• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 2,384 Views, 24 Comments

The Universal Traveler - Jason Monroe

Sometimes we wish that we could become our characters. Other times our characters wish they were us. What happens when a writer dies and becomes a character that he made? What happens when that character is weak to magic and in Equestria?

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Chapter 7: No Fucks To Give

Jason's POV

I awoke from my short nap and quickly got up before brushing some dirt off of my open black coat. I checked my left pocket and smiled when I confirmed that my apache revolver was there. I didn't expect to get into a fight, but there was no way that I would go without being prepared for a fight. I had Umbra and Lumos, but I didn't want to rely on them due to them being more deadly than my apache revolver.

I walked out of the cove and sprouted my wings, before flying to Starswirl's tower. It was still dark out so I expected Luna to show up like I had told her to. When I arrived at Starswirl's tower, I landed in front of the door before making my wings disappear and leaning against the wall of the stone tower.

After around half an hour, I heard the sound of wings flapping and smirked as I opened my eyes to see a yellow pegasus with a red mane and tail and a very roman-esque suit of grey armor on. Behind him was a group of six more guards who wore similar suits of armor, though they were colored differently. Three of the six guards had a golden version of the roman-esque armor while the other three had a dark blue version. I stopped leaning against the tower and stretched before the pegasus in the front walked up to me.

“Hail strange creature. I have been given orders from Princess Luna and Princess Celestia to bring you to the castle so you can meet with them.” The yellow pegasus said before nodding to two of the other guards as if to signal them. When I saw them prepare to grab me by the arms, I gently pushed them away.

“Thanks for the offer but I’d rather use my wings.” I said while grinning. They all looked confused and one of the ones in gold armor looked like he was going to say something, before my wings sprouted from my back. They all looked at me in shock, aside from the leader of the group who just shrugged.

“Very well. Just try not to get lost. I’d rather not have to inform the Princesses that you were killed by a manticore.” He said as he flew off in a direction. I quickly followed behind him until I finally caught up with him.

“I don't think a manticore could kill me even if it tried. I am immune to poisons and I’m strong enough to swing a tree around like a child, or foal in this case, would a small stick.” I said as I flew next to him and smiled.
He chuckled a little at that before looking at me.

“You're rather strange compared to other ponies. Do you think you could fight a dragon?” He asked as he turned back to look at where he was going.

“Depends on the size. A small dragon would be the equivalent of snapping a twig, a medium sized dragon would be like mining ore and a large dragon would be like trying to dig through a mountain with just a pickaxe instead of going around it. That last one is only difficult because of the age difference. It’s hard to trick someone that knows every trick in the book.” I said as I saw the castle in the distance.

“Impressive. The name’s Flash Magnus, lieutenant general of both sections of the royal guard.” Flash said while smiling a little. When we landed I saw another set of guards ready to take me to the throne room. I turned to look at Flash and smiled.

“The name’s Jason Monroe, the universal traveller. If you want a better explanation, ask Starswirl.” I said before turning around and going with the new group of guards.

Once we arrived at the doors to the throne room, I noticed that the symbol on the door was one of a sun and moon covering each other like a lunar eclipse. The guards opened the doors and I walked into the throne room.

I immediately noticed that the room was mostly yellow and white with bits of blue here and there. The second thing I noticed was Celestia and Luna sitting on their thrones, staring at me. When no one said anything for about five minutes, I decided to make a joke.

“What is there something on my face?” I asked while making it seem like I was looking for something that wasn't there. My question gained gasps from everyone in the room, except for Celestia and Luna.

“How dare you be so casual to the Princesses?!” One of the guards shouted, causing me to gain a look of understanding on my face.

“Oh, so that's why you were all quiet! You were expecting me to bow or some shit like that.” I said before pretending to be deep in thought. I then turned to the guard that shouted and grinned. “Nah. I don't do that. No one is better than anyone else and I refuse to treat others differently just because of their status.” I said while smirking before turning back to look at the Princesses.

Celestia looked more than a little annoyed at how casual I was being while Luna seemed like she was genuinely pissed.

“How darest you speak to us in such a casual manner?! You will learn respect!” Luna shouted before blasting a beam of ice magic at my chest. Thankfully I had been expecting an attack, so I was able to quickly dodge the beam of ice. I shook my head while wagging my index finger.

“I would advise against doing that until after you've heard what I have to say.” I said before reaching into my pocket universe looking for something to eat, only for me to find my last remaining weed brownie. “Oh hell yeah!” I said before starting to eat it. I looked around and noticed that everyone was now staring at me in shock.

“What is it this time? Did I do something that I wasn't supposed to?” I asked before finishing off my weed brownie.

“How was that in your bit purse the entire time?” Celestia asked while pointing to my pocket universe, which happened to look like a small sack of coins. I grinned before reaching into my pocket universe again and pulling out a small cookies and cream ice cream cake.

“It's a pocket universe. I can store anything inside and even go inside myself. Time is nonexistent in there so a month could pass and it would feel like a couple of seconds for the person inside.” I explained before setting the ice cream cake down and taking out a bunch of plates and silverware. After dishing out a slice for everyone in the room, I smirked and looked directly at Luna and Celestia.

"Now that we have food, let's begin our chat." I said before taking a bite of my ice cream cake.