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Pithy Statement

Comments ( 47 )
Comment posted by PlieRow666 deleted Sep 21st, 2020
Comment posted by Mix-up deleted Sep 21st, 2020

When I saw the story cover, I thought that was the one in the story.

Ask Organized Chaos: What would you do if the stallions you fish are not interested in mares?

Are you going to finish the story

10444027 Yes, or die trying. This is the buffer I will be posting over the next week or so, then it will be down to a "as I write it" update schedule.

"Great monologue," Smooth Talker said. "I'd totally give it an eight out of ten."

He said while suddenly wearing a yellow flannel.

One plug caught three stallions? Now this is I call efficiency.

Ask Organized Chaos: Haven't you put a function for you to manually summon your target to your baits?

To be honest, I went in expecting to skim this-- humans with sex toys just aren't my thing. But... I'm hooked. You've found a surprising, funny take on this, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the story over the next week or two.

ordered two large margarita pizzas - margherita

Finally, the first stallion has been successfully fished into the hooves of the perpetrator. Seriously, this is a feat worth of Twilight Sparkle level. Now we can wait and see how many plugs it would spread before the next one come to Equestria.

Ask Organized Chaos: Did you set the limit on how many duplicates your plug could do?

"Out? Didn't you hear what I said? The transdimensional anal invader reaches its final stage by bonding completely with its host. The transformation is complete and you are now a stallion."

A living stallion without anus? How could that work?

Ask Celeste: Do you want to go to another world to experience how to use your new equipment on a mare? I mean instead of using it on other stallions.

Wow, the magical toy has turned a normal couple into entertainment exclusives.

Ask Steven : Is there any difference between doing it as a human and as a pony?

This scenario's pretty hot, but honestly, it would benefit from a little more in the way of not-gay sex.

10450225 The commission was based specifically on a gay-focused story.

I would love to see a pegasus transformation happen somehow. Not sure how that would work though.

10451550 There's going to be a pile of different ones soon.

Cool, can't wait to see how each one comes about.

Ask Chelsea : How do you feel being the, possibly, first human in history to wield magic?

10453080 New chapter is out. You need to ask questions on the latest chapter. :twilightsmile:

Well, a pegasus and a hippogriff have been done now. Can't wait to see the others.

Starlight Glimmer looked up at the hippogriff stallion and had a moment of surprise—not only was he flying right overhead but he was rampant. This friendship mission wasn't really about friendship.

Finally! And I already gave up an idea of anypony from main casts would appear in this story.

This one rehabilitation town for formerly evil mares who were trying to put all the Bad Stuff behind them. "Excuse me!"

Evil? Bad stuff? Compare to some needy version of Cadance or normal Spoiled Rich, these mares are angels.

Ask Richard : Do you have plan if your staffs/volunteers end up as colorful, horny non-human?

Ignoring Richard's waggling eyebrows, Coraline let out a sigh. "I remembered what Susan said about how to get back you have to get off. Turns out it's more complicated than that. A blowjob wasn't enough. I had to—I guess I'm maybe a little gay now. It was fun."

You were a STALLION having an intimate moment with a MARE. There was nothing gay about it.

Ask Starlight: How was your impression on your mysterious hippogriff suitor? I mean, was he up to the task?


You were a STALLION having an intimate moment with a MARE. There was nothing gay about it.

I tend to not write gender as being quite as insta-switch as most TF writers.

I held nothing on you. I just imagine this was what Richard might have said to Coraline at that moment.

10454563 It's all good. I just like to make that point because there's nothing more jolting than "Oh, I'm female now, I WANT ALL THE COCK!"

"That's kinda it at the moment. You could try using a randomizing plug, though. So far we got a pegasus, a hippogriff—that's what Coraline is—and we got some kind of canine earlier." Chelsea sighed. "I was trying to get one to make a pony with bat wings."

This Chelsea is really a magic genius. Less than a week of being a unicorn and she already be able to modify the magic of the plug. I bet Twilight would love to get her as an apprentice.

"Ha! You enabler. You know what it will mean, right? I won't be human ever again." Richard rolled over to his belly to expose his pale back and rump to the sky. "No more arms, no more hands, no more—"

Err... not to crush your dream, pal. But you do know you need hands to sign documents, right?

Ask Princess Twilight: As you have heard from Starlight's report that trans-human might be coming to Equestria more often in the future, what are you plans to handle that?

"Wait, so you didn't have sex for two days?" Richard was on his feet. "How on Earth did you cope?"

:twilightoops: These humans have frightening sexual drive! I wonder if I can get one...
:moustache: What was that, Twi?
:twilightsheepish: Nothing!

Ask Coraline : Do you have plan to stay longer in Equestria?

And that's the backlog. From now on it will be 3-4 weeks between updates.

Aww... that's too bad. I kinda want to see how Princess Twilight would handle the illegal aliens into her Equestria.

Ask Chelsea : Have you think about modifying these plugs to change users into an anthro instead of the feral form?

Hey Damaged, remember me from “Rubbed in Every Way”?
I may have found the answer...

I’m sorry, I don’t get it. What’s funny?

Anyway, it might be because it stimulates the prostate in males.
What about women? Yeah, turns out females, not having prostates, aren’t aroused by anal sex. They wouldn’t even orgasm from it. Not unless they have an extreme fetish for it. So in a nutshell, the answer is because of the patriarchy. XD
That, and I’m in the wrong corner of the internet.

10462078 Just that you keep finding my fics that are specifically commissioned to be full of gay/anal sex.

That is pretty funny actually! (I don’t have one of those... picture things, but I’m laughing)

"Perhaps, with a little work, we could establish a mirror here to send people back and forth. It would certainly reduce the need for such crude devices."

Wow, Twilight's school just expand its horizon - literally.

Ask Spicy Hot: Have you ever dream about a tom-boy stallion with rainbow-colored mane?

the heroin from the cover of a trashy romance novel -- heroine

10470628 Fixed, thank you! :twilightsmile:

then gnash -- ganache

Well, Twilight—she's the princess—said that with your help she might be able to make a way for non-plugged people to be able to travel.

Err... I'm not entirely sure that is a good idea. Let's hope it won't turn in to the Bureau scenario.

Ask Starlight: Now that we know the plug work both way. Would you like to try it in order to visit the whole new world? (at the cost of your femininity)

If you did a sequel for this story, do you think Celeste could get a Changeling Butt Plug? That way s(he) can change which species they could be at any moment.

Sequel sounds wonderful. I also want to know what happen to Butter Bread or any ponies that try the plug.

"We are not offering finalized forms at this point in time, except after extensive consultation and legal interaction." Spicy wanted to nip that in the bud. "But, if that is your goal, becoming an employee is a good way to start."

Ask Spicy: Do you need to fill out an immigration form? Since you are not the same one as human Richard anymore - at least not the same species.

10547406 It's finished—no more questions. 😛

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