• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 2,382 Views, 24 Comments

The Universal Traveler - Jason Monroe

Sometimes we wish that we could become our characters. Other times our characters wish they were us. What happens when a writer dies and becomes a character that he made? What happens when that character is weak to magic and in Equestria?

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Chapter 12: WHAT DID YOU DO?!

3rd POV

An 8-bit portal opened up in Jasmine’s room in the crystal empire and Jason walked out of it. He immediately heard screaming and the sounds of buildings crashing as the entire place shook. He ran over to the window and saw a massive figure standing above the city arms crossed and laughing as its shadows were destroying everything around.

“How in blood soaked protestant hell did he get out?!” Jason screamed in alarm and worry before seeing three equine figures fighting it. He let out an exhausted sigh before pulling out his newly acquired Agni and Rudra blades and flying towards the figure at top speed. As he got closer he could tell that the three figures attacking the giant one, that he knew as Exitium Luminis, were Celestia, Luna and his daughter Clara. He was happy and proud to see Clara holding her own against the ex-god of darkness from universe H549. Unfortunately that pride was overshadowed by his disappointment in Celestia and Luna as they most likely caused his release.

Jason started spinning not too long before arriving, causing him to slam into Exitium at high speeds as a tornado of wind and fire.

“Yo capitaine dark dick!” Jason shouted as he stopped spinning with a cocky smile on his face as he wielded Agni and Rudra, who muttered something along the lines of impressive.

"Oh great. Commander killjoy has arrived. I guess that that's my cue to leave. But remember that both this empire and this entire universe belong to me!" Exitium shouted before melting into the shadows as Celestia, Luna and Clara looked relieved to see Jason.

“Thank mother you arrived in time. We were worried that that being would destroy this empire that you informed us about. We tried to summon you but that being answered instead.” Celestia said with a look of relief on her face while Luna looked angry and Clara looked both angry at the sisters and afraid of Jason.

“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WHILE I WAS GONE?!” Jason screamed in anger at the three equines as his hair literally burst into flames, which was achieved by him using his shape shifting as an intimidation tactic. The effect was immediate as Celestia and Luna looked shocked, terrified and in pain from the screaming while Clara was terrified and in pain. Upon seeing this Jason immediately calmed down and ran over to apologize.

“Oh I’m sorry young one, I know you probably did your best to stop them from doing what I think they did.” Jason said calmly while scratching Clara behind the ear, causing her to calm down and smile happily.

“Why is she getting off easy?!” Luna asked in an angry tone, causing Jason to glare at her before standing up and walking over to Celestia and Luna. He then, without speaking, bitch slapped both Luna and Celestia.

“It’s because of three reasons. One I know and trust her. Two she knows what to do to defeat a former god of darkness, unlike you two who were just flinging magic at him. And Three I quite literally made her parents and a majority of the beings here, so I consider everypony here my children.” Jason explained before twitching a little as it finally sank in for him just how much trouble this universe was in. Upon hearing Jason say that he created life the celestial sisters' eyes widened in what seemed to be hope before Jason put his hand up.

“That doesn't mean that I can bring people back to life. If I want to do that I’d have to get the person’s soul. If there's a heaven and hell or anything like that I’d have to go to the realm of the dead and make a deal with the keeper since I would be bringing someone back to life. Another thing that is problematic is that every living thing in the empire would die if I were to ever permanently kick the bucket. The reason for this is because I used my own powers to form their bodies and then flooded my body with the reincarnation energy that is released when I die. By doing this it caused an explosion of reincarnation energy that brought them all to life in the same way that I come back to life, thus giving them information on how to walk and speak as well as what they need to do to live and use their magic and wings. They have magic because, unlike with most beings that can use the same powers as me, their bodies don’t naturally reject magic, thus allowing them to use and store magic without hurting themselves while also being able to use the basic attacks that come with my powers. They can’t do much else because they aren’t the same species as me. The only other thing that they might be able to do is use a power that is unique to them and relates to either their personality or their wants. Mine is the ability to use my shape shifting on other people as well as individual parts of my body, since I always wanted to change myself and others around me when I was younger.” Jason said causing the three equines to have varying looks on their faces from terror to shock before Jason blinked in surprise.

“It seems this reincarnation is much more intelligent than most of my reincarnations. Interesting. Either way it doesn't matter because if we don't find Exitium the entire universe will be gone.” Jason said calmly before Clara looked him in the eyes.

“Do you think you could help me discover that power?” Clara asked with a look of determination on her face that was mixed with anger. Jason smiled before putting his hand on her left shoulder.

“It would be my pleasure, though I have an idea of what it will be. Due to you being the current queen of the Crystal Empire I have a feeling that your powers will involve sensing emotions because of your connection to the Crystal Heart. Your main power will most likely be clairvoyance, the ability to see glimpses of the future. The Crystal Heart will most likely share this ability as I believe that I unintentionally bound you to it. I do not quite know what that means for you, but I can only hope that it's a good thing.” Jason said before turning back to Celestia and Luna.

“If anything happens to the Crystal Empire or the beings that live in it because of what you just did, I will sever my connection with you. I am still willing to work with you in order to fix everything, but you will have to rebuild what little respect that I had for you.“ Jason said before flying away to search for Exitium.

Somewhere in the frozen wasteland north of the empire

A black colt is laying there as a wispy black cloud seems to merge with his body. A few minutes later a crystal pony finds the colt and takes him to the orphanage when he awakens they ask if he knows where he is. His only response was to open his mouth and say the only word that he knew how to say.


Author's Note:

As anyone that has read the comics can tell, I am going to be using parts of Sombra's back story from FIENDship is magic. The reason is because I stumbled upon it while I was doing research on Sombra, since we really don't see much about his past in the show. After reading about it I decided to use that in the story. Sorry for the wait. I'll try my best to get the next chapter out quicker.