• Published 29th Dec 2019
  • 2,522 Views, 37 Comments

Everymare Loves Chrysalis - ThePinkedWonder

Thanks to Twilight Sparkle, instead of love and revenge, Queen Chrysalis only got love. But NOT the kind she wanted.

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Chapter 2: The unwitting Lovebug

It was feeding time.

Just outside the borders of Ponyville, and walking closer, Queen Chrysalis was preparing for the feast of her life. She had heard of Hearts and Hooves Day and knew love was at its highest on this day, but never thought to go after love-struck ponies and gorge herself on their love on the holiday. Until now.

Not only that, after Chrysalis was finished, maybe she could take her revenge on Starlight Glimmer for stealing her hive and corrupting her subjects? Getting love and revenge? This was shaping up to be a good day for the Queen, or ex-Queen, but Chrysalis preferred to think that she was still a queen. Though, she did acquire a habit of talking to herself and giving evil laughs even when nopony could hear and fear them. Perhaps it is a side effect of no longer ruling her hive?

“Ha ha ha. I have no idea why I never did this sooner. Ponies ooze love when with their ‘very special someponies’ and thanks to this silly ‘holiday’, I’m going to be spoiled for choice!”

Chrysalis tapped into her power of shapeshifting to become a green Unicorn with a mane with four blue curls, two curls on either side of her head. With that done, Chrysalis smiled and strutted into Ponyville.

However, once in the town, a magenta ball of magic flew from the sky and ran into Chrysalis, but she felt no impact.

“Strange. What was that? Oh well, I doubt it’s anything important, so let’s get on to feeding. I’m starving.”

Chrysalis took more steps into Ponyville. The houses all had what was either straw or hay as the roofs, and Chrysalis always thought it was ridiculous. Why not use something tougher, like stone or wood? Maybe after she’s done feasting and has Starlight begging for mercy, Chrysalis would perform her good deed for the lifetime and show those ponies what a real roof looks like. Or, maybe take it a step further and open a roof-building business; even villains need bits.

However, Chrysalis would get pulled out of thoughts about what she would name a company that built real roofs, when she spotted a brown mare and light-orange stallion. The pair were both Pegasi and stared into each other’s eyes, holding hooves. With a smile of near-pure evil, Chrysalis snuck behind the couple, ready to suck the love from them.

This is going to be amazing, Chrysalis thought to herself. She would have said it out loud, but she didn’t want to be heard. It was hard for her to resist saying it, though.

A stream of red smoke, or smoke-like, poured from the two love-sick ponies and into Chrysalis’s horn. Chrysalis quietly moaned in pleasure at the taste. Who needs friendship when you can eat such high-quality love?

Hmm, I should have done this ages ago. This is better than I imagined it would be.

Five seconds into feeding, the stallion moaned and fell to the ground.

But the mare remained standing. Not only did she not pass out from fatigue, but she turned to the disguised Chrysalis with a puzzled frown.

“Wait, why are you looking at me like that?” Chrysalis asked.

The mare’s frown flipped into a smile and she batted her eyes. Chrysalis had seen better. “Well, you just...look so good!”

Chrysalis blinked twice. Of all things ponies have told her, this was nothing like what she had heard before. To be fair, most of what she had heard was not positive things. “Uh...what?”

“In fact, since I'm free, how about we go out? I can tell you’re shy, so I won’t take no for an answer!”

Normally, this show of disrespect would anger Chrysalis, but after her deluxe feast, she would allow this pony to live. She would merely hurt her a little. Besides, the pain could be good for this mare: pain and hardship builds character. Even if “friendship” could ruin character like it did her former subjects’. “Well, I’m in a good mood, so your punishment for daring to make a move on me will be light. Take this!”

Chrysalis gritted her teeth and focused energy in her horn, but no blast of magic came from it.

“What?” Chrysalis asked herself.

Chrysalis focused again, but as before, nothing happened.

“I...don’t get it. What happened to my magic?”

Still with a smile, the mare said, “Nothing, because you have already worked your ‘magic’, on me! Come here and give me a kiss!”

Chrysalis’s eyes widened. She wanted love, but not like this! “W-What the buck is wrong with you? Stay back!”

With the strange brown mare’s smile deepening, Chrysalis kept trying to fire a beam of magic. But save for a spark of magenta magic, the same color as the ball of magic that hit her previously, leaking from her horn, nothing was happening. In fact, when the magic sparked from her horn, the mare’s smile grew into a creepier one.

There was only one thing left to do. Chrysalis spun around and ran as fast as she could.

“Hey, come back here!”

With the odd Pegasus chasing her, Chrysalis dashed down Ponyville’s roads. The houses she ran by were almost a blur and there was no time to think about how she’d improve those roofs. Chrysalis couldn’t stand how she had to flee. How could Queen Chrysalis have had to flee from a pony? As much as her pride hated to admit it, if she tried to fight the mare physically, the ensuing commotion might alert Princess Twilight Sparkle or Starlight Glimmer to her presence. She came to Ponyville to eat love and have payback, not become target practice for two of the strongest ponies in Equestria.

Ten seconds into the chase, Chrysalis ducked into Ponyville’s Day Spa and hid behind the door. Chrysalis wouldn’t have minded getting a massage, if she wasn’t being chased. When the mare behind her ran in, Chrysalis snuck back out, then hopped into a nearby bush to make sure she remained out of sight. The mare ran out, turned her head to the left and right, but couldn’t see the hiding Chrysalis.

“I’ll find you!” the crazy mare yelled, and sprinted off in the direction she originally was.

With the coast clear, Chrysalis came out of the bush, but remaining in disguise as a green Unicorn. “Okay...that’s new. First, that mare didn’t pass out from her love being stolen, then she…*shudders*...did that. And now, I can’t use my magic. What is going on?!”

Chrysalis set a hoof below her mouth, and it still felt odd having legs with no holes in them. What was happening to her?

“Hmm. Maybe the magic that hit me earlier did something, and maybe mares have more love than stallions. It would explain why it’s usually mares that go on and on about that disgusting friendship. No matter, I can just leave Ponyville and figure out what’s wrong with me later, and I can have my revenge on that sow, Starlight Glimmer, another day.”

The sweet coos of another couple filled Chrysalis’s ears. By a tree were the ponies making them: a pink Unicorn mare and a red Earth Pony stallion. The stallion was much larger than most stallions. Perhaps they were too focused on each other to notice what was happening with Chrysalis being chased.

Chrysalis was about to leave, but the thought of more tasty love made her reconsider. It was good stuff.

“Then again, maybe I could have just a bit more love. Hearts and Hooves Day only comes once a year. I’ll just be more careful this time so what happened with that other mare won’t happen again.”

Chrysalis crept behind the tree with the two ponies, who started nuzzling each other. Once close enough, a stream of love came from them to Chrysalis.

Their love was as tasty as the last couple’s. After two seconds, Chrysalis was full for once, and she stopped feeding well before she ate all their love.

But before Chrysalis would leave, both ponies seemed to sense something and turned to Chrysalis. The pink mare smiled and batted her eyes, and the stallion looked puzzled and lightly panted from being drained.

The pink mare said, “Well, hello, hottie!”

“Hot-what?” The surprise was so great, Chrysalis accidentally reverted to her true form. This wasn’t good.

Or was it? By the mare knowing her true identity, at least Chrysalis wouldn’t have to flee. In fact, the fear that would be on her face would even make up for the “moment” Chrysalis had with the previous mare. Nothing like the look of fear to reduce stress.

Yet the strange mare wasn’t the least bit scared. In fact, her smile deepened. Something was seriously wrong with this pony.

“Well, aren’t you going to scream or run away?” Chrysalis asked.

“Why should I run from a hottie? Come here and give me a kiss!”

That sealed it: this mare was simply crazy! Chrysalis growled and again tried to use magic to teach her a lesson, but nothing happened.

“What is going on? What’s wrong with my magic?!” Chrysalis yelled in pure frustration.

The red stallion, the boyfriend to the insane mare, stomped to Chrysalis with a scowl, seemingly with his energy back. Perhaps the pride of a boyfriend meant that he didn’t give a buck if the one he was staring down was Queen Chrysalis. “You. Chrysalis.”


“Are you tryin’ to take ah girlfriend away from me?”

“Are you insane? I don’t want her!”

The stallion growled. “Wait, ya think she’s not good enough?”

“No, there’s nothing wrong with her! If I were into mares, I would take her like that!”

The stallion gritted his teeth. “Oh, so ya would take her from me then! Take this, girlfriend stealer, and I still owe ya one for ponynappin’ mah little sister!”

The stallion turned around. With a grunt, he flung his huge, strong hind legs toward Chrysalis. His hooves made contact with her and sent the screaming Changeling flying in the air and halfway through Ponyville. She landed in a pile of boxes with a thud. The harsh physical training she and her ex-subjects underwent allowed her to suffer no more than a bump from the attack. That training was even how she and the Changelings survived being blasted out of Canterlot by the power of love.

Even so, Chrysalis was sick in bed for a week over getting her rear end handed to her that bad.

“Ow! When I can use my magic again, that stallion will pay for that!”

Chrysalis shook her head and muttered some more to vent. Once her venting was done, she could get back to trying to figure out what was going on.

“Okay. First, those two mares hit on me, and for some reason I can’t use my magic. It must have something to do with that magic that hit me earlier. I must learn what happened so I can reverse this blasted effect it has on me!”

There was only one pony that Chrysalis knew lived in Ponyville with the magical knowledge to help: Princess Twilight Sparkle. But as much as Chrysalis despised the Princess of Friendship, there was little she could do on her own. If she wanted to fix whatever happened, she would need Twilight’s help. But would she even help?

“Oh, I know what I could do! When I see Twilight, I’ll tell her how I ‘learned the errors of my ways’ and when she fixes me, BOOM! Right in the kisser with my strongest attack before she can react! Then after Equestria has one less princess, I’ll look for Starlight, tell her I will take the offer she gave me back in the hive, and when her guard’s down, POW! Revenge city, population: me!”

Chrysalis looked towards a huge crystal tree-castle in the distance. It was the Castle of Friendship, the home of Twilight Sparkle.

With evil chuckles, Chrysalis made her way to the castle. Thoughts of what she’d do to Twilight and Starlight for her humiliation filled her head, not even caring if they were at fault. But even if they weren’t, Chrysalis would just use them to take her frustration out on.

It’s good to be a villain. No pesky moral code to live by. You can do whatever you feel like. It would be the perfect life, if not for those pesky heroes always ruining your well-thought-out plans. Why can’t they mind their own business?

Those were the thoughts Chrysalis had in her head as she made her way towards the castle. Though, not a single thought was about the chance that Twilight might get into the act too.

Or her friends.

Author's Note:

Of all things Chrysalis thought might happen, that wasn't one of them!

What will happen to the "Lovebug" next?