• Published 29th Dec 2019
  • 2,522 Views, 37 Comments

Everymare Loves Chrysalis - ThePinkedWonder

Thanks to Twilight Sparkle, instead of love and revenge, Queen Chrysalis only got love. But NOT the kind she wanted.

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Chapter 4: Lovehorse's confession

Oblivious to the “events” with Queen Chrysalis, Princess Twilight Sparkle was flying to her castle, toward the unconscious crowd, but was too far away to see them. She wore a frown. She searched for the magic that would land her dates for Hearts and Hooves day, but was unable to find any trace of it.

“I just can’t believe it. All the work I did on that spell for nothing. This was supposed to be the best Hearts and Hooves Day ever, but instead, I’m going to be alone for it, again.”

The lonely Alicorn continued to curse her luck. But soon, the crowd of mares came into view.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

With concern over the unconscious ponies overriding the self-pity for herself, Twilight flew to the crowd and landed in front of Rainbow Dash. She poked Rainbow and asked, “Rainbow? Are you okay? Say something!”

Twilight repeated this with her other friends, but none responded. Usually, Twilight would have felt fear that something serious might have happened. But she wasn’t in the best mood. She also needed to get out some frustration, so she used that to her advantage and in her “Royal Canterlot” voice yelled, “IS EVERYPONY OKAY?!”

The shout made the mares moan, and some rubbed their heads.

“Oh, what happened?” Applejack groggily asked.

“My head feels like I drank a year’s worth of cider in a day,” Rainbow said.

Fluttershy rubbed her head. “Um, I think I remember something. Something about Queen Chrysalis.”

“Oh, that’s right and we--” Rarity’s mouth widened “--NOOOOO!!

More of the mares groaned in disgust. Starlight materialized a toothbrush, already with toothpaste on its bristle, as well as a bottle of mouthwash, and brushed her teeth and mouth vigorously. The inside of her mouth turned red from the brushing. Then she washed her mouth with the mouthwash just as fiercely.

Twilight asked, “Guys? What’s wrong? Why are you washing your mouth like that, Starlight?”

Starlight spit the mouthwash out of her mouth. “If you did what I did, you would be too!”

Twilight asked, “Well, what did you do?!”

“I kissed Queen Chrysalis, and my tongue...ugh!”

Twilight’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped. “You WHAT?! Why?! What happened?!”

Thinking about where her tongue was, Starlight heaved. If the others weren’t as grossed out about how they hit on Chrysalis, they would have been grossed out by Starlight’s vomit. Still, they stopped talking as Starlight heaved.

After Starlight had finished throwing up, Fluttershy explained, “Well, I didn’t see what happened with Starlight. But I know something made me go after Queen Chrysalis wanting her as my very special somepony for Hearts and Hooves day, but I couldn’t control myself.”

"And I couldn't control myself either!" Rainbow said.

Pinkie answered, “Yeah, and I have no idea why I did it too because I do not feel that way about her!”

"And I...oh, no." Applejack facehoofed and turned to Rarity with a frown full of guilt. "Rarity, I am so sorry I threw an apple at ya. I really wasn’t myself back there."

"And I am so sorry for tackling you, Rainbow," Fluttershy said with her ears drooped.

Rarity asked, “Do you have any ideas of what happened, Twilight?"

Twilight set a hoof on her cheek. Could this have had something to do with her spell? If it went into her as she had planned, the mares would have acted like this towards Twilight, not Chrysalis. “Uh...I think I might know. If I’m right, it was a spell that made you do that.”

“Ugh, spells like those should be banned unless Princess Cadance is the one that does them! And who cast it anyway?” Rainbow asked.

Applejack gasped and brought up, “Wait, y’all, I remember somethin’. At one point, Chrysalis sparked magic that was Twilight’s color.”

“Oh, yeah, I remember too!” Rarity echoed.

Starlight said, “Wait. Twilight, in your room, I remember seeing a book on spells about love. You couldn’t be behind...?”

The other mares looked at Twilight. Applejack would kick Twilight’s flank more painfully if she lied, so she confessed. She explained the nature of the spell, how the effect must have grown stronger over time which was why they became increasingly aggressive toward each other, and even had grown into a siren-like effect which drew them to where Chrysalis was. When the spell wore off, it made the mares faint, which was something even Twilight didn’t expect to happen, and they were also supposed to be willing to share. Chrysalis’s ability to use magic being blocked was another effect that wasn’t supposed to happen, but nopony was aware that Chrysalis was unable to use magic.

The mares were not amused by Twilight’s plan and all glared at her. Some growled.

Rainbow exclaimed, “Wow, really, Twilight?!”

“You were going to use a spell to get a date or ten?! Even I’ve never been that desperate!” Rarity scolded.

“And you once told me to not use magic to decorate a table! And now you wanted to cast a spell to make others ask you out JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO SHY TO ASK US OUT YOURSELF?! At least I had the excuse of being a noob in friendship when I screwed up by using mind-control spells!”

"Uh, 'noob'? What's that?" Fluttershy asked with a confused frown.

Starlight explained, "Oh, that's what the human world that Sunset Shimmer lives in calls somepony that's new to something, so they’re not...great at it yet."

"Hmm, good to know. But back to you, Twilight; Starlight was a uh, 'noob', in friendship back then, but you’re the Princess of Friendship! As in, an expert!” Rainbow yelled.

"Uh, in my defense, even if I'm an expert in friendship, I haven’t learned everything about it yet,” Twilight defended in a cute voice and smiled.

Twilight raised a valid point, but Applejack still scolded, “Well, ya got us on that one, but I still can’t believe ya, Twilight!”

“But I have another question. Twilight, you said that spell would make those you felt some feelings for ask you out, right?” Fluttershy asked.


Everypony in the crowd looked at one another. The fact that it only affected mares became more apparent, and the spell affected a lot of them.

“Oh. So that’s why you hardly ever want to hang out with stallions that are not Shining Armor,” Pinkie remarked.

All the mares stared at Twilight. No matter what the pony said next, Princess Twilight Sparkle would NEVER live this down. Even the “Want it, Need it” spell fiasco wasn’t this bad. Thus, she had nothing to lose, so she might as well say it.

“I would like to point out that I at least have a thing for human males too, so I'm technically a bisexual, not a lesbian.” And Sunset won’t let me have Flash Sentry.

Author's Note:

Well, Starlight, since Twilight obviously think you're cute, ask her out for your Hearts and Hooves day date! It's not too late!

Comments ( 25 )


Oh yeah. I had "harem" on the brain when I wrote that author's note so it slipped my mind :twilightsheepish:

This is the first story in which I felt sorry for Chrysalis.


Don't blame you. This was a bad day for poor Chrysalis.


I'll take a "not bad".

Better than "bad".

Oh, this is just too good... :trollestia:


Celestia emote?


Dang, where do even start with this one? Poor Lovebug :rainbowlaugh:

The whole thing was funny. Especially Starlight's regret and Fluttershy's...lust(?).


Glad you enjoy this story too! And poor Lovebug and Starlight.

Cool story bud :) was more than enjoyable, definitely two thumbs way up! Although I would have loved to see what happened to Chrissy XD I feel sorry for her...
Also I do get with the premise since I kinda consider Twilight to be unshippable but I also thought the same of Pinkie until "The Last Laugh" aired so I can be wrong...


Glad to hear you enjoyed the story!

Amazing Story, This Is The Best Fan Fiction I've Read Yet!


Give it a day: you'll find something better.

But seriously, I'm happy that you enjoy it so much!:pinkiehappy:


Thanks! I laughed even when I was typing that in.



The narrator at least remembered the truth in the next paragraph.

At least Chryssie should be full for a year or two, though all that love might go to her hips.

Damn. My thoughts exactly

Chrysalis will likely need therapy. Or memory erasure juice (tequila).

Starlight explained, "Oh, that's what the human world that Sunset Shimmer lives in calls somepony that's new to something, so they’re not...great at it yet."

Spitfire actually calls Rainbow a "newbie" at the Wonderbolt Academy in the show, and "noob" is a slang spelling of "newb" with the added implication of being bad at something because of stupidity, while newb and newbie just mean being bad at something due to inexperience or lack of familiarity. Cute story though!



I was trying to think if any of the characters ever used "noob" and I couldn't think of a time they did. From an Equestrian's point of view that never went into the human world, hearing "noob" could confuse them, if they never heard it before to know it's slang for newbie/newb, so that was the angle I went with.

Kinda like if a brand new slang word for "best friend/bestie" that sounds similar to "bestie" was unexpectedly said: it would probably confuse you unless it's explained to you what the word means.

Or any slang word really that you're not familiar with.

Ahh, makes sense!

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