• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 4,223 Views, 36 Comments

Take Your Nephew to Work Night - TAD2

Tomorrow is take you child to work day. But seeing at Spike Drake is the secret son of Princess Celestia, he can't really enjoy such a day with his mother. So how about the next best thing; A night out with his aunt.

  • ...

The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow

When Luna found Spike, it was while they were both going at high speed. She got right up to Spike and grabbed him so she could slow him down. "Hold it right there Mister." Said Luna as she wrapped her front legs around the dragon and slowed down.

Once they were slowed down enough, Spike looked at Luna's face and tried to act dumb. "Oh, Aunt Luna, what a surprise, what are you doing here?"

But Luna just gave Spike a look. "Spike, if you didn't want to talk about it, then all you had to do was just say so."

Spike sighed at the fact that was probably not the smartest way to handle the situation. "Right, sorry, but I just don't know how I feel about Gabby, I mean she's so nice, and we have so much in common, and when I hang out with her, I lose all track of time."

Luna nodded. 'Well, she's not older, is she?" She was worried it was the Rarity situation all over again.

"She's 9." Said Spike.

"Well, 9 is better than 18." Said Luna, happy to hear that at least it wasn't a 10 year difference between them.

"Yeah, truth be told, I also forget about my crush on Rarity when I'm with her."

Luna wrapped a wing around her nephew. "Spike, just follow your heart and I'm sure that you will find happiness."

Spike smiled at the wisdom. "Thanks Aunt Luna. So what's next?" Spike was so excited to go see more dreams.

"Sadly Spike, the night is ending and the day is about to start."

Spike groaned as he had a feeling why. "It was Chitin's dream wasn't it?"

Luna nodded at the assumption. "Correct, Nightmares are spiritic, some seem like they last forever, and others come and go in the blink of an eye, but once she kissed you, it sped up her brain to the point that the time when we entered and the time we were all forced out, almost 4 hours had passed."

"So, I guess that means I need to go back to my dream right?" Asked the little dragon as his ear frills drooped

"Sadly that is the only way for you to go back, but there is a little secret that I want to share with you first." Said Luna with a smile as she got to her hooves.

Spike was confused. "What kinda surprise?"

"You'll see." Said Luna as she placed Spike on her back and she sped off to Spike's dream door.

When they arrived at the door, there was something that Spike never thought he would see. "Aunt Luna?"

Luna nodded as she looked at her own dream door, it was made of some very dark oak, and had Luna's cutie mark, but the real important thing was that Spike's door was touching Luna's. "That's right Spike." Luna opened her door and showed the little drake inside.

"You see Spike, I am just as asleep as you are, but since I have my dream walking ability, all that I experience and all that I do, are transferred to my body."

"Oh is that why you're always grumpy in the morning?"

Luna sighed. "Well yes, but keep talking like that and I'll take you back to your door." Spike kept his trap shut. "Good drake, but as I was saying, it takes a toll on my mind to stay in the dream realm for so long, so occasionally, I tend to drift off into my own dream near the end of my shift." They soon walked into a field with a star filled night sky above them. "This is a place that very few creatures have ever seen, do you know where this is?"

Spike looked around, and for the life of him, he was sure that this was a random field, in a random location. "Yeah, I'm clueless."

Luna giggled as she placed Spike on the ground and got right behind him. "Give it a moment."

Soon a younger Luna and Celestia walked out of some trees and into the field. "Sister, are you sure it is wise to build our castle in the middle of the Everfree?"

"Come on Lulu, have a little faith, besides, where else would we break ground, the tree is only a minute from here, and just look up at the sky, imagine falling asleep to this every night. Speaking of falling asleep, how has your training been going by the way?"

"So so, Astral Mane just taught me how to form my own body, and it came out with 3 hooves and 5 wings." Celestia started laughing her flanks off at the idea of a three legged Luna with 5 wings. But Luna was unamused. "Really sister, it was embarrassing enough, I don't need your opinion on it."

Celestia wiped her eyes with her wings but smiled at Luna. "Right, sorry, sorry, but I was not laughing at you, I was laughing at the idea itself." She wrapped Luna into a big hug. "Luna, I know that you will one day be a great dream walker, and I know that when it is your time, you will train a great apprentice as well."

Luna sighed as she returned the hug. "Thank you Tia, I love you."

"Love you too Lulu."

The dream faded as it was replaced with a new memory, but the odd thing was that this was the same study as before. There were some cakes and tea on the table and the sound of music was playing from far away. Then Luna was sitting in a chair but she was slightly annoyed. "Sister, I understand that you don't wish to scare our ponies, but why have you kept me up, I'm late to work as is." But no one was in the room.

Suddenly Celestia walked into the room with a certain little dragon on her back. "I know Spike, but there will be plenty of time to show them around Canterlot after the Gala."

"But mom?"

Celestia booped Spike's nose with her wing. "Oh, hush you, there's someone I'd like you to meet anyways." Celestia looked to Luna and gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry Luna, the greetings are nonstop, but there is someone I'd like you to meet." She placed Spike on the other side of the table and moved over a cake to him. "Here you go Spike." Spike started scarfing the cake down the moment he could get his claws on it.

Luna looked at Spike, then to Celestia. "Sister, I'm surprised that the Dragon Lord has sent an emissary to the Gala, but why have him meet me?"

Celestia giggled at the idea of her little 7 year old son being an emissary. "Luna, Spike is not an emissary."

Luna looked to the fancily dressed dragon. "Then what is he doing here?"

"Well, he's here to meet his aunt." She looked at Spike and used her wing to tap his head. "Spike, sweetie, I'd like to introduce you to your Aunt Luna." She looked at Luna. "And Luna, this is my son, Spike Drake Solaris, he's your nephew." The dream stopped.

The real Luna giggled at the look on her face. "It was so shocking to learn that my sister had a dragon for a son."

Spike looked at himself, his face was covered in cake frosting and the more he looked at it the more he was embarrassed. "Was I really that messy of an eater?"

Luna giggled as she nuzzled his head. "Yes, but after the shock subsided, I found it very adorable. Spike, do you know what I dream about now that the tantabus is gone?" Spike shook his head. "Well, you're looking at it, I dream about my family, moments we had together, moments I wish to have with you and Tia. But there is one last one, here it is." The dream changed back into the dream realm, but there were no dream doors. "You see Spike, I've always wanted to show someone what it is like to be me, and thanks to you, I was able to."

Spike smiled at his aunt as he wrapped his arms around her barrel. "Thank you for such a great night Aunt Luna. I had a lot of fun."

Luna smiled as she kissed his head. "So did I Spike. But, if you aren't busy helping the Power Ponies save Maretropalis, or talking to your dream griffin, would you like to do this again?"

"Sure, but can we not tell mom about Gabby?"

Luna nuzzled Spike's head. "Of course Spike." Luna then transported them outside of her dream. "Spike, from now on, I'll drop by every night to come see you, you might not see me, but I will be there." She opened his door and smiled at the dream, it was the night time field from a moment ago. "Now be a good dragon and tell my sister that tonight was great." She kissed his head and sent him back into his dream, but she didn't close his door.

Spike looked out into the dream realm as he waved at Luna. "Love you Aunt Luna."

"Love you too Spike, good morning."

"Good night Aunt Luna." Spike closed the door and watched it disappear. "Ok, now I need to wake up." Spike tried to wake up from his dream but before he did he noticed a few dream cakes on a picnic blanket. "Ok maybe after some more dream cake." He walked over to the cakes and found a little dream note.

Sorry about the first set of cakes, so before you wake up, have some more. From your Auntie Woona.

Spike smile at the note. "I will." Spike then started gobbling the cakes.

Author's Note:

One more chapter, to show what Celestia was doing, but the night is over for the dragon and his aunt.