always want to make sure that each is unique, that I am not just recycling descriptions from my previous stories, and not going overboard with details.

For that closing group number, I imagine them dancing to something similar to the song below (at least the instrumental portion). Yeah, I know it's as far from a belly dance song as one can get. Chalk it up to me being an old-school anime fan...

Comments ( 6 )

They then glanced over to find Zephyr with several other students trying his hand at hip circles. Much to everyone's surprise, he was actually pretty good at it!

Well, I'll be damned. Who'd thunk? Zeph, you may be able to make a career out of this.

Also, performing with an animal, a snake no less? So Fluttershy.

And I have to say, if this is the conclusion, the 'true ending' if you will... yeah, it finishes on a high note.

This was a great finish! :pinkiehappy:

Well done.

Glad that you all enjoyed this tale! :twilightsmile:

Great work. Glad to see that Fluttershy got over her nervousness in the end.

Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Thank you very much!

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