• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 6,809 Views, 148 Comments

The Soldier From The Stars, The Green Lantern Of Equestria - biznizz

An exiled Emerald Warrior, the likes of which hasn't been seen in ages comes to Equestria.

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3.5. Secret Files & Origins 1

To The Royal Highnesses, Princess Celestia & Princess Luna,

Hello, this is Hal Jordan corresponding. Due to the language barrier, Twilight is doing the actual writing while I dictate what I'm saying. I've got to admit, this is the first time in a while I've dealt in writing letters to others.

In the three days since we last met and I moved into town, I'm still getting adjusted to not only your country, but also civilian life. I've got to say, even though I am grateful about it, I find it a bit strange just how comfortable everyone is with an alien living with them in town. I've been through this scenario on the other side and even after the initial excitement wore off, there were still a great interest involved for quite some time. It looks like your recommendation on me certainly goes a long way with your subjects.

There were a few hiccups along the way; the mayor got a little overzealous about trying to make me comfortable and basically strong-armed the town into staying away from me on the first day. I've had a talk with her and informed her that I didn't need to have my hand held and have the town worried about overwhelming me.

Pinkie did throw me a party, which I've got to admit was very nice. I wasn't able to remember the names of each of the dozens of ponies I met that night, but I'm sure I'll get to know them better as time goes on. At the end of the night, I was glad that Mayor Mare arranged for a bed delivery, because I was out like a light.

Staying with Twilight & Spike has been good so far, but I would like a place of my own sometime in the near future. I got a very unwelcome surprise yesterday when awoke to find Twilight's owl at the foot of my bed. I know Twilight has already written to you and detailed this incident, but I must insist that I DID NOT yelp, but rather gave a Tamaranian war cry to induce confusion. Again, that is what happened.

Ponyville is certainly filled with some unusual characters, to say the least. My first day here, I've met three very interesting mares who'd been following me around since I literally stepped off the train. Eventually I did become aware of them and we talked face to face. Two of them, who are friends named Bon Bon & Lyra, have been living in town for some time, while the third, Dawn, is a traveler who was on layover and heard about my then-upcoming arrival. She didn't really talk about herself that much, but she seemed cool. She left shortly after I met her, but promised to visit again soon.

I've seen a bit of the town and the area around it, and I've seen where most of Twilight's friends live. I still haven't really gotten to know them very well, but it has only been a few days since I first met them anyway.

Rarity managed to make me some new clothes and, for a first time working with a completely different species, I've got to give some kudos; they're pretty good. Applejack is pretty down to earth. I've only seen her farm once, but it looks pretty good for a small, family run place.

Rainbow Dash is just so precious; trying way too hard to impress me with her stunts. She keeps telling me that she's going to show me her best trick, a Sonic Rainboom, soon. It's almost cute how she much she thinks I have to be impressed with her, but she's got some guts and I can respect that.

Pinkie Pie can be exhausting, emotionally & physically. I've been to her job, baking at Sugarcube Corner, and I've got to say: it's down right eerie just how accurate the desserts there match up with ones back home. I've gotten to know her bosses, the Cake family, and again, I'll give all my kudos on them for keeping up with her.

Fluttershy, however, I still don't really know too much about, other than she's an animal caretaker. I think she's still intimidated by me, which I'm honestly not trying to do. We still haven't really found any common ground, I guess.

I guess that's pretty much it. I hope you both are doing well, & hope you give my best to Shining.

Until later,

Hal Jordan


To Princess Celestia & Princess Luna,

I've been talking with Twilight, who again has been nice enough to correspond for me, and the others and I've decided to answer to start answering some questions that they, and the both of you, have been wondering about me and the Corps. While there are some things that I cannot talk about and things I do not want to disclose, I know that there are some things that you do deserve to hear. Right now, Twilight and her friends are together with me so they too can hear what I’ve got to say; Spike on the other hand, I've asked to step out for a while. There are things in this story that might be a bit too much for one young as he is.

Since I do know that all of you are curious about my joining the Green Lantern Corps at such a young age, I will let you know the circumstances as to how I first received the ring. But before I do, I need to start at the beginning. There are some things that I might miss, and I will be paraphrasing a bit, but this is necessary to understand my story.

Twilight has informed me that most of your world has correctly hypothesized about the origins of the universe, that it started with a proverbial "Big Bang". How and why it happened isn't important, but suffice to say that the universe as we know it came from it. For the first eon or so, stars, planets, and eventually life began to develop. There soon came to be four worlds of great universal importance amongst the billions of worlds that inhabit the stars, but the first two are the only ones related to this story.

The First World is the planet Oa. It, along with it's sun and moon, were the first celestial bodies to form in the entire universe. Oa itself is the direct center of the universe, which is why the Guardians decided to move to an otherwise desolate rock.

The Second World is a world of Maltus, one of the first places to nurture intelligent life and is indeed the original home of the Guardians. Although I'm sure it's not true, I've heard more than a few Lanterns hypothesize that it's the first world to develop life, period; I've never really cared enough to ask Ganthet if this is true or not.

And since I'm sure that Twilight won't be able to get any piece of mind until she knows about them, I'll talk a bit about the other two worlds. The Third World is a long deceased planet who's name has long since been lost to time, even to the Guardians. All that is known is that it was a world of Gods, and that it was consumed with a war that has rarely been seen since in the entirety of history. From the ashes of the destruction, however, came about a cosmic event that has yet to happen again; the formation of two planets from the remnants of the old world. These twin worlds soon became diametric opposites of each other, with the paradise world of New Genesis and a world of death known as Apokolips. Inhabiting these two worlds were beings who became known as the New Gods. Together, New Genesis & Apokolips have been collecitavely known as the Fourth World. However, this is all a long story for another day.

The origins of the Corps began on Maltus, with it's immortal inhabitants. In those days, the Malthusians were great scientists & philosophers, and believing that they held a responsibility as the universe's most advanced civilizations, eventually moved to the planet Oa. It was a few million years after this migration that one of their smartest scientists began working on a device to observe the origins of the universe, an act forbidden by his peers. Unheeding their warnings, he used his creation and witnessed the moments before the Big Bang: what appeared to be a hand holding a cluster of stars.

As a result of this, a great cataclysm ensued that is still felt today; not only was the machine destroyed and Oa experiencing a great quake, but existence itself was altered. What had originally been one universe was forcibly ripped into many; one universe comprised of anti-matter and a multiverse of positive matter universes such as ours. There were many more consequences, but they aren't immediately important for now.

Prior to this event, the Malthusians, or rather Oans, had created what they referred to as their First Army, a force of robots known as the Manhunters. To best describe what a robot is can be a bit difficult, but to put it simply they are artificial beings which completes tasks assigned to it, in the form of programming, much like a computer. They had been deployed across the universe to suppress evil and ensue order and had gone about this for dozens of millennia. But not too long after the Cataclysm, an atrocity occurred; one that my predecessor Abin Sur once described as "an act so horrendous, it is myth".

A sudden programming error in the Manhunters' electronic brains altered their orders. Believing that the source of evil & chaos was emotion, they determined that the only way to accomplish their mission was the eradication of all sentient life. In a relative blink of an eye, the entirety of the billions of Manhunters converged onto Sector 666, one of the 3600 sectors which the universe had been divided up into. It was there that the Massacre of Sector 666 began; a near complete xenocide of thousands of worlds and trillions of lives. To this day, only one other being in existence has committed greater atrocities. In the aftermath, there were only five survivors. And most of the universe believes it to be due to an misreading in the Manhunters' programming. At least, that is what they believed.

It was shortly before I came to this world that I learned the truth from Ganthet himself. The scientist responsible for the Cataclysm attempted to flee Oa when the Manhunters were ordered to arrest him. It was then that he managed to gain access to a Manhunter and was able to reprogram it. After he was taken in, the altered Manhunter exchanged it's new programming to the others, until the entire armada was infected. 'Why did he do this?' you ask? It was to prove a point; to highlight the flaws of an emotionless programmable police force to watch over a universe of emotional beings. For all his crimes, the scientist was turned into living energy and scattered across the universe. But the damage had already been done and couldn't be taken back.

The five survivors, consumed by rage & sorrow, blamed the Oans and resolved that they and everything they protected would pay. Using some of the most black of magicks in the universe, the five unnaturally extended their lives so they would be as immortal as their enemies and gained powers & abilities to wage their crusade. These five eventually became known as the Five Inversions and created the Empire of Tears, an organization dedicated to the downfall of everything the Oans stood for. It wouldn't be until thousands of years later that they would be defeated and imprisoned on Ysmault, a forbidden prison world.

The Oans also experienced strife amongst themselves, splintering into several groups with different goals as to protect the universe. The first group believed that evil needed to be destroyed, and left in disgust over their peers' refusal to destroy the entirety of the Manhunters after their rebellion greatly reduced their numbers. They would later rename themselves the Controllers and create weapons such as the Sun-Eaters to enforce order amongst star systems. Those who remained decided chose to make use of what is now known as the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum, using the Green Light as their tool with which to use to protect the universe from evil. However, the Oans in favor of this chose to suppress their emotions, so as to not be swayed in illogical ways in their pursuit of their goal. This lead to a second group of Oans to leave the world, a group of females who refused to give up their emotions; they would later be known as the Zamarons, after the planet they chose to make their new homeworld. Those who remained on Oa would become the Guardians of the Universe and go on to create their Second Army: the Green Lantern Corps.

Thus as it was for eons on end, until several decades ago, which brings us to my predecessor as the Green Lantern of my home sector of 2814: Abin Sur.

Abin was a great man, called by many of his fellow Lanterns, and indeed some of the Guardians as well, the "Greatest Lantern To Have Ever Lived". His deeds were legendary, and he personally mentored several of the Corps best in his time. However, his fate became sealed as an attempt to rescue a downed starship led him to Ysmault, bringing him into contact with the Five Inversions, still alive after multitudes of millennia. One of the Inversions, a being called Qull, a master of dark prophecy then dealt the blow to Abin that would be years to kill him by fortelling him two prophecies. The first was of his own demise, where his ring would fail him in his greatest time of need; the second of the destruction of the Corps, which would precipitate the end of all life in the universe in an event known as the "Blackest Night".

Abin Sur left Ysmault physically unharmed that day, but Qull had done his damage. Abin slowly began to lose faith in his ring and began to rely more heavily on starship travel; he also began to become more erratic in his attempts to discover of Qull's second prophecy would come true. You have to understand that the ring is only as strong as the will as the one who uses it

Abin Sur came to believe in Qull's words so much, he would eventually return to Ysmault to stop what was foretold. Taking Qull's fellow Inversion Atrocitous from his bonds, Abin had hoped to use him to discover the world where the dark power which would begin the "Blackest Night" resided. Their journey eventually took them to Earth, my homeworld. Abin only told one person where he was going, his best friend & former pupil: Thaal Sinestro.

As they began to enter the atmosphere, Atrocitous finally managed to break the last of Abin's confidence in his ring, shattering the constructed prison the ring had created and break free, destroying the ship & mortally wounding Abin. As Atrocitous escaped the out-of-control ship, Abin used the last of his strength to guide the ship away from my hometown Coast City, where it was going to crash land into the desert, damaging his body further beyond any chance to save him. His life fading, he ordered his ring to record a message to his friend, and to find a replacement for after he passed.

That is where I come into this story.

It was the beginning of summer, with school out for a three month break. I was twelve years old at the time, and had been going through some problems, none of which I really want to talk about right now. I'd just gotten into a fight with some older kids who were bullying a kid my age for his race. The best way to describe it would probably be like some unicorns picking on an Earth pony, it was just stupid. I took a few lumps, but managed to chase away the bullies and was talking with their victim, Tom Kalmaku, who'd later go on to be one of my best friends.

We were down by the waterfront, near the ocean on the outskirts of Coast City when the ring came to me. I suddenly found myself covered in a green aura and forcibly taken to the crash site where Abin was waiting, all the while being bombarded with information about the Corps and the ring. In his final moments, he asked if I would accept his duty; when I accepted, he smiled and joked about "how he never thought he'd live to see the day". I thought he was talking about my age, but what he meant was the fact that I was an Earthling.

So there I was, given one of the greatest weapons in the universe, instantly clad in my new uniform after I put on the ring. What else could I do but try it out? I was able to fly! Without any sort of vehicle! I started zipping all around the place and soon I found myself at a place I otherwise wouldn't have wanted to go, a place call Ferris Air. I had some history with the place, which again I don't really want to talk about, but saw someone I knew: Carol Ferris, the daughter of the owner of the airfield.

I should explain: most humans cannot fly under their own power (even I needed the ring to fly), so we use machines called airplanes and jets to fly. I've been interested in aeronautics since I could remember, but had been too young to fly alone. Unfortunately, seeing a glowing kid hovering about distracted one of the pilots and he lost control of his plane. Remembering that what the ring had told me, I was able to create some constructs to land the plane safely and get the pilot out unharmed. What the ring didn't tell me was how exhausting it was, I felt like I had run two miles without a break. While one the ground, I found myself face to face with an unwanted crowd.

The plane I had rescued was being tested for the military, so I found myself being grilled by General Hammond, who had been overseeing the flight. With him was his son, a- jerk named Hector who had recently gotten some fancy degrees in astrophysics and theoretical science. There was also Carol's father, a man named Carl Ferris who I was not fond of at the time, along with Carol herself. I'm lucky that my mask was able to hide my identity and I shot out of there as quickly as I could.

I returned to Abin's ship and decided to give him a burial as best as I could. I just couldn't leave him out there. So there I was, the supposed "chosen one" who's supposed to look after the planet. I'd later find out that the ring had picked out another candidate, who was only not picked by the ring because I was closer. I would meet this man, Guy Gardner, and butt heads with him, but later call him a brother from another mother. When I tried to recharge my ring, I wound up being pulled to Oa against my will, for training.

Seeing the planet for the first time took my breath away, it was so beautiful. I found myself being trained by Kilowog, the big guy you met when I first arrived, and was put into bootcamp to hone my ringslinging skills. During my training, I met more Lanterns who I'd get to know well: Salaak, Ch'p, and Tomar-Tu's father Tomar-Re to name a few. I wasn't the most obedient rookie, and I wouldn't let go what I felt was the lamest thing about the whole thing: at the time, all of the rings had a weakness to the color yellow. Yellow objects couldn't be directly manipulated or touched by our constructs and could easily pass through them if one wasn't careful. The whole yellow thing I would find out had a reason for existing, but that's yet another story for another day.

I managed to graduate and earn my status as the official Lantern of Sector 2814. On my return to Earth, my head was filled with ideas, mostly from the comic books I read: how I would keep my identity secret from all my family & friends, etc. When I returned, however, reality set in: I had been gone for two weeks and I couldn't get out of the situation with a lie; I wound up having to tell my mother & brothers the truth. Tom had also seen me being abducted by the ring, so he knew who I was as well. My dreams of being mysterious like Superman died quicker than I had hoped.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, things were starting to build up. The military had managed to find Abin Sur's ship and was having it examined under General Hammond's orders, thinking it was mine, with Hector being allows special access to assist. Atrocitous had managed to survive his fall out of the craft and left a bloody wake in his search for the dark power. And Sinestro learned of Abin's demise from Ganthet and had set off for Earth. Despite my mother's attempt to keep the ring from me, I still managed to retrieve it when I got my first major alert.

During the examination of the ship, Hector was exposed to the radiation from the ship's fuel source, a group of rocks from a mysterious comet. The radiation altered Hector's mind, granting him immense psychic & psionic powers, but driving him to near-madness when he read the minds of the people there, killing them all with a thought, including his own father. He then set off for Ferris Air, where the Green Lantern was last seen. He had unleashed a mental attack on everyone there, including Carol, and when I tried to intervene- I was horribly unprepared. I'll fully admit now that if it weren't for the timely intervention of Sinestro, who managed to cut off Hammond's air supply and render him unconscious, things would have gotten really bad, especially when he had already managed to read my mind.

At the time, however, I was less than impressed, which Sinestro was likewise unimpressed with me, his friend's successor. Like a brat, I tried to convince him that I could have dealt with the situation by myself, arguing with him as we flew away. When he told me why he had come, I took him to where I had buried Abin Sur. It was there that the message Abin left and we both learned why Abin had done what he had. It was also when we learned the horrible truth that Atrocitous had survived.

We found him near a cemetery, trying to kill some teenager. He was incredibly strong and managed to put us at a great disadvantage: he had constructed a device to steal the power from our rings. Our fight was further hampered by the fact that Atrocitous' would be victim, William Hand, wouldn't leave! Sinestro managed to use the distraction, however, to summon his Power Battery from the Pocket Dimension he kept it in and we recharged our rings.

I managed to knock Atrocitous off-guard by crashing a bulldozer, a yellow piece of machinery, into him with a construct and Sinestro managed to knock him down completely. When I tried to tell him what I managed to do, Sinestro believed I was trying to showboat with lies and told me to grow up and lose the issues I had. That and the Hand kid running off without even a "thanks" angered me that I flew off, deciding to take up Sinestro's suggestion. While I don't want to express the details, I did finally manage to get some closure by the end of the night and had even mended things up with Sinestro.

We got pulled back to Oa, because the Guardians had believed we had broken a territory edict and wanted to charge us; believing that Lanterns should stick to their own sector. When they also waved off all of Abin Sur's fears, they tried playing the superiority card. Wisely or not, I called them out on it and accused them of being afraid that the Corps would wind up like the Manhunters, explaining why they didn't want Lanterns to work together with the edict and why, despite yellow being the weakness of the rings, every single building on Oa was yellow. It was only with Sinestro stepping in that we managed to not get the both of us kicked out of the Corps, but got put on probation.

Sinestro would return Atrocitous to Ysmault, and I returned home to my mom, who was furious that I had disobeyed her and gone off to do my duty. With what happened to Sinestro later, I had always wondered if the Inversions had done to him what they had done to Abin. I was disappointed to learn that wasn't that case. You know the drill, I don't want to talk about it now.

And that's how I got recruited for the Corps. Both in space and on Earth, I'd go on to make allies and enemies alike. I joined up with some of Earth's greatest heroes & help found an organization called the Justice League to fight threats to peace on and off world, go on a soul searching road trip with a guy I never thought I'd really befriend, retire a few times, and a bunch of other stuff.

But for now, I'm tired and don't really want to talk anymore. I'm sorry, I'm sure that a lot of my story was shocking, but I figured you all deserved to hear it. To be a Green Lantern is widely considered throughoutt the stars to be one of the greatest of honors, but Lanterns rarely live full lives and have happy endings. I know that all too well.


Hal Jordan

Author's Note:

So here we are, the first of the backstory dumps. I've tried to research all of the DC history involved here before writing it down here, so if I made an alteration to continuity that any of you recognize, then it's probably been made conciously. The whole "X World" thing is most likely all wrong, because I've unfortunately never been able to read the original Kirby New Gods comics, and with all of the alterations made to them by other writers to the mythos, it can get a bit confusing; this is personally how I saw the First World-Fifth World thing for a long time, so I decided to put it into this canon.

I'm not sure just how familiar anyone reading this story is with DC continuity, so I've tried my best to make it accessable. But if anyone has any questions, I've been thinking about adding a Q&A chapter with the next chapter I post (so that'll give everyone plenty of time to ask. Haha!... I'm a slow writer), so if you want any questions answered, leave them in the comments or PM's and I'll try to answer the best I can (just a heads up, spoilers about plot-threads I have planned will most likely be answered with "Sorry, can't say"). BTW, the crossed out "Hal Jordan"s are supposed to be his personal signature, not written by Twilight. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

For those who might not know, the long standing writer of Green Lantern, Geoff Johns, recently ended is nearly 10 year run last Wednesday, leaving the GL-verse along with Pete Tomasi, Tony Bedard, and Peter Milligan. When I started reading comics regularly, he was the main writer for the main GL book, and the stories he and peers came up with were great. Because of the late time in which I got into DC, I completely missed out on the long standing problems the franchise had been expeiencing: Hal's sloppily written turn into the villainous Parallax, the long-standing character shilling of Kyle, Guy's entire post-JLI history, and the b.s. racism bru-haha when John Stewart was made Lantern of the JLA.

I picked a pretty sweet time to be a Lantern fan, with all four having a place in the Corps (no matter how many people complained on scans_daily, the worst site on the net). The only complaint I have is that Johns & the others lost a bit of the human touch amiss the entire Space Opera; following the Sinestro Corps War, you could count the number of times any of them were on Earth one hand with the worst offender being Hal Jordan himself. None of the Lanterns had any real supporting characters on Earth anymore (example: Hal's family quickly dropped off the face of the Earth around the time of Final Crisis).

I can't wait to see what the new blood has coming up, but with all the #20's of the Lantern books this month, I bid adieu to the people who made the Lanterns the blockbuster I.P. it is today. Yes, even Pete Milligan (who made the worst retcon to Atrocitus' origin ever).

Once again, please point out any grammar or spelling errors I've missed. I would greatly appreciate it!