• Published 19th Nov 2019
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Child of Mine - Starscribe

After discovering a strange animal abandoned in the forest, Kyle is in for far more than he could've bargained for.

  • ...

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Chapter 45: Masking

Twilight rarely had cause to remember the time leading up to the return of Nightmare Moon. But looking back on those few months now made them feel almost quaint by comparison.

Back then, she had known Equestria was about to collapse under a terrifying invasion. As Celestia's personal apprentice, she had easily obtained an audience with important ponies across Canterlot. But despite their politeness and enthusiasm, they'd barely even listened to her. Only the princess herself had been willing to hear her out—because of course, Celestia knew what was about to happen.

But now that the stakes were far lower—with a single pony at risk, instead of their entire civilization—she found there was almost no resource she could not have. Did she want to move the mirror portal up north to study? It arrived in less than a day. A dozen references in transformation magic, including Equestria's current foremost expert? Not even a question.

Would I do things any differently if my child were at risk? But however much Twilight doubted Cadance’s continued competence to lead, it was hard to argue with her methods. Without the vast expense of time and resources, Flurry Heart might not be recovered for years.

Flurry's Vigil had plenty of large research buildings, almost too many of them. It seemed more like the crystal ponies Cadance brought had been given her same access to unlimited resources, and been told to bridge the gap as fast as possible. Most hadn't known what they were doing, so there were lots of empty labs with the same early steps figured out. She cleared away the half-finished copy of the mirror portal, and made way for the real thing.

Of course she wouldn't be traveling through it—as much as the world on that side made more sense, it wasn't where Flurry was located. Rather, Twilight removed the thin metal skin from around back, exposing the spells that made it up to detailed scrutiny.

This time it wasn't the portal that she needed to copy, though. Equestria had grown beyond the understanding of ancient Starswirl, building on his foundation. But they didn’t just need to get across to the other side.

Even a small number of locals had brought them to a halt, terrified and uncomprehending. There was no chance they would be able to do a meaningful investigation if they had crowds of staring people following them everywhere they went. And if being seen by so many people upset the Body Invisible, they might revoke their invitation.

Once that happened, it would be a war. Cadance wouldn't take no for an answer.

It took Twilight a full day to extract the spell, and another to reproduce it. Transformation magic wasn't entirely unknown to her—but every other time she'd used it, the process just converted one Equestrian being into another. This was something else.

"How long do I have to stay like this?" Rainbow shifted nervously back and forth inside the spell's circular casting field, her nearly hairless body covered in goosepimples. She shivered, wrapping both arms around her bare chest. "And can I get a blanket? These things are not very good with cold."

A laboratory aide rushed to obey—most of them just hovered in the corner of the room, conscious of the importance of the study taking place within but having no idea how to help.

While within the field, Rainbow Dash had become an exact copy of her mirror-portal self, right down to the cyan skin and multicolored hair. For reasons Twilight did not fully understand, no clothing had appeared when she stepped inside. But that was a taboo of the other world, not Equestria, so it didn't concern her much. Rarity could probably whip them up something once she had measurements.

"Until Thorax gets here," Twilight said. "He should have landed already. If I know Cadance, he'll be rushed straight here."

The enchantment circle was at the center of a raised stone pedestal, the same one Cadance’s scientists would've used to build a portal if they ever finished it. An entirely mundane mirror stood within, along with a few stolen cushions for Rainbow to sit.

"I mean, I'm sure the changeling is the expert on this... but isn't this close enough?" She stopped beside the mirror, glancing up and down at her reflection. "I look the same as those aliens on the other side, don't I? Too tall, too thin, no wings... at least we know why Flurry Heart made it. These things are too weak to be dangerous."

"It might seem the same," Twilight interrupted, before her friend could accidentally say something that would make its way to Cadance’s ears. "But the proportions seem off. I saw a few of them get out of their cars—their legs weren't so long, and their waists weren't as narrow as yours. Also maybe your skin is the wrong shade? That might not matter, we only saw a few. They might have the same range as the mirror-portal universe."

She had a few drawings sketched, recreating their proportions from memory as best she could. Rarity had added most of the details, outlining rough measurements that she had apparently memorized just by looking at their clothes. Twilight could only be grateful for the help.

"Psh, doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Just put on some big dress or whatever so they can't see too much. Rarity would love an excuse to make dresses."

"Technically I think she already started. She just won't be able to get exact until she can measure how the spell will actually behave."

The doors banged open, and several Crystal Empire soldiers emerged. They were marching in tight formation, around a single individual so small and shy that Twilight could barely see him. Despite Thorax's apparent welcome into the Crystal Empire, the army clearly was not going easy on him. "Here is your assignment," someone said. "Do not try to leave without your escort."

"I won't!" Thorax said, annoyed. "You're worried about nothing, I'm here to help!"

But the guards were barely even listening. One dropped her spear, several others stared. "What in Celestia's name is that?"

"Who," Rainbow snapped, before any of them could move. She stalked forward towards the edge of the platform, arms folded. "I'm still Rainbow Dash. Just... helping Twilight with the weird spell for when we cross back over. I'm gonna have all the practice, so I'll be faster and stronger than Applejack." She trailed off, mostly talking to herself at that point.

The strangeness of it was enough for the soldiers to move away, letting Thorax slip through unmolested. He approached the spell, holding out one hoof to the edge. "That is a remarkable species. I've been lots of things, and I've never seen anything like that. I don't even think the old Queen would recognize that."

"Probably not." Twilight greeted him with a polite hoofshake, gesturing in at Rainbow with her other hoof. "This species is from another universe. They call themselves 'human.' But so do lots of creatures that look almost identical. That's... part of why I asked for you to come here."

Her ears flattened, and she lowered her voice to a whisper. She didn't know Thorax well, and she certainly couldn't read emotions like he could. But she didn't need powers to recognize that her expert hadn't had a pleasant trip. "I thought they would just give you an airship ticket or something. They weren't supposed to drag you here like a prisoner. I'm sorry. Stay with my friends from now on, we'll make sure that doesn't happen."

"Yeah..." Thorax's transparent wings buzzed. "It's not like I'm not used to it from ponies. But I feel like the soldiers get a little worse every month."

They feel like something precious was stolen from them. Instead of mourning and moving on, Cadance has the whole city focused on it. Preparing for war against nopony. "Well, I only had a few questions for you. Rainbow, could you pose for us? Maybe spin around so Thorax can see?"

"Sure, whatever." Rainbow's face flushed, something far easier to see on human skin. "Just don't think I'm here to perform. I'm getting an advantage for when we cross again."

Thorax watched closely, his strange insect eyes unblinking. "Very unusual. So little magic compared to a pony. But I think I can... I assume you want me to copy her for something?"

Before Twilight could answer, Thorax changed. It looked nothing like a pony passing into the spell—the strange green magic of changelings was an entirely different phenomenon. Soon Rainbow had a twin, completely indistinguishable from her right down to her hairstyle and nervous posture.

"There. Not so hard. Easier than being a rock."

Rainbow stared, eyes widening. "Even when I look like an alien, that's weird."

"That's not the reason I asked you here." Twilight took a few steps to the side, towards her workbench and the many human sketches. "Look at these, then look at Rainbow. Notice anything?"

Thorax didn't change back, taking lengthy, uncoordinated steps over to the table. He had to reach way up to see onto it, legs hanging up over the edge. Despite their oversized legs, humans were so small. "She, uh..."

There was a flash of light, and suddenly Thorax was back, able to look back at the drawing and Rainbow clearly. "These sketches are wrong. These aren't the same species at all."

"That's why you're here," Twilight said. "If we had more time... a few months, or years... we could talk to the aliens on that side, take measurements, and work out a pony transformation spell so it was a perfect match. But Princess Cadance won't wait. We have until tomorrow morning to alter this spell here."

She levitated the spell over, settling it directly in front of Thorax. "This is what I used on Rainbow. How close can we get this to these sketches in one night?"

"Yikes," Thorax squeaked. He covered his mouth with one hoof, flushing greenish. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud. What you're asking is..."

He flipped between the sketches again, wings buzzing in a constant, low hum. "Your transformation spell here isn't the way we do it. Our powers are innate, and as much biology as magic. You could send a group of changelings across? Except I'm the only one here. I don't think I'd be very good at a secret mission."

"We would never ask you to do that," Twilight said. Some part of her had already feared an answer like this. "Maybe you could do your best to imitate the sketches? Then I could change my spell to try and copy you. It won't be perfect, but... it doesn't have to be perfect. We're not trying to copy anyone in particular, just look convincing enough that we can pass in a crowd."

"Sure!" Thorax lifted one of the drawings in his magic—the child from the car, who had called Twilight a unicorn. "They do have a lot in common. I'm sure you could at least improve your spell in a night. How much... hopefully a lot?"

"Good." Rainbow settled onto the cushion, her body wrapped up in an oversized-looking blanket. "Are you done with me? I kinda want my wings back."

Thorax meekly shook his head. "It would be better if you came back over here, uh... if you could? Please? Having you in front of me will make this easier. Changelings aren't... super big on making things from scratch. I was one of a few who learned from the queen herself. But even I'm only okay."

Rainbow groaned, getting back up. "Fine. But I'm keeping the blanket."

Author's Note:

Hey, just wanted to share another awesome piece of fanart. We can thank Dogman15 again for having this done. Artist was StellarDusk, so props to them. Things aren't going well for Kara, but I do think this captured her image really well.

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