• Member Since 11th Mar, 2012
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It's fanfiction all the way down.


Applejack takes some time to reflect, and get in touch with her love of rope and riding crops. Rainbow Dash wishes AJ was less in touch with herself.

Second place in My Little Speed Writing Contest #11. Prompt, "Spurred to Action." Totally unedited.

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Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

The description made me VERY worried for a second, but I'm glad I gave it a read anyway.

Wow, lewd.


Much more light-hearted than it seems!

Actually, that's not the part I worried about.

I was worried this was going to be a BDSM-lite (considering the rating) fic with Dash as a sub, which I've seen too much of.

But the knowledge that AJ likes being whipped rather than using them is kind of comforting

Oh, my! It's always the quiet, dependable ones, isn't it?!

*appledash intensifies*


That ending tho

Y'all know what they say about sticks and stones...

Hah! Nicely done. :D

This was brilliant.

“Wow, look at my ankle, I gotta go,”


Wait... that ending tho.

Oh Celestia, that ending though. That sold it for me. :rainbowlaugh:

I got to this:

“I’m in a happily monogamous relationship with the only stallion I’ve ever kissed. You’re a shapeshifter who’s done half of Canterlot. You objectively know more about breakups than I do.”

“Fine,” Luna put down her teacup. “Rainbow Dash, I suggest turning into a different pony until your estranged paramour ceases to look for you. Failing that, fake your own death.”

Twilight looked at Celestia. Celestia looked at Cadence. Cadence groaned and pushed herself up from the table. “Fine!”

And I thought that was really funny the way the look got passed from Twilight to Celestia to Cadence. It twas amusing. Then my brain went "hey, wait a minute. Rewind that a bit. A bit more. Nope, too far. Forward.

You’re a shapeshifter who’s done half of Canterlot

My brain thought this was a bit out of whack. Was Luna a shapeshifter? Was Luna really Chrysalis? Then I realised it didn't matter, and kept reading. And laughing quite a lot.

Fantastic :)

You’re a shapeshifter who’s done half of Canterlot.

Hang on a second, Luna is what?

If you read the text from storyteller in the voice of God from «Good Omens», story will become even more hilarious!

Dang it, now I'm craving some BDSM Fluttercord where she gets to be Discord's master and have him begging on his knees....

As soon as I saw this I thought about that filly named Spur in yesterday's episode. Poor kid is destined for some rather unfortunate fanfiction.

I mean just like with saddles, why would spurs even exist in Equestria? And why, oh why, would that be her NAME AND CUTIE MARK!?!?!?

Ahh... nothing like hardcore BDSM!

The ending is my limit, but I'm glad they're happy!

Well that was certainly a thing.

...is this secretly Shining/Cadance/Chrysalis and this is a covert Meet The Parents to see if she's able to be civilized?

Or is this one of those Luna is Chrissi AUs?

Either way, Fluttershy's issues are *very* not my thing but I'm glad they've got safewords worked out and everyone wound up happy.

I took that literally and thought Luna could transform now.

I want a sequel, but also afraid it'll go super dark so. 🤷

I'll wait until its edited

What Rainbow wanted to do was pick Applejack up and have a long, productive chat about boundaries in their relationship, and also how much cider she’d have to drink to forget any of this ever happened.

Hey do not worry Rainbow! A little S&M never hurt anypony!



That will never happen, but I promise, it's pretty good!

And now I desperately want a clopfic of Fluttershy's get-togethers with Applejack.

The movie was about the Romane Empire, and Applejack smiled during the parts where the slaves got whipped.


Still funny story. Died laughing the whole time. I found the Fluttershy part hilarious

I mean... Some of them start young?

What's the, uh, source on that cover image?


Why do you need to know?

Confess your sins.

9857215 Saddles are for fashion, I'm pretty sure. Apparently they went out of fashion sometime during Season Two or Three, since we haven't seen them as much after then. It makes sense - they're essentially a pony version of corsets.

Spurs... uh, this story provides a suggestion? But if that explains it, I'm really sorry for that filly's parents and friends.

9857491 Are we sure that Luna did it in the waking world, though? I'd barely be surprised to hear she was shifting shape in ponies' dreams...

Always the quiet ones...

Fucking hilarious! Great job!:moustache:

*stares at the story thumbnail*

Oh, wait maybe I should also actually read the words.....

*goes back to staring*

You’re a shapeshifter who’s done half of Canterlot.

The fact that this could apply to either Luna or Chrysalis concerns me.

“Sorry about this,” Twilight said to her parents. Her parents understood.

"It's alright, dear. We gave up on a normal life the day you turned us into houseplants."

Everything turned out better than expected. Though I do wonder how Cadence knew that particular tidbit...

I see three possibilities:

• She's a great motivator, figuratively spurring others on.
• Given her pet, she's the Equestrian equivalent of a Pokémon trainer, which requires a certain degree of discipline with one's wrangled monsters.
• She's actually a refugee from the Equestrian Wasteland (blame Starlight) and is doing her best to adapt to life outside of a mildly radioactive raider camp.

Note that none of these are mutually exclusive.

“I’m in a happily monogamous relationship with the only stallion I’ve ever kissed. You’re a shapeshifter who’s done half of Canterlot. You objectively know more about breakups than I do.”

Seems legit.

“Fine,” Luna put down her teacup. “Rainbow Dash, I suggest turning into a different pony until your estranged paramour ceases to look for you. Failing that, fake your own death.”

This is good relationship advice. Well, breakup advice, anyway.

Also, yeah, given that they don’t have humans to ride them, why do they have saddles? And bridles?



Hang on a second, Luna is what?

Would it matter if she was?

Applejack opened up her saddlebags, and pulled out a riding crop. “I need you to hit me with this real hard.”
Rainbow stared at the riding crop. Then at Applejack. Then back to the crop. Then back to Applejack. “Um…”
“I mean if you’re not okay with it-”
“No no. I’m… totally, okay with it.” Slowly, she took the crop in her teeth. “That’s a… normal thing to ask for. Between two girls.”

If she says so it must be true...

What Rainbow wanted to do was pick Applejack up and have a long, productive chat about boundaries in their relationship, and also how much cider she’d have to drink to forget any of this ever happened. But she sensed that wasn’t what Applejack really meant.



Would it matter if she was?



I see three possibilities:

• She's a great motivator, figuratively spurring others on.
• Given her pet, she's the Equestrian equivalent of a Pokémon trainer, which requires a certain degree of discipline with one's wrangled monsters.
• She's actually a refugee from the Equestrian Wasteland (blame Starlight) and is doing her best to adapt to life outside of a mildly radioactive raider camp.

Note that none of these are mutually exclusive.

Someone needs to write a fanfic in which all three of these are the case. ...And it's probably gonna be me at this rate...


As soon as I saw this I thought about that filly named Spur in yesterday's episode. Poor kid is destined for some rather unfortunate fanfiction.

I mean just like with saddles, why would spurs even exist in Equestria? And why, oh why, would that be her NAME AND CUTIE MARK!?!?!?

Well, there's only been one so far... I need to get back to work on mine, again...
Also, I swear those three are like the only canon characters with no tag here, it it just me?

This story was just as hot as I expected it to be. Well done!

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