• Published 9th Jun 2021
  • 1,450 Views, 23 Comments

The Bonds of Love and Fire - Whooves235

Fame and glory, these things are all Spitfire has ever needed she was the Captain of the Wonderbolts. However with the Wonderbolts putting in new requirements and the appearance of an old friend. how will it affect her career as a Wonderbolt?

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Chapter 10: A Symphony

Downtown Cloudsdale

It was a bright early morning for both Spitfire and Orion, the two of them deciding to get an early start on the day they had planned together. After finishing their breakfast, the two pegasi trotted down towards the city’s bustling commercial district. Spitfire took care to point out all the interesting locations she’d been to during the semi-regular trips she’d taken to Cloudsdale, as Orion had told her he hadn't been home in quite a while. Fancy restaurants where the team had been treated by wealthy sponsors, exclusive clubs they went to after shows for private parties, and even a run-down rat-hole of a bar that Spitfire swore up and down was the single greatest pub in Equestria. Orion was understandably skeptical about that one given he was in Canterlot most of the time.

Orion kept pace beside her, entranced by every little story and always looking for more details. His nerves were much easier to ignore when he was moving around. Flying would have been better, but the two of them decided to walk around to take more time to do things, as both of them were fast fliers.

"So, where where you thinking of going today?" Spitfire asked, looking to Orion.

"Well...I was thinking of going to dinner, and then maybe spending some time at the Park? I recalled seeing you there enjoying the music when we ran into each other." He said.

"That sounds really nice actually." She said smiling.

“So, um, that is, if you don’t mind me asking,” Orion hesitated, earning an amused look from Spitfire. “Are you into music?”

Spitfire sighed and smiled "Yea...its a secret passion that only few ponies know about. I usually make the excuse as to why I'm at the park for 'getting fresh air and relaxing' but in all honesty I go because I enjoy the music."

"What made you so into it? I never took you for somepony who liked music so much"

"My father...he used to take me to musicals and shows in the park all the time when I was a filly." She said, smiling as she fondly recalled those days. "When I looked at him? I could always see the passion behind his eyes, how much he loved hearing all the notes and tunes...and the melody of the music..." She stopped for a second, smile fading "It...was hard on me when he passed away...but...I like to come here to the park to listen to the music. To remember him by"

"That's...really nice..." Orion said "He sounded like an amazing pony"

"He was" She said "Not a day goes by that I don't miss him..."

"I'm sure he would be proud of the mare you have become today." He said smiling. The two of them continued on their walk.

"What about you? Did you do anything with your folks?" She asked.

Orion sighed "My family dynamic is...complex" He said "My mother is from Cloudsdale, while my Father is a Unicorn from Canterlot."

"Woh, your dad's a Unicorn?" Spitfire asked.

"Yeah, he was in the guard like me. It's actually another reason I wanted to join." He said smiling "When I was younger I always thought he was so cool in his golden armor."

"So wait, your family is a mixed family?" she asked "How did you guys get a home up here then?"

"Well, my father learned the cloud walking spell, so until we actually got a solid surface floor in the house he was always using that" He said explaining "My mom was always going on about how exhausted he was due to how long he used the spells. She could have sworn she saw him fall through the floor once or twice"

Spitfire chuckled "Your family sounds fun"

"Yeah, we all enjoyed each other's company"

"Well, at least you grew up without having famous parents. When I was with my mother I was always having to try and look good for the camera. Weather it be doing my mane or wearing makeup."

"What? Why in Equestria would you need to wear makeup?" Orion asked.

Spitfire stopped in her tracks and leaned close to the white stallion, giving Orion her very best bedroom eyes. “Oh, Orion, you are so adorably naïve~.”

Orion’s wings shot up almost as fast as her face went from white to red. Spitfire nearly fell over laughing.

“Th-that is so not cool!” Orion squeaked once he regained some semblance of control.

“Oh-oh wow…” Spitfire struggled to speak through her laughter “Y-your face, was so-so.” She burst into another fit of laughter before sitting heavily, clutching her sides “Oh... Ow. I-I can’t breathe.” She snickered.

“Karma’s a pain in the flank,” Orion noted dryly, sitting beside Spitfire and patting her back.

“Oh boy,” Spitfire gasped, directing a broad smile to Orion. “Look at the bright side, Dash.”

“What bright side?” Orioneyed her incredulously.

“At least you didn’t pop a wingie during a public meet and greet.”

Orion snorted, a lopsided smirk forming on his face.

“Who did that?” he asked impishly.

“Thunderlane,” Spitfire chuckled.

Orion eyed the Wonderbolt suspiciously. “Why do I get the feeling you had something to do with that?”

Spitfire tried her best to look innocent. “I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have whispered a… colorful comment on the quality Soarin's flank.”

Orion snorted "Wow you really are hooking those two up aren't you" he asked.

"What can I say, I know love when I see it" She said grinning.

"Hm...actually...do you wanna catch a movie?" Orion asked looking at her.

"Hell yeah!" She said "I hear the new Power Ponies movie is in theaters"

"Then let's get a move on" He said with a pep in his step. Orion led Spitfire down a few more blocks to the local cinema. The two perused the posters adorning the side of the building before Spitfire paid for both tickets. much to Orion’s insistence, although he was able to pay for the snacks. Upon seeing the heavily inflated prices for a bucket of popcorn and two drinks, however, he silently regretted that decision.

The two set themselves up in the top row of the surprisingly empty theater, though in fairness it was a bit early in the day for most ponies to be out seeing a movie. As the lights dimmed and the previews began to play, both ponies made themselves comfortable. Spitfire sat with Orion on her left side.

After the annoyingly long previews were over, the movie began in earnest with the titles emblazoned on the screen in bold lettering over a sweeping shot of the Manehatten City Night. Spitfire smiled and half-watched the movie, half-watched Orion. As two ponies pushed a cart along an under-construction road on-screen, Spitfire took a large sip of her drink. Then the first pony started speaking.

“Come on, guys! The way you're slacking off around here with, you'd think it was a cold winter night. Get to work!”

About twenty minutes into the film, once the humor had slowed enough that Spitfire felt safe enough to eat or drink, she cast a glance over to her date. Orion was smiling brightly, his eyes affixed to the screen.

Orion looked to Spitfire once he saw that she wasn't looking to him. So he took a chance and wrapped his left foreleg around Spitfire’s shoulders. Spitfire flinched at first, her posture stiffening before she managed to relax. Spitfire could feel the colt trembling from his nerves. She rubbed her hoof reassuringly on Orion’s hoof, subtly encouraging the stallion not to worry. Slowly but surely Orion relaxed.

By the time the movie had almost reached its midpoint, Spitfire had relaxed to the point of almost snuggling with Orion, her head resting lightly against the Guard's shoulder. There was something that Spitfire couldn’t quite explain about the embrace. Something she hadn’t felt very often, It was simply... nice.

When the film was over, Spitfire and Orion exited the cinema together, each quoting lines and laughing. Orion noticed that Spitfire seemed to be walking a bit closer to him than she had been earlier. It was a small gesture, but it signaled to him that she was feeling more comfortable around him.

“That was the best movie ever!” Spitfire beamed, her excitement and energy nearly contagious. “Thanks for buying the tickets.”

“Well, let’s see now, I got to see an awesome movie, got some free snacks, and had a great friend to spend some time with; I call that a hay of a deal!” Orion said.

“Yeah, I am that cool” Spitfire smirked. “But you’re pretty good too.” she retorted, playfully nudging Orion in the ribs.

“Ooo, somepony thinks she’s a hotshot,” Orion challenged, his playful tone and noticeable grin not doing much to cover the fun he was having.

"Hay my name isn't Spitfire for a reason" She said chuckling.

Orion groaned jokingly, resisting the urge to smack himself in the face. “So, Spit, what should we do next?”

Spitfire took a moment to look to where the sun was in the sky, quickly gauging how much daylight was left. “Well, before it gets too late we should try to head to the place you wanted to go for dinner"

"Right!" He said “I know that anything along Mane Street is good quality, and they usually have pretty good prices too from what I remember.” He said.

"You would be correct on that assessment" Spitfire said. "I know a place we could go too, its called Thunder Diner"

"Well then, lead the way" Orion said smiling, as the two of them continued to walk along the cloud sidewalk, until they reached their destination. the casually furnished establishment had a large bar area with many small round tables set in front of a small performance stage. Booths lined most of the walls that were adorned with countless photos of performers and celebrities that had either played at the club, or had given it their patronage.

"Damn, this place looks nice." Orion said.

"Yep, I like to come here on occasion with Rapid. It's a nice place with great food" Spitfire said, leading Orion to a booth. Upon sitting down, a waiter would come, He ordered a comparatively cheap entrée and a glass of water, while Spitfire ordered herself something slightly more expensive and a lavish cocktail, the both of them also ordering some sandwiches for themselves.

"I never took you for an expensive drink mare" Orion said.

"I may not seem like it, but there have been times when I like to go all out on the lavish lifestyle" Spitfire chuckled.

"Well I hope I don't ruin the mood" He said sarcastically.

"What you? Never" She said with another chuckle.

Their sandwiches were delivered fairly quickly, after which they ate in companionable silence. Spitfire took the time to think. She liked Orion; just on a personal level they had similar interests. They were both action-oriented ponies with a deep love of duty and working with teams. They had common tastes in food, music, and entertainment. All of that made Spitfire nervous. She didn’t want another heartbreak, nor did she have any desire to break another pony’s heart, especially when that pony was her best friend from all those years ago. She and him were so close, and now that they have been talking again that closeness had returned.

Perhaps it would be best for both of them if they agreed to just be friends. If she headed off the issue there, then neither of them would risk getting their feelings hurt later. She took another bite of her sandwich to avoid a sigh. She then recalled the kiss...how she had kissed him under that mistletoe. It was just a harmless joke but...for some reason she had a hard time not thinking about it. Truth be told its been on her mind for a while since it happened.

Spitfire and Orion remained in the restaurant long after their plates had been emptied, the table cleared and their appetites sated. Both ponies trade stories back and forth and truly get a chance to catch up with one another. “Having fun?” the older mare asked with a smirk, having difficulty restraining a laugh as Orion’s wing lowered, revealing her caught-in-the-act expression, complete with a freshly plucked feather in her mouth.

The stallion spat the feather out and laughed sheepishly, a hoof rubbing at the back of her head. “Uh, y-yeah! Of course!” She grinned. “What about you?”

“Ooh, I’m doing pretty good, thanks.” Spitfire smiled

"Good good" Orion said "You know I was just thinking about this time when I had gone to a club in midtown that has an open mic night every Wednesday from six to midnight. I had gone there with Ranks, Blue and his Husband, and another guard friend. When we were there we all got so drunk that we ended up singing duets together"

Spitfire chuckled "Now that's something id pay to see"

Orion laughed "Oh trust me you wouldn't have wanted to see how that turned out"

“What’s the worst that could happen?” Spitfire giggled.

“Oh Celestia, never say those words aloud.” Orion grinned. “It’s just begging for the universe to do something horrible to us.”

“I guess it’s a good thing you're here to protect me then.” Spitfire winked, batting her eyelashes which caused Orion to let out a snort.

“Thanks again for buying dinner, Spitfire,” Orion said for at least the fourth time that evening. “You really didn’t have to do that.”

Spitfire smiled. “I know I didn’t have to Orion, but I wanted to, you need to save your money for the Bank”

“Fine, then I guess I’ll just have to walk you home,” Orion said with a grin.

Spitfire found herself taken aback by the suggestion. She was used to being the one to say that line, not receive it. “Hey now,” She protested, “I’m a big filly. I can walk myself.”

"Yeah but as a gentle colt, It is my sworn duty to walk the fair lady home" Orion said in a silly tone.

"Of course sir knight, it would be my honor" Spitfire said getting up out of her seat and mockingly bowing down to him, which caused him to chuckle.

"Alright alright, let's get going. We still have to go to the park." Orion said, getting up with her as the two of them left the restaurant. The pair enjoyed the quiet walk together as they reached the park. The two ponies would just quietly sit in the park, relaxing and enjoying the music that was playing from the gazebo in the center. Both of them quietly enjoy each other's company. The park was relatively empty so it felt like it was just them, to which Spitfire felt really comfortable with.

"This has been....really fun Orion" Spitfire said, looking to the gazebo as she spoke, leaning into him softly.

"Really? Like...I'm not overdoing it?"

Spitfire chuckled and looked to Orion, who now had a pinkish hue to his cheeks "No... it's honestly been perfect" she said.

“Glad to hear it,” Orion replied, genuinely glad to see the mare happy.

“So, want to do it again sometime?” Spitfire asked.

Orion felt her heart stop momentarily. It didn’t seem real; Fear and indecision threatened to overwhelm him. Before he could psyche himself out, he decided to take the jump. “Y-yes absolutely that would be great.” he smiled, his cheeks burning red and a slight tremble running through his body.

“Great! What are you doing Wednesday night? After work, of course.” Spitfire asked.

“Um…well.” he paused a moment to think. “I, uh, I hadn’t really thought about it but I think I'm free.”

“Well then, how about you and I meet up at home after work, and from there we’ll make it a date?”

“O-okay, that would be cool!” Orion smiled nervously.

“Six o’clock sound good?” Spitfire asked.

"Absolutely" Orion said, smiling softly as he looked to Spitfire. The stallion just thinking about everything, he had been trying to process the month. It almost didn't feel real to him, especially after she kissed him...something that he was having a hard time not bringing up to Spitfire. However something inside Orion was pulling him, wanting him to speak. "Spitfire I-...wanted to..." Orion spoke, pausing as he tried to collect himself.

"Wanted to...what?"

"Look after I helped you with decorating your house, I just can't stop thinking about..."

"The kiss?" Spitfire said, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink.

"Y-yah..." Orion said, looking down.

"Do you....wanna talk about it?"

Orion nodded looking to Spitfire, he wanted to say something it was clear, but he looked so hesitant.

"Y-you can talk about it with me Orion..."

"I know...I just..." He chuckled nervously "I don't wanna sound all sappy."

Spitfire chuckled "Orion Snow, you are the most sappy pony I know when it comes to feelings and being nice. It's why I enjoy your company so much." She said.

"R-really?" He asked.

"Yes...so if you need to be sappy...be sappy..." She said.

Orion took a breath thinking about his words. “Ever since we met at the academy, I always admired you Spitfire. I was so young then I didn’t know how to tell you this or...even go through with explaining things. It was scary liking some pony like that. I was caught off guard completely. Back in the academy, you were the one who made sure we never gave up," he said. "You were always the one with the dreams and ambitions. While I...I was just the one who was there for no reason..."

Spitfire looked at Orion and then down at the ground "Orion....you were never there for no reason..." Spitfire said returning a look to him "You were there because you wanted to be something, you think I was the one who made sure you guys would never give up? Orion...you were the one who made sure I never gave up.."

Orion's eyes widened slightly as he looked to Spitfire "Y-you really mean it?"

"Orion you have been...so kind to me...helping me out with all that shit in the Wonderbolts, going out of your way to do all those kind things for me? I...I just never understood why..."

"Spitfire, it's because I care about you. I want you to feel appreciated. I like to see you happy." Orion said, looking down to the ground with a now deep red hue on his cheeks "Everyone outside the Wonderbolts sees you as this big scary captain who has no fears. I don't see you that way...I have seen a whole different side to you. One who likes music, who likes to just relax and go for walks and dinners with friends. One who...humors an old friend by going on a date with them..."

Spitfire just looked at Orion, here for the first time was a stallion who actually cared about her. One who did things to make her happy. "Orion...ever since I ended that relationship with Zipper I never...really wanted to date again. I didn't want to get my heart broken...I just don't think I could take it."

"I know...what he did was horrible Spitfire but...I promise I won't do that to you...I would never do anything to hurt you" Orion said.

Spitfire looked to Orion, an equally deep red hue on her "I know you wouldn't..."

As the two of them looked at each other, the music from the gazebo would quiet down. A pony would walk up with a guitar and a microphone. The pony would strum softly on his guitar as he began to sing.

“I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
Now in its place is somethin' new
I hear it when I look at you"

Perhaps it was the heat of the moment; perhaps it was the adrenaline running through him, Orion didn’t know. The next thing he knew he wrapped a second wing around Spitfire and pulled her a bit closer, looking into her.

"Spitfire....I really like you..." Orion said, tears in his eyes as his face showed both fear and passion in them. "I have for a while now..."

"Orion..." Spitfire just looked into his eyes, those cyan eyes of his that always seemed to entrance her. As the song continued the two of them just continued to stare at each other.

“With simple songs, I wanted more
Perfection is so quick to bore
You are my beautiful, by far
Our flaws are who we really are"

“I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
You took my broken melody
And now, I hear a symphony"

Spitfire lost herself to the music. Her body moved closer to Orion's. It was unlike anything Spitfire had ever experienced in her life. Closer and closer she got, and closer Orion pulled her in, and as the song came to a close Orion and Spitfire became even closer, as the two of them pressed their muzzles together, softly kissing.

“And now, I hear
a symphony"