• Published 17th Aug 2012
  • 2,983 Views, 48 Comments

Apple at Dusk - ReaperofSouls42

Star Dusk has no motivation in his life untill one fateful stay at Sweet Apple Acres.

  • ...

Apple at Dusk

An Apple at Dusk

The day reached its peak as Celestia’s sun was at its highest point in the sky. Applejack was walking through her apple orchard watching all the ponies working hard bucking apples out of the trees. As she walked further down her path, she noticed one section of the trees weren’t clear of apples. So she decided to investigate, as she got closer to the middle of the section she saw a pony laid back on one of the trees he had a black cowboy hat covering his eyes. He was an average build earth pony with brown fur and a messy mane and tail with two shades of brown running through it. She looked down and saw that his cutie mark are two small apples, one red and the other green, side by side of each other.

Applejack sighed to herself and walked up to the resting pony. “Hey ya’ll better wake up er’else I’ll wake you up the hard way.” She was answered with a low grumble.

Applejack looked up at the tree he was sleeping under and smiled at him mischievously before walking up to it. With her powerful hind legs, she kicks the tree causing the sleeping stallion to jump and a tree full of apples to fall on his head.
The stallion was buried under the apples with a loud ‘Oof’ following immediately afterwards as he crawls out of the apple pile he sees Applejack snickering over next to him.

He dusts himself off and looks at applejack with an annoyed look plastered on his face.

“Hey that was just a cruel way to wake up somepony don’cha think?”

Applejack slowly stops laughing and looks at him.

“Well you shouldn’t be sleepin on the job in the first place and if you would do yer job Dusk, then maybe I wouldn’t have’ta come to check on you all the time.”

Dusk looks away while rubbing the back of his head with a frown on his face.

“Alright I get ya, I’m sorry you gotta look after me so much. I aint used to this work like ya’ll are so I figured I’d just take a nap….buuut I guess I got carried away and I apologize…” he stated while letting out a small nervous laugh.
Applejack looks at him and sighs to herself, thinking back when Dusk first came to her family’s farm after being forced to by his father a month ago.


It was an average day that day and everypony was working in the orchard, when Applejack saw a figure walking up to the farm. Curious, she walks up to the pony to notice he was new to town. So being the friendly pony she is, she extends a hoof to him and smiles.

“Well howdy there partner, we don’t get many new folk around these parts. My name is Applejack, what’s yours?”

The stallion looked at her and shyly extended his hoof to shake hers. “Uh…just call me Dusk…that’ll do.”

Applejack’s smile grows as he greeted her. “Well shoot it’s a pleasure to meet’cha Dusk. What brings you to Sweet Apple Acres?”

But before Dusk could answer her, another stallion approached them. He was really tall and well-built with red fur with a harness sitting on his shoulders and a big green apple cut in half for a cutie mark.

Applejack turns to see her brother walk up to them and smiled.

“Well hey there Big Mac. We got ourselves a newcomer, just arrived into town hi name’s-“

“Star Dusk!” Big Mac exclaimed as he walked up to the two ponies.

“I was wonderin when you would be getting here…how was the trip?”

Star Dusk looked at the taller stallion. “Hey there Big Macintosh, did you get my father’s letter?”

“Eeyup, so I reckon you’ll be stayin with us for a while. Considering your Pa is busy with his farm and all.”

Star Dusk just shrugs and sighs while looking down at the ground.

“More like he sent me here as punishment the way I see it…”

Big Mac softly chuckles to himself.

“Aw come on now. Don’t be like that; you just need some motivation that’s all. And that’s why your Pa took me up on my offer to help ya out with that. And I guess after a couple of months here you can go back if ya’ll wish.”

Star Dusk just sighed and scratched the back of his head. “This is such a pain…”

Big Mac just smiles and points to the Apple Family House.

“Come on Applejack’ll take you to see the rest of the family, right Sis?”

Applejack snapping out of her thoughts and looks at them both.

“Sure thing there Big Mac. Come on Dusk I’ll Introduce you to Granny Smith and Apple Bloom.” Applejack explains as she walks back to her house.

Dusk sighs once again before following Applejack through the front door.

Granny Smith and Apple Bloom where in the kitchen preparing dinner for every pony. Granny Smith was finishing up some salads on the dinner table, while Apple Bloom was sitting around.

Granny Smith turns to Apple Bloom after putting the last touches on the table. “Apple Bloom be a dear and fetch the Pie for your dear old granny please” she asked pointing to the one sitting on the counter.

“Sure thing Granny Smith I’ll have that pie in a jiffy!” She said excitedly while reaching up on her hind legs.
Granny Smith looks at her. “Now Apple Bloom, be careful dearie! Don’t want what happened last time do we?”

“O Granny Smith I’m a lot more coordinated than that, why I could get the apple pie with my eyes closed!”

Granny Smith watches the scene wide eyed. “No Apple Bloom don’t-” but it was too late. The pie slipped out of Apple Blooms hooves as she tripped backwards, sending the pie flying through the air right at Applejack who managed to duck in time.
However Star Dusk wasn’t as lucky, as the pie smacked him in the face with a loud SPLAT!

Every pony turns to see the pie covered Star Dusk standing in the doorway the pie dish still covering his face.
Applejack couldn’t hold herself back and started laughing hysterically.

Dusk just stands there with a blank face. “A pie to the face….how original” he states while wiping the pie from his fur. “Did you plan this?” he asked an with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

After Applejack calms down, she got up. “Hehe nope I didn’t. You can’t plan classic situations like that” she states as she wipes tears from her eyes.

By that time Granny Smith and Apple Bloom had walked up to Applejack and Star Dusk. Granny Smith, after handing Star Dusk a towel and giving him a look over, pats him on the back almost causing him to fall over.

“Well well well you must be that friend of Macintosh’s that needed a place to stay for a little while. He told me about you and don’t worry about working here at Sweet Apple Acres. We’ll whip you into shape in no time!” She exclaims happily.

Dusk just sighs while cleaning the rest of the pie from his mane “That’s what I was afraid of…”

Granny Smith laughs and slaps him on the back, causing him to almost topple forward again.

“Boy we need to get some muscle on you if you’re gonna be working at our orchard. You’re flimsier than a rotten twig in a snow storm.” She states in matter of fact tone.

Star Dusk stands up while straightening up his hat. “Yeeeeah thanks for the tip Granny Smith…”

Star Dusk feeling a tap on his leg looks down to see the filly known as Apple Bloom looking at him.

“Hey uh...I’m real sorry for the pie. It was an accident I promise” she says while looking up at him with puppy eyes.

The one thing that Star Dusk has no resistance against would be the puppy dog eyes from a filly or a mare.

“Gah… It’s no biggy Apple Bloom. No harm done and besides it did taste pretty good at least…”

The little filly smiled a big toothy grin while Applejack and Granny Smith were laughing…


Applejack was prodded out of her thoughts by a hoof poking her side.

“Hey Applejack! Helloooo! …Any pony home in there?”

Applejack snaps to attention and realizes she was day dreaming.

“Oops! Sorry ‘bout that Dusk. I guess I got lost in thought that’s all.”

Dusk just keeps looking at her strangely.

“What?” Applejack asks confused.

“O nothing! I just didn’t realize you thought of anything else but apples.” He says with a sly smile planted firmly on his face.

Applejack gives him an annoyed look and punches him in the leg, causing an immediate “Ouch!” to come from him.

“Don’t make me put you in hoof lock again Smart Guy.” She states with a slightly threatening tone in her voice.

Star Dusk puts a hoof up in defeat. “Alright alright, no need to get mad I was just pickin fun at you. So what were you
thinkin about?” he asked curiously.

“Well I was just thinkin ‘bout when you first got here and all… You know you’ve changed a lot since then… You don’t fall
over when Granny Smith pats you on the back anymore” Applejack states while snickering.

“Hey I don’t care what you say that mare’s stronger than she looks…”

Applejack just laughs and pokes him “Nah, you just used to be nothing but skin and bone!”

“Hey I wasn’t that scrawny, I just was leaner is all….”Though even he had to admit he looked better now, he was much more toned than he was a month ago.

He’d gotten a lot stronger in the month since he has been working at The Apple Family’s Orchard. He’d even got a few stares from some mares the other day, though he didn’t pay it any mind. After all, he never though himself as some pony special anyway.

He then turns to look back at Applejack to see her looking at him with a somewhat dazed expression on her face. Confused, he waved a hoof in front of her face getting her to snap out of it.

Applejack realized she was staring at him. Almost immediately she turned her head away blushing slightly. She could only hope he wasn’t paying attention to that fact.

Star Dusk cocks his head slightly before walking closer to her. “Hey Applejack you ok? You seem sick...”

“Uh…Yeah I’m just fine don’t worry about me I err, better get back up to my own section of the orchard since I only had to come over coz you were sleepin on the job again anyway…” She hoped the change of subject wouldn’t seem suspicious.
Star Dusk let out a long sigh before replying “I get it. I won’t fall asleep again, I promise.”

“You better! I want all this apple trees cleared before lunch. And there’s another section you have to do, so you better get a move on it...”

Dusk looks at the remaining apple trees and sighed. “This is such a pain. But I’ll get them cleared for you, don’t worry.”

Applejack smiles and thinks to herself. “Although he can be lazy, he always tried to get whatever I need done. Even if he had to work harder to do it, and that is a quality I like in a pony.

As she watched him walk back up to a tree and buck it causing all the apples to fall out, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking how much better his personality and looks have gotten. However upon realizing where her thoughts where leading, she shakes her head and starts heading back to the other side of the orchard.

“Why was I thinkin’ like that all of a sudden..? I mean, he’s just a good friend after all…I must be thinkin’ too much.” Applejack continued her thoughts all the way back.

The day was winding down as Celestia’s sun was setting. Star Dusk was exhausted and slowly making his way back to the Apple Family Home. “Ugh…I ache all over….That was a lot harder then I figured it’d be…”

As he makes it back to the house and walks through the door, he collapses in a heap.
“Ow! My aching hooves…” he slightly winces as he rubs them trying to sooth the pain. All of a sudden he hears movement behind him.

“Aw come on now! Don’t you think your being a tad bit over dramatic?”
Star Dusk looks up to see Applejack looking down at him. “No, not really thank you very much. I’m sore all over….” He says while slowly getting to his feet.

“Hehe, well at least you did a mighty fine job at clearing all them apple trees. Even if you did part of my workload in the process.” She states looking innocent.

Star Dusk just stood the mouth agape for a few seconds before replying. “Wait…you mean….That second job was supposed to be yours?!”

“Well yes, I needed a suitable punishment to make sure you think twice about falling asleep on the job so much.” She says just as she whips her tail in Star Dusk’s face and leaves for the kitchen.

Star Dusk just face hoofs and rubs his head. “Why me…? How do I get roped into these things so easily by her?” Star Dusk slowly makes his way to the kitchen to get some food before making his way to his room and passes out on his bed praying tomorrow won’t be too taxing.


Star Dusk was standing on his father’s farm. He looked around and noticed no pony was in site. He began to wonder what he was doing there. He was at Sweet Apple Acres the last he remembered, he began walking through the farm passing crop after crop.

Star Dust felt like he was walking for hours until he saw a figure off in the distance, curious he walks up to the figure only to see Applejack waiting for him.

“There you are Dusk; you sure know how to keep a mare waiting. Come on already and follow me.” She says as she starts walking towards the house.

Star Dusk slightly confused, slowly starts to follow her. As he follows her, he begins to notices that his father’s farm is slowly turning into an apple farm.

As Applejack and Star Dusk get to the house and walk in, Star Dusks is surprised it has also transformed into the Apple Family’s home. Star Dusk follows Applejack to a room with her family in it. she waits for him to fully walk into the room before she stops and turns to face him.

Star Dusk looks to see Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and Applejack standing there with happy expressions on their faces. Star Dusk stands there thinking how he can’t believe how happy he is with them. They’ve been his best friends since he got there. Although he didn’t care for them at first, they all quickly grew on him so much that he even thought about staying with them a few times.

But there was one he cared for the most and that was Applejack. Sure they argued but it was playful arguing and he was happiest when she was with him. He’d even go so far as too goof off just to see her, although he’d get scolded for it.
He watched as Applejack walked up to him and smiled. “Do you wanna stay with us, Dusk?”

Star Dusk looked at her with a small smile. “Yeah, I wanna stay here...I really like it here.”

Applejack takes a couple steps closer to Star Dusk with a sincere smile. “You really mean it?” she looks into Star Dusks Eyes.

Star Dusk surprised by her proximity takes a small step back averting his eyes a little. “Well yeah of course I wanna stay with you and every pony here.” He says as a slight blush spreading across his face.

Applejack closes the distance even further still holding eye contact. “Do you wanna to stay with me..?”

This question caught Star Dusk off guard. “W-what did you say…?”

Applejack giggled and repeated her question. “Do you wanna stay with me?”

Star Dusks Blush deepened to a dark shade of red. “Um...I um…Y-yes...I do… “

Applejack giggles again and blushes slightly. “Do you like me?”

Star Dusk gulped at the question and rubs his leg with his hoof while looking at the floor. His face was apple red at this point.

Applejack inched closer until their noses almost touched and smiled again.

Star Dusk looked at her, noticing her sincere smile and kind eyes looking at him with a soft expression.

Star Dusk could feel his heart pounding away in his chest as he looked at her. “Y-yes Applejack…I like you a lot.

Applejack just smiles more and starts leaning closer to Star Dusk with her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted.

Star Dusk, though shocked at first, but then slowly does the same. As he moves closer he can feel her breath against his nose. His heart beat gets louder as he slowly feels her lips press against his. Slowly he opens his eyes to see the pony he kissed was actually Granny Smith. “Hehe well dearie aren’t you just as sweet as an apple pie!”

Star Dusk jolts awake, breathing heavily. He looks out the window and sees that it’s still dark out.

“What was with that dream…?” He slowly lays his head back on the pillow closing his eyes. “Applejack…I guess I like her more than I thought…” Star Dusk just sighs and slowly drifts back into sleep.


Rays of sunshine pierced through the window as morning came; Star Dusk was sleeping pleasantly in his room when loud knocking sounds coming from the door.

“Come on Star Dusk! You gonna sleep all day?” Applejack yelled from the other side of the door.

“Maybe if you keep on yellin’ at me, I will!” Star Dusk yells at the door before burying his face in his pillow.

All of a sudden, he notices whispering from behind the door and the door slowly opening.

Star Dusk groaned and peeks over his pillow just in time to see two figures leaping in the air towards him. In unison Applejack and Apple Bloom yell out “GERONIMO!”

Star Dusk’s eyes shoot open as he flails. “No wai- Ooph!” But he couldn’t finish before they landed on him with a loud ‘CRASH!’ Knocking Star Dusk clear off the bed.

“Well now that you’re awake! Me an Apple Bloom here need your help today.”

Star Dusk looks up at Applejack and Apple Bloom with an annoyed expression on his face.

“O good, coz you know that’s the first thing I wanted to do when I got up is do everything you tell me to….” Star Dusk sarcastically says with a fake smile.

Applejack just chuckles to herself. “Good, glad to see you get some motivation in the mornin’.”
“That was sarca-”

“Alright ya’ll, let’s get goin then.”

Star Dusk just sighs to himself and looks at Applejack. “And what exactly do you want me to do..?

“Well I need your help pullin’ a cart o’ Apples into town. It’s mighty heavy to do by yourself.”

Star Dusk looks at Applejack Confused. “Can’t you get some pony else to help you I’m still tired from yesterday…” he exclaims while turning toward his bed.

Applejack looks at him for a moment then smiles mischievously.

“Well alright then. I suppose I’ll just let Big Mac know you were sleepin on the job again then….”
Star Dusk froze in place and looks at Applejack. “You wouldn’t...”

Applejack’s smile grew. “So what do you think Apple Bloom? Think Big Mac will put him on our juicer again?”
Apple Blooms smiles and looks up at Applejack. “Mmhmm I know he would!”

Star Dusk felt a bead of sweat run down his face as he recalled the last time Big Mac made him work the juicer; he completely failed at it. Not only that but his hoof got caught in the treadmill and it flung him up into the smashed grapes turning his fur a slight shade of purple for a week. It took forever to get every pony to forget about that.

Star Dusk quickly grabs his hat, turns on a hoof and starts walking up to Applejack and Apple Bloom. “Well like I said I’m happy to help you whenever you need me Applejack!” He exclaims before walking past them, grumbling to himself.
Applejack and Apple Bloom follow close behind laughing.

After both Star Dusk and Applejack hook themselves to the carts thy head for town with Apple Bloom sitting in Star Dusks cart.

As they walk ten minutes pass uneventful Silence, Star Dusk let his mind wonder. He thought of all the events from when he first arrived at Ponyville. “His thoughts wondered from when he first had to work on the Apple family’s farm. That was a horrible day, I just knew Applejack was gonna kick me halfway through the Orchard.” Star Dusk smiled to himself at the thought.

He made more friends here in one month than he did his whole life on the outskirts of Fillydelphia. Most pony folk there cared for money over friendship. That is why he never really got along with any pony and preferred to just be left alone. But here he was happy with Big Mac, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom and especially Applejack.

Applejack was his first true friend he ever had. He’d always enjoy Applejack around, even if they argued he enjoyed it. He let his gaze drift over to Applejack walking next to him; he couldn’t help but to smile when he saw her.

She was amazing in his eyes; strong, fast, agile, funny and kind. To him she was the most beautiful mare he’d ever seen. As he started to thinking about his dream he had last night. Star Dusk’s heart skipped a beat when he realized what he was thinking, a steady blush spreading across his face. He immediately looked away from Applejack trying to get a hold of himself.
Star Dusk walked in thought. “What the heck am I thinking!? I mean this is Applejack my good friend that I respect and care for. I mean…she is cute at times…and beautiful. But…ugh I need to snap out of it! He takes a quick look over at Applejack, and realized she was still looking at the road ahead.

“Thank Celestia she didn’t notice at all!” he thought to himself.

Unfortunately for Star Dusk, he didn’t realize Apple Bloom was still in his cart and saw the event.
Apple Bloom thoughtfully smiled to herself at the event she seen. “Dusk’s been actin mighty strange around Applejack since this’mornin.

Hmm…I think it’s time for some good old fashion Apple Bloom investigation!” she thinks while giggling to herself.

As they got to town, they noticed all the ponies where out enjoying the weather.
“Alright time to sell some apples!” exclaimed Applejack.

“Ok Apple Bloom! You go and round up some customers while me an’ Dusk here set up the stalls.”
Apple Bloom salutes her sister and runs off leaving Applejack and Star Dusk behind.

“Dusk could you help me set up this stall” Applejack asked

“Uh sure what do you need..?” Star Dusk asked as he walks over to her.

“Just take this here lever an pull it when I pull this one over here” Applejack points to the lever.

“Sure I can do that.” He says as he grabs the lever with a hoof.

“Ok Dusk ready? One…two…three, pull! Applejack and Star Dusk pull their levers causing the stall to open.
However Star Dusk’s lever made an odd click before throwing Star Dusk up and over the stall causing him to fall on Applejack, making a loud ‘THUD’ sound.

“Ouch! That hurt…” mumbled Star dusk slowly opening his eyes, he noticed Applejack on top of him rubbing her head.
“Oops, Sorry Dusk I forgot to tell you that, that lever is broken. Hehe but that was kinda funny seein you fly through the air and all. She said through laughs.

Star Dusk was looking up at her with a slightly shocked expression on his face he couldn’t help but blush slightly seeing the sight of Applejack laying on him, laughing and it didn’t help that he couldn’t stop thinking about the dream he had and how Applejack almost….

“Hey Dusk you ok? Your face is a little red. Applejack says, snapping Star Dusk out of his daydream

“Uh…I-I ‘m fine don’t worry about it…” he said trying to calm himself down.

Applejack thought for a moment before speaking. “Don’t try and hide anything from me Dusk you’re a bad liar. She stated as she placed both her hooves on either side of his face and slowly leaning closer to him.

Star Dusk gulped loudly as his blush grew. “Applejack w-what are you d-doing…!?”

“O be quite and hold still a sec” Applejack face got closer and closer to his.

Star Dusk’s blush was apple red and just about when she was centimeters away from him she tilts her forehead forward and places it gently on his.

“Hmmm you’re a little warm but it could just be the weather, still take it easy ok? I’d be worried if you got sick on me.”
Star Dusk just sat there for a few seconds letting what happened sink in. He sighed deeply before responding to her.
“Uh sure Applejack I’ll uh be sure to keep that in mind…now could you get off of me?” He asked with a faint blush on his face.

Applejack blushed and rubbed the back of her head. “Oops my bad there Dusk. Hehe I guess you’re just so comfy to lay on, I forgot.”

Star Dusk paused for a moment. “So what, am I a pillow now?”

Applejack chuckled “Well you do make a good one.” she says while sticking her tongue out at him
“Well it’s too bad we can’t stay like this then huh?” Star Dusk jokingly asks.

“Well I wouldn’t mind…” Applejack realizing what she said looks away blushing slightly.

“Star Dusk looked at the face she was making. “She’s really cute at this angle…Ugh, for the love of Celestia! This is becoming torturous for me… He thinks to himself as Applejack slowly gets off of him

“Well anyway, let’s get yer stall set up before Apple Bloom gets back, Dusk.” Applejack says, helping Star Dusk off the ground.

Applejack and Dusk set up the other stall in silence. “O and here Dusk, you’ll need these to bag up apples.”

Applejack picks up a mouthful of bags and walks over to Star Dusk to hand them to him. Star Dusk reaches out to grab them with his own mouth, accidently grazes his nose against hers making her let go of the bags and pull back suddenly. Star Dusk barely grabbing the bags, looked at Applejack with a puzzled look on his face.

Applejack blushed slightly before turning on a dime and walked back to her stall.

Star Dust puts the bags down and looks over at her thoughtfully. “What’s up with her..? Did I do something? Hm, Applejack sure is acting weird today…”

No sooner did Star Dusk space out; Apple Bloom was trotting back towards them.

“Hey Applejack, Dusk every pony is comin to buy some apples so get….” Apple Bloom trailed off her sentence when she noticed both Applejack and Star Dusk was in the own little world, ignoring her.

She pauses and looks at them both. “What happened to those two? Wait did something between them happen? That figures, as soon as I leave somthin happens” She thinks pouting on the inside.

Apple Bloom walked up to the stalls and bumps into Applejack, getting her attention.

“O Apple Bloom, I didn’t see ya there…” Applejack said as she looked down at her sister.

“Yeah well we got customers commin so get ready…and by the way, did something happen while I was gone? You and Dusk seem awkward near each other all of a sudden. Apple Bloom asked curiously.

“Uh n-nope nothing happened at all.” Applejack averted her eyes from Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom smiled mischievously at her sister. “Uhuh, sure it did. Applejack you’re a bad liar I can tell when you’re not tellin the truth.”

Applejack looked away and blushed a little while rubbing her leg awkwardly.

Apple Blooms smile grew even more. “Applejack do you like Dusk?” she asked curiously

Applejacks heart skipped a beat at the question. “W-What type of question is that o’course I do we’re friends….” She says tried to face Apple Bloom with a matter of fact look on her face.

“No I mean like like, you know, like a crush…” Apple Bloom was good at feigning innocent.

Applejack just sighed heavily and looked right at her sister. “I can’t lie…I might have a small…crush on’em, but where good friends and I’d rather not mess that up.”

Apple Blooms turned into a sincere one. “Well you never know, he might think the same about you and is too afraid to ask himself.”
“I-I don’t know Apple Bloom, I’m not good at such things. I need to think about it.”

Apple Bloom just giggles and thinks to herself. “Hm maybe I should help mai sister out with her problem by finding out what Dusk thinks of her….” About that time, customers started walking up to the two apple stands.

Star Dusk and Applejack started selling apples pretty quickly and everything was going smoothly, aside from a few hagglers here and there.

Star Dusk then noticed two mares in particular, seemed to be acting a little odd for just being out buying apples. Star Dusk watch them both approach his stall and smile at him.

“Hello there handsome, I couldn’t help notice you all by your lonesome. One mare said, walking up to him leaving the other behind.

Star Dusk just looks her over and smiles. “Well thank you kindly, but that’s part of the job after all.
“Aw then maybe afterwards…?” The young mare asked getting closer to him.

Applejack was looking at him from the corner of her eyes silently fuming to herself while Apple Bloom was giggling at her.
“Sorry I couldn’t do that I have a mare I like myself, and besides….I don’t consort with thieves” Stated Star Dusk, his voice turning serious, causing Applejack, Apple Bloom and the remaining crowd to turn to face Star Dusk and the two mares.
The closest one looked at him nervously. “W-what do you mean thieves!? I wouldn’t do such a thing.” stated the mare.
Star Dusk just smiled and kicked the stall causing the other mare to jump and dropping some apples and bits from the stall.
“Now that you’re caught, I suggest you get on out of here before I call the guards and and don’t try anything like that again…” Star Dusk Stated looking at the two mares, he could here Applejack walking up to him.

The two mares looked at each other before sprinting away as fast as they could.

Applejack walked up next to him and looks at him. “Wow I didn’t know you had a talent in catching thieves, maybe I should put you in charge of guarding the stalls from now on…” she says with a big smile on her face.

Star Dusk chuckled a little. “Meh, it’s nothing really. You pick up a few things living near a big city like I did…that’s all.”

“Are you kiddin me? That was really amazing how you handled that, I’m glad you came with me an’ Apple Bloom.

Applejack smiled at Star Dusk.

Dusk, slightly embarrassed looks away while rubbing the back of his head. “You say so….”

The rest of the day went by without any excitement. As the last pony left the stalls they decide to pack up and head home. “Well I think we made out very well today if I do say so myself.” Applejack spoke up in a cheery tone. “You know, we should celebrate since we got so much money today.

“Yeah! That’s sounds like it’ll be fun!” Exclaimed Apple Bloom happily.

Star Dusk smiles and shakes his head.

“Sooo...Dusk, about earlier…” Apple Bloom speaks up to get Star Dusk’s attention.

Star Dusk looks over at the filly curiously waiting for her to continue.

“You said you had some special mare you liked? So who is it?” The question made Star Dusk almost trip. He had forgotten he blurted that out earlier.

“Um well you know I just said that to make them stop flirting with me is all. Star Dusk was starting to turn a light shade of red.

“Aww com’on Dusk, I won’t tell any pony I promise!” Apple Bloom says trying to prod Star Dusk for info.
“Now Apple Bloom, don’t pressure him into tellin you. He doesn’t have’ta tell you if he don’t want to.”

Bloom gets really close to her sister and starts whispering to her. “Aww com’on sister I know you wanna know too.”

Applejack looks at her sister and sighs. “Yeah but not by forcing him to. And to tell you the truth, I’m a little afraid of his answer.”

“You know, you two whispering over there is making me nervous…” Star Dusk states snapping them out of their conversation.

Apple Bloom and Applejack smile sheepishly and return to being silent for the rest of the trip.

When they finally get back to the farm Applejack and Star Dusk put the stalls in the barn. While Apple Bloom waited outside.

“So, Dusk what do you think of a party?” Applejack asked curiously.

Star Dusk looks over at Applejack. “Um I don’t know really. Parties aren’t really my thing, so I may just go to bed early…”
“Aw com’on now, that aint no fun at all” Applejack pouted slightly.

“Yeah you gotta come it’ll be fun, pleeease!” said Apple Bloom.

Star Dusk sighed to himself. “Ok ok you win; I’ll go I guess…”

Applejack and Apple Bloom chuckle and head off to the house to plan for tonight.


Night rolled around as well as every Apple worker was there at the barn enjoying the mood. Star Dusk was sitting off in a corner of the barn quietly drinking some cider and watching everypony having fun.

“Well arnt you just a bundle of energy!” Applejack said sitting down next to him.

“Hey I said I’d go, I didn’t say I’d be up there dancing and whatnot.” Star Dusk said with a grin on his face.

Applejack looked at him and laughed. “True I suppose, still…I’m still happy you decided to come.”

Star Dusk looks at her and smiles. “Me too it’s nice to relax like this every now and then I suppose.”

Applejack lightly elbows him. “See I told you you’d like it.”

Star Dusk laughs “Yeah yeah I know, but true be told I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t, then I’d really be bored.

Applejack blushes slightly. “You know it’s been really great having you here on the farm Dusk it was kinda stale for me before you came, I mean sure I love it here, but with you here it seems….better.”

Star Dusk started feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. “Well I really like it here as well; I never had any real friends back at Fillydelphia. So when I meet you and the others it felt great, although I know I caused my fair share of trouble for you.” He laughed at that last part.

“Well I won’t deny that part, you where one of the biggest headaches I’ve had to deal with.”
Both Star Dusk and Applejack laughed at that.

“But, you know Dusk…I’m really happy you’re here.”

Star Dusk felt his cheeks getting warmer. “Same…”

The rest of the night was filled with small talk and the occasional interruption from Apple Bloom
As the party died down everypony eventually got too tired so they all said there good byes and left except for Dusk and Applejack, Apple Bloom had already gone to bed a while ago.

Star Dusk and Applejack were finishing cleaning up the barn. “Hey Applejack you can head off to bed, I’ll get the rest finished.”

Applejack yawned loudly. “You sure Dusk? I don’t mind helpin you.”

Star Dusk looked up at her. “Sure I don’t mind, you go on and go to bed.”

Applejack smiles and yawns again before nodding. Ok Thanks Dusk I’ll be off then.

Applejack walked toward the barn door and opened it. She paused when she saw a figure at the door; it was too dark to tell who it was.

“Who are you and what’re you doin here?” Apple looked at the figure curiously.

The figure grinned and raised a hoof. Applejack didn’t react fast enough as the figure hits her sending her into one of the stalls, making her yelp out in pain. Applejack tried to get up but in the crash she twisted her ankle and fell back down.
Star Dusk was running up to Applejack. “Applejack what happened, you ok!?”

Applejack winces a little. “Yeah I’m ok but- Dusk look out!! Unfortunately her warning wasn’t soon enough as Star Dusk was also hit hard, sending him into the dirt with a loud ‘THUD’.

“Ugh! That hurt…” he exclaimed as he looked up at the figure standing over him.

The figure laughed. “I was wondering when you were going to end the little get together, I was waiting for quite some time.”
“Who are you what do you want!?” Star Dusk asked getting angry.

The Stallion ignored Star Dusks question. “You’re that stallion that made a fool out of my mare friend earlier today at the apple stands right?”

“Well I’d say she made a fool out of herself is closer to that statement” Star Dusks comeback got rewarded with another hoof to the face.

“Dusk!” Applejack shouted worriedly.

“I wouldn’t be a smart mouth if I were you punk, coz after I’m done with you I’ll start on your mare friend here. the stallion started laughing again.

Star Dusk looks down his hat hiding his eyes. “I won’t let you…” Dusk said while slowly standing up.
The Stallion looked at him. “What was that, punk? I didn’t hear you…”

Star Dusk looked the stallion in the eyes. “I said, I won’t let you hurt Applejack again! Star Dusk spun around and before the other stallion could react, landed a strong kick on him sending him tumbling backwards.

“Gah! You little punk, you’ll pay for that.” The stallion remarked, holding his shoulder were Star Dusk kicked him.
Applejack just stared at Star Dusk, dumbfounded. “D-dusk…” her voice trailed off.

“Don’t worry Applejack I’ll finish this quick and I will protect you.”

That statement made Applejack blush slightly at his words. She never thought she would see him with such an serious face, and to get so angry because of what somepony did to her. It made her feel a warm feeling growing in her chest.
Star Dusk walked in front of Applejack. “You won’t lay a hoof on her. You’ll be put in your place soon, punk.” Star Dusk smiled cockily at the stallion.

The stallion gritted his teeth in anger. “Don’t you dare mock me! I’ll break you’re jaw for that!” Enraged the Stallion charged at Star Dusk.

Star Dusk dodged a kick from the stallion and landed a punch on his nose, causing him to reel back in pain. The stallion tried to land another hit on Star Dusk but wasn’t fast enough as Star Dusk moved out of the way and landed a fierce kick to his side, sending him flying back into the barn door with a loud ‘Smack’.

The now bruised and beaten stallion was struggling to his feet. “I c-can’t believe I lost…to UGH!” he ran off before he lost all of his pride.

Star Dusk let took in a breath of air and released it slowly before turning to face Applejack who was trying to stand and almost fell over but Star Dusk caught her.

“Your hurt Applejack let me help you.” He softly stated looking at her worry clear in his eyes.

Applejack sighed. “I’m ok, it’s just my darn back leg got sprained when that jerk knocked me into the stall.
Star Dusk sighed in relieve it wasn’t serious. “I think I can help with that.”

Applejack watched him walk around. “What’re you-“But before she could finish her sentence, Star Dusk dips his head under her and quickly lifts her onto his back careful to avoid her bad leg.

Applejack shocked by what happened involuntarily wraps her hooves around his neck.

“W-what’re you doing Dusk!?” She almost yells with a blush clear on her face.
“Well I figured you just try to walk on your own if I didn’t, now hang on and I’ll carry you to the house so we can wrap that leg…” Star Dusk stated as he starts walking.

Applejack looks at him; flashbacks of what happened filled her head. She never felt protected by some pony like that. Her heart started beating faster as she starts thinking about how much she liked Star Dusk and after what just happened, she couldn’t hold it back.

Applejack slightly lowing her head to rest agonists his, decides she needs to know.
“D-dusk…can I ask you somthin?” Applejack quietly asked
“Uh sure Applejack you can ask me anything.”

“You have to promise you tell me honestly what you think, ok?

“Sure Applejack I will, you know I will” Star Dusk was starting to worry as she never acted like this before.

Applejack’s blush deepens. “What do you really think about me..? Applejack almost whispers the question.
Star Dusk stops walking from the shock. “Uhh y-you want me t-to tell you how I feel about y-you?” Star Dusk Stutters out.

“Please…” Was Applejacks only reply

Star Dusk Gulped loudly, he could feel the heat of his blush on his face.

“I think that you Applejack, are-“ But before he could get the words out Big Mac and Granny Smith came around the corner.

“What happened here? We heard yelling, every’thin alright? Big Mac spoke up.

“Yeah Big Mac were ok just a little banged up that’s all.” Star Dusk stated

“O dearie you’re not hurt are you?” Granny Smith asked Applejack concerned.

“Don’t worry Granny I’m ok, thanks to Dusk here…”
Granny Smith sighed in relief as Star Dusk carried Applejack back to the house.

Granny Smith laughed at the site. “Now aint that the sweetest thing you ever done saw?”

Big Mac looked at them both and smiled. “Eeyup.” Big Mac and Granny Smith followed close behind.

Big Mac bandaged up Applejack’s leg and Star Dusks bruised cheek before heading back to bed.

Star Dusk carried Applejack to her room and slowly opened the door and walked in kneeling down by her bed so she could get in easily. As she got situated and comfy she let out a small sigh.

“Thank you Dusk…for protecting me an all.”
Dusk Smiled at her. “Of course you’re very precious to me Applejack I couldn’t let you get hurt again.
Applejack was blushing at his comment; luckily the dark room hid it well.

Star Dusk sat there for a moment before speaking. “Uhh Applejack about that question. Can I wait till tomorrow to tell you? I wanna find the right words.

Applejack nodded her head slightly.
Star Dusk smiles and leans forward and lightly rubs her cheek against his. “I promise I’ll tell you tomorrow and I will be honest with you.

Applejacks blush greatly intensified at the sudden touch.


Star Dusk turns to leave slowly shutting her door and heading to his room where he just collapses on his bed almost instantly falling asleep.


Star Dusk was sleeping soundly when he jolted awake, looking outside he noticed it was about noon already. Star Dusk jumps out of his bed and after grabbing his hat left to look for Applejack.

He past Big Mac on his way out of the house. “Hey Big Mac have you seen Applejack?

Big Mac looked over at him. “She should be on the other side of the farm.”

“Ok thanks Big Mac” but before he could leave Big Mac called out to him.

“Thanks for protecting mai sister, Dusk.”

“Eeyup” Dusk took off at a sprint to find Applejack.

Big Mac watch him run off, smiling to himself. “Well I guess your Pa was right, you found that motivation here after all….” Big Mac chuckled as he went back to what he was doing.

Ten minutes past when Star Dusk finally found Applejack sitting next to the same tree she caught him sleeping in the other day.

Applejack looks up and smiles. “You sure took you’re time. You surtainly know how to keep a mare waitin’.” She called out as Star Dusk was walking up to her.

“Sorry Applejack I guess I over slept…” Star Dusk looked at Applejack, seeing her smile made him happy.
“By the way, how is the leg?”

“It’s still sore but I can walk on it, thanks.” Applejack looked up at him as he got close to her.

They both sat there in silence for a moment before Star Dusk spoke up.

“So I suppose you want to hear my answer huh….”

Applejack stayed silent.

“Well When I first came here I really didn’t think much of this place, but then I got to know you all and became friends with you and your family. That made me very happy, as you know I didn’t have any friends back where I lived. But you changed that. You Applejack are very precious to me….And I know that, if I left here I’d never be as happy as I am now with you.

So my answer to your question, Applejack I want to be by your side always because…I love you.”
He looks down at Applejack and noticed her wiping a few stray tears from her eyes. He puts a Hoof to her chin and slowly lifts her head up and looks into her eyes, causing both Dusk and Applejack to blush as he leans in and tenderly kisses her on the lips.”

Applejack slowly snakes her legs around Star Dusk’s neck and deepens the kiss. The kiss lasts for a few moments before Applejack pulls away slowly.

“I love you too, Dusk”

Star Dusk grins and hugs Applejack. All of a sudden Apple Bloom runs from around a tree and tackles both Applejack and Star Dusk.

“See? I told’ya it would work out Applejack! She exclaims while giggling happily making Star Dusk and Applejack to start laughing out loud.

Star Dusk couldn’t be happier, he had the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria by his side and great friends and he won’t ever leave the place that makes him truly happy.

(That’s All Folks!)

Comments ( 48 )

Interesting. Not bad.

1105781 it's done lol but yeah thanks XD if you have anything that you think i missed it'd be great if you let me know :pinkiehappy::ajsmug:

*read's OC dialogue. McFry Face* Not sure if he has a Country accent, or if he just speaks plain old english.

1113975 lol Well i kinda based it lightly on where he lived, as he lived near a big city but also lived on a farm where proper enghllish isent needed. But now that you said that it does seem a little confusing i supose. XD:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

Oh! Gotcha!
So he speaks regular engilsh.....but also country?

1114257 lol! XD Well for instance me personally, I live out in the middle of nowhere in the country, however i also have a sophisticated way of speaking then my family sooo yeah kinda on the imbetween. odd i know but somehow it works.

So you're the "weird one"? :rainbowlaugh:

1114382 Dependes on what type of weird i supose but i am quite weird in many ways XD

Well, on this ship, I must say. *British accent*
Good show! Jolly good show!
When I read OC ships, I like to pretend I'm the OC himself and say the lines. Unfortunately, I end up doing a deep, British accent (like Chris Martin's) or just my voice with different pitches. I tried speaking in a country accent. Gotta say, kinda difficult. One moment I had the hang of it, the next, I lose it. It's a minor problem.
But anyways, good job. May have needed editing, but who cares, as long as you spelled most of the word correctly. Also apostrophes man.
Here, have a funny video of Chris Martin quotes to show my appreciation.

Did I say apostrophes? I meant to say commas. My bad!:twilightsheepish:

1114509 omg that was an halarious video XD and thank you for the helpful tips:rainbowlaugh: on that note if you dont mind me asking, do you prefer 2nd perpective Fics or OC's?

I abseloutely love this story, and now i have feelings for Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and the newest addition: Applejack

1181008 Lol you are very welcome :rainbowlaugh: I'm glad you enjoyed my story. :pinkiehappy:

Review time! :pinkiehappy:

1) I thought Dusk needed more development. We saw him as a nervous, unsure stallion when he arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, but we didn't see how he grew and changed during the course of his stay. You mention how he's grown and changed, but how? Just looking at his actions and words, I didn't see a very big change between newcomer Dusk and the later Dusk, other than physical strength. This makes him rather uninteresting to read about.

2) Dusk is a fairly common name among OC's. It's not a big deal, but I'd recommend a little more creativity in choosing names.

3) You had some spelling/grammar/formatting errors, but they were small and not very common. To highlight a few I noticed:

The day reached its peak as Celestia’s sun was at its highest point in the sky.

-This sentence is repetitive. The peak of day is the exact same thing as the sun being at its highest point. Also, weather reports aren't the most interesting way to start a story.

So she decided to investigate, as she got closer to the middle of the section she saw a pony laid back on one of the trees he had a black cowboy hat covering his eyes. / We got ourselves a newcomer, just arrived into town hi name’s-

-You have two run-on sentences here. There should be a period between investigate and as, trees and he, and town and hi (hi should be him, right?). To tell when a sentence should end, look for a subject (who's doing something), verb (what's being done), and a complete thought. I noticed a few others, so see if you can find them.

It was an average day that day

-You start the flashback with another weather report. Try and vary it up.

“Apple Bloom be a dear and fetch the Pie for your dear old granny please”

-I thought some of Granny Smith's lines were out of character. Remember, a lot of the time she's not sure what's going on.

Overall, your writing was good, and the story was fairly interesting. I think doing more development with Dusk is the best thing you can do to improve the story. Hope that helps! :twilightsmile:

1235676 Omg you dont know how happy i am to get a full reveiw like this. I agree with you 100% on that reveiw, he was bland and the name isent all that. I suck at naming my characters as you can see. :rainbowlaugh:

When i get better i'll try to do a rewrite on this story more then likely. :pinkiesmile:

1236246 Glad I could help. :pinkiehappy:

As far as naming characters go, I like to think about their backgrounds, abilities, and traits in order to come up with a name. For example, let's say your character is an older pony who's dedicated his life to studying history. Well, Equestrian history is written in scrolls and books, so how about Scrollkeeper or Bookworm? Let's say he's a farmer - we could go with Grainthresh, Cropharvest, Field Reap, or Oatbuck, to name a few. Artist? How about Color Wheel, Shuttleweave, or Mezzo Tint? A writer? Featherpen or Scribblestick are good options.

By the way, I have used all those names in my stories, so don't think I'm just coming up with them on the spot. It took me quite a while to come up with some of them, so don't expect them to just come to you (thought if they do, awesome!). Pony names tend to say something about the characters (think of the ones from the show, and you'll see what I mean), so in a way, it's another opportunity to tell the reader something about your OC.

Good luck! :twilightsmile:

1114549 Oh gosh. I'm sorry if I haven't answered you in a while! :twilightsheepish:
Glad you like the vid!
Ummm tough choice.
"Is it too much to ask for both?" :trollestia:

1277113 Lol its no problem, friend.:twilightsmile: and i also chose both :rainbowlaugh:

1277275 Nope cant say i do know that album.

1277293 X&Y: Third Album of famous alternative band Coldplay. :twilightsmile: They're awesome!

1277304 Oh coldplay thats pretty cool havent listened to them in a while....

1277393 :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Good show.

Oh hey you should give my other story a read if you have time. It'd be nice too see what you think of it so far. This is assuming you have time or like that type of story of course.

the story was purely amazing :D i loved it all i love the details i could picture everything. you have tallent my friend. this story was just amazing. :pinkiehappy:
and i have a few words for you :D imageshack.us/a/img39/8664/purebritish.png

1459487 you're very welcome, did you like the picture? hehe:pinkiehappy:


1459516 Lol yes i laughed alot! be sure to like and whatnot!:twilightsmile::heart:

1459538 i'm glad you did :D a brilliant story watched and Favorited :pinkiehappy:


That was really well written.A few spelling errors here and there but overall, not too shabby:moustache:

1559063 Thank ya kindly! like it...:flutterrage: Lol:heart:

1559070 Did you review mine yet?

Finally got around to reading this. There were various issues but overall this was pretty good for a first fic and I did enjoy it. Overall great job! I'll be sure to check out "A Hero's Fantasy" sometime soon :pinkiehappy:

1598915 Lol yeah it is flawful. but i did acomplish what i wanted and i wanted a sweet cutesy story to test the waters. But thanks I'm glad you liked it!:pinkiehappy:

1599239 You're welcome! :ajsmug:

I will read it now... favorite because I know I'll like it! :scootangel:

For a first attempt this was pretty well done :)

4604148 Thanks, I've improved a lot sense this fic. But I love it all the same.

Heh....heheh... I'm like #69 :rainbowlaugh:
Sorry had to so it. :ajsmug: lol

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