• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 6,802 Views, 148 Comments

The Soldier From The Stars, The Green Lantern Of Equestria - biznizz

An exiled Emerald Warrior, the likes of which hasn't been seen in ages comes to Equestria.

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"Fellow Guardians, I must implore you to reconsider. Lantern 2814.1... no, Hal Jordan does not warrant such harsh punishment as this!"
"What would you have us do, Ganthet? Do you understand the consequences of what Lantern Jordan has done?"
"I must agree. If this... incident were to prove one thing, it is that the Corps still have many enemies, too close to us than we'd like, that could use this information to harm it... Atrocitus... Sinestro... the Zamarons! Need I go on!
"Harm the Corps? Or harm this Council?"
"You speak out of line Sayd. We ARE the Corps. Without us, the chaos that plagues this universe would unchecked..."
"Enough! Ganthet... you cannot keep delaying this judgment, action must be taken sooner rather than later. We have all agreed that mere imprisionment is not suitable for punishment and an execution could... No, it WOULD cause an uproar we could not contain amongst Jordan's supporters. We cannot simply just strip him of his ring and return him to Earth! The Source Wall is our only choice to ensure that this does not get out!"
"But it is not right Appa! Imprisonment in the Source Wall... that is the fate of fallen Gods and conquerors who believe themselves right to know the secrets of the universe... It is not right for a loyal warrior who did what any loyal Lantern would have done!"
"Then what, pray tell, would you have us do Ganthet?"
"....I propose banishment."
"To where? There is no place in this universe that we..."
"Appa! I believe I know what Ganthet is thinking. One of the Sovereign Systems, yes?"
"Yes. And I have a place in mind that we could send Jordan to that will allow him some comfort. Provided that their rulers are still willing to speak to us after five thousand years..."
"Five... No! Ganthet, I know where you are talking about! Those fools would never...!"
"Fools, Herupa? I would not call them such merely because they refused our protection. They merely have the power to protect themselves. Few places in this universe can claim that."
"Exactly, Ganthet! They refused protection, why would those isolationists claim a refugee, an alien, to live amongst them!"
"We shall not know until we ask! It is better there than some diseased pit in the Vega System!"
"ENOUGH! We shall put it to a vote."
"Very well, the majority rules: former Lantern 2814.1, Hal Jordan, will be sent to Equis... provided they accept him."
"I believe they will. Brothers and sisters, you may forget, but long ago, I was one of the ambassadors sent to speak to the royalty. For whatever it is worth, they do have kind hearts. I believe they will not turn away a life if it truly needs help."
"But we still must ask them first, Ganthet. What would be the appropriate way to contact them?"
"Hal Jordan will accompany me to visit them. WITH the Honor Guard of course, for protection. There, I will make a case for him."
"You coddle these humans too much Ganthet."
"Maybe I do Herupa. But even ignoring his previous service... you cannot deny the fact that if it were not for Hal Jordan... none of us would be here today."
.....WE AGREE.


[Three Standard Equestrian Days Prior]

It was night time in the regal city of Canterlot. Although not nearly as lively as it was during the day, it was undeniable that after hours the city had a new life of it's own. It was something that Luna, the Princess of the Night, was still suprised about; all the years prior to her banishment, she had felt that nopony had appreciated the night that she worked so hard to create. The dark blue alicorn stood on the balcony adjacent to her room and looked down at the light filled city, her silver clad hooves on the railing.

"What differences a thousand years can truly make..." she quietly said to herself. However, her pondering had not gone unheard as she heard a giggle behind her.

"The march of progress truly is amazing sometimes little sister. Indeed moreso when you take it all in at once," said a warm voice that Luna knew all too well. She turned around to see her older sister, Celestia, walking onto the balcony to join her in her sightseeing.

"I hope you don't mind. I DID knock and was a little concerned when you didn't respond," Celestia stated, preempting Luna's question of why she was in her room unannounced. Luna did understand, she had been lost in her thoughts for quite awhile.

"Yes, it can be overwhelming at times. You truly are fortunate Celestia. You were able to adjust to all this as it happened..." Luna began to say before realizing her error. Indeed, Celestia's face fell and a pained look overcame her visage. "Oh, Tia... I didn't mean..."

It had been quite a while since the return of Nightmare Moon and Luna's resolution with her older sister, but the scars still ran deep; not only for Luna, but for Celestia as well. Luna knew full well that Celestia practically ripped her heart out when she had to banish her, as Nightmare Moon, to the moon and seal her for a thousand years and had long since forgiven her. However, her sister refused to let the guilt go.

"I know Luna... it's just that it was still so much time we had to be apart. So much time wasted..." Celestia said forelornly as she walked up and looked at her sister's moon. As the gentle light washed across her beautiful white coat, her mind drifted back and remembered all the nights when she would look at the moon and weep for her sister. Luna set her forelegs down and walked over to her sister, placing a hoof onto her shoulder in an effort to comfort her. Celestia looked at her baby sister and the small smile that adorned her face, a smile that quickly spread to her own.

It seemed like only yesterday when her faithful student Twilight Sparkle and her new friends used the Elements of Harmony and saved Luna from herself; Luna looked so much younger than she really was, due to her magic being reduced after being purified. It had taken months for Luna's magic to gradually return and allow her to resemble her true self: not a young filly like she had been so many centuries ago, but the strong mare that stood alongside Celestia on the white marble of the balcony.

"I was thinking about how much Equestria has changed... not just in a thousand years, but from our foalhoods Tia," Luna exclaimed, in a not-so-subtle attempt to change the subject. It was partially the truth; she HAD been thinking about it... a few hours ago, when her speech lesson had ended and her... "teacher", a very nice mare from Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns, had left and Luna was still reeling on how improper language had gotten over time. "Could you imagine if all this was around when we were fillies? We wouldn't have known what to do with ourselves!"

Celestia sat down, deep in thought as she twirled a lock of her flowing multicolored hair around her right forehoof. Luna was right: if the two had seen Equestria as it was today when they were young, she had no doubt that their heads would explode. She giggled at the mental image and looked over at her sister who had also just taken a seat.

"No doubt that, if my memory is correct, we would get into all sorts of trouble, but could you just image how mother and father would act?" Celestia replied. Luna took a hoof and placed it to her chin as she thought, rather than her flowing midnight sky hair.

"No doubt they would explode from the sight of it all... Twice!" both sisters exclaimed loudly in unison. The two regal sisters then began to laugh in a most UN-princess like manner, something that no doubt their parents would also have disapproved of. Their parents, the Royal Highnesses King Chronos & Queen Gaia, were ridicuously rigid, even back when they were children; even when they had abdicated their thrones for their daughters and were about to climb the Golden Steps to the Higher Reality, they had warned about the consequences of letting things get too relaxed amongst the commoners.

Celestia & Luna's laughter eventually subsided and they both stood back up. Although they didn't say anything, the look they saw on the other's face said it all: that for all the flaws they had (and there were plenty), they still missed their parents, despite their ascention being a good thing.

They began to walk back into Luna's room, with Celestia about to bid Luna a good night as she had originally intended to do, when a strange green light suddenly appeared in the night sky unnoticed by the sisters. Only when it came into a closer proximity to the moon did Luna notice something was amiss. She had barely turned around with Celestia noticing Luna's movements did the light appoach Canterlot Castle... or more specifically, Luna's balcony. A brief, but intense green light the area and just as quickly died downwhen the sisters looked at the source, they saw an unusual, but not unfamilar sight.

The unannounced visitor stood on the railing of the balcony, or rather hovered just above it. Clad in red & white robes with a green symbol on the white of the front, it's blue skin & white mane clad in a ponytail stood out from it's attire. It took a five fingered hand and adjusted it's robes around it's arms; the creature's legs were hidden by the robe. And although it stood no taller than most of the ponies living in Equestria standing on all fours, the visitor exhalted power and presence that Celestia & Luna had only seen once before in their lives.

"WHO DARES BE SO BRAZEN TO ARRIVE BEFORE US LIKE THIS... IN OUR OWN BEDROOM NO LESS! Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice, forgetting her speech lessons in her panic. She could not remember clearly why she felt the figure was familiar, but she DID remember this power and a... fear? Her father using his Voice? The figure looked over at the two ponies, and a smile adorned his face before he bowed and began to speak.

"Greetings, fair rulers of Equis. Forgive me for the unannounced visit, but I need to speak with you urgently." Both sisters were shocked at the sight, but were also confused at the name it used. Luna was still trying to figure out what was going on when Celestia stepped forward to the visitor, now knowing what was going on.

"You need not bow before us, Guardian, nor be so formal," Celestia stated in a warm voice. The Guardian stood up from his bow and hovered himself down from the railing down to the marble floor of the balcony. "And this planet hasn't been called Equis for thousands of years. Today, it is called 'Pax Harmonia'. My sister & myself thought it to be horribly elitist to name the world after just our species." The Guardian nodded his head and was about to speak again when the three were interrupted. The castle guards & Luna's personal Nightguards had quickly arrived from the bedroom entrance and the air around the balcony, weapons at the ready to protect the princesses from the intruder.

"Guards. Stand down. This man is our guest," Celestia ordered without a beat. The guards quickly looked at the Princess, then to the small being before them and then to Luna; they could not take a chance that Celestia may be under some enchantment from the being. Luna looked over to her sister, an apprehensive look in her face; Celestia looked back, closed her eyes & nodded, telling Luna that they would be fine.

"THANK... thank you for the swift response. We shall be fine with our... guest here. You are relieved," Luna assured the skeptical guards. They bat-pegasi looked at each other and nodded, saluting the Lunar princess as they flew away... though not too far away; the unicorn guards at the door also saluted and closed the door, leaving the princesses with the small being.

"Thank you," the Guardian spoke. "I did not mean to startle you like I have done. But time is of the essence and I must speak with you." Luna looked at her sister and the visitor, unsure as to why they were getting along so well; surely Tia would remember what she did about him... right?

"Celestia... Do you know this being?" Luna asked. Celestia looked unsurprised at her sister's query, it had been a long, long time since a Guardian had last graced their planet and even though Luna was there as she was, she was very young and most likely wouldn't have remembered.

"Yes, I do know of him," Celestia explained. "This is one of the Guardians of the Universe. They lead a guard called the Green Lanterns to protect other worlds and fight against the evils of the universe." The Guardian moved forward towards the two, outstretching his hand to create a construct of the universe of green light.

"We watch over the universe with and direct our Lanterns, our guards, to any serious crisis which may occur. They otherwise watch over their sector of space and uphold justice. We have divided the universe up into 3600 sectors with two Lanterns in each sector... usually," the Guardian explained to the younger princess, changing his model as needed before letting it rest on Lantern Kilowog to illustrate what a Green Lantern generally looked like. "We have maintained our vigil for billions of years."

Luna's eyes widened. This Guardian... if he was to be believed, and apparently Tia did so, he was so much older than she had thought! "If... you are telling the truth...," Luna began, swallowing her discomfort in an attempt to hold a higher ground, "then why have we not seen any of these... Lanterns... before?" Celestia closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she thought of a more eloquent way to answer her sister.

"The Lanterns have been here before, during our parents' reign, Lulu," Celestia began, looking somewhat ashamed, "Our father thought they were the harbingers of an invasion and detained one of them. One of the Guardians and a fleet of Lanterns had to come here and words were used. Royal Canterlot Words." To Luna, this seemed very familiar and appeared to match with what little her memory could be trusted. "You were so afraid of father after the fact, you hid from him for about a month!" Yes, it definitely matched up. "The 'agreement' that father came up with was that for the release of the captive Lantern, the Guardians would declare our star system off limits to any 'outsiders'."

'That definitely sounds like father,' Luna thought to herself, embarassement at her father's actions overcoming her. But to her, and Celestia's, surprised, the Guardian began to chuckle, slowly shaking his head with his eyes closed.

"Yes, I remember we had to give some relief for several of the Lanterns who were there. Even I had a hard time hearing for some time afterwards," the Guardian reminiscenced, like it was just a mere disagreement rather than a one way shouting match that had left Chronos without a voice for a week. The Guardian stopped shaking his head and opened an eye to observe the princesses, reading what they were about to ask next. "And yes, I am the Guardian who was there." The smile on his face widened, "I remember when you two were much shorter and we could see eye to eye." Even Luna, who was the smaller of the two sisters, towered over the Guardian. "Please forgive my rudeness, I forgot to formerly introduce myself: my name is Ganthet."

After the sisters had followed suit, Celestia asked Ganthet if he was there to renegotiate with them to remove the Celestia System's "Unprotected" status. Ganthet's smile quickly faded, he knew that it was time to be serious: Hal Jordan's life depended on him.

"You may keep your sovereign status, Princess Celestia. In fact, that status is why I'm here. My reason for coming here is much more personal... a life hangs in the balance," Ganthet spoke with a serious tone. Celestia & Luna stiffened, not expecting Ganthet to sound so somber. "Are you familiar with the species call humanity, your majesties?"

The question took them aback and they looked at each other, wondering where this line of questioning was going.

"Yes. In a way," Luna replied. "Humans are mythological creatures in this land. They were said to have once inhabited the world long before Equestria was founded. Even before our parents, the former King and Queen were born." Ganthet listened, knowing this from experience. When he had first met Chronos & Gaia, they had asked him if he was a human, and had relatively relaxed when he had said no.

"They may be creatures of myth on this world, but I can assure you this: humans are indeed real," explained Ganthet, hoping to connect the dots better as Celestia & Luna gasped at this revelation. "And not only are they real, but in recent years, several of them have made many impacts amongst the Corps and my fellow Guardians. Some good... and some bad. When I explained that each sector has two Lanterns to protect it, I said usually. The reason is that the sector that the human homeworld, Earth, is located in, there are four Lanterns. All of them human."

Celestia & Luna looked at each other, not knowing how to take this, but Ganthet was not finished. "It is not what you think. Each of the humans have since proven themselves to be amongst some of the greatest of Lanterns. They have helped save the Corps, and indeed the universe many times over... and that is where the problem begins." Ganthet turned his back to the Princesses and floated back out to the balcony, looking at the moon. "I shall spare you all of the details, but a great deal of things have happened to our Corps. Enemies changing, sometimes becoming dark reflections of ourselves. But we have endured, our Emerald Warriors preservering under the pressure of insurmountable odds with no little thanks to our human Lanterns Rayner, Stewart, Gardner... and Jordan." Ganthet turned around and once again moved closer to the princesses.

"A few days ago... we faced yet another crisis. My fellow Guardians and myself were at the mercy of an old foe, one who had long haunted us. The Corps was is disarray, and in the final battle... Lantern Jordan... ended our foe. Permanently."

The two mares closed their eyes and understood. Luna, despite the fact she had just barely learned of the Green Lanterns, knew full well that in times of battle, sometimes lives had to be taken... or lost. But... "But then what is the problem then, Lord Ganthet?" Luna asked. Celestia nodded, also confused about Ganthet's urgency. "Surely," Luna continued, "wouldn't he be thanked for his actions?"

Ganthet looked down, unable to look the princesses in the eye yet again. "You do not know. For most of the Corps' history, using their weapon to kill was forbidden. But in recent years, that law was relaxed. The problem isn't that Lantern Jordan killed... but rather WHO he killed. And in accordence to our laws, he must be punished: exile from Guardian space... or death."

Celestia and Luna said nothing.

"Earth is in Guardian space, so we cannot even return him to his home and there are too many in the Corps who would and have died for him. Jordan's fate is looking more grim; the last discussion I had with my fellow Guardians... there was even talk of sealing him withing the Source Wall, the barrier between this universe... and the next."

Celestia stepped forward and as she did, Ganthet looked up to stare into her eyes. She asked, "And what could we do to help your friend? I believe I know what you are after... you wish to keep him here, in a system where Guardian influence is nonexistent." Ganthet did nothing more but gently nod his head in answer.

Luna had enough. She walked over to the small Guardian and demanded a real answer, "If you expect us to allow house your... human... then we demand a proper answer. No, I mean it Celestia!" Celestia tried to calm her sister down, but Luna waved her off. "If he did his duty fair and proper, then why would he be punished? And why would you, of all beings care! You would still have other humans in your army." Celestia stared daggers at her baby sister, but Luna did not flinch as she continued to stare into Ganthet's eyes.

Ganthet looked back and great shame washed over his face as he, an immortal, struggled to answer. "The truth is... when Jordan fell Kr... our foe, he did something his ring, his weapon, wasn't programmed to do. Each ring is based on our designs, Guardian designs, yet this human... broke a safeguard we had put in. Our rings are made of a special metal, forged from the purest emotion of will. Ever since our Corps' founding, none have had more will than the Guardians, but... For even the briefest of moments, Jordan had greater will than any of us. And... my fellow Guardians, though they would never admit it... are afraid of this fact."

Luna's mouth slightly opened, as if to speak but Ganthet continued, "My people... including myself sought to rid ourselves of emotions long ago. We had said that they were a burden, distractions from our purpose at best, the cause of the evils of the universe at worst... We had agreed this was true. I agreed it was true.We had gone so far as to cast off our old names to rid ourselves of emotion. But when Abin Sur's ring came to this human... a being who questioned us when we did something he felt was wrong, I began to... feel again. Some of us began to retake our old names... I found love with a fellow Guardian... All of our human Lanterns contributed, but it was Jordan who started it." Luna watched as the Guardian poured out emotion he hadn't felt in millenia. "It thanks to Jordan and his fellow humans in green that I feel hope again."

Luna looked over at Celestia and motioned with her eyes to follow her into the bedroom. Once both sisters were inside, Luna cast a barrier to keep Ganthet from overhearing their discussion. Ganthet waited patiently; he had several ways of listening to the conversation, but chose out of respect to not use them.

After a few minutes, the barrier faded and the princesses walked back out to the balcony and Ganthet. Celestia walked forward and spoke in the voice that she ususally held for official decrees. Appropriate, since this decision truly was one. "After conferring with my fellow ruler, Princess Luna," Celestia began, looking over at her sister briefly before turning her head back to Ganthet, "we have come to a consensus. We have decided that we are willing to consider opening our doors to a life in need of help." At this news, Ganthet began to smile.

"However!" Luna stepped forward, now in line with her sister, "we would like to meet with this human. For the safety and security of our subjects, we would speak to him before we make our final judgment. But if he truly is as you describe, a fair and just being... we would be glad to officially welcome him in and place him under our protection. Does this sound fair to you, Guardian Ganthet?" Ganthet nodded and began to rise, a green light emerging from his being.

"More than fair, your majesties. Thank you. I shall go and discuss bringing Jordan here to Pax Harmonia as an alternative and bring him here with in a local week," Ganthet thanked with his smile still on his face. For the final time this night, Celestia and Luna were surprised at the Guardian's words, a fact he caught on quickly. "As I'm sure you are aware, Princesses, when you live as long as we do, when it comes to politics, it's best to make sure your options are truly open before you consider using them. And don't worry, I shall send a more advance warning when I return. Until then..." Ganthet put his hands in their sleeves and bowed.

Celestia and Luna returned the bow and Ganthet shot off into the night sky in another brief but bright green flash and was gone as suddenly as he had arrived. Looking at each other, Celestia & Luna walked back into Luna's bedroom and closed the windowed doors that led to the balcony. Celestia bid Luna a good night and left her to refocus on raising the moon to keep on it's schedule. As Celestia walked into the Hall and began heading towards her own bedchambers, Shining Armor rushed up to her side.

"Princess! Forgive me for the delay, I only received the news of the intruder from the Commander Swift after you had ordered the guards out. Are you and your sister alright? There was another green flash just now. Is the intruder..." Shining began, before Celestia took her hoof out to calm down her captain of the guards.

"Yes, our guest is gone. And he apologized for his sudden appearance. He will send word next time he comes to visit... which will be later this week. In the morning, I want you to gather your command. I shall brief you on the details then," Celestia explained, trying to calm down Shining. "But for now...," Celestia yawned, "I would like to get some rest before I raise the sun. Shining Armor, until then you are relieved. Go home to Cadence, any questions will be answered at the briefing." Shining Armor, unsatisfied but following orders, gave a salute and began to walk away.

"There is one thing I can tell you, Captain," Celestia called to the retreating pony, who looked back at her. "Our guest has a quality that I'm sure you can admire greatly: like you, he is a real father to his men." At that, Celestia turned and began to head to her room once more, leaving Shining Armor with one less question... but several more to take it's place.