• Published 20th Sep 2019
  • 495 Views, 4 Comments

Super Smash Bros. Ultra Force (Condensed Version) - FandomPlays1234

A world's peace disturbed by an evil organization seeking universal conqest. Now the hope of the people rests on Desmond's shoulders

  • ...

Prologue: Failure

Desmond sat in the chair as the scientists ran back and fourth with clipboards in their hands. Almost a month had passed since he was called in by the Drake labs to volunteer as a test subjects for their activities and this was his 4th test run. Although his family found it quite unusual for a popular student like Desmond to be called in considering he could be doing other things like finding himself a girlfriend, but his parents eventually agreed.

"How are you doing Desmond?" asked a voice. Desmond looked up to see a young woman walk up to his seat. She wore a lab coat and jeans and her bright aqua colored eyes sparkled in the light. Her silky brown hair was tied back in a ponytail.

"I'm doing fine Professor Emilia," said Desmond.

"Great, you know the drill," said Emilia.

"Of course, i just hope nothing can go wrong," said Desmond.

"Oh you," giggled Emilia gently tapping him on the nose. "You know that if something goes wrong, I'll be sure to abort the test,"

"I know," chuckled Desmond. Emilia smiled at him just as the door leading into the observation room opened and someone stepped in. Emilia turned around to see a man standing there. He was also wearing a lab coat along with long brown pants. He had short black hair and an eye patch over his left eye.

"Oh Dr. Drake, is something wrong?" asked Emilia.

"Professor, how long are you planning on talking with this guinea pig?" asked Drake.

"Well Dr. you know you don't mean that right?" asked Emilia. Drake glared at her with his one red eye.

"Stop wasting time and begin the test," said Drake as he walked back in the observation room.

"Sorry Desmond," apologized Emilia.

"No worries professor," said Desmond.

"Well anyway you know the drill," said Emilia.

"Of course," said Desmond.

"Then I'll see you after the test sweetie," she said kissing him on the cheek. Desmond had gotten used to this by now. She had a tendency of doing something like this, but he knew it was to keep him calm. Drake however was not something he could just forget. Ever since day one, Drake had rubbed him in the wrong direction. Desmond had a bad feeling about Drake. For some reason he felt that Drake couldn't be trusted, however he couldn't do anything about it and neither Emilia only because he was the head of the lab.

"Fire up the D-Mension Rifter," ordered Drake. The scientists continued to work on their keyboards as Drake and Emilia stood behind them, observing their work.

"D-Mension Rifter fired up to max power sir!" announced one of the scientists

"We've failed the previous tests," said Drake. "I'm not letting this one slip from my fingers,"

"Firing the D-Mension Rifter in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" announced the scientist. Emilia watched as the chair entered the large gap in the center of the rifter. Emilia could hear the whirring of the machine as it roared to life. She waved as Desmond smiled at her.

"Fire!" Drake ordered. The scientist hit a large red button as volts of electricity came together and connected behind Desmond.

"Sir a rift leading into another dimension has opened up!" announced one scientist.

"Keep it going, don't stop," ordered Drake. The scientist continued to work as the lab began to shake.

"Doctor," said Emilia.

"We're not stopping," said Drake. Emilia clutched her clipboard with a worried expression. As the scientists carried out their work, the rift behind Desmond grew wider and the shaking became more violent.

"Doctor," said one of the scientists.

"Keep going," ordered Drake.

"Sir, the rift is causing the balance of this dimension to be thrown off course!" explained a scientist. "If we continue like this then our dimension might break down!"

"That's not going to stop me," said Drake.

"Doctor!" Emilia exclaimed.

"Don't try and stop me Emilia," said Drake.

"Doctor stop the machine!" Emilia ordered. But Drake didn't listen. Suddenly the rift erupted as the entire room was swallowed by a bright light. Drake, Emilia, and the scientists shield their eyes as the light poured into the observation room through the glass windows. After the light died down, Emilia lowered her arm to see a giant rift had opened up behind Desmond.

"Doctor," said Emilia. Drake opened his eyes and looked up. The serious look on his face melted off and was replaced by a look of astonishment. The scientists gasped when they saw the large tear. "Did it work?" asked Emilia. Drake didn't say anything as the scientists ran around and checked their monitors to see if anything had changed.

"Good news Dr. we have successfully opened up a rift to another dimension and the balance of our dimension has returned to normal," explained another scientist.

"It worked," said Drake.

"It worked?" asked Emilia.

"It worked," answered Drake.

"It worked!" cheered the scientists. The entire room was filled with cheers as the scientists celebrated their success. They hugged and gave each other high fives as they jumped up and down with glee. Emilia laughed as the scientists ran around and celebrated. A scientist chuckled and looked at his monitor only to notice something strange. His smile melted off his face as he examined the monitor closely.

"Hey bud what's wrong?" asked another scientist.

"Hey you see this?" asked the first scientist. His friend looked at the monitor over his shoulder and felt his heart drop.

"What?" asked the second scientist.

"Hey what's wrong you two?" asked a third scientist. At that moment the alarm went off indicating an emergency procedure.

"What's going on!?" asked Drake.

"Dr.!" the second scientist yelled. "Opening this rift was too much for this dimension to handle!"

"Everything is getting sucked in!" the third scientist yelled.

"Everyone grab your belongings and get out," ordered Drake. He was getting everything as the scientists ran around grabbing everything that was theirs.

"Um Dr. are we not going to bring Desmond back?" asked Emilia.

"If you think we have time for that then you must be crazy," said Drake.

"But Dr. we can't just leave him out there," argued Emilia.

"Emilia listen to me," said Drake grabbing her shoulder. "Sacrificing one human isn't a big deal, besides I need my team to continue this project,"

"One human?" asked Emilia. "Dr. that boy has a family!" argued Emilia.

"If you want to save that boy then no one is stopping you," Said Drake grabbing his briefcase. "Just so you know no one is saving you either," He walked out the door along with the other scientists. Emilia sighed as she went over to the dashboard and released the restraints on Desmond's chair. She could see Desmond struggling to get out as the rift continued to suck things in. She opened the door as a huge gust of wind started pulling her in. Slowly but steadily, she began making her way towards Desmond.

"Desmond!" Emilia yelled over the sound.

"Professor!" Desmond responded. "Help me!"

"I'm coming, hang on!" said Emilia. Desmond grabbed onto one of the tables as the chair that he was sitting in was torn out of the ground and pulled in. Desmond yelped as he slowly made his way to Emilia. She struggled to stay in place as she reached out to him. Desmond had managed to get close enough to grab a hold of her hand. She used all her strength to pull him into her arms. "I have you kid," said Emilia. She tried to turn around and walk back while Desmond clutched onto her coat, but she accidentally slipped on a puddle of liquid causing her to fall. The two were immediately sucked closer to the rift as they grabbed onto nearby objects.

"Professor!" Desmond yelled. Emilia looked behind her as the rift's suction grew stronger. She looked at Desmond with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said before her grip slipped and she was sucked in.

"NO!"Desmond screamed. He looked back up to see the door. Gritting his teeth he tried to make his was to the door, but not before a desk knocked him back. Desmond yelped as he was sucked into the rift. The rift continued to suck things in for another 20 minutes before it closed and everything went silent.

Author's Note:

Prologue complete. This story is just starting and already things are starting to happen. So in this chapter we're introduced to the protagonist of the story, Desmond Docks. Unfortunately he was sucked into a multidimensional rift with Professor Emilia. Where will they be taken? Will they be alright? Keep reading to find out.