• Published 3rd Oct 2020
  • 5,855 Views, 167 Comments

The Rookie - dicerollball

A struggling young adult finds herself in Tartarus as the nefarious Cozy Glow. If she wants to go out and freely explore all of Equestria with her villainous buddies... she was first going to have to change this evil filly's future.

  • ...

Chapter 5: A Helping Hand- Erm, Hoof.

I've made myself busy as of late. I studied hard, got on the professors good sides, and made myself as useful as possible. It wasn't hard, and in doing so I was able to collect information and items that I actually really needed. With a smile, I greeted the mailpony just outside after she had slammed against the school's crest. Then, I assisted a new student and helped keep the school clean. What are friends for? I asked another I knew. Throughout my tasks I finally found myself ending up within the office of the head of the school herself.

She began to panic, but I helped calm her nerves. I informed her of everything to let her know I had it all covered. I asked for help from another professor and cataloged all the magical artifacts within the school-

Gasp, "I hope that's okay..."

With an excited trill, I was assured it was amazing. I did my job, and they weren't sure what they'd be able to do without me!

I smiled, but something felt off... For a moment, just for a moment, I could have sworn the world shifted around me. The floor pulsed and the walls shook. Then everything went still again, and we continued like usual.

I'm sure it was nothing, but I couldn't help but feel a little lighter. A little... wrong.

I giggled, "It's like you taught me... Helping is what friendship's all about..!" I heard another giggle.

I ignored it, but something was clawing at me.

Haven't I already said this?

Haven't I already done this?

What am I doing here again..?

Zecora curiously tilted her head, "Ah, what is this I see? But a little filly come to visit me?"

"Right- Hi! Um. Wow," I didn't know where to begin at first. There was a lot to say and a lot I needed from her but... did she know about Cozy Glow? Did she think I was Cozy? I don't think they've met before, have they? But maybe Applebloom and the other crusaders have told her about Cozy by now, right?

I just wasn't sure.

Not to mention, I was getting a little flustered. This was Zecora. Who knows what she could know? Of course she doesn't know everything... but what if she could just SEE through me? What if all she needed to do was blow some dust in my face that will suddenly reveal secrets that not even I know about myself?! This was ZECORA! THE ZECORA!

Why was I geeking out so much about this???

Zecora's voice soon butted in, "Is something the matter, or wrong? You've been staring at me for... quite long."

I snapped out of my trance and rapidly blinked up at her, "Oh. Um. Sorry! I'm just not sure how to ask this. Let me start with introducing myself. My name is Zeri! I know of you from... the crusaders! Applebloom especially."

"Ah, well it is a pleasure to meet you little Zeri. And from the sounds of it, you already know of me. Come, my home is welcome to all like you. And while we talk, may we both learn a thing or two." She stepped aside and lead me into her hut.

"Thank you Zecora!" I followed after her and curiously examined the interior. Same as I last saw it in the show.

We were in a hollowed out tree that held decorative masks and hanging bottles. Roots hung from the ceiling, shelves were practically carved into the walls, and a large black cauldron would sit looking pretty in the middle. Their source of light came from lanterns, or little waxed candles... Which, if I'm going to be honest, sounds like a hazard inside a tree.
There was another area that lead to her bedroom, but the only thing I saw from where I stood was a bed with a yellow blanket.

"Now that we got introductions out of the way; there was some help you needed, didn't you say?" Zecora hummed as she settled herself next to her cauldron.

"Right. Well... There is no easy way to ask this." I admitted as I went up to her, "I need a favor. Do you- Do you know how to conceal magic?"

"Hmm... There may be a thing or two I know of magic concealment, but tell me little pony; why do you require this sealant?"

"Well, it's kind of a long story. One that I'm still confused about. I just really need your help," I let out a small yawn as the events of today slowly crept up on me, "I didn't know who else to turn to."

"An interesting decision on your part, though I'm not sure where to start. I've never met you until today, and yet it was me who guided your way? Why come to me if I may ask? Why come and ask for such an unusual task?"

"I don't know. I don't even know why I came to you out of everybody. I guess, maybe, I just trusted you would be the one I could go to for this."
I sighed, "I've been thrown into something that I have no control of or even asked for. I'm in a spot where... I don't know what's going to happen from now on. Everything is changing, and I'm not sure how things will go. I'm... worried. Not for me but, for others that I think put their trust in me? They're working together, which is great! But it's not going to last long. They're only doing it because of what I knew before but... now I don't know what I'm doing."

Zecora watched as I bowed my head in defeat, "Your path to your future is uncertain, you're trying your best, and isn't that good enough, then?"

"I don't think I can convince you to... do this though." I lowered my ears, "To help me with something crazy. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't even know why I came here when you have no real part of it. You're just... someone I really like. But you know nothing about me."

"Then let me learn, little one. Tell me, what is it that you need done?"

I breathed in, "I need... to hide my friends from someone very powerful and very dangerous to them. I need something that could conceal their magic so they can stay away from their radar."

Zecora blinked, "Is that truly it, though? Tell me, who is this dangerous foe?"

I gulped, "I don't want to be your enemy, or your villain, or anything like that. I want you to know that before I tell you. Can you trust me, Zecora? Please?"

The zebra hesitated but gave a small nod.

"... Discord. We need to hide from Discord."

Zecora shook her head in surprise, "Ah, so the lord of chaos is after you? From your true identity you've given me a clue, for he is on the side of Equestria. Who he is up against has given me an idea. From what I've heard Tirek was the last he tracked down, though that centaur made him look like quite a clown. If you are so frightened to be found by them, could it be you are what Equestria will condemn?"

"I don't-" I felt my wings ruffle up behind me, which was such a strange experience, "... I don't want to be a villain. Especially not to Equestria. I don't want to be caged anymore. I don't want to be seen as bad anymore,"
My eyes began to burn as tears threatened to escape, my voice even started to sound shaky, "I just... want to set things right. But I'm not sure how it will go. I don't know what to say or what to do! I just don't know why..."
"But I keep messing up."

A black and white hoof rested on my shoulder. A comforting but surprising gesture. I looked up at her and saw a warm smile on her face.
"Sometimes actions can be louder than words. Whether you like it or not, that can and has occurred. No matter how dire, it's nice to know you are no liar." She then walked away to examine a nearby bottle, "I feel that this meeting was more than a request, from your outburst there is more to this than I could have guessed."

I wiped one of my eyes, "Sorry. It's just... Where I came from, I don't think a lot of people really liked me. I kept messing up because I kept reading the situation wrong or I didn't hear what they said correctly. I assume and I blew up so many times. At least here, in Equestria, I feel like I can start over and have a better understanding of this world. Of the people that are here. Even the really bad guys, hah. Except I really can't because of what I... ended up as. I'm sorry, again, I don't mean to dump this all on you. I just... really trust you. More than my current friends, at least." I chuckled, "Don't tell them I called them friends."

"And who are these current friends, if I may? From the sounds of it, there's a lot more there is to say." She gathered up a small stone from one bottle.

"Maybe it would be best if they were ready to tell you themselves. Sorry Zecora but... we could do their introductions some other time."

"I suppose that is fair. You sound like you hang around with villains, if I am aware."

"I- uh- well, maybe. But-"

"Oh please." Zecora collected some things in her hooves and made her way to her cauldron, "Little Zeri, put yourself at ease. While dangerous aaaaand... unpredictable, I feel you can one day make it forgivable."
She dumped a strange greenish blue substance into her large pot and began crunching up some leaves with her hooves.
"Judging from your character and your plight, I say some things I've considered has come to light."

I watched her as she began pouring in several more ingredients into the odd mixture, "And what's that? What has come to light?"

"You wish to create change," Zecora grinned towards me, "For yourself and for others, that you will arrange. It was brave of you to come approach me during this time. Especially since I could report you on the dime, but I digress; because a crime I can not stress."

I blinked, "Man your rhymes are really hitting me hard right now-"

"I don't do this lightly for everypony, you know," Zecora interrupted, "Especially not villains who just so happen to know where to go. While I am trusting you for the time being, break it and pray for your well-being. I will give you what you need, as well as information that you can heed. To change your friends and make amends is all I ask, and when I drop this stone you shall begin your task."
She held up the round stone in her hooves and hovered it over the cauldron.

"Wait wait wait, you're actually helping me out? Why? What for? So I can... create change? How can you trust me when I've admitted I could be evil?"

"Because you have admitted it," Zecora hummed, "That was a curious tidbit. Not to mention many villains have been reformed or forgiven, what's one more, especially one so driven?"
"Zeri, I want you to understand this. What you're doing next can be a hit or miss. You and the rest can run and hide, but I trust that you will guide them in your stride. Though many things could end in disaster, it is possible that caging you is not the answer. Especially one so young and pink."
"Cozy Glow, isn't it? That I think."

I froze, "I'm... not Cozy Glow. I'm just someone who found herself like this. Heck I'm not even a pony! I don't know how to explain it exactly-"

"Well from what I have heard and what I have seen, you definitely don't fit the evil child's routine. From what Applebloom has informed, she is known for being tidy and cute. You meanwhile look like a mess that transformed into a little tiny small brute." Zecora gave a light-hearted chuckle.

I blinked and looked over myself. Zecora was right. My pink fur was messy with a couple scratches from the Everfree's thorns faintly scratched along my legs. My wings were still fluffed out and there was a bright blue glass shard stuck between them. What was worst however was the mane. The once swirling blue cotton candy buns were now a wavy, tangled mess that draped over my shoulders. I found a twig stuck on one end and a hair pin or two hanging from several knots. My tail wasn't doing any better either. Christ.

"Uh... I guess I could go for a shower-" I yawned again, "And... some sleep. And food. And-"

"One thing at a time you should concern yourself with, a lesson that is surely no myth. Let's first get this potion done and ready, then I will help you as I should have done already," Zecora then dropped the round stone in the cauldron and the contents within began to bubble up and foam into brilliant colors. I perked up and intently watched as the greenish substance became a dull and dark magenta.

"Will that... conceal our magic?"

Zecora nodded, "It is not for consumption, I am afraid, but in a vial and around your neck it will surely offer its aid."

I beamed, "Thank you Zecora..!"

"I only ask one thing in return," The zebra added, "Stay safe, stay smart, do not let the villains win what they yearn. Convince them to take a different path and avoid Equestria's wrath. Not only for yourself or for them, but for us and maybe even the little filly within." She rested a hoof over my chest where Cozy's heart would be.

I paused and thought hard on that. Where in the world could Cozy Glow have gone? I had replaced her, I assume, but I don't even know where she went. Did she take over my body? Did she vanish entirely? I wasn't sure. I couldn't be sure... It was all so confusing, "You believe I'm not Cozy Glow?"

"Not at all, truthfully. I believe you are something else, actually. Though I'm not entirely sure what you could be... You definitely can't be little Cozy Glow from what I understand and see."

"What if I'm lying to you?"

"Then that is a rather clever lie, but don't think that I will idly standby," She then walked off to collect several other items. Glass vials, string-like but sturdy vines, a brush, and a couple of hair ties.

She went up to the cauldron, "Now how many of these do you need? Might as well gather as much before its abilities recede."

"Umm..." I held up my hoof as if I were about to count with my fingers- and then realized I had no fingers, "Let's see there's me, him, her, and them... I'm not sure if they count as one or three though... Okay so that's, I guess, let's say six?"

Zecora blinked, "Six?" She then shook her head, "Fine, I suppose around a dozen I shall fix."

She handed me the brush and hair ties before she began filling up each individual vial with the dark substance. I held the brush in between my hooves but glared at it, confused. Sure I was able to tie a very messy and loose ribbon on Cerberus with my teeth recently, so I know I can hold this thing, but I wasn't sure how to brush like this.
I tried it out and attempted to rake the brush across my mane only for it to go flying out of my hooves and across the floor. With a sigh, I used my teeth to put the hair ties around my hooves like I would if I still had my wrists and then went to get the brush.
I tried picking it up with my hooves again. It fell. I attempted to pretend I was grabbing it. It sat there lamely. I pressed my hooves against it. Nothing.
I glared down at it and considered picking it up with my teeth... but it was on the ground! Ew! I don't want my teeth accidentally touching the floor!

"Now, as for your next mission, I suggest something within vision. For these vials are temporary and fleeting. Another alternative is what you needed to suggest in your next meeting. I have directions and a map, perhaps when you've well rested and napped-" When Zecora was close to done she realized I was struggling nearby. The zebra stared at me for a few seconds and snrked, "Ah. A fight with your hooves no one but you shall know. Tell me little one, is it as difficult as so?"

"It's not funny Zecora..!"

"Oh to you it is not, but watching you it tickles me a lot~!"

I stuck my tongue out and then turned back towards the brush while Zecora placed her vials into a small woven basket with some string-like vines. Along with the vials she even placed several small pouches besides them. When she approached me, she easily scooped up the brush and grinned.
"Now, how do you like your mane? I understand brushing it can be a bane."

"Um... Well, I don't like anything too fancy," I admitted, and tapped my chin in thought, "How about a..."

"A ponytail? Really?" Tirek looked me up and down.

As Zecora had untangled my mane, I requested a simple ponytail. I didn't think of it much at the time, but now that Tirek brought it up... I proceeded to hate myself for it.

My teeth gripped against the basket's handle, "I... Shut up. I like it like this, okay?"

We were in a small clearing we had chosen to camp out in. It wasn't even that far from Zecora's hut actually. It looked comfy... enough, but like expected the forest itself was very chaotic. Good place to hide from others, really, if they didn't know where they were going.

I set down the basket and gestured towards it, "Here. Zecora said to tie one of these around your neck and sprinkle some of the red powder in the small bags into the vial to activate it. That should be able to conceal any magic we have."

"And imbalances of magic?" Tirek asked as he reached down to pluck one up.

"I... Guess so? Where the hell is Chyrsalis and Cerberus?"

Tirek scratched his chin, "Playing." He hummed just before I heard a loud crash of trees nearby.


I let out a sigh, "Oh my fucking god-"

Tirek held up one of the pouches and examined its contents, "Language."

"I am a fucking adult. Let me have my f-word."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait! Hope you guys enjoyed the update.

I'm honestly kinda just writing this as I go really, and creating Zeri's backstory and Cozy Glow's disappearance on the fly.

I do have A PLAN though, I can assure you. It's just,

we're all figuring it out together! :twilightblush:

Thank you for reading!