• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 12,528 Views, 327 Comments

Dragonland's Fiercest and Fairest - JeromyTG2

If you happen to wake up and become one of the most deadliest Nintendo character, you better make your choices right.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Know Your Frienemies

Author's Note:

This one's a pain, and I am pissed it took this long...:flutterrage:


Oh! If you artists are intrested, I challenge you! And check my blogs for some updates and such.

Edited by Majestickfire9

The sudden freezing temperature forced me to open my eyes, all I see is pitch black darkness. No longer do I feel the crags on the cave floor, nor heat from the near flowing lava. I am once again floating in the dark. I am fully aware that I am dreaming, but this dream is too surreal to feel like one… I put my arms around me, a touch of feeling in my hands has brought me some joy that my original body has returned, but the cold temperature is becoming a constant pain. I feel like I have been tossed in a frozen tundra; until suddenly, a blue flame appeared in front of me. The light radiated a warm temperature that caused me to greedily chase after it, but I stopped. Because this flame looks really familiar and for sure it is not the first time.

"Hello again, my pet."

It's that voice again. And it came from the blue flame as it brightens every time it speaks.

"You! What the fuck do you want!?" I said backing away from the flame, but the air gets even colder.

"Don't worry my pet. I won't do anything to you."

"Fuck you! I'm no one's fucking pet!"

"... Then would it be better if I just call you, Jake?" she said teasingly.

"... w-why are you using my real name?"

"Well it is your name, yes?"

"Y-yeah. But-"

"But you just decided to use the name Ridley instead, just because you have become that dragon and 'Jake' is dead. Think about it, if Jake really is dead, would you be here now?"

I admit, she did make a very good point. But what good is it to listen to someone… or something tell you about yourself.

"Ugh. I just can't calm myself if I'm stuck in this gawd forsaken dream. I don't want to be stuck with you if you keep toying with me! I'm not a pet what you called me! I'm a human! Or at least I was. But coming from the one who gave me new life has given me nothing but torment everytime I sleep!" I barked, but I began to shiver more as it got even colder, "... rrgghh. Why is it so fucking cold here! Why can't I just wake up! Why can't I just be at peace and rest… I don't deserve this…" I said as warm tears welled up in my eyes as I realized that I may be stuck in this unknown purgatory.

I use my arms to cover over my head, shut my eyes tight, and curl myself like a ball wishing this nightmare would end. It felt like minutes and it's still quiet, but the air is still too cold until something warm has touched my skin. I took a peek to see where the warmth came from hoping to be the cave that I'm sleeping in, but no. It is that same blue flame glowing near me. I want to get away from it, but how can I escape it just to be warm.

"... If you let me warm you up, I promise to give you some answers." It said, which almost sounds like guilt coming from her. I'm not an expert on how people behave, but it sounds that she is trying to console me.

… But dammit! Why is it working?

"... Just be near, but not too close." I answered. The flame slowly floated closer, just enough distance between us. I hope she will now give me answers like she promised, "... Who are you and why did you bring me here?"

"I am called Mystica, a… spirit if you will.”

“A… spirit?”

“Yes. And as for why, when I was visiting your world sometime ago. I was curious about you humans. There are so many, and so different. Good, bad, and mostly chaotic." I couldn’t agree more with that answer, "Until one day, I happened to run into this community where there is a large crowd of humans gathering like there is some kind of event. It turns out, this event is about a game you all played." … wait a minute. Is she talking about- "Hmm… What is that game called again? Super Strike Bobbers?"

Oh GAWD! Just hearing is making me cringe! Dammit, why the hell am I a Grammar Nazi!

"... It's called 'Super Smash Brothers'." I muttered.

"Yes! That one! I did my own research, and goodness I was impressed! The idea to put iconic fictional characters from different series to put into one game and fight to the death? It's Brilliant!" She said, excitingly. Hearing this from her makes me think she sounded like a little kid, but beginning to think she isn't a bad person makes me even more anxious, "There is one character that I am most fascinated to and he has become my favorite!"

… ugh. Do I have to ask? "Who?"

"Why Ridley of course!"

"Really? Why?"

"Well there is one thing that he does most. Commitment!" To be honest, that is the weirdest answer for the space pirate commander, "I know he has failed and died every time from that ever so bounty hunter has come by, but he always comes back." Ever so? Probably not much of a Samus fan. "There are times where he is at the brink of death to some unknown genetic sorcery, but he always finds a way to live again and keeps on trying to achieve his goal. They all think he is just some kind of mindless killing machine, but this one has somewhat of a brain."

"Okay..., but how does all of this explain why I'm here?" I don't know how she keeps talking like a nerd and all, but I'm still not awake. Dreams don't usually last this long!

"Yes yes, I am getting to that." I had to roll my eyes, "One day, I decided to roam how your human schools operate differently, until I spotted one that seems so differently than the rest. Collage, if you may. They held this, 'Smash Brothers', event at a certain location in the school. I took a look inside and so many students are inside, rowdy as ever."

Hold on, could she be the one who...

"I had to watch from the crowd and see how this tournament was played." And she's not her… "Until, I saw you who played as Ridley and no one has ever played so expertly." Um… am I getting a compliment? "So then, until the finals, you emerge victorious. And I congratulate you for your effort."

"... Thanks."

"Yes, but after you head home after your victory party, with your friend to drag, I noticed something wrong in your establishment." She is about to talk about that very moment, and I don't want to hear it.

"No!" It was silent for a moment, "I'm fully aware of what happened. I don't need to hear the whole story."

"... I understand."

"Now tell me. Why me?" After the whole rundown on what she explained during her visit, now I will know the reason. I bet it is something like what she called me before. A pet. Or a toy. Or maybe even a-

"Because it is unfair."

"... w-what?"

"For someone like you to not just be really good at games, but the goals and accomplishments that you achieved on your own. But to lose everything, taken away from you by death, is not how I wanted to see the end of you. I just want to give you another chance." She said in a sympathetic tone.

Looking back, I had a goal in mind when I was in college and was about to graduate after another year. I didn't know what to do after that, after it was all taken away from me. Not only my well built education, but also my life. How will my family feel? I was their fist they say. First son, grandson, nephew, cousin… I can't imagine how devastated they are. They loved me, and I loved them. So much.

"I don't mean that I can bring you back to your world, or try to save you from that incident. But you must understand that there are laws between universes. If I happen to give one small tap in your world, and there would be an immediate distortion in reality, and it spreads like a virus. The only way to interact or touch is the soul." explained… Mystica. Hering her explanation made me understand her actions. It… pains her to see someone who had a future ahead of them. But it was all taken away.

"I'm so helpless when I watched you perish, I could have done something, but that would make the whole situation worse. You did not deserve it." She said. "And you're right, you deserve better…"

The blue flame glowed gently, my body started to warm up as the air no longer feels frigid as it turns into a warm spring temperature. It feels great.

"I am sorry, I should have treated you better. My own stupidity has blinded me to what you are. It's because I have never seen or have met a creature like you, there is none like you in this world. I got too excited and I deeply apologise."

Well, it's about damn time…

"Yes, but can you think of something more appropriate to say than that? It's very rude!"

Oh sh-...

"Umm… sorry." I spoke.

"That's okay." She chuckled amusingly. Well, I guess this solves the whole ghostly feel, but now about this darkness.

"So, Mystica?"


"Would it be alright if you turn on the-"


Bitch! That scared da fuck outta me! The loud bang echoed as if something big was trying to force its way in. I don't know what is out there, but I am too paranoid to know. Dammit, why can't I have nice dreams? This is the main reason why I sleep with a blanket over my head to avoid nightmares.

"Seriously!? She found me again? I'll have to find another way to hide. *sigh* Still as stubborn after all these years." Said Mystica.

"What was that? And who is she?"

"I am sorry Jake. But time is short. We will speak again, soon."

As she said that, the blue flame began to shine bright enough to go blind.

Damn. And I was hoping to have the light on this time.

It is early in the morning, the azure dragoness, Ember, is awake, and is about to prepare a task before the Gauntlet. And that is training. And she knows what to do when it involves a huge flock of dragons fighting their way to their prize. But in her mind she won't let that get in the way, not even her father would stop her. If only she could if she wasn't bound within her father's domain, all she does is curse her father under her breath. What is important right now is that she must both train and think of a plan. But this time, she has help. Someone who sees her vision as an exception and a possibility in her future. But still, she has an opportunity, but it can be a risk. She can't trust him yet. That is why she must train to overcome one more obstacle.

"Okay. Time to get to work." She said, before exiting out her cave and flew to one spot with crags and boulders. A perfect spot to hone her strength. But suddenly her body started to burn a little, then glowed.

"*sigh* Here we go…"

Morning has come and today is just weird. Right when I woke up, I noticed the lighting in my cave is color purple. I don't remember having another light source besides the flowing magma by my walls. I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles if I am just seeing things, but I noticed my hands are glowing, hell, my entire body is glowing. I rushed outside if there is any difference with the lighting yet I'm still glowing. Did I eat something?

"This is a whole new thing." I muttered, "I don't remember seeing Ridley's body glow, hell, I don't think he does at all. And why does my body feel like I have rashes all over!?" The problem is, I don't think dragons do get rashes.

What annoying feeling! Get rid of it!

"Oh great… that voice again."

This voice in my head came out of nowhere yesterday I wasn't too sure how this happened, but from what I can tell this is going to stay for some time.

Some time? More like forever!

Damn, not even my self-minded talk can keep this creep away, just who the hell is it?

I am you. And this is my body!

… Okay this is new. AND MY BODY IS STILL ITCHING!

While I was busy scratching myself (Oh wow… did I really just say that?), I heard and felt continuous rumblings out in the distance further in the lands. Sounds like something is causing a ruckus, and it's at a different location this time. I guess there is more to explore just to see even further in the Dragonlands. I would eat before I go, but this time I want to see if there are any more of those rock gems lying around. Hopefully They left a few for me at least.

We should go see what it is. Maybe more dragons to challenge? I'd be glad to tear them apart!

"WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!" I shouted, while holding and shaking my head, "Gawd! This is going to be a total pain with this fucker in my head. I gotta be careful how I talk to others." I then realized something, "And talking to myself is even more of a pain…"

My self-arguing ceased and I flew straight toward the source of the rumblings. Hopefully, this day could keep my mind in check without any interruptions.

"I hope Ember is around, she probably would know about this whole glowing thing. I hope this doesn't last long…"

It took me about 10 minutes to find what caused the small quakes. Some earthy smoke keeps erupting one spot then another causing some loud tremors. I swooped down as I landed smoothly, and observed the area. There are cliffs, crags, and fissures everywhere wondering if it was just an earthquake. But now that I think about it, I didn't feel the ground shake when I was at my cave so something around here is causing a ruckus. Also, I happen to see destroyed rocks and small craters around the place. Whatever was here, is not to be pissed with.

"Just what the hell is going on here?" I said silently, until the burning sensation on my scales acted up again and I start scratching, "*Rggh* Damn this!"

A sudden rock fell close to me which made me jump and I started to look around quickly to see where it came from. Another one fell behind me, this time a big one nearly crushed my tail. I looked up to see where the rocks came from and spotted another one coming over the small rocky mountain. Since there are rocks flying in one direction, this means someone is throwing them.

They dare try to stone us!? They will pay in blood for that!

Ignoring the voice in my head, I head out to see who is lobbying those rocks. I flew over the rocky mountain to see who's the dumbass blindly throwing them while avoiding the oncoming rocks. Just as I reached the top, I peeked over to see who was the culprit. And to my surprise it is none other than the blue dragoness herself, Ember, throwing large rocks and breathing fire at boulders to destroy. I can also see that she is glowing too.

"Oh, so she's the one throwing them. Helluva arm she's got." I muttered, "But she almost hit me with one, I should just warn her about-"

NO! She. Must. PAY! She will SUFFER!

For some reason, my body starts to feel differently aside from being itchy. I felt rage and malice flowing in my mind and body, a feeling much worse than raging at video games. No, this is hatred. But, I don't hate anybody so why am I feeling like this? Suddenly to my shock, my body began moving on its own like I'm on autopilot, I can barely feel the ground beneath my feet, and my vision darkened like I am half way unconscious. I see myself lifting a big rock over my head and slowly locked on to Ember as my target. But, I never want to hurt her.


I shouted and began to shake myself out of panic desperately trying to gain control. Seeing myself winding up was the last straw as I closed my eyes and shouted as my last resort.

She. Will. DIE!


Suddenly, I start to feel again and the weight of the rock I'm carrying over my head. I threw the rock on one side of the mountain, hard, hid myself and began to recover on what just happened to me. I panted from both fear and stress trying to think on what was going on. I just lost myself for a moment I nearly caused assault or hell, murder, I was close to pulling the trigger. But I wasn't myself! This… thing in my head, why is it there?

"Hey! You!" a voice called out, and I know for sure who, "Come on out! You got some nerve trying to throw that rock at me!"

The only thing that gets me shaken up right now is guilt, for now it's a good thing aside from what I was feeling before. I mentaly prepare myself, and choose my word carefully. I revealed myself and gave a sheepish wave to Ember.

"Come down here!" she demanded, giving that look on her face. That is the same look that your mother looks at you when you steal cookies from a jar. I don't know how, but for some reason she has a natural hack to it. I glided down and landed in front of her, still keeping the signature composure as I faced her, "Mind telling me why you threw that rock that was supposedly about to hit me?"

I can’t tell about the voice in my head, she may think I’m crazy. I could tell her that I wasn’t planning to aim at her, but we just partnered up yesterday, and she may not fully trust me. So, what I had to do is take the initiative.

“I was over that mountain,” I pointed, “I was just exploring the area and I was suddenly bombarded by large rocks that almost crushed me. So I thought, 'Who's the dipshit that's been throwing crap at me!?', so I decided to return one to the sender. And that sender is you!" I pointed to her, and I can easily see her eyes averting side to side, "Mind telling me why you're throwing those rocks, Dipshit?"

Ember looked at Ridley with a surprised expression hearing how he can talk like that to her. No one has ever talked to her that way before. He also blames her for throwing rocks at him, but she knew it wasn't her fault.

"Well, I was in the middle of training and you just happen to pass by accident, so it's not my fault that you happen to wander around here."

"You could have hurt someone." said Ridley. In Ember's mind, that is a good reason why she is at fault, but she won't admit her mistake. She walks to a near boulder to lean on her back.

"Yeah? Well it is not my fault," Ember shrugged like she hardly cares, "if they happen to be weak, it's on them. Probably some other drake like you try to sneak up on me to not let me get the chance. Once I get that scepter, I will be the one fixing your heads then." Hearing her talk like this is making the alien space dragon more peeved. He understands what her objective is, but with that attitude she is giving is not going to make her plan easier in the future.

"Including yours?" said Ridley crossing his arms, while Ember looked at him, irritated, "With that kind of behavior you are nowhere near to get what you want. Do you really think there are just strong dragons or creatures out there are as tough as you?"

He waited for her answer as she turned her head to her left and shrugged, "They will be fine. It's not like it could kill-"



Ridley aggressively rushed at Ember at her surprise, pinning her to the boulder, without touching her. He used his right hand just above her as his claws slowly crushing the boulder within his grip.

"You said you want to change the dragon's ways through friendship? Yet you talk about strength over mercy? That's not how it works!" calmly, he pushed himself away to give distance and spoke firmly, "Look, I get that you spend your time here for… who knows how long, but how you describe your ways does not work out there. You probably won't understand, but if you happen to meet someone that is not strong looking, you have to learn how to hold back and not jump into your brashness because of who you are. The whole world does not have a lot of strong people but show at least some humility on others who are not."

Ember looked at Ridley and gave some thought on what he said, and he was right. She has been living in the Dragonlands throughout her whole life, and knows nothing in the outside world. She even knew that ponies there are not fond of fighting territory or showing off their strength. If she really wants to put the Dragons in the right path, she must learn how to hold back. Even if they are showing off.

"You're… right." Said Ember, admittedly, "I don't know what the world is like out there. I should've thought this through before thinking about being the next dragon lord." she looked down somberly, "Maybe I am not cut out to be one…"

“Aaaand now you are just being stupid.” As Ridley said that, something inside Ember has flared her up intensely. In his mind he both regrettably and meant to say that to her. Ember slowly lifts her head, for some reason her crimson eyes start to glow, and glares at Ridley..

“... What did you just say?


Garble and his gang glide across the valley to find Ember to pay her back on what she did to them last time. He is planning to teach her a lesson, but his pals are having second thoughts.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Garble?” asked Charcoal, hesitantly.

“Of course!” answered Garble, “She still has to pay after what she did!”

“But what about Torch? What happens if he found out that we attacked his daughter?” asked Fume.

“Let’s just say a stray magma rock fell on her while she wasn’t looking. That big old kaiju wouldn’t even know if he cared.”

“Well I hope your plan works, it's a shame that Backdraft and Clump were in bad shape to help us, because of that one dragon they fought.”

“I was surprised they were beaten by just one dragon!" Said Charcoal, "I mean, those two are one heck of a team, but ran away? Maybe this guy is tough.”

“Please. That’s a load of crag!" Garble said in disbelief, "There is no way that those chunk-hides could possibly run from any drake. If this dragon is so special I would like to see this one put up a fight against Em-”


A loud roar echoed in the rocky valley, the three drakes wondered where it came from until their answer turned into a blast of rock and explosions. They see Ember in a very rampaging rage chasing the dragon in their surprise withholding his own against her wrath.

“Calm down dammit!” he called out to her while evading and blocking Ember's flurry of attacks.

The three drakes hid and watched the dragon princess's attack furiously at the strange dragon. They were not sure how he got on her bad side, and for sure they do not want to know.

“I’LL CALM DOWN UNTIL I GET MY CLAWS ON YOU!” Roared Ember as she continuously chased the dragon down further in the valley.

“... guys.” said Garble, quietly.

“Yeah?” bothe Fume and Charcoal answered.

“Is that the dragon you guys were talking about?”

“... maybe?”

In the red drake's mind, he smiled sinisterly, “I think I have a plan.”

I had no idea that this dragoness is packing this much power despite her size. Do others really look down at her because of that? Now I am starting to understand why she wants to be dragon lord, and why she wants to prove everyone wrong.


Crap! I completely forgot that I was avoiding her, but she caught me in the air while I was thinking. Both of us came crashing down as we tumbled and shattered some boulders along the way. In a nutshell, it hurt so fucking much. I guess shock is a universal damage dealer.

Both of us slowly stood up from our impact. I can see Ember getting up and keeping a straight face yet I noticed how little the pain it made her. I knelt back down from a sudden sprain in my right leg. I looked back at Ember to see the glow in her eyes and body that makes her look intimidating like she went super saiyan, (pretty sure its the glow) but knowing how much I can handle will give me some edge. She began to walk slowly while giving a menacing vibe. I have to explain to her why I called her dumb, before we get into another brawl.

We will tear her apart! And feed for us!

Shut up! You don't understand what is going on here!

"Ember, listen." She continued walking as I began to limp back, "There is a good reason why I called you dumb." By surprise, she rushed at me and pinned me to the ground. I could push her away with ease, but this time I want to try something different.

"Shut up!" she shouted, "No one has ever spoken to me like that, but you of all dragons just say that in front of my face." she stomped her leg on my chest hard, and it hurt, "I thought we were allies until the gauntlet, but your stupidity ruins it all."

"But without my help," I struggled, I don't know how but her size really hides her true strength, "how will you accomplish your goal? And I only say it because you weren't seeing the picture here." seeing her face with all the rage tries to over take her, but then she asks…

"Then what!? What did I not see!?"

"Do you remember how we first met?"

Hiding behind the crags, the three drakes spied on both the princess and the strange dragon. Seeing Ember was on top pinning the purple dragon, and expecting to see what is going to happen next. And getting ready for their surprise attack.

"Wha-what's this got to do with it?" Ember asks.

"Do you normally greet other dragons like that, even if they are not from around here?" Ridley asks, feeling the pressure on his chest lessen.

"... No. Because other dragons always start fights just because I was in their territory. I sometimes start the fight because I just felt like it or I was bored. But, you were the first I met properly."

"So why didn't you attack me then?"

"I…" she gave some thought but became hesitant, "I don't know…"



Ridley's eye twitched a bit and quickly shook his head. "That's why you want to become, dragon lord." she looked at him in surprise, "Just like that, you decided to greet me with open arms and helped settle me here on this land. There were no fights, you only helped solve the issue, like how you helped me find gems that were hiding in rocks and how you showed me how dragons can eat gems. You help someone who was lost, and this was your first step."

As she heard his words, she gently stepped off, and Ridley began to sit up. Only to feel the stinging pain in his, so he shook it off.

"You said, 'you were not cut out to be dragon lord', I called you dumb because of it." she looked down in shame reflecting on what she said, "I only just helped to remind you how you will have a big impact in your goal. That is why I want to help you. To help guide you, and remind you of your mistakes to make them better." Ember instinctively held her left arm, and looked at me.

"You really think I can become, dragon lord?" She asks, giving that look. (You know, the 'do I look pretty look'.)

Damn. I didn't know she looked that cute.

"Y-yeah." He looked one side, trying not to stare at her too much. "But just know, like how you help and greet me. You can do the same with others. Big or small. They will know how great a leader you really are." Ember took a deep breath and smiled.

"You're right. You're totally right." she said as she offered her claw to help me up, "I'm… sorry for lashing out… and all."

Ridley appreciated the offer, but to keep an image of who he is, he just stood up on his own with a few sharp stings in his chest, "It's fine. And I'm sorry for calling you dumb."

He looks down at her, once again with an awkward silence, and goes with an honest question to break the ice, "So. Do other dragons think you are weak because of your size?"


"That makes sense." I said, impressed, "I am amazed at how strong you are despite your size. You really are amazing."

Ember looked at Ridley in shock. Hearing it seemed alien, but she had never been praised by anyone before. To her, it almost sounds nice.

"Uhh… y-yeah. T-thanks." Ember answered as she fidgeted a little. "I… I'm sorry… for my… actions."

Could have said, about hurting me, but I'll take it.

"Again, I'm sorry too." He smiled, "You know, with all this fighting, one of us would have been dead."

"One of us?" Ember raised her brow, "I think you were the one who's almost dead."

"Yeah? Well, I was going easy on you."

Actually, she would fucking kill me!

"Yeah right! I would have totally had you beat if you weren't running away!"

"I wasn't running," I was. "I was just… uhh… testing your stuff. Yeah. You did okay." He said.

"Test my- what do you mean okay?"

"Your aim was way off." he deadpanned.

"WHAT! It was off because you keep avoiding my fire breaths! I would be better if you…"

Ember stopped confusingly as she saw Ridley laughing out of nowhere. She begins to see this as a mock, but as he stops…

"Heh heh. I'm sorry. You are just too fun to tease. But hey, I needed that kind of spar so thanks." Ember really didn't think how he could joke at something after they fought. She is not sure how, but this dragon is someone she could get along.

"No problem." she said, as she socked his left arm.

"Oww! What was that for?"


They both stared at each other a bit until they both began to laugh at their own antics. Unknown to them, three teenage drakes spied and wondered how and why are they getting along.

"Huh? What's going on?" asked Garble.

"Why are they not fighting anymore?" asked Fume.

"Are they laughing?" asked Charcoal.

All three drakes are confused and not sure how to react to the outcome from the battle they were spectating. They have never seen how one dragon behaves to the other in a nonviolent manner.

"They don't look like they are screaming at each other." said Fume.

"And I thought things were getting interesting as she pinned him to the ground." said Charcoal.

"Ugh. I know what this is." said Garble, in disgust.

"You do?" both said.

"They are both being all buddy buddy, kinda like how those stinkin' ponies get along. All that friendship and stuff."

Charcoal and Fume looked at each other and began to wonder if Garble was serious.

"Yeah. That whole friend thing or whatever seems pretty icky to me. I wouldn't want to get near anyone involving that."

"But not us…"

"... right?"

Both Charcoal and Fume, almost understood what Garble was talking about, but they believe how he says it is irrelevant as how they are as a group.

"Oh! No! That's different! You guys are my pals, we don't do all the frilly stuff the ponies do. We do what we dragons do!"

The other two drakes are even more confused at his explanation, and wonder what 'dragons do'.

"And that is…?" They both asked.

"... L-let's just get down there and mess with them!" shouted Garble, as he glided his way as his 'pals' followed behind to the princess and stranger.

Ember and Ridley are having a fun conversation about their early roughhousing, until they heard some flapping and looked at who it was. Ridley spotted the three drakes each with their unique respective colors. He even wondered if some dragons here really are multicolored. Ember on the other hand, is having an irrational mood as she spotted who it is.

"Well well well." began Garble in mock, "If it isn't the Little Princess."

"Rrrgh. What do you want, Garble?" muttered Ember.

"Just came to see how you've been up too. Gotta make sure our princess isn't getting herself into trouble."

In Ridley's perspective, he can easily tell that they are just stuck up teenagers. He remembered those days how he used to live like one back when he was human. Out of his thought, he looked at the young red drake who was still mocking her in some annoyance.

"- you don't need your daddy to kiss your booboo?" he continued. At this point, Ember looks like she was about to explode, but Ridley decides to step in and end this childish behavior.

"I think that's enough." He said.

"Or what?"

"You look like you haven't eaten for months." said Fume.

"Are you going to shut us up or else you'll eat us?" said Charcoal.

"I'm saying you are all acting like children, bullying is something I don't like." said Ridley, "Just because you flaunt your ego doesn't mean you can pick on someone."

"Then make me bone head!" Garble walked up and shoved, Ridley.

"*sigh*" he nodded his head negatively, "Look, I don't want any trouble."

"Like what you did to Clump and Backdraft?" said Fume.

"You gonna mess us up like them?" said Charcoal, "We don't go down easy like those fat flanks." They all continued to push him until he's at his patience, until the voice in his head began to rage.

They have no idea what they are provoking. I think it is time that I teach these brats a lesson.

No! I just need to-

Silence! Your way is far from reason to these three. I will just take over and show you how to deal against some… vexatious teenagers.

W-what… what are you-

"Ha! He's not even fighting back." said Garble, "I don't know how he defeated Clump and Backdraft but he is just wea-ACK!" Garble's claw was being crushed by Ridley, while having the sadistic grin on his face. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE! HELP ME!"

He called out as his two friends rushed to them, until Ridley lifted the red drake and swung him at his friends and released him as they flew to a nearby boulder. Both were at daze and shocked to see this boney dragon with such surprising strength, but this won't stop them as they begin to retaliate.

"*rrggh* Okay you're strong," Garble recovered, while him and his friends stood up, "but are you tough? Charcoal! Fume! Flank him!"

Three drakes fly in the air at a triangular position and inhale their breaths and spat their strong stream of fire at the space pirate commander, causing an explosion by their combined power. Ember, who is watching from the side, knows she won't interfere when it involves Ridley. She saw his strength the other day and she knows what he is capable of. But knowing Garble and his gang, they may have the upper hand in numbers.

"Ha! He just took it!" chant Garble, "I knew he couldn't move away in time. That's what he gets trying to mess with us."

"Yeah! I knew he was just a fluke!" said Fume.

"Who knew he was just showing off his strong side!" said Charcoal, "That bone head didn't stand a chance!"

Garble looked at Ember to boast his result, "You see that, Ember! Your boney friend is nothing but fried… uhh… what are you looking at?" He questioned seeing that Ember is looking at someone in the sky.

"Your mistake." she replied.


"Mistake? Did you think we missed?"


"Yes. But I should tell you one thing."


"You're all alone…"

A deep hissing voice came from behind the red drake as he turned and looked in shock as he saw his two friends limped in his grasp and badly wounded.

"Wha-what! How did you…"

"You were too busy boasting at her that you didn't realize that I went to pave some land around here. And your friends were a big help."

"Y-y-y-you BASTARD!"

Garble rushed at the space dragon in blind rage as Ridley knows what it's to come. He dropped the two teenage drakes that were in his claws and immediately rushed towards the red drake at high speed. Just fast enough that to Garble's fear he is already to his face, until he is grabbed by the face as his body is now dragged down to the ground creating a crater. Ember, who is watching from the side, is beginning to see that something is off about Ridley's tone and behavior that she realized all too well what it is. She must stop this or else he will make more damage if this keeps up.

"You have lacked discipline," he said, letting go of Garble's head and looking below him, "no training, no manners. You lot called yourselves strong? You three couldn't even handle one dragon yet look at you now."

"Ridley!" called Ember, coming from behind, "I think that is enough." she placed her left claw on his back, "They all learned their lesson. So calm down."


"I SAY WHEN IT… Is… enough…"

… What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do!

She was interfering, it is her fault that-


*something breaks*


Ridley, now realizing what he did, he saw Ember who was knocked back at a large boulder leaving a large crack behind her. Ember stood up, clutching her arm, and looking back at him with eyes of worry.

"I… I…"

"Ridley, wait! It's not your fau-"


With that, Ridley took off in the air and headed to the direction where his cave lies. Ember stared at the direction where he flew, slowly disappearing in the distance, with concern. She knew that it was not his intention to harm her, seeing his face told her that. With that scene she saw how Ridley behaved, she knew well that there are certain dragons that can be blinded by a curse that some dragons can't control over.

Foul Pride…

. . .

In Garble's view, he was in shock. He had no idea what he just provoked and it took down both of his friends and him. The strength he felt from the stranger had him surprised as well as his speed. He couldn't believe it but he admits that he was underestimated by his appearance that hides his strength. Yet another thing in mind is that he lectured him and humiliated him. An action he will not let go.

"You have no idea what you are up against. Wait until Torch hears about this, he too would like to teach you a lesson." He said as he stood up, and flew away to the dragon lord's den.

"... Did he just leave?" Croaked Fume.

"Yeah… he did…" moaned Charcoal.

"Some friend he is…"

"You can say that again…"

Ridley returns to his land only to fall on his claws and knees and begin to remember what he has done. All the actions he did today was nothing compared to what he did at the pond. He realized that this is something that made him lose control against his will. He can't think what to explain or define about his actions, not after what he did to Ember.

"I can't believe it." he muttered, "I can't believe I did that. Why didn't I stop myself? I hurt her because of it. Just what the fuck is going on with me!" He clenched his head with his claws until the voice echoed his head again.

You should have let me finish.


If it weren't for that blue drake I would have given a message they will surely remember.

"YOU FUCKING SHUT UP! This wouldn't happen if you just-"


"YOU HURT EMBER YOU DERANGED PILLOCK!" he shouted, "Because of you, it makes me look like a bad guy!"

Aren't we already one?

Just as he said that, he made a valid point. He walks to a nearby small pond and looks at his reflection, replaying in his mind with the discussion in his head, thinking what he should believe what he is. But then he thought back when he had a chat with Mystica, gave a real answer.

"... you're right. I am one. But, I am still me, and I won't let myself be blinded to avoid hurting anyone else."

*thc* How annoying. You keep telling yourself that, but you will soon see why you will be needing me.

"And I will be waiting for it. I'm not sure when, but I will try to prepare myself for it."

And with that, the voice went silent as Ridley grinned a bit. He thought about how he should fight against the violent urges that he has done and quickly thought of a similar solution to control himself.

Hmm… Maybe I should try to strengthen my mentality. Like how Ryu tries to suppress the Satsui no Hado. I'm not sure if it will work… or better yet, I don't know if it will work, but I just gotta try. Heh. Reincarnated to another world and I am already cursed. Scary, but exciting. What the fuck is wrong me…

He shook his head in amusement, until his stomach gave a loud growl.

"Ah shit! I haven't eaten the whole day! Ugh. I didn't check to find more gems, but I am not going to hog my stash now. Guess I'll take a quick trip to the pond and get some fish. I'm starting to crave some now."

Ridley flew in the air and followed the nearby river to retrace his desired location.

"... How should I apologise to Ember? I got to think of a way to make up for what I did." sharp stings suddenly envelop his body and glows brighter, causing him to nearly crash, "Dammit! WHY THE FUCK AM I STILL ITCHING!!!"