• Published 9th Jun 2021
  • 1,451 Views, 23 Comments

The Bonds of Love and Fire - Whooves235

Fame and glory, these things are all Spitfire has ever needed she was the Captain of the Wonderbolts. However with the Wonderbolts putting in new requirements and the appearance of an old friend. how will it affect her career as a Wonderbolt?

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Chapter 11: A Blast of Fire

It didn’t seem real.

Things like this were only supposed to be in the purview of cheesy romances, like the ones on TV or in Books—yet there Spitfire was, frozen in her place, with Orion’s lips interlocked with hers. Spitfire’s cheeks burned, her heart raced, and her mind spun from the simple, inescapable reality of her situation.

It wasn’t like the way she had seen it in movies or read in books. There were no fireworks, no clarion calls or sweeping strings; there wasn’t a sudden epiphany of new emotion. It was simply Orion and her, with the world around them nothing more than a vague afterthought.

All too soon, Orion’s lips parted with Spitfire’s, a ghost of warm breath washing over her muzzle as the stallion retreated. Spitfire forced her eyes open, immediately she found herself once again lost in Orion’s gaze. The older mare’s golden cheeks laced with the faintest hint of crimson and her lips still parted slightly.

The Wonderbolt remained frozen in her place, Orion’s forelegs wrapped loosely around her waist with his wing draped over her back. Spitfire’s forelegs had, at some point unbeknownst to their owner, wrapped themselves around Orion’s waist as well. Despite how hard he tried, Orion couldn’t find the words to break the silence of the moment. He was torn between excitement and utter terror, which resulted in a noticeable tremble running throughout his body. Spitfire’s forelegs very slightly tightened their grip.

“You alright, Orion?” Spitfire asked, her voice airy and soft.

“Y-yeah,” Orion answered with a smile, a strong shiver running through him at the sound of Spitfire’s voice.

“You sure?” Spitfire asked worriedly. “You’re shaking.”

Orion managed an anxious laugh, “S-sorry, I’ve just-just, well…you know…”

“First kiss?” Spitfire inquired with a quirked eyebrow.

Orion nodded mutely, his cheeks and ears flattening back.

Spitfire mouthed a silent ‘oh’, her wing providing a constant hug to the stallion. Silence filled the air between them for a moment before Spitfire lightly nudged Orion’s ribs to draw her attention. “So, was it good for you?” Spitfire asked, waggling her eyebrows playfully.

Orion snickered and folded his forelegs across her chest. He pursed his lips, tilted his head, and furled his brows together to look like a somepony lost in deep thought over the matter. Spitfire chuckled, though at the same time she felt a peculiar sense of anxiety well up in her stomach at the thought of Orion saying ‘no’.

“Well, I don’t know,” Orion teasingly drawled. “I mean, it wasn’t a blast of fire, but I’d say it was pretty good.”

“A blast of fire, huh?” Spitfire grinned impishly, “I’ll give you a blast of fire~.” Orion barely managed a squeak as Spitfire pulled him close and dipped him low. The Wonderbolt’s left hoof supported the back of Orion's head while her powerful wing gently cradled the guard’s back. Spitfire smiled warmly as her right hoof gently brushed stray strands of mane from Orion's face.

Any words were lost when Spitfire’s lips again pressed against Orion’s. Orion inhaled sharply through his nose as the Wonderbolt’s tongue teased at his lips. Spitfire lost herself in the physicality of the moment. More than once she found herself come dangerously close to yielding to her more carnal desires. With any other pony, she probably would have caved. With Orion, however, there was something she couldn’t quite put her hoof on that made her reluctant to take things too quickly.

Spitfire held the kiss until the muscles in her wing began to burn and her lungs screamed for a full breath of air. Reluctantly, her lips again parted with Orion’s. Both ponies panted lightly, the Wonderbolt’s lips ghosting over the guards more than a few times. Spitfire gently pulled Orion back to an upright position, stifling a giggle at the dazed look on the stallion's face.

“How was that?” Spitfire asked with a smirk, her forelegs pulling Orion into a close hug.

“Whoa,” Orion breathed softly.

Spitfire chuckled proudly and gave Orion a soft kiss on the cheek. “Glad I made an impression.”

Orion managed a soft laugh as he rested his head on Spitfire’s shoulder. A white wing gently slipped around the Wonderbolt’s back in a tender hug. A comfortable silence settled over the couple for a moment before Orion spoke. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

“For what?” Spitfire asked, mildly confused.

“Everything,” Orion made a broad gesture with her hoof. “The past month has been like something out of an awesome dream.”

“I’m glad, Orion,” Spitfire replied as she nuzzled between Orion’s ears.

For a while, the two lost track of time. Both ponies were content to hold, and be held, as the minutes ticked by in silence. Spitfire’s gaze shifted between Luna’s beautiful night sky and the stallion in her embrace.

“Hey, Spit?” Orion asked quietly.

“Yeah?” Spitfire answered, peering up to Orion.

"S-so uh...what does...this...make us?" He asked nervously.

Spitfire's cheeks flushed bright red. her forelegs, still wrapped around the stallion's torso, feeling his heart flutter in his chest. "I-..I don't really know Orion..." She said softly.

Orion’s cheeks burned intensely as a wave of dizziness nearly overwhelmed her. He found himself deeply glad he was both sitting down and had another pony already holding on to him. The torrent of emotions that roiled through him resulted in a sharp gasp from the guard.

“I-is it bad I’m scared?” Orion asked, his voice quavering.

“No,” Spitfire answered as she smiled and nuzzled the top of Orions head, “because it scares me too.”

The stallion laughed softly, his grip tightening on Spitfire’s waist. “Y-yeah,” Orion began anxiously. "I..want to try and see where this could go but...with our jobs...and Yellowjacket I don't want to risk making things worse"

"Orion..." Spitfire said, looking to him "I don't care what happens, as long as your ok that's all that matters"

Orion felt her cheeks burn anew at the commitment. She nuzzled his cheek against Spitfire’s shoulder for a moment, until Spitfire’s hoof gently lifted his chin up. His blue-cyan eyes again met with Spitfire’s golden orbs. With a warm smile, Spitfire’s soft lips met Orion's for a third time. The kiss ended all too soon for Orion when Spitfire’s lips left hers, the older mare gently nuzzling him.

“So...do you maybe wanna do this again somtime?” Spitfire asked, her voice soft and breathy.

“Y-yea” Orion answered. “Yea...Id like that a lot" Orion said smiling softly "What would we do?”

“Oh, I’ve got a few ideas...” Spitfire winked mischievously.

Orion giggled and nuzzled into the crook of Spitfire’s neck. “Well then, I guess I’ll just have to walk you home now so we can get some rest"

"Yea... let's just...stay here for a bit longer yea?" Spitfire said.

Orion would nod softly, as the two sat for a while longer under Luna’s moon, simply enjoying each other’s company for as long as they could.

Far across the park Zipper Flash smirked as Spitfire and the white casually sat in the park. He paused for a moment, his eyes drifting to the camera around his neck. Just a few more pictures, and Yellowjacket would no longer be a concern and he could get his cash. He only had a half dozen pictures left on his current film strip anyway.

“Get ready for the scandal of your life Spitfire” he whispered to the camera as he got up, the stallion content with the photos he managed to grab of the two ponies embracing each other. While Zipper had no idea who this stallion was, all he did know was that Spitfire obviously cared for him deeply. He counted himself lucky that he had gone to the park with his camera. He had followed up on a tip that Spitfire was out and about with another pony. He didn't believe it at first but after he saw them coming out of that theater, he was more than convinced.

Coming out from his hidden spot, he left the park and flew back to his apartment, getting into the room as he sighed softly, he walked over to his computer and plugged his camera in, downloading the photos onto his hard drive so he could send them to Yellowjacket. He walked over to his fridge and pulled out a beer, then walked back to the computer as he typed out the email to Yellowjacket with the photo attached.

For whom it may concern. This photo taken of the Wonderbolt Captian and a strange stallion was taken at the Park. It is clear that these two ponies are in some form of a relationship in one way or another.

Zipper Flash

He would then click send, the stallion smirking as he leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his beer. Confident in himself for the first time in quite a long time. Soon his computer would make a ding sound as an email popped up.

This information will be quite useful. As agreed upon your money will be sent to your account immediately. Well done. I hope to work with you again in the future.

There was no signature on the document, however Zipper knew that the Council Pony needed to hide anything that could tie him back to his job. Zipper took another sip of his beer "Let the show begin~"

For a few minutes, Orion and Spitfire remained still, content to merely hold, and be held in kind. A gentle breeze washed over them and rustled the leaves in the trees. They held each other closer still. For the first time in a long time both ponies they were safe. They were safe from the petty squabbles, safe from the politics, pressures, and scandals. They were safe from the prejudices, jealousies, and spite, none of it mattered. Soon however both ponies forced themselves to get up so they could get home. On the way, they both used the opportunity to consider things: where her relationship with Orion was going to be now, what the risks were, and how she was going to deal with the public opinion.

Arriving back at Spitfire’s House, Orion carefully opened the door and the two ponies walked inside, close to each other. “Thanks for everything, Orion. It was a great evening,” Spitfire said.

“Y-yeah it was,” Orion said breathily, his cheeks still flushed.

“When’s your shift over tomorrow?” Spitfire asked.

“Uhh,” Orion’s eyes drifted up and to the left as he thought about the question for a minute, “five? Yeah, Five-ish.”

“Cool,” Spitfire smiled "When you get back me and you can hang out some more...how does that sound?"

"I'd like that" Orion said, smiling softly.

Orion and Spitfire shared a close embrace and one final kiss, before Orion went up the stairs into his bedroom. Spitfire watched as he vanished into the room, a pang of loneliness in her chest. With a sigh, she made her way to the bathroom, a hot shower would do her good.

For Orion, sleep proved to be an elusive thing that night. His head buzzed, his cheeks burned, and he could still taste Spitfire’s kiss. he brought a hoof to his lips, it had been so intense, so passionate. Orion couldn’t think of anything like it that he had experienced before. With a groan, he pressed his hooves over his eyes and tried to force himself to sleep.

What little rest he managed to get was rudely interrupted by the alarm clock. Orion’s hoof slammed down on the poor contraption to silence its ring. Forcing himself out of bed, he showered, brushed his teeth, and went through his morning stretches to warm up. After ensuring he was ready, and still on schedule, he went downstairs to notice Spitfire was absent. Probably still asleep or at the base. Seeing he was alone he left the house and took off to the cloud balloon to make his way to Canterlot so he could work his shift with the other guards.

Wonderbolt HQ

“Soarin’? Oooh Soarin!” Spitfire sang. The mare very much in a present mood. She had a feeling that both Soarin and Thunderlane hadn't read the paper just yet, so their little public outing was still a surprise...well...a surprise to the two of them only, as all the other Bolts already knew.

“I should’ve brought my camera,” Misty mumbled as she stifled a giggle.

Spitfire would find Soarin passed out on the lunch table with a pie next to him. She put her hoof on Soarin’s shoulder and shook him enough to wake him.

“Eh, wha...” Soarin’ mumbled groggily as his emerald eyes fluttered open. “Boss?”

“Wakey, wakey, Soarin’.” Spitfire said cheerily.

“Go away, it’s too early.” He mumbled as he rolled onto his side.

Spitfire sighed and rolled her eyes. “Okay, time for the hard way.”

Without further explanation, Spitfire pulled Soarin’ out of his seat letting him land on the floor with a loud thud. Soarin’ seemed rather unimpressed with the surprise change in positions, but didn’t attempt to get back to his seat. Instead, he seemed quite intent to be as big a pile of dead weight as he could possibly be, in hopes the unwanted visitors would simply leave.

Spitfire hefted Soarin’ onto her back, grunting heavily from the dead weight. “Would one of you two go and scramble him an egg or something? I’m gonna toss his flank in the shower.”

“Why don’t you go cook him something?” Misty asked, her face turning into a small pout.

“Cause if I cook, then we’re gonna have to fly him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped. And hospitals are no fun unless you’re the one getting the drugs.”

“You all suck,” Soarin’ grumbled from his position, still intent on being as useless as possible.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s nice, Soarin’. Come on, let’s get this over with.” Spitfire said as she trotted To the showers.

Misty and Rainbow, who had joined the two mares in wanting to see this escapade unfold. Watched her for a moment before Misty looked at Rainbow.

“So, do you know how to cook?”

“Um... kinda?”

“Well, he’s screwed.”

“That sounds about right, yeah.”

Twenty minutes later, a very irritated Soarin’ was sitting at the table, wholeheartedly staring at a plate of scrambled eggs that seemed to contain as much shell as egg and a slice of bread better described as blackened than toasted.

“Tell me again,” he asked, “how did three mares manage to buck up scrambled eggs and toast?”

“It’s the thought that counts, right?” Misty said with a hopeful smile.

“Not really, no.” He answered.

“Anyway,” Spitfire interrupted, “we came here Soarin’, because there’s a small problem you need to know about.”

“Joy. Of. My. Life.”

Spitfire pulled out the copy of the Enquirer from her bag and set it beside the plate of so-called food. Soarin’s eyes went wide as he took in the photograph and the headlines. The three mares exchanged a nervous glance as they waited for Soarin’ to react. Just as Spitfire was about to reach out to him, his shoulders began to tremble. For an instant, the mares recoiled fearing the enquirer had taken things too far. Then Soarin’ fell out of his chair, laughing himself senseless.

Spitfire, Rainbow, and Misty all let out a relieved sigh.

“You okay there, buddy?” Spitfire asked.

“That... that’s just too perfect!” Soarin’ said through his laughter.

“I'm...very confused right now” Spitfire said a confused look on her as well as the two other mares.

“Just—hehe—just give me a minute.”

“Can do,” Spitfire answered.

After Soarin’ had composed himself, and grabbed his own Saddlebag. He would motion the three pegasi to follow him to the bunks A short trot later, all four found themselves standing in the bunks.

“Thunderlane!” Spitfire shouted as she pounded on the bed the sleeping stallion was on.

“AH!” Thunderlane shouted as he shot up“CELESTIA DAMNIT!”

Rainbow, Soarin’, Misty, and Spitfire tried not to laugh too noticeably.

“What the hay was that for?” Thunderlane demanded. Soarin then dug into his saddlebag and held up the paper for Thunderlane to see. He studied the paper for several long moments before he looked at Soarin’.

“Does this mean we can’t cuddle anymore?”

“Screw. You.”

“Not in front of the boss, Mallow.” Thunderlane said, lightly jabbing at Soarin.

"So does somepony wanna tell me why you two are not panicking?" Misty said, speaking up.

"Yea, you two would usually be all over ponies about this shit" Spitfire added on, Soarin and Thunderlane looking to each other before looking to the other mare's.

"Guy's we have been dating for a month now" Soarin said, smirking softly.

"WHAT?!" All three mares shouted.

Thunderlane snickered "Yeah, we were just playing all of you to see how long it would take for one of you to just ask us."

"So all of those arguments, all of those times you bickered?" Spitfire said, mouth slightly agape.

"All fake yep" Soarin said "Honestly we were impressed we got away with it for as long as we did."

"I don't know if I should be impressed or disappointed" Spitfire said, quirking an eyebrow.

“So... erm... anyway,” Soarin began "I assume this has been the talk of the town then?"

"Unfortunately yes, we believe this was Yellowjacket getting back at us for the party." Spitfire said "Which just goes to show you how fast he is when it comes to proving a point."

"So what do we do then?" Misty asked.

"I'm not sure...honestly I think all we can do is hold out until we come up with an idea" Spitfire said "So until then let's just get to practice yeah?"

"Yes Ma'am" The group said as they would split up to do their own things.

"Soarin' can I actually talk to you for one moment?" Spitfire asked.

"Yeah sure, what's up boss?" Soarin asked slightly nervous "Look if this is about me and Thunderlane, I am sorry for hiding that from-"

"No no, that's not it. I could care less about you two gay's" Spitfire said "I...uh...wanted to talk to you about Orion."

"Why? What happened" Soarin asked.

"Um...we may have...kinda...kissed?" Spitfire confessed in a mumble, her words flowing together so quickly that it was difficult to tell them apart.

“Yellowjacket will have a fucking bird when he finds out,” Soarin' noted blithely. Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Would it have killed you to keep out of trouble just once? Especially given our current circumstances?”

“Alright look, first of all, it’s just a date. To the casual observer it would just look like two ponies having dinner and talking, so up until the kiss it was purely just that either way, I know what I’m doing.” Spitfire said.

“What happens when the rest of the team finds out? I mean, it’s gonna happen someday,” Soarin said.

“I’ll deal with them when I have to.” Spitfire rubbed her temple with a hoof.

“Sounds like you’ve got some things in mind.” Soarin’ noted.

Spitfire huffed, “You could say that.”

“Care to enlighten me?” Soarin’ asked.

"Look, I will handle the backlash if this whole thing ends up getting more serious." She said "Me and Orion are not even official yet...we haven't talked about it at all."

"Ok...and when you do?"

"You will be the first pony to know" Spitfire said to Soarin' seriousness deep in her eyes.

"Alright, I trust you." Soarin said "But for now I think we need to deal with the whole thing with me and Dunderlane on the front page"

"Aww what's wrong Soar, you afraid to get up in a dress and say 'I do' to Thunderlane?~"

"If I could kick your ass I would." Soarin said with a flat tone and a blush.

"I know~" Spitfire said smirking, as she walked off and headed to her office.

Spitfire's Office

A knot formed in Spitfire’s stomach as she walked out of the solid steel doors to the Wonderbolt’s locker room. Making her way to the office she would sigh softly, she wouldn't lie. Yesterday was the best night she had in quite a while, and she didn't want to regret it. She softly opened the door to her office, only to be surprised by a pony she absolutely didn't want to see.

"Hello Captain" Yellowjacket said smirking softly.

"What do you want now" Spitfire said, all but dropping the formalities at this point. She was growing to get sick of the act.

"Well...originally I was going to come here to discuss yesterday's top headlines" he said, throwing the newspaper with Soarin and Thunderlane on the desk. "However...recent developments have come to prove to me there are more...pressing matters"

"What the hell do you mean more pressing matters?" Spitfire said, brows angrily furrowing.

Yellowjacket would smirk as he simply grabbed a small photo, and threw it on the desk in front of him "I believe this will shed some light?"

Spitfire walked over to the desk and grabbed the photo. As she did she felt her entire body freeze, it was like she was paralyzed, frozen in fear. Her face went pale as she felt her heart almost stop in her chest. There in the photo, was her and Orion kissing at the park.

"It seems Soarin and Thunderlane are not the only ponies who are having secret love lives" he said.

"W-where did you get this" She said through gritted teeth.

"Let's just say I have a reliable source and the means to get what I need" Yellowjacket said, getting up and off of the chair. "Now then...I'm going to reiterate what we spoke about the day before...as well as in the letter. Resign from the Wonderbolts...make Soarin your replacement...and I will see to it this photo is not made public." He said, smirking as he walked past her to the door "And judging by how much of a scoop the paper was about those two? You know I'm not bluffing" he said in a monotone voice.

He would then open the door, leaving Spitfire alone with her thoughts. He looked at the photograph; It stared at her like an unblinking eye; Spitfire squeezed her eyes shut and held the photo close. she didn’t try to stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks.