• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 12,528 Views, 327 Comments

Dragonland's Fiercest and Fairest - JeromyTG2

If you happen to wake up and become one of the most deadliest Nintendo character, you better make your choices right.

  • ...

Chapter 3: First Impression is at Beast

Author's Note:

Now this this time, we get to see him in action!


Edited by Hotel_Chicken

It had been three days since I was whisked away from my life on Earth, and I felt like total crap. The pain I felt as I uncurled my stiff muscles could only be compared to the times I fell asleep after playing Online Smash, except instead of my hands hurting from playing, everything felt like it was made of brittle wood. Surprisingly, the uncomfortable sting in my muscles wasn’t from sleeping on the jagged rocks and stones that lined the floor of my cave, nor was it caused by the odd way my body naturally curled into itself so I could sleep more like a cat, although it certainly didn’t help that I had to painfully untangle my limbs to get up. No, all the pain I felt was solely caused by the exertion I had pushed on my new wings yesterday. I didn’t know what fucked up biology my body had, but apparently my wings acted like the nervous center of my body, similar to how a human’s spine acted, which was weird since I was pretty sure I had a spine. Then again for all I knew I had two spines and four hearts. I had only taken a good look at my exterior, never really checking for a pulse or anything like that. Hell, I didn’t even know I had a dick until I really had to pee. For my own sanity, I refuse to bring up that bit of biology and how it’s able to hide itself, just know that it was a very disturbing learning experience for me that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Anyway, after untangling the mess of limbs, which included my wings and tail, I began waking up and started on my new morning routine. I dragged myself over to my newly designated lava shower, which had a convenient runoff that went into a hole a few feet to the right of the pouring magma, similar to the drain of a shower which thankfully prevented my cave from being flooded with constant lava. Just because lava didn’t hurt me didn’t mean I wanted to sleep in a pool of it or drown in it. Could I even drown? Whatever, a question for after I found this world’s equivalent of coffee.

The heat of the lava was pleasant enough as it flowed down my stiff muscles, the beyond boiling liquid loosening all of my stiff joints as I stretched underneath it’s current. It brought me a little sense of joy to think that I’d be able to shower like this every day, walking into a shower that had the perfect temperature no matter what.

After staying in the shower for what was probably longer than necessary, I stepped out and instinctively shook the lava off of me like a dog. It took me a second to realize what I was doing before I stopped to chastise myself for acting like an animal. I was a human dammit, I’d use a towel like a civilized person… If I had one…

As my eyes wandered my spartan cavern for a nonexistent towel, I realized just how little I actually had. Aside from my pile of Gems that I shoved into a corner so I could snack on them, I didn’t have anything. No furniture, no water, I didn’t even have any clothes. Granted, I didn’t need clothes since Ridley never wore them and my… *ahem* privates, were well concealed, I would be fine without them, not to mention that dragon I met was also completely in the bluff without a care, and she was the opposite gender. Though I won’t lie, having something to put on myself, even for decoration would have been nice, maybe even some armor or something in case Samus ever did show up. My body may have been tough, but it wasn’t invincible. Samus always found a way to beat Ridley, and it almost always involved him and explosions, lots of ‘em. In the end, I decided to push those thoughts aside and continue on with my day.

Walking out of my cave, thankfully with no stalactites to pierce my head, I took a deep breath of the sea air as I stretched my body and wings. If this was going to be my morning every day, then I didn’t think it would ever get old. And when I thought about it, I always wanted my own place close to the ocean with the view and all. Sure, it wasn’t as luxurious as how I imagined it, but at least it was decent by dragon standards.

Not wasting anymore time, I walked to where the river was located so I could rinse off some of the lava that still clung to my body. The river was big enough to let me sink in, the cold and nearly frigid water a bitter-sweet contrast to the lava shower inside my cave. As the water of the river caused the lava that still clung to me to harden into obsidian, I began to rip small chunks of the now hardened magma off of my wings and scales.

My eyes wandered the scenery around me as I unconsciously scratched away the rocks. While looking around, I spotted some moss and algae that had formed on the edge of the river some time ago. As I thought about the plant life and animals I had seen so far on… Whatever planet this was, I suddenly felt something bump on my ass which made me yelp in surprise. I tried to grab whatever it was that touched me, but it slipped through my claws and swam towards the moss. As it swam away, I realized what it was, it was fish. Or, more precisely, it was going to be my breakfast.

"Oh no you don't!" Quickly, I chased it down as it kept slipping out of my claws. I tried using my tail to at least tried to pierce it, but my aim was always off and my reaction time was too slow.

I really need to practice…

No matter how hard I tried, it avoided my claws and tail with ease as I thrashed about in the water. Hunger was quickly giving way to extreme annoyance until I instinctively lashed out and tried to catch it in my jaws.


The satisfying sound of bones being snapped and the sweet coppery taste of blood greeted me a few seconds after I bit down on the fish. The small aquatic animal weakly struggled as its inevitable death approached with an agonizing slowness. It was odd in a way, somehow, I tasted a difference between its life and death, a sweet flavor that was lost as the life faded away from its corpse. Looking back on how I caught the fish made me realize some similarities on how certain animals catch their prey in their own unique way. If this was how I was going to be eating from now on, I didn't really mind. Nature is fucking awesome!

Back on land, I began chewing, or is it chomping since I don't have cheeks? The fish I caught has a very unique taste and it wasn't like any other fish I had tried before compare to my world. It was delicious overall and I finally swallowed it whole, bones, scales, and all. I know it was raw but I didn't really care. It was a nice meal, but it didn’t feel like it was nearly enough. Since the fish came from up the river stream, I decided to follow it up stream where there might have been more to find. It was also a good excuse to explore more of the Dragonlands and see if there was anything besides dragons in the Dragonlands.

"Alright. Time for an expedition!"


"... dammit." I muttered, "Why is the fish not enough! I'm gonna get tired of eating gems soon if this keeps up. I don't want to live the rest of my life without any meat, or some delicious culinary food."

I stood up and started drying off my wings so I could take off. After a few experimental flaps, I launched myself into the air and flew upstream in search of more food.

"Let's hope I don't get eaten…" I muttered as I glided over the river before I almost fell out of the sky by laughing too hard. "Who am I kidding!? I'm mother fuckin' Ridley!"

Ember sat in her cave, still pondering on how to get the scepter. As if her own mind was working against her, not a single idea popped into her head. She had the basics of a plan, like getting a few lackies of her own to help cut down the competition but she had absolutely no idea how she could have convinced any of her fellow dragons to join her. The thought of offering her hoard to someone devoted to her passed her mind, but was then instantly discarded, along with every other idea that came with paying off her fellow dragons.

The blue dragoness wasn’t weak by any measure of the word, it was just that she was smarter than the others. She knew when she could and couldn’t win a fight, and she knew that a fight with hundreds of dragons was a fight she’d lose.

In frustration, she stopped thinking and flopped onto her horde of gems and gold. It would be easier if her father had not bound her to his nest, at least then she’d be able to catch a glance at the gauntlet he was preparing.

"This blows…" breathed Ember. She glanced at the object of her scorn, the thing that had kept her inside her father’s domain, an enchanted ring that was magically stuck to her claw.

She growled and fumbled the ring on her claw that she desperately wanted to destroy. But, it was a useless act. She had briefly considered the idea of biting her claw off to free herself, but that would only make matters worse. Firstly, she’d have an open wound, a sign of weakness among the dragons, and secondly she had no plan for after that. It wasn’t like she’d fly over to Equestria and live with the ponies, her goal was still to become the next Dragon Lord after all. "Maybe I need something to help me cool off for now. Taking a dip doesn't sound so bad. And at least it's within the nest."

She exited her cave and flew to the nearest pond, one that a certain space reptile was also heading towards.


It had been about a few minutes since I started flying up the river. I slowly began adjusting more on my wings and it starts to feel natural. I even flew up high enough to do some aerial tricks like: tilts, barrel rolls, and loops. Looking ahead, I saw a pond with a surprising amount of fauna and vegetation surrounding it, making it stand out against the red rocks that almost cut it off from the rest of the Dragonlands.

Putting that aside, I looked at the few other dragons around the pond, a wide menagerie of dragons ranging from tall, short, fat, thin, and just about every color of the rainbow. I found it interesting how each dragon could be unique by their appearances and I was certain that the longer I stayed in the Dragonlands the more I’d know about them. Getting closer, I started to descend and landed at an open spot near the pond. Looking around, the whole place looked like some form of a crater, but it wasn’t steep enough to call it one.

There was a tall rock leaning towards the water, which gave me a good view to spot some of the fish from above. I positioned myself in a pouncing position on my stomach, waiting for a nice plump fish to swim close enough for me to jump on it in a moment’s notice.

As I waited for my opportune moment to strike, I could hear some faint whispers coming from the two local dragons. One who was purple and the other was yellow like a sunflower, and both of them looked pretty overweight.

"Who's that guy?" One of them whispered. I paid them little mind as I focused on my hunt, but kept an earhole in their direction in case they got any stupid ideas.

"I don't know, never seen somedrake like him before. He must be new."

"Kinda feel bad for him seeing how boney his body looks. He looks like he hasn't eaten for weeks."

"He won't last much longer, that's for sure."

Okay, that was rude. Assholes.

"So Backdraft, you were saying that Torch is stepping down as Dragon Lord? Hoho man! This is awesome!"

"Yeah Clump! In a few days, all dragons around the world will come here and participate for the Gauntlet of Fire." I know it is rude to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation, but I couldn't help but listen, "The prize is the Bloodstone Scepter, and who ever grabs it has the right to become the next dragon lord."

"Yeah I know! Can you imagine what you can do as dragon lord? You can boss any dragon across the whole world and no dragon can't deny their order."

Seriously? By just grabbing the scepter so you can order any dragon around? I can't imagine what they would do with that power…

They’d fuck you over that’s what! A part of my mind reasoned. I nearly jumped in surprise when that voice boomed inside my head. That… That wasn’t me. Or… Or it was? It felt off, more primal and predatory, almost on the edge of villainous. Control any dragon?! They’d want your hoard, they’d want your home near the ocean because they’re jealous. But they can’t have it, it’s ours! Ours! Ours! OURS!

Yeah… Yeah fuck them! That’s mine! That’s my lava shower, my gems, my ocean view! My thoughts became a storm of fury inside my mind that I didn’t notice I was glaring intently at them until the yellow one noticed and pointed it out to the purple one.

"Yeah! I know what I'm gonna do when I—"

"Hey! That guy is lookin' at us."

Shit! I tried to look away from them and whistle, as if I was minding my own business.

*Blow* *Blow*... *BLOOOW*


"Hey you!" One of them called out.

So much for listening in other conversations, can you blame me? "Uh… yeah?" I hesitantly asked.

Both dragons came closer and size wise they were not as big as I originally thought, just below shoulder length, "Just what are you starin' at huh?" said the purple dragon, I assume his name is Backdraft.

"I uhh… I just heard about that cool… dragon lord thing that… I heard about?"

"You heard that? How did even hear our conversation? We were whispering." said the yellow dragon, who I think was named Clump.

"Really? I uh… Look, I just have really good hearing. Listen, I'm sorry if you think I was eavesdropping, I really didn’t mean to."

"Heh! You hear that Clump? He's ‘sorry’." Chuckled Backdraft.

"Hah! You think we were gonna let you off that easy? You have no idea what you just got yourself into." Said Clump. These dragons really reminded me of some of those punk-ass kids back when I was in Junior High. I hate bullies. I decided to just call them by color since I didn’t care too much to remember their names.

"Hey come on! I said I was sorry." I said, irritated by the dragons' behavior, "It was an accident to begin with. Can't you just let it slide?"

"Around here, we don't do sorry's." said Purple, as he cracked his claws, which was both fascinating and disturbing to see.

"There is only one way to settle this." said Yellow, while popping his shoulder and neck.

Suddenly, I noticed a crowd of dragons forming a circle around us. Of course something like this would happen, at first I thought they normally say 'fight' but, they surprised me when they chanted something else other than fight.


I was both nervous and laughing internally, because back when I was Jake, there was a game I played and it had a thing called 'Turf Wars'. It was when certain monsters invade other monsters’ territory they start duking it out until either one is superior and forces the defeated monster to leave. Now that I look at it, it kinda makes sense why they would call it this.

"Look guys, I really don't want to do this." I said cautiously.

"Or what? Afraid that we might break a bone or two?" said Purple.

Yes. Break them! Rip and Tear! Rip and TEAR!

"Or burn your wings off?" said Brown.

That too. Wait… burn? I should be able to breathe fire, but I haven't tested that yet.

"Well yeah. Those are valid points. And the main reason why is that I don't want anyone to get hurt." I said.

"... Are you saying that you’re tougher than us?" The purple one asked.

"Ha! You talk big for someone who's all scrawny. I bet you can't even smash a pebble." Said Yellow.


These guys had no idea what I am capable of. I really didn't want to hurt them because being an alien space dragon could lead to ruthless results. But I needed to find some alternatives to avoid the fighting.

"Then how about we do a strength test? If I can prove that I can out strength you, will you please leave me alone and accept my apology?" I said until they gave a 'your joking' look.

"... Are you for real? Your not gonna get away that easy!" Purple said.

"Yeah. We know how it's going to end, so don't bother!" Said Yellow.

"'CAUSE YOU'RE DEAD!' "They both said as they started their assault.

Well, there goes that plan.

They both charged at me at the same time and each using different attacks. Purple was charging up his fire in his mouth while Yellow was just flying towards me to tackle me down. As far as how these stooges act, I could easily tell this is not going to end well. For them.

Yellow was the first to come and tackled me, but I stopped him as I held his charge. Surprisingly, he moved me a few feet, it almost felt like a football player running onto me but smaller. I noticed Purple flying from above and is about to spit his flame. I held my ground as I quickly lift up his pudgy friend who is somewhat light for some reason, and threw him at my attacker. In result, the violet dragon violently spat his ball of fire at a big size while he was hit by his friend as they both crashed onto each other. Both flew pretty far and both landed hard enough crack the ground. The fireball however came fast towards me I barely had any time to react as it hit the ground causing it to explode violently knocking me away. A stinging sensation of pain pulsed my body, it was brief but not as bad as a sprain or bruise. I stood up immediately pissed off knowing that dumb and dumber didn't want the easy way, now I would show them the hard way.

The dragons around us gave some surprised looks and cheers from this fight. It lasted for a bit until the two bullies shook off their fall and began to charge at me again. This time they both flew into the air and readied their breath wanting to barrage me. If they wanted to take the fight to the air, it would be their funeral.

Immediately, I launched myself up and start to fly and gain speed as I began to circle around them. They began shooting their fireballs at me but it's not fast enough to hit me. I gained enough speed and momentum as I quickly lined up my aim at the yellow drake in front of the purple drake. Now locked on to my target, I immediately flew straight with some strength and thrust the joint hooks of my wings over my head and dived towards the two drakes. While I was doing this move, the two drakes barraged me with fire balls, hitting me hardly feel any pain from each shot. To my surprise, both immediately dodged to the side avoiding my fast oncoming attack. I was able to stop myself as I turned and faced the drakes. Looking at their expressions, they looked like they were in pain as I can see they were looking at their wounds different from each other with both burn and gash. I thought I missed as the moved away, but I had no idea that my aerial assault would do that kind of damage. Trying to shake off their wounds, they began to look at me with rage and start to chase me down as I started flying upward.

I flew higher as the two drakes began to chase me and still trying to shoot me down with their fireballs. After a few seconds, I looked behind wondering why they stop and see wings flapped sluggishly seeing their tongues hanging out looking tired and out of breath. I slowed my descent to confront the two and try to have a civil conversation with these two. Seems this fight was just a fluke after all.

"Looks like your both out of breath. Should we just call it a draw and forget about what just happened today?" I asked while crossing my arms and hovering.

"Ha… ha… how did… how are you still breathing?" Backdraft asked as he tried to fill his lungs with air.

"Ha… yeah… ha… no dragon can fly… that… high..." Said Clump, who was probably having more trouble breathing.

True. But I'm a different kind of dragon.

"Alright, how about we discuss this on the ground yeah?" I said, as they both nodded in agreement and we both descended back down to the ground.

"Now." I began as we touched the ground and both drakes stumbled on their butt and belly, "I kinda understand how you two want to be recognized or showing off to others on how great you two can be. But…" I pointed my tail towards the as they showed some fear on their faces, "What I can't tolerate is the fact that your behavior is really unacceptable."

I could hear whispers from the other dragons seeing how I raised my tail against them. Purple hesitantly tried to speak.

"Y… you were staring-"

"And I said I'm sorry." Then Yellow tries to speak.

"B-but… we are just-"

"Morons. That's what you both are. Always take action on whomever you decide to pick on and be satisfied after their result." I inched my tail almost close to their faces as they leaned back more, "Here something cool, my tail barb is possibly the sharpest and strongest than any steel sword so it can cut or pierce easily with anything. Plus, I can easily break rocks that hold gems in them. So imagine what it can do,... against a dragon." Both gulped at the thought, "But lucky for both of you, I've got a soft spot." the two drakes looked at each other in confusion. I wasn't planning on hurting them, but I wasn’t going to let them off easy, "From now on, for whatever reason that someone has or had an accident or any other mishaps that has bumped into you, once they say 'sorry' you forgive them. Understand?" I leaned over them as they tensed a bit.

"Y-yes sir." They both said.

"Then we're good." I said as I relaxed myself and pulled my tail back.


"Yeah." I couldn't help but laugh a bit, "I'm sorry but you should've seen the look on your face." I pointed at brown.

"I… I had no idea what you were going to do." He said and starts to laugh too.

"Heh. You look like you were going to wet yourself. I really thought he was going to carve us with that." Said Purple who's also chuckling.

"Yeah I know. Soft spot remember?"

But who said we were done with them?

Using my legs and wings, I immediately pounced on the two dragons, clutched both of their heads in my claws, and dragged them to the nearest wall. I had to assume how fast I was about to start up, but holy shit! Judging how fast I pounced, not even a rabbit would be quick enough to react. Seeing their expressions on their eyes show me that they now have their attention on me with a dash of fear into it. So to prove my point, I had to go all 'Batman mode'.

"If you two ever pull that stunt again, you both will realize that I won't be as half-ass as you thought I once was. And you will also see in the worst of ways of how ruthless and merciless as I can be." I said menacingly, as I end it with...


A slap on their faces… What? You think I would just give them a peck on the cheek? Nope! Not coming from Ridley! That would definitely be out of character.

I turned and walked towards the rock I was next to, "So! You assholes stay out trouble next time. Or else..." I looked back at them giving the smile, "There won't be a next time."

"Y-y-y-yes sir!" The two drakes immediately responded as the scrambled up and fly away to who knows where.

I began to calm myself after teaching dumb and dumber a lesson. I had the idea to be passive aggressive to them, but I didn’t believe that would entirely work. Knowing dragons could be tough, I just had to go with their element and threat them physically. With my strength and appearance, I could really give them a serious message to not mess with me. Speaking of dragons, the remaining crowd of them were all still standing in a circle looking at me. It's rude and fucking nerve wrecking as hell with this crowd staring at you. So, I had to do something to get them moving.

"... Alright! Shows over! No reason to gawk at me like I'm some alien." Literally.

"You heard him!" A familiar voice called out to help with the crowd, "He won the turf war so get a move on! Or else." The voice came from the tall rock and on top of it was the same blue dragoness that welcomed me on my first day.

Ember? Ally?

After her demand, all the dragons began to go their way and the only one left are me and Ember. "So." She came down from the rock and came close, "What brings you here? Here to pick fights? Because that little tussle you just had with those two was just sad."

Really? No hello or nice seeing you again? I guess some things are a bit complex here now huh? Or she is just straight up a Tsundere. Enemy?

"Nice to see you too." I said sarcasm, "But no, I just happen to accidentally bump into some jerks and they pulled the first punch."

"Yeah, you might happen to get into fights like this more often around here. I just happen to pass by and was hoping to see what you've got, but overall it was pretty pathetic." What she said had me a bit confused but I began to understand what she meant.

"You know, I kinda had that thought too. I expected more out of those two, but I didn't even break a sweat."

"Right. Your boney body just hides your real strength. They had no idea what they were up against." She said, looking at the distance where the two idiots went. "Anyways," she looks to the side, "I saw that you got hit a few times. Are you okay… um, what's your name again? "

Huh. I guess she forgot my name, but I could see she was actually trying to care, which I was happy about. "It's Ridley. And yeah, it's not that bad, just some burns and bruises. But I feel fine nonetheless." I said as she nodded.

"That's good. It’ll be bad if you see a crippled dragon. They lose their pride and will to live if that ever happens." She said.

"Wait… what?"

"Never mind. Which reminds me. How can you breathe when you fly that high? All dragons can't breathe when we are that high up." She asked. Though she gave a fair point as to why those two bullies got tired as I flew up far enough. But still, I had to give her some fake answers, assuming she wouldn't believe that I am a terror from the stars.

"Uhh… Our species specializes in flight, so we fly up high most for our time."

"How so? It's not like you can sleep in air. Because that would be very strange and stupid."

"Yeah well. It's because we have been nesting at high mountain peaks. You know, like that tip of the mountain that pass through the clouds?" She nods, "From where I'm from, it is an archipelago of very tall mountain peaks. I'm sure that is how we've adapted throughout our time. I don't know the full story of my kind but it's something like that."

"Really? I gotta admit, you really are one strange dragon, but I'm starting to see why you are so special. And I already know that you are not from around here." That… is kinda nice coming from her, "So. What brings you here to this pond? Usually is just us drakes chilling or roughhousing."

"Oh. I'm here to get me some fish."

"Fish? You actually eat those? I know there are some leviathans that eat fish, but I never heard a dragon interested in eating them."

"What? I thought you guys can also eat them?"

"Only if we're desperate. We don't like the taste."

"Really? I thought your-er-our diet consisted of mainly meat."

"It is, but it's only for special occasions, then we eat gems or gold as our main food source. You can't go wrong with either of those two."

Huh. I guess dragons here are a lot different than what I expected.

"Right." I stared at the pond and looked around and noticed that there was no other river to fill the lake except its exit. Wanting to know how made me want to dive in, " Hang on, I'm going to check something." I walked in the water and dove into the pond to see if there was an underground tunnel system or something keeping it filled.

Ember watched the boney drake dive into the pond to check for… something. Probably looking for fish she thought. Thinking back from the fight she saw, she knew both Backdraft and Clump since they came back from the migration. Those two were a force to be reckoned with when they worked together, managing to chase some of the largest dragons out of their territory, becoming one of the most fearsome dragon duos known. So far, they had been undefeated, until the skinny dragon had somehow managed to beat them without much of a fight. Even by himself, he is tough enough to take hits, strong enough to throw a chubby dragon, and fast enough to fly. I never seen one fly so fast. Why does he always keep surprising me?

He's been in the water for a really long time. I wonder if he happens to-


"*GASP* Hoo man! I didn't think I could hold my breath that long!" He finally resurfaced surprising the heck out of Ember. She couldn’t even believe that she actually felt scared for that weirdo. "It looks like there is a deep hole that somehow acts as a system to bring in the water. I'm guessing it's coming from the ocean and I see why there are so many fish. And I happen to catch a few too." He finished as he showed his tail with three fish through them.

Ember couldn't help but wonder, doing almost every feat that some dragons can't even accomplish. Strength to destroy boulders with a single punch, flying high past the clouds, swimming, FUCKING SWIMMING! Doggy paddle or floating sure, but diving into the water and swimming? That was usually a death trap for dragons, their own wings forcing their bodies down into the depths of the water at their limbs would flail about. Being able to swim without his wings getting dragged down by the water would require Ridley to hold his wings to his body with a bone crushing strength. What more can this dragon do? He is pretty amaz-

"Hello!? Earth to Ember!"

"Uhh… wha!?"

"You were staring into space, is there something in your mind?" He asked.

Oh gorg! Did I really space out!? AND WHY IS HE SO CLOSE!?



Without thinking Ember just punched him and immediately jumped in the deep shallow part of the pond just to cool off, making sure to keep her wings tucked closely to her side as she dove into the water.

Why. Why is he so nice?

He doesn't look nice! He's a fearsome looking dragon.

He's somewhat a moron!

But he's…

… pretty cool.

"... Okay. What just happened?" I groaned while a sharp pain pulsed my right cheek.

I had no idea why Ember punched me and almost knocked me to the ground. How could this have been my fault if she is just staring at space when I tried to talk to her? But seriously, that girl could really hit. Shaking off the pain, I stood up and checked my tail to see I still have the fishes I caught. I looked for Ember to see where she has gone, until I noticed something bubbling in the shallow water.

"*PWAH!* Ohh I needed that." Said Ember a she popped out of the water.

"Hey!" She turned to me as I called her, "Is there a reason why you punched me?"

Fuck reason! Fight Back!

"... Well seeing that you are strong, I thought you were one of those dragons that can react quick enough to avoid attacks. I thought you could, but I guess I was wrong."

Oh. Shit I never thought of that. Knowing Ridley, he is always on guard. Maybe I should focus on my senses, if it works…

"Yeah well, I guess that is why I'm still training on my senses." I lied, "But my whole time coming here has cut off some of my training regimen. "I still need to work on that."

"Right. Well you better get to it then, it may be useful until the gauntlet." She said.

"The 'Gauntlet'? I heard it is some big dragon event, what is it about?"

"What? But… you… I thought… ughhh! You know what? I'm not going to ask, but I'll just play dumb and explain it to you." She said as she walked to the two oval shaped rocks next to each other, until Ember sat on one, "... well? I'm waiting."

Oh. I'm guessing it's story time?

I took the rock and moved it away from her a bit and sat on it, yet it is oddly comfortable knowing how rough it was.

"So? What do you want to know about the Gauntlet of Fire?"

"Ummm… That it’s on fire?” I guessed with a nervous smile, causing Ember to facepalm.

*One summarized explanation later*

"Wow… so dragons across the world must attend to the gauntlet in order to start?" I asked.

"Not really. But the sooner all dragons come, the quicker the burns stop. So far from what I've heard." Replied Ember.

I had no idea how awesome dragons are, retrieve the scepter and gain power over dragons as their ruler. I even finish eating my fish's while I was listening to Ember telling me about the Gauntlet of Fire. But this got me thinking, remembering the fight I had earlier with those two dragons is getting me worried. What will happen if one of the bad dragons obtain it? Could they become a tyrant or a megalomaniac dictator? Maybe when that time comes, I can't let that happen or else we end up as slaves. But what about Ember?

"So… are you getting the scepter?" I asked her as she looked down in thought.

"... yes. I have too. It's the only way the dragons should listen to me and take me serious when I am trying to say something important. Without it…"

"But what do you plan to do when you get the scepter?"

After asking that question, I couldn't tell if she was daydreaming or just decided she wouldn't answer, until, "I want to lead the dragons to a new path. A path that doesn't involve fighting or roughhousing at other places that could damage something important. I want us dragons to get along with other creatures around the world, like if we… were… umm… ugh what was the word? Fiends? Froonds? Frogs?"

Dragons to get along with other creatures? Does she mean…


"Friends?" I asked.

"Yeah. That." She said, and she looked a bit gloomy just the thought being friends.

I know I've known her for two days, but I've got a feeling that she could be a good leader. She is different than other dragons, but I believe she can lead them all to a better path. Seeing her as a leader could make a difference and I know what to do…


"I know it sounds stupid and probably think that I am an idiot to believing that dragons can be f-f-frinns? Of course, we don't do that. *sigh* Just forget it. It's not like you are interested in-"

"I'll help."

"... w-wait. What?" WHAT!?

"I said 'I'll help'." I reaffirmed.

"But,... you… I thought… really!? You want to help me?"

"Sure. Your going to need someone to help you go through those tough dragons during the Gauntlet, more than one if possible. And you can try to get the scepter with much less stress." She stared at me for a bit, seeing if I'm joking which I wasn’t.

"... okay. But you better not get in my way! I'm not that defenseless so I can take care of myself."

"With that punch you gave me earlier? I believe you do." There was a slight pause after I said that, then we both ended up laughing. I looked up at the sky and see that the sun is setting, "Wow! Who knew that time flies so fast while learning the whole story about the Gauntlet?"

"I know." Ember respond looking up as well, "They should extend the hours so it feels like we have time. But, it's one of those early days so it can't be helped."

… They? What is she talking about?

"So. When does this gauntlet start?"

"The last time I was told, about a week now we are a few days short till then."

"That soon huh?" I was wondering why days ended a bit early. Maybe I'd ask at another time. "Well. Now that it's getting late, I'm about to head back to my cave." I said as I got up and stretched. I was surprised that I still could get stiffness even when I'm an alien death dragon.

"Wait!" Ember called out as I looked at her, "Why do you want to help me?" She asked.

"... To be honest, I don't know. But, I have a feeling that you could- no… can do it. A new way for the dragons. And I'm with you on it."

After that, she stared at me for a moment, wondering if she was going to say something else, "... Oookay. I'll be going then. See you around, Ember." I waved and start to fly off. I even followed down the river to get back to my cave.

Thinking back how Ember explained the Gauntlet of Fire, it made me think about what would happen if one of the dragons retrieve the scepter. It gave me chills to think about the future. But Ember, I can tell she could be a great leader. But there was another thought in my mind that had been bothering me...

What would happen if she couldn't get the scepter and I had to take it for her. What would happen at that point…?

Something Gooooood~.


Ember watched him fly away after she was unwilling to talk back, completely stunned by his answer. No one had ever sided with her unless they thought it could the favor of Dragon Lord Torch. Not one dragon had any real interest in her goals. This might be a great opportunity in getting the scepter with less stress. I guess I really need the help. But…

What would happen if he gets the scepter instead? What would he do with it? More importantly, how can I trust him…?

*Author's note*
What? Did you really think I'm gonna re-summarize the whole Gauntlet of Fire origins?

Apparently NOT!