• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 4,244 Views, 36 Comments

Take Your Nephew to Work Night - TAD2

Tomorrow is take you child to work day. But seeing at Spike Drake is the secret son of Princess Celestia, he can't really enjoy such a day with his mother. So how about the next best thing; A night out with his aunt.

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While Spike was enjoying his night with Luna, Celestia was preparing a very special spell.

After Celestia sent her sister to take care of Spike, she walked down to the royal vault, where they had stored some of the most important items that they collected after becoming rulers, but Celestia also kept some of the most important things she had been given since becoming a mother. She dismissed the guard stationed at the vault door and walked inside, and ignoring all the treasures and gems, she walked to the very back of the treasury. This section was for all of the princess's personal treasures, some of them were gifts from their mother, others were from ponies that held a special place in eithers hearts. But there was something special sitting on a pedestal in a glass cover.

Celestia walked over to the pedestal and looked at the item within, it was a purple egg with light purple dots on it, and the plaque underneath showed that it was Spike's egg. Celestia had collected Spike's egg and spent a few days trying to glue it back together. "Spike, I'm so sorry for everything, I just hope that you will understand that I never wanted this to happen to you." She wiped away her tears as she walked past the egg, and headed for a chest with a very powerful spell book inside. She opened the chest and sitting in the very large chest was a single book, but it was wrapped in so much magic canceling cloth and chains that it took all of Celestia's power to lift the book out. "Mother, I hope you can forgive me for messing with this spell, but I will not force my son into such a state." She started to unwrap the book, showing that its cover was a dark red leather. She opened the book, but sitting on the cover was a note from Lilith Solaris, Celestia's and Luna's mother.

Celestia or Luna, if you are reading this, that means that you are going to tempt fate, I would rather you not attempt this spell, but seeing as I used it myself when you girls were only little fillies, I have no place to talk, but do remember girls that this may be a one time thing, it has a 50% chance that the outcome can not be reversed. So if you are not deterred, I hope that who ever you are doing it for is worth it.

Celestia sighed at the note. "Mother, I know that you always wanted us to be the best we could, but even you used this spell to make that happen, and I will do the same for my son, even if it only lasts a day." Celestia returned the note to the cover of the book, and walked away to get prepared.

After an hour of work, Celestia had everything she would need for the spell. She opened the book and found the only spell in the book.

This spell is designed to strip the form of an alicorn, and change them into a normal pony of their choice. The effects should only last one day, but the effects could become permanent. Use this spell at your own risk.

Celestia looked at the magical equation for this spell, and she was glad that she started this early enough. "Wow, I had no idea that Mother was even able to understand all of this." It was honestly the hardest spell she had ever seen, but that wasn't going to stop Celestia. She closed her eyes as she started the long process of stripping herself of her alicorn form, thankfully the saving grace of the spell was that only an alicorn could cast it, and the users magic stayed, so if things don't go right, she still could move the sun.

"Spike, I love you." Said Celestia as she started the spell.

Hours later, Celestia was finished, she was now a tall unicorn with a pink mane, white fur, and her magenta eyes, but she had lost her wings, and her cutie mark was now the sun but looking over a rose bush. She looked at herself in the mirror of her room. "It worked." Said Celestia as she smiled.

"Yes it did Sister." Said Luna as she walked in to Celestia's room with her pet opossum Tiberius on her back. "But what will happen if it does not finish it's self?"

Celestia looked to Luna. "Luna, I made a huge mistake with you, and we both suffered for that, I lose my sister to a mad facsimile. You lost your sanity, 1000 years, and for a time, your connection to our ponies. That is something I will do anything in my power to avoid again, and more over, I will never allow that to happen to my little baby. I know it will be difficult for a time, but I have been preparing Twilight for her new role for years. So a year or 2 of me doing my job from the shadows won't really change much."

Luna sighed, she was talking like a princess. "Tia, you speak as you would for a royal decree. Have you thought about how Spike will feel knowing that you did this for him?"

Celestia nodded. "Luna, I have, but I don't care, I have tried my best to be a good mother to him, but we has missed out on so much, and all of it, just because of that stupid hunk of metal and a pair of wings. It was easier for Mother, she could at least be with us to teach us after she stepped down, but Spike is all alone in this world. I am only able to see him a few weeks a year without it being all a act, I missed so many birthdays becasue of meetings or visits, I can't even remember the last time I saw him smile like when he was a baby." Said Celestia as she started to cry. "Luna, I have failed at many things, but the one thing that has always been a ray of hope is my son, I will not let that hope die."

Luna sighed as she pulled her sister into a hug. "Tia, tonight, I have learned many things from Spike, but the first and most important is that no matter what, he will always love you."

"But, I don't want to lose him." Cried Celestia.

Luna nodded as she had an idea. "Then maybe since it has already been done, why don't you make the time you have with him worth the time you have missed."

Celestia sniffled as she smiled. "Thank you Luna, I'll make this day the best day of his life." Celestia ran to her balcony ready to fly to Ponyville to spend time with Spike.

But Luna used her magic and made sure that Celestia didn't plummet to her death. "Tia, you don't have wings." Said Luna as she brought her sister back into the room.

Celestia chuckled that she just jumped out of the tower. "Sorry, a few thousand years and you kinda get used to it."

Luna sighed as she placed Celestia on the ground. "Don't worry, Spike will be awake in a hour, you have time."

Celestia was confused. "Really, an hour, but you're already awake?"

Luna nodded. "Yes, I made some cakes for him and then he's going to fall asleep with a full dream stomach. I wanted to tell you about our adventures."

Celestia smiled as she got onto her bed. "Oh, tell me everything."

Luna smiled as she and Tiberius got onto the bed. "Well first off, I learned that Spike has a crush on a Griffin named Gabby, so the whole Rarity thing is coming to an end."

Celestia sighed at hearing that. "Oh, that is a load of my mind. What else?"

Author's Note:

The end, but what for the sequel that is in the works. Take Your Mother Around Town Day.

Comments ( 5 )

wow. things are gonna look up for spike. nice.

Oh wow, wasn't expecting that from Celestia! :pinkiegasp:

Now I can't wait to see what's in store in the next tale! :moustache:

Interesting take on there.
Celestia going to be with Spike as a mother and looks like Luna and Twilight will be co-ruling.

This is a really lovely story.
Just love seeing Spike and Luna interacting.
Hope we see more fics/stuff where Spike and Luna interact together good(or even in romance, I really loved seeing the "Dragon on the Moon" fic you made of SpikexLuna there)

Tsk,tsk Luna you promised not to tell!
This was a good story! I wish I had some of the background about Celestia being Spikes mom.

Beautiful chapter. Really well crafted and a ton of fun. Nice to hear of Celestia's and Luna's parents as well.

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