• Published 3rd Oct 2020
  • 5,885 Views, 167 Comments

The Rookie - dicerollball

A struggling young adult finds herself in Tartarus as the nefarious Cozy Glow. If she wants to go out and freely explore all of Equestria with her villainous buddies... she was first going to have to change this evil filly's future.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Under The Mountain

"I quit."

The boss sighed, "... [REDACTED], you can't just quit like that."

"And why not? I've already given my two weeks notice. Does it matter if I stay here one more week?"

I pressed my pink hoof against the grey door and gently pushed it aside to peer into the strange room. What was this doing here..? Why was the weird human back, but with this other more taller, balding creature?

The boss took her visor and placed it back on her head. Almost playful and firm, but gentle, "You can't just give up like that. Listen. You have been an important part of the team. Especially after we lost the whole crew. You are one of the few that stayed with us even after everything. Do you really want this to be the way you go out? Do you want this to be how we remember your last day? Come on. I know you're better than this."

The younger human (Zeri, right?) gripped her visor, as if she were ready to throw it on the floor at any moment, "... Do you even really need me, sir? I kinda just get in the way."

The older man chuckled, "Of course! You're the only here who knows how to handle anything correctly around here. Look, you can leave now if you want, but if you stay until the end of your notice I'm sure that not only will you learn something new, but I'll be able to also give you a good reference for your future employer. Though if you had to leave, please don't leave on a sour note. I think we had some donuts planned for your departure, after all."

Zeri hesitated, "And what if I did just leave now..?"

Her boss frowned, "Well, If you wanted you can. Though a lot of us would miss you."

"Can I take a break and think about it?"

"Sure. But hey, I believe you're better than what just happened. I know you, known you for a while. You've really grown over the years," He handed her back a small nametag, the words on it seemed blurry, "Don't let one bad day bring you down, alright kid?"

She stared down at it with dark brown eyes and carefully took it back, "Alright, thank you sir. I'll just... think about it."

"Right! And hey, if you want I can treat you to that smoothie place you always liked. Though I'll have to grab Mandy one too if she finds out." He smirked as he went to grab his keys.

Zeri smiled, "I'd like that, sure. Here uh- I got some extra cash if you need it..."

The scene began to fade out. The two humans disappeared and the back area would begin to transform into a very different place. A street, it looked to be. As I cautiously stepped out to explore I suddenly heard a loud screeching noise. Two lights sped through the hard road. They looked like giant glowing eyes with a harsh blank stare attached to a rectangular body that went crashing into another. The noise became a chaotic mass of sound, as if metal and stone had collided with an explosion.

I stumbled away as a bike-like vehicle went flying across my vision and a colorful drink fell onto the pavement. I heard fire and shouting, but my hooves took me back into the halls of the friendship school behind me. My ears twitched at the human's pained voice, Zeri's, just before the grey door slammed shut and everything finally went silent.

I sat there, shocked...

That wasn't the only instance of something like this happening. Moments of a life I've never seen before would slowly begin to filter through the school's hallways. Some were normal, plain, and boring. Sitting in class, taking a walk, or staring at this weird rectangular glowing device on a desk. It looked like a skinnier version of a television or an arcade game. Others were happy but fleeting. Going to the beach with family, getting a new kitten, and getting her first job. Then there were the ones that I, honestly, can't really explain.

Here's some good examples: Once I was just walking down the quiet hallways when a grey mirror was shattered by the force of a flying bullet whizzing through the glass. When the gunshot rang out I had cowered on the floor fearing for my life.

Soon things had finally settled; I decided to investigate and flew up to the broken mirror. I never recalled it being there before. In fact, the silver design was riddled with this static-like effect. It looked like the object was moving, but it was in fact sitting still. There was nothing on the other side of the broken glass. It was like any other mirror, except it had fallen apart. Though I could have sworn the bullet had come from inside it. I experimentally plucked it off the wall and carried it on to the floor. The item seemed to twitch in my hooves, and when I had placed it down it just sat there a moment longer... before disappearing entirely.

I searched for it. Never found it again.

I trotted through the school and found more moments like these appear. I would hear the beeps of a heartbeat monitor with no source. I would spot a grey journal with a floating pencil scratching words along the pages. It vanished before I could even approach the desk. Within the teachers lounge there was a rectangular object that vibrated on the table. I tried to understand the text on its glowing surface. Something about missed calls.

All in all, this place was getting really freaky. I was sick of it. I couldn't wait until that human came back. Then maybe I can ask her to stop whatever this was.

It was really scaring me...

I yawned, "So... This is Stonepeak?"

We finally made it. Tirek had insisted that I woke up early that morning so we could get a move on. The rest of the day was spent with non-stop travel. With Cerberus I didn't have to walk as much, but I didn't like just sitting around. So, very often, you'd see me fluttering around the two as they continued their trek. Their seemingly endless trek. Gnawing boredom would often lead me to bothering Tirek, which would then lead him to brushing me away as often as possible, and so I would usually end up messing around with Cerberus by playing catch, giving him lots of pets, or accidentally getting the attention of nearby timberwolves by running straight through their nap time.

Yeaaaah... Luckily, Cerberus fended them off pretty easily. What with him being the guard dog of Tartarus and all.

When we came up to the mountain, it didn't look too special at first glance. It appeared to be like any other mountain you'd see in Equestria. Though this one, I noted, did have crystals jutting out from its base and along its top. They weren't huge, in fact it almost looked like they were attempting to be discreet, but I could easily spot them by their bright magenta colors against grey stone and white snow. This definitely had to be it! The stones that could conceal our magic!

That, at least, should be my main concern... but I found my mind wondering off. I wanted to explore. There was something under the mountain, wasn't there? Something that caught my attention. I really must see it. I have to see it. I need to-

"-Zeri? Are you listening to me?" Tirek huffed.

I snapped out of my thoughts and blinked, "Oh. Right, sorry Lord Tirek. What's up?"

"I said that I'm going to scout ahead. You should stay behind with Cerberus until I say it's all clear."

"Scout ahead?" Confused I asked, "Since... Since when do you ever scout ahead?"

Lord Tirek slipped off his pack to set besides us, "Pardon?"

"Well it's just- When you, Cozy, and Chryssy went out to another mountain in this one future you had, you just let them go ahead and scout for you while you stayed behind. I don't really take you for one that goes into the ominous-looking mountain first without sending others like me and Cerberus in beforehand."

The other narrowed his eyes and considered me with a tilt of his head, "I suppose your right, but sending you into this kind of mountain so blindly is... I'll admit, more risky and potentially dumb." He grunted, "The thing is, I can sense magic, correct? At least, the magic of living beings. That's how I knew you were in no real danger when you stumbled upon those timberwolves earlier. This mountain however is full of crystals that conceal magic. Get the picture yet, filly?"

I opened my mouth to say something but Tirek swiftly interrupted.

"And let's not forget that Chrysalis DID mention that ponies have wandered into the mountain caverns and disappeared without a trace. What are you? You're a pony. A pony with no abilities and even struggles to fly. Out of all of us here, you're the one that'll probably get yourself killed by whatever is in there. So, I'm going to scout ahead. I'll see for myself what could possibly be in there and I'll deal with it. On my own."

I bit my lip, "Well... Why can't Cerberus join you? Wouldn't you need some extra muscle if something really dangerous is in there?"

"Cerberus needs to watch over you in case you try to do anything stupid." Tirek growled before looking Cervantes in the eyes, "You'll do that, won't you? Keep the kid out of trouble while I handle whatever mythical beast is down there?"

The middle head let out an affirmative bark as it raised its head towards Lord Tirek.

"Good you... youuuu- scroungy mutt." The centaur tried to insult before turning away with an annoyed gruff.

I couldn't help but quietly wonder, was Tirek starting to like Cerberus?? Awww!

"Now if you excuse me, the sooner I get this over with the sooner we can live in... relative safety." Tirek grumbled as he cracked his knuckles and began making his way towards the mountain's base. That left me with Cerberus and the camp supplies he abandoned.

"Well..." I sighed, "I guess we gotta wait."

But the mountain... It called to me. I still wanted to explore it. I tried to ignore it as I began rifling through our stuff. Maybe I could make a temporary camp or something. Just chill out, play with Cerberus.

Wouldn't I feel safer playing with Cerberus inside the mountain caves, though? No one would spot us. No one would see us. The caves were probably huge and full of miraculous wonders.

"No. No." I muttered out, "We're safe here too. Cerberus is strong and can protect me."

Russel gave off a concerned whimper, alerting Beryl who let out a rough bark at nothing. Was something attacking, it wondered??

"Shhh, shh. Calm down. Everything's fine! Good boys! Sorry, I'm a little out of it." I assured, "Let's just play some catch while we wait for Tirek to come back, okay?"

So we spent our time in the woods nearby just trying to play games. We explored the surrounding area, even found a nice river to cool off in, and I managed to set up a miniature beach chair of my own to relax on. Thanks to Tirek teaching me how a while ago. Again... I had to use my teeth. Eugh.

The day went by, and before I knew it... It had gotten dark.

My mind was tugging me towards the mountain, "Why isn't he back yet?" I asked aloud as I lit the campfire with some flint, "You'd think he'd be back by now."

Cerberus only let out a collective whimper in response.

I sat there and stared at the growing, dancing flames... "We should go check on him."

Cervantes raised its head and growled with concern.

"Listen, we can go in together. You can protect me and maybe we'll figure out what's taking Tirek so long. Maybe we'll be able to save him from whatever's in there too! Come on, he's the only one here who can hunt for your dog treats, you know?"

Beryl seemed to perk at the mention of dog treats and looked over to Cervantes, as if pleading the other they go. Russel still seemed uncertain, but the middle head was considering their options.

After some convincing, we were finally on our way towards the mountain. I took some supplies with me in a small bag, strapped a few extras to Cerberus' side, and we were clambering our way to Stonepeak. From there Cerberus took the lead to sniff out the missing centaur. The woods were dark and the sound of night critters could be heard in the underbrush, hidden away to watch as we traveled over a hill and then down a slope. This slope lead us directly down into the maws of a large cavern that visibly welcomed me- I mean us- into the mountain. I cautiously stuck close to Cerberus' side as we approached the entrance. Stalactites hovered above our heads like teeth ready to close in at any moment. I couldn't help but feel excited, though I wasn't sure why.

"He definitely went through here," I breathed in, "Let's go."

I decided to take the lead this time. I don't know why but something told me where to go. I felt it. I heard it. It whispered me directions and I followed its lead. I suppose I should have thought for myself at this moment. Wasn't this suspicious? Wasn't this strange? No. No not at all. This wasn't weird, right? Everything was fine.
I'm just exploring, that's all.

The tunnel was massive. There were crystals scattered about, shimmering rocks, and the drip of water echoing through the caverns. The magenta crystals were scattered about, embedded within the walls. With how far we were walking down, it should have long gotten dark by now... but I noted how the area seemed to glow. That's when I spotted dark purple mushrooms about a foot bigger than myself. I couldn't help but pause next to one and smile up at it. They gave off a pleasant, warm glow that I could actually feel. It was almost like sunlight, in a way. They were speckled with darker colors along their cap and it seemed to sway away from me when I got too close. Cerberus let out a protective growl and I stepped back to calm them down.

"This place is cool..." I muttered in awe.

We continued our walk. I still knew where to go, which was a good thing right? This place was big, like a maze. There were tunnels branching off in several directions to who knew where. I don't know how I knew about this, but I was certain that if we kept the middle path, we'd find where Tirek was.

Cerberus would tilt its head in another direction however, his nose sniffing the air. I saw how he tried to lead me down one narrow pathway, but I hurriedly refused, "No Cerberus. This way. I know it's this way." I urged as I continued down my path, whether Cerberus followed behind me or not.

I... didn't seemed bothered if he was or not. I was safe. Something told me I was safe. So I didn't even check to see if he was still behind me, though I should. I couldn't explain to you why I felt so secure in this moment, but finally I found something I was looking for. Something new...

I went down one tunnel. It was rather small. I'm not even sure if Cerberus could fit through the way I just went, but I didn't even check. I couldn't check. I couldn't stop. I could only look.
There before me was a large open room that revealed itself. It was like the size of a grand aquarium. It even looked like one! The caverns held a blue amber-like substance that formed this wall in front of me. I saw figures within the ginormous resin that hovered, frozen in the earthy material.
It was like... the best way I can describe it in my own terms: That one scene in Gravity Falls where the twins walked up on several dinosaurs frozen in orange amber, but bigger and blue for some reason. Like an ocean... and the way these figures- these ponies- were preserved made it look just like the floating children in IT. All stuck in midair and unable to move their bodies.
We all float down here, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself... but then I felt this rush of alarm.

Those were ponies.

I heard Cerberus bark behind me. It sounded very distant. I couldn't turn around. My eyes were on the shimmering blue amber.

Then my hoof went forward. Then another, and another. Before I knew it, I was walking right up to the surface of the material. Again, it reminded me of the aquarium. Touching it I felt the smooth glass surface that I would always rest my hand upon. Then it cracked. A part of me expected water to come gushing out at any moment.
Instead, I just fell through. Into the earthy material itself.


I could move. I was still walking forward, without much thought, but I wasn't stuck in the harsh resin. If that's what it even was. I found myself in a void of some sort. A void with a blanket of land stretched out before me, seemingly endless. Above me were figures, frozen in time. Ponies of various sizes and colors. Some were shocked, some were confused, and some were scared. There was nothing that they could have done to escape their fate, it seems...

I could barely comment. I just walked. I stared at each pony that I passed before my crimson eyes finally landed on one that was lower than the rest. She was floating in the middle, right in front of me. A grey pegasus mare with a messy black mane and dark triangular markings on her cheeks. She had her wings stretched out almost majestically and her glasses innocently rested over her closed eyes. The strangest thing about this mare at first glance, however, was that she was kindly smiling. Unlike everyone else in this damned hell..

I finally had control again, "What the fuck?" Was the first thing out of my mouth.

... NO SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE FUCK? I stumbled back in surprise and tried to figure out where I came from. The place was infinite, at least it appeared to be. I had no idea where my escape was or where I even entered in the first place. It was like I was in a large room with mirrors decorating the walls, converting the place into an infinite space of the same void over and over again.

My attention went back to the pegasus mare in front of me and I found myself circling her, as if trying to figure out some sort of puzzle, "What do you want from me, huh?" I questioned that floating mare, "Are you the one that brought me here??"

She didn't respond. Figures. She's probably a prisoner too... but something interesting caught my eye. Her cutiemark. What is it? It looked like there was supposed to be some sort of picture there. Some weird marking, but... it looked so blurry. Why was it blurry?

I backed away and decided to look up at the ponies above us. I looked really hard at their cutiemarks.

Blurry. Wiped away. Images that were there but cut through. They weren't completely gone, but they were broken and messed with. I felt this shiver up my spine. What happened to these ponies?

"Another visitor, hmm~?" A new voice emerged.

I yelped and instantly jumped up into the air, "Who said that??" It was some guy's voice. I've never heard it before. This wasn't a villain I knew from the show.

The playful voice chuckled, and I froze as a shadow over-casted me. Hot breath hit the back of my neck, "Silly filly... I did."

I turned only to get smacked out of the air by a giant cat-like paw. My small body went crashing against the hard floor and I choked out a cough. Okay. Ow. I tried to pull myself up only for a brown claw to land besides my head. It was LARGE! At least, definitely bigger than a pony filly. I stared down at it as it dug into the seemingly stone floor. With a shaky breath, my gaze finally turned to the creature above me.

It was... like a ginormous brown ferret. At least, it had the body of a huge ferret but the head of a fox-like canine. Ears of a bear and the tail of a giant squirrel. Its eyes were a blank white. No pupils or nothing, but I could tell it was peering down at me, assessing its prey.

"Hm. I haven't seen a child come out this far before, or even dare come out here with such a wonderous mind. Haven't you heard the rumors, little one~?" It hissed, "Ah well. Foals tend to have a lot more joyous and positive memories than an adult's. At most, you might be a very pleasant snack!"

"Wait, shit! Don't eat me!" I covered my face.

"... Did you just curse?"

"Fuck yeah I did! Don't you dare eat me!"

It tilted its head, "Oh. I'm not going to eat you. Pony meat isn't as delectable... No, I have something better in mind. A pony's memories are much more interesting, after all."

I blinked and lowered my hooves, "My memories??? Uh, hey bud I don't think you want to be in here," I pointed at my head in warning.

The creature laughed, "It's already too late, I've made up my own mind. Look into my eyes, little pony. It'll be over soon~!"

It's not like I had much of a choice with what happened next. I tried to look away, but my body could NOT move. My eyes stared directly into his pure white ones despite my struggles. The world went black around us and I felt myself fall into the abyss that had formed. There was nothing but his glowing eyes as my mind began to form and my body slowly changed.

The first thing I saw were my hands. The beige fingers rematerialized before me in the black void. Then I saw my arms, my legs, and soon even my long dark hair.
I was floating out in space, with my glasses hovering besides me. I didn't need them to see, but I still instinctively reached out and placed them over the bridge of my nose.
I was human again.

At this realization, the void shifted around me once more. Colors and shapes came into existence as I found myself stumbling into a whole other area entirely. My feet hit the ground and my body soon straightened. The room was full of dark blue and grey colors of a bakery's backroom. I felt something cold in my hand and looked down to spot a familiar colorful smoothie. Strawberry banana, if my memory recalled. My boss had gotten it for me recently. Automatically, I sipped at it and couldn't help but smile. Huh...

What was I doing? Right! I was just about to head home. I grabbed my purse and my helmet nearby while holding the cold drink in between my arm and chest. Sometimes I would sneak a sip or two, of course. As I got prepared to leave, however, I could have sworn I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me.

".... You're not a pony?"

Author's Note:

Decided to make a new villain for no reason in particular.

He's actually a total geek.

Like if him and Tirek went to high school together, he'd be the nerd and Tirek the jock.

Anyways, time to go into mental memory lane, maybe Cozy will be able to join the chaos too. Zeri is not gonna be having a good time and everything is depression wooooooooooooooooooooooooo