• Published 19th Nov 2019
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Child of Mine - Starscribe

After discovering a strange animal abandoned in the forest, Kyle is in for far more than he could've bargained for.

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Chapter 47: Day Crew

Twilight could've spent months tinkering with this new transformation spell and the strange species that was its result. Ideally her dimensional piercing equipment would be outfitted with something like what Clover had done to the mirror portal, but more versatile, converting all who set hoof through it into the dominant species of the world they visited. Such a conversion might even fool native spellcasters, at least long enough to learn as much as they wanted and get home.

But there would be no chance for any of that now—given the urgency of retrieving Flurry Heart, they didn't even have the time to perfect the transformation into "humans."

Perfecting a transformation spell into an alien species with only a half-terrified changeling to simulate the new bodies for her was far from ideal. In the end, with Rainbow and Thorax serving as models, she was able to adjust the spell enough to match the basic ratios they had seen during their brief visit.

"Still feels like I'm going to snap off one of these little ankles," Rainbow complained, as Twilight was finalizing her spell. "Are you sure we couldn't make an exception for wings? We don't know that these humans don't have their own version of pegasus ponies. Did you say you saw some flying on your first visit?"

Ultimately she would have to create a spell that wouldn't be dispelled by the casting circle, so it could last during the whole visit. So long as none of her friends got too far away from her, the transformation could last. But leave her presence by too much, and it would unravel.

"We saw machines flying, not humans," Twilight said, letting her frustration leak through. But spelling all night and going directly into a trip to an alien world was hardly filling her with excitement. If she tried to take some time to sleep, Cadance would go instead. And possibly start a war.

"I don't even know if she could do that," Thorax said. "Not to doubt the princess, I wouldn't second-guess. But a blanket transformation spell like the one she's made is already incredible. Making it smart enough to transform some creatures one way, and others another way... I don't even know how to think of magic so powerful."

I'll have to bring you back in if we ever get the bits to start exploring the other entwined worlds full-time. Maybe changeling magic is the key to a portal that can make the explorers into anything they need to be.

"I guess we should visit Rarity?" Rainbow asked. "She has some final adjustments to make." She yawned, shaking out her lengthy arms. Rainbow had slept through much of the night, waking only occasionally when Twilight pulled her out to change the spell. But she'd stayed loyal to the mission to the end, which was all Twilight could've hoped for.

"Yes," Twilight answered. "To Rarity, and... to get Thorax situated somewhere he'll be treated with proper respect after helping us. How soon do you want to go back to the Empire?"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose..." he said, shuffling a few steps away. He didn't seem tired exactly. Did changelings even sleep? "I don't think you should send me back until the mission is over, though. Even though I'm not cut-out for covert infiltrations... I had my fill of those with the swarm. But you might need to tweak the spell, or maybe you'll need to impersonate someone specific. Better just to stay here until it's all worked out."

"Thanks." Twilight waved over Gallant Gallop, one of the crystal guards she knew. "Escort Thorax here to my quarters to rest. He's not a prisoner. Your job is not to guard him, but to ensure that he's given all the kindness that I would be shown. Is that clear?"

Gallant nodded, saluting to her. "Yes, Princess. Thorax, I can show you the way. Unless there's somewhere else you'd rather go first."

"No," he answered, tone almost wistful. "Please tell me how it goes when you return, Twilight.” He stared down at his hooves, wings buzzing in agitation. "Tweaking with them so much makes me almost wish I could meet one in person, just to see how close I came without meeting one. If only the queen could see me now..."

Rarity hadn't stayed up all night, but that was probably for the best. Their outfits were nearly ready, using the size and shape of the beings from the mirror portal as a base.

Noon found the entire group assembled in the portal room again, this time looking and feeling quite a bit smaller in the huge space. It wasn't just that everything was higher up, though that part specifically didn't exactly make her eager to continue the experiment.

I'll never get used to not having fur. Seeing all her friends huddled close together, all standing on two legs—it was absolutely amazing how fast they'd mobilized. Now we just have to save Flurry Heart. If they failed now, it wouldn't just devastate her parents. In a way, all Equestria was watching.

"Explain what you're trying to do this time," Cadance instructed. She lingered near a technician, wearing a replacement spear over her back. As though she'd be coming along with that absurd thing. They had scared off that world's humans with their size and appearance alone. If they brought weapons, the woefully undersized creatures might die of fright right in front of them. "Why the disguise?"

The question made sense. With the exception of Rainbow, the others were having trouble even standing up. If they ever had to do anything serious, Twilight would have to undo the spell first.

"We followed my tracking spell here," Twilight explained. "But on the last visit, it felt like she had moved again."

"I know that much," Cadance said. "The Radiant Hope is already being prepared. The portal would be loaded as we speak, except that you insisted on taking this trip."

"We don't know why she was moved, or by who," Twilight said. "We can't win a race if that's how they're going to do this. Worse, if they know we're using a tracking spell, they could intentionally obfuscate us. They could forge false connections between Flurry and objects, scattering them across the planet. Before we resort to raw force, we'd like to ask questions."

"I just figured that if she's been here until recent, she's gotta have some mighty brave creatures keeping her safe," Applejack said. She seemed to be doing her best to show no discomfort at all in her new position. She even had a new version of her hat, albeit much reduced in size from what she normally wore.

Even so, Twilight could see her wobble when she moved, slightly unsteady with every step. It had taken Rainbow the better part of an hour to be past that. Her own passage through the mirror portal had taken about the same time before she got used to it. "All the other creatures were right terrified of us last time."

"Hopefully that means they know where Flurry went," Fluttershy added. She kept her hands in the pockets of her bright blue overalls, which was obviously meant to contrast with her soft yellow skin.

Was it weird that Twilight thought they all looked out of place without fur? It was far stranger than looking at a naked pony ever could be.

"Don't take too long," Cadance ordered. "And if you even think you need help, call. We can have soldiers there in an instant to assist you."

But the more we open a portal to the same place, the thinner our world gets. That's why the mirror only stays open for few days at a time. If the Worldgate stays open too long, we'll punch a hole that never closes.

"If it happens," Twilight said. "Unless it looks like they're trying to keep Flurry or withhold information about her, we'll probably just flee like we did last time. We're not trying to start an international incident. Just in and out."

"Which is too bad," Pinkie added. "That kid really wanted to see a unicorn for herself. We'll be disappointing her."

“Wait, how did you know that?” Twilight tilted her head to the side. “I don’t remember…”

But Pinkie only grinned back. She wouldn’t be getting a straight answer.

Crossing over didn't take long. Twilight half expected the portal-sickness to come much more severely now that she was transformed. Or worse, that the transfer would somehow deform her transformation spell. She'd slipped a copy of it into her much-smaller bag of supplies, in case she needed to recast.

But when the disorientation finally faded and she took her first steps, she found her body unchanged. Same strange bumps on her chest, naked purple skin, long legs. If anything, these new bodies were more natural to her. Less like dolls, and more like another direction that life could've gone on Equus itself, if primates had won out over equines.

They had picked the same location for their return, so the trees and shrubs were familiar to her. While her friends recovered, Twilight pulled out her tracking spell—now so large that it took up half the backpack she wore by itself. She held it in both hands, feeling the jerks as it almost pulled free of her grip.

She had almost let herself hope that Flurry was here, and her first trip's measurements were wrong. Alas. She took a few steps, feeling the pull as she walked. It didn't vary even slightly in her grip—another sign that she was far away.

Yet as she moved, there was another faint twitch from the tracking spell. It tilted momentarily to one side, pointing towards somewhere far closer. It was off in the same direction they'd gone last time, and not far away.

Then the effect vanished, and the tracker returned to pulling her far to the north.

"So what's the plan?" Rainbow asked. "We walk right up to the first alien we find and ask where they took the baby?"

"No." Twilight rolled her eyes. We're the aliens here, Rainbow. We're lucky they're friendly enough to let us take Flurry back. "She's further north. Probably way past the Empire. But there's another signal closer. It's weak... it could be left over, or it could be because somepony is trying to hide it. Either way... I think we should look."

"I still think we could a’ made the trip lookin' like ourselves." Applejack adjusted her hat, scanning the forest around them. "I know it ain't quite the same thing, but changing like this feels like we're lying to creatures. Pretending we're something we're not."

"You don't have to tell them you're really a pony," Rainbow said. "They'll be able to tell just by watching. Just try to go on all fours again, that seemed natural." She giggled, but Twilight cut her off with a harsh glare.

"We have to get going, before the princess decides to come in after us."

They set off, back down the same path they had taken last time. Twilight took the lead, with the tracking spell in both hands. Soon they were down the hill. Twilight couldn't levitate them over the fence. Not without her horn. Obviously, her magical abilities were still present—but the transformation could only take so much pressure for things that shouldn't be there before it crumbled. She didn't have a horn right now.

Presumably the spellcasters among this species had their own technique, one that didn't involve horns. But without knowing it herself, Twilight was nearly helpless in that regard. It was a good thing her friends were so resourceful, and the natives seemed so peaceful.

They reached the road, exactly where they'd found it last time. Only now instead of cars passing on either side, it was utterly deserted. If Twilight really squinted off in one direction, she could just about make out a shiny red barricade blocking off the road, and a few parked black and white cars on either side.

That's probably for the best. Now we don't have to test our transformation any sooner than we have to. "Up there." She pointed off to one side, where the road turned towards some large homes separated widely along the side. She had to really manhandle the tracking spell to point where it didn't want to go, but if she held long enough she could just manage it. With a little persistence, it occasionally twitched back to the direction they were moving.

"Before anypony notices us," Twilight added. "Follow me." She glanced both ways, then darted across the street, her friends close behind.

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