• Published 20th Sep 2019
  • 495 Views, 4 Comments

Super Smash Bros. Ultra Force (Condensed Version) - FandomPlays1234

A world's peace disturbed by an evil organization seeking universal conqest. Now the hope of the people rests on Desmond's shoulders

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Chapter 1: Lilith the Changeling

"Hey are you ok?" "Come on wake up, please wake up,"

Desmond groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. "Wha, who?" He blinked trying to refocus his vision.

"Oh thank goodness, you're alive!" sighed the voice.

"Wha?" Desmond groaned. He was finally able to refocus and saw the strange creature standing above him. It had a black body with a horn sticking out from the center of it's forehead, and two small ears on either side of it's head. It stared down at Desmond with it's deep blue eyes and two small fangs could be seen hanging out of it's mouth. "Who, who are you?" he asked.

"My name is Lilith, I'm a changeling," said the creature cheerfully. Desmond sat up and and winced as he put his hand to his head. "Hey are you ok?" asked Lilith.

"Yeah I'm fine, I must've hit my head against something," said Desmond. "I'm Desmond, Desmond Docks," "What did you call yourself?"

"Lilith, Lilith the changeling," she answered.

"And what exactly is a changeling?" asked Desmond.

"It's a creature that can change it's outward appearance to look like others," explained Lilith.

"Uh huh," said Desmond. He looked up towards the sky and saw that the entire sky was covered in black clouds. He inspected his surroundings and saw that the land he was on was completely desolate. Not a single form of life could be seen. All the plants were withering and not a single animal could be seen walking around. "Where?" asked Desmond.

"Is something wrong?" asked Lilith. Desmond turned around and stared at her with a serious look.

"Where is this place?" asked Desmond.

"Oh um, you're in Ultra World or at least what's left of it," said Lilith.

"What's left of it?" asked Desmond.

"It's a bit of a long story," said Lilith.

"Well I would ask to hear it but..." At that moment Desmond could hear the sound of voices from the distance. Looking around though, he was unable to pinpoint the direction where the voice was coming from.

"What was that?" asked Desmond. He turned to face Lilith and noticed that she looked extremely worried. "Lilith, is something wrong?" asked Desmond.

"No, we can't stay here," said Lilith.

"What?" asked Desmond.

"We can't stay here, come on we have to find somewhere to stay," said Lilith grabbing his arm with her magic.

"Whoa, whoa stop right there, I'm not going anywhere until you explain what's going on," said Desmond.

"Don't you get it, there's no time!" said Lilith. "If we stay here, THEY'LL catch us," said Lilith.

"Who's they?" asked Desmond. It wasn't until that moment that Desmond realized that the voices were getting closer in they're direction.

"It came from this way!" exclaimed one of the voices. Soon the sound of footsteps approaching, alerted Lilith as she began to panic.

"No, please Desmond you have to come with me," pleaded Lilith.

"Why?" asked Desmond.

"I'll explain everything once we find shelter," said Lilith. "Please you have to trust me,"

"Ugh ok fine," groaned Desmond.

Lilith sighed as she ran in one direction and stopped to face him," This way hurry," she said. Desmond walked over to her and as Lilith turned around, Desmond noticed to figures standing there. Lilith stopped and took a step back.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the changeling," laughed one of the figures.

"No not you!" gasped Lilith. Desmond looked at Lilith and confusion then looked at the two figures. Both were wearing shiny black armor and helmets with visors covering their eyes. The figure one the left held a spear, while the one on the right had a sword drawn from it's scabbard. He noticed a strange mark inscribed on their chest plate. The mark resembled an upside down Omega with a circle in the center. Eight curves spun in the same direction resembling a spiral in the circle. He looked up at the two figures. "Please we don't want any trouble, just let us go and we'll do whatever you want," pleaded Lilith.

"Hmm a nice offering but I'm afraid we can't accept it," said a voice from behind. Both Lilith and Desmond turned around to see more of those figures walking up to them. The figure in the center was wearing the same armor as the others, but wore a cape around his neck and was missing the visor. The mark on his chest plate was also red compared to the others who had blue marks.

"You," whimpered Lilith.

"It's nice to see you again changeling," said the figure. He looked towards Desmond and smiled. "Well, well it seems you've made a friend," he laughed.

"Who are you?" asked Desmond.

"Son, I am one of the two generals of the Ultra Space Empire," said the man. "You may call me Bruno,"

"Bruno eh?" asked Desmond.

"Desmond we can't trust him, come on we have to get out of here," said Lilith grabbing his arm.

"Oh come now, leaving already?" "We just got here," groaned Bruno.

"Yes, we're extremely busy, so we would really appreciate if you'd move out of the way," said Lilith.

"I'm afraid we can't do that," said Bruno.

"What?' asked Lilith.

"We promised Chrysalis to bring you back after you betrayed the hive," said Bruno.

"I don't work for Chrysalis any longer," said Lilith.

"Oh right you work for that other changeling Thorax," said Bruno rolling his eyes. "But even if you work for Thorax you still look like one of Chrysalis's changelings,"

"That's because I recently joined Thorax," said Lilith.

"Oh right, you're a renegade changeling," chuckled Bruno.

"That's right!" exclaimed Lilith.

"And because you're a renegade changeling, you have to suffer the consequences of a renegade changeling," said Bruno. "Get them!" ordered Bruno. The figures reached out to grab them, but not before Desmond grabbed Lilith by the hoof and ran past the soldiers.

"Hey what the!?" yelped one of the soldiers.

"If you want her you'll have to catch us!" proclaimed Desmond. Lilith pulled away from Desmond's grip and began running in one direction.

"This way!" said Lilith. Desmond quickly followed her as a horde of soldiers ran after them in pursuit, Bruno's voice yelling at them to go.

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 complete. So now his adventure begins, and to think that it would start out like this. So actually Lilith is a female changeling if you haven't noticed, and yes she actually ran away from Chrysalis and joined Thorax but because she's new she still has the old changeling look. We're also introduced to another one of my OCs Bruno, General of the Ultra Space Empire. But who exactly are they and why do they know Chrysalis. Keep reading to find out.