• Published 31st Jan 2020
  • 3,216 Views, 459 Comments

The Master Mev - kazamacat

Rainbow Dash becomes a master magic-eating vampire, forms her pack, and works on managing magic with her new role. Friends help out of course. It's actually kinda awesome, all things considered.

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Chapter 75 - Copy That

"Master, I must insist the rest of us be present to witness whatever happens," Twilight Sparkle told Rainbow Dash. "We're actually headed in that same direction. I made a camp site in that area as part of the retreat."

Both Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer smiled. "Sure Twilight, that's fine," Rainbow said. Both of them were content to oblige. "Maybe keep a little distance and stay out of sight—at least at first."

"I think that would be wise," Twilight agreed.

"Not yet," Chrysalis told them.

They paused and glanced her way. She took on her unicorn photographer form. "I need pictures of each of you," she explained with a daring smile.

"Oh, be sure to get my good side," Rarity said, fluffing her purple mane and posing with an inviting smile of her own. She fluttered her eyelashes momentarily too.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes but took the desired picture and followed suit with the others.

"Something simple if you please," Applejack said, tipping her hat before posing with her right forelimb slightly bent in front of her left forelimb.

"Me next! Me next!" Pinkie said. She stood on her hind legs, outstretching her forelimbs, looking ready to attack and pounce.

"Um, I guess if it's...necessary," Fluttershy noted quietly, glancing down at the ground.

Twilight Sparkle simply sat on her haunches with a warm smile. She made no comment whatsoever.

Finally, Chrysalis looked up at the hovering sky blue pegasus. Rainbow Dash grinned with a confident smile and pose, pointing her forelimb in the camera's direction.

"You should get Starlight too!" Pinkie suddenly exclaimed.

The photographer stared at her with narrowed eyes in restrained annoyance. "No, I don't think that's necessary."

Starlight blushed. "She is still Chrysalis after all."

Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Spoil sport," she muttered, now annoyed as well.

"Anyway," Chrysalis said, shape-shifting back into her tall changeling form, and addressing Rainbow Dash, "I do still require some of your hair—mane or tail, doesn't matter."

Rainbow willingly plucked some out herself. "You'll need some of Starlight's magic to make my copy due to my immunity."

Chrysalis gave her a puzzled look but proceeded with her plan as the entire pack watched her. She placed each photo against a tree. "Now would be a good time to make yourselves scarce," she told most of the group.

All but Starlight Glimmer and Rainbow Dash quickly hid themselves behind some bushes at a distance. The master mev and first fledgling stood near some trees and watched as Chrysalis centered herself among the trees she had chosen for the pictures and hair. The changeling's horn lit with a powerful magic green glow, starting to blast from one image to another. Starlight made sure to add her own beam into the tree with Rainbow's hair and image before the green magic struck it.

The trees melted away into wooden flowers spawning out the clones. They were paler with small loose hairs, and each one's cutie mark looked slightly altered in some way from the pony they copied.

They all looked at Rainbow Dash and bowed, including the copied Rainbow. "Master," they collectively said together.

Chrysalis' jaw fell open in horror. She had not expected to lose them to the mev so easily and quickly.

Rainbow Dash bowed in turn. "Copied friends. Do you all have names besides our own? A little modifier perhaps? Chrysalis Twilight, maybe?"

"'Mean'," the Twilight copy corrected. "I am Mean Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh really?" asked an intrigued Rainbow Dash.

"Well, outside of whatever you tell us to do of course. Any orders for us, Master?" Mean Twilight wished to know.

"For now, let me do a quick inspection on each of you. I want to see why the Mean title was chosen," Rainbow said. She studied her own copy first, noticing the upside down cutie mark. "So, what do you think of the rest?"

Mean Rainbow's eyes darted to them, and she scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "They're a bunch of losers," she muttered.

"Hmm." Rainbow raised an eyebrow and couldn't help smiling in fascination. They really were mean, weren't they? She approached the Mean Pinkie Pie. "Queen Chrysalis here wants you to find and use the Elements of Harmony. What do you think of that?"

"Hunting down some annoying elements? This is the worst day ever!" Mean Pinkie folded her forelimbs.

Mean Fluttershy kicked some dirt in Mean Pinkie's eye. "No. Now it's the worst day ever." She laughed evilly.

"Take it easy there," Rainbow said, holding back a laugh and wiping away an amused tear.

Chrysalis watched with continued incredulousness.

"Those Elements are mine!" Mean Rarity trotted into the center of the scene. "Along with this rock. Oh and that twig."

"I got all kinds of Elements right here under my hat," Mean Applejack gleefully lied to Mean Rarity. "I'll let you see them for five bits," she lied again.

"Seen enough?" Mean Twilight said to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow glanced over to the Awesomev Twilight still writing notes on a scroll. She finished and gave Rainbow a nod that she had all the details she wanted.

Then Pinkie Pie enthusiastically waved a hoof, and Rainbow instinctively knew what she wanted.

"Not just yet," Rainbow said to Mean Twilight.

She gave an inviting nod for Pinkie to join her with the group of copies.

The pink earth pony whistled Penny out and explained what was going on to her water clone.

Chrysalis looked at Rainbow and Starlight, mouth agape, before glancing at the extra copy to see what she would do.

"Hi, I'm Penny," Penny greeted Mean Pinkie with a friendly wave. "I'm a copy of Pinkie Pie too." She held out a forelimb.

Mean Pinkie stared at the forelimb and rolled her eyes, refusing to shake it or bump it in any way. "Ugh," the tree copy grumbled and threw herself onto her own back on the ground.

Penny snickered. "A bit nicer though. I guess she doesn't even act like us because she's from you," Penny informed Chrysalis with a hint of disapproval and to offer up an unprompted lecture, echoing Rainbow's suspicion from earlier.

"I'm right here," Mean Pinkie Pie grumbled and sat upright on her haunches.

"She seems kinda grumpy," Pinkie noticed, ignoring the other copy's words, "and she looks paler."

Penny studied Mean Pinkie's cutie mark. "The middle balloon goes down like a frown instead of up like a smile," she told Pinkie in amusement.

"Still. Right. Here," Mean Pinkie reminded them resentfully.

Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped. "Master!"

"Yes, Pinkie?" Rainbow wondered.

"She's like my Discord-ed form!" Pinkie alerted her.

"You're what?" the grumpy copy asked.

"I wasn't there for most of that," Rainbow reminded her friend.

"Oh. Well, each one of us became the opposite to the behavior of our element. I didn't like laughter at all," Pinkie explained. "I was a grump like her."

"That's because laughter is annoying," said Mean Pinkie. "All of you are really boring. I am bored listening to you jabber on. Haven't we had enough of these two?"

Pinkie and Penny looked over to Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, I think so," Rainbow actually agreed. "That's enough," she told the pair with a nod.

They did not argue and returned to the other observing mevs.

"Satisfied now?" Mean Twilight inquired to the reigning master.

"Quite," Rainbow said with a grin.

"Listen to your Queen, not her!" Chrysalis called out and urged her creations.

Mean Twilight sized Chrysalis up with her eyes and snorted. "Sure thing," she said sarcastically. She looked at Rainbow Dash. "Now what?"

"We're heading over to see the Tree of Harmony," Rainbow informed them."After that, I will eat all of you."

"Ugh. Why?" Mean Rainbow said with an annoyed voice. "We won't taste nearly as good as them." She pointed over to the fledglings.

"Don't sell yourself short," Rainbow said with a warm smile.

"Pfft. Whatever." Mean Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Being in you will mean that I have plenty of power that's mine, mine, mine!" Mean Rarity declared with greedy zeal. She shrieked and cackled.

"You can't eat me," Mean Applejack said slyly. "I'm immune to mevs. I got it from you."

"Fine, whatever I doubt a magic reserve is as boring as this place," Mean Pinkie grumbled.

"I'll get my kicks in before then," Mean Fluttershy said with wicked delight as she laughed evilly again. Her shifty teal eyes scanned the area.

Mean Twilight openly wondered, "Will you summon us? The pink one's already got a copy."

"Penny is very different from all of you, even if she is a copy. I really can't think of much use for mean copies other than my amusement," Rainbow chuckled.

"Well?" Mean Twilight prodded. "That's a thing you can do, right? It's in service to yourself as a member of the pack. I'm sure we could be useful too if we had to be."

"I'm not promising anything, but yes, I'm sure it's a possibility." Rainbow giggled as if she were being tickled.

"All of you are okay with this?" Chrysalis asked the group. She gestured out a long holey forelimb with the same aghast air she had when Rainbow first let her know she wanted to eat them.

They all rolled their eyes at Chrysalis. Mean Twilight spoke for the group of copies. "We're magic. She's a master magic-eating vampire. And we all have a connection to her fledglings or just her." She nodded to the Mean Rainbow Dash.

"You have a connection to me too. I made you!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"Oh. Right," Mean Twilight replied indifferently. She again addressed Rainbow Dash. "Where is the Tree of Harmony, Master?"

"This way," Rainbow motioned for them to follow.

Chrysalis tailed the group. They were close to the Elements now, weren't they?

The other Awesomevs and Penny continued observing from a safe distance and followed too.

Rainbow Dash led the Mean 6 down several stairs, nearing the campsite.

"Ugh. What's this garbage?" Mean Pinkie Pie asked in disgust upon seeing several tents propped up at the bottom.

"Badger installation art," Mean Applejack replied. "Ya see…"

"Just retrieve the elements!" Chrysalis yelled from behind them, still grasping at straws for control of the situation, especially knowing how close they were now.

They looked at her and said nothing but continued onward nonetheless. Mean Fluttershy leaped onto a tent and stepped on it with evil laughter.

The observing Team Awesome would have been annoyed and upset if it weren't for the fact that they were watching the whole thing unfold as research. They suspected the behavior of these creatures would affect the Tree of Harmony's response to their presence.

Mean Rarity grinned as she greedily used her magic to grab at various items, such as a picnic blanket, wood for a camp fire, and a mug.

Mean Fluttershy messed up another tent.

Mean Pinkie Pie reluctantly dragged herself along the ground.

Mean Twilight smiled wickedly and grabbed their attention as she picked up Mean Pinkie with a hoof. "Once we get the power of the Elements, no creature but Master, not even 'Her Majesty' can tell us what to do. Master finds us funny. She will let us stay out longer if we prove our worth. Just follow my lead. Got it?"

They all cackled together and trotted along to finally bear witness to the tree.

"Oooooh! That one's mine," Mean Rarity pointed with another greedy evil grin at the purple diamond crystal stored in the upper right branch of their view. It flicked to black for a moment.

Rainbow Dash silently noticed but made no move against the tree or the mean copy. She hovered quite high behind them and to their right, so she could watch what would happen. The Element itself remained in the tree, so she remained in her observing position.

Mean Rarity giggled and began to walk over to the coveted Element, but Mean Fluttershy tripped her. "Oops. I'd say sorry, but I'm not," the sadistic pegasus wickedly stated. Mean Rarity grabbed her, and they started to fight.

Rainbow Dash glanced over to the Kindness Element. The pink butterfly crystal on the lower left flicked to black.

"Stop it, fools!" Mean Twilight told the two fighting ponies, having also noticed the ominous black flicks.

Mean Applejack, Mean Rainbow Dash, and Mean Pinkie Pie approached closer to the tree.

"We need the Elements to take out Chrysalis!" Mean Twilight told them. She gasped upon seeing Chrysalis right behind her all of a sudden.

"How dare you! I created you!" Chrysalis reminded her. She shot a blast of green magic at Mean Twilight.

Mean Twilight immediately put up a magic shield as she felt herself thrust backward from the power.

Mean Applejack bucked at the tree with an indifferent glare at her target. The orange apple crystal on the lower right branch flicked black.

Mean Pinkie Pie shrieked with eerie high-pitched laughter as she forcefully pushed at the trunk. The blue balloon crystal on the upper left branch flicked black.

Mean Rarity and Mean Fluttershy continued fighting, as did Chrysalis and Mean Twilight. Mean Applejack kept bucking. Mean Pinkie Pie kept shrieking. Amidst all the tension, Mean Rainbow Dash descended from her own hover in the center of it all and plopped herself to a resting position on the ground. She indifferently shut her eyes to the ensuing chaos. The red lightning bolt on the top centered branch flicked black.

Mean Twilight grunted and finally grinned evilly as she sensed enough power to push back at the green beam that had been shooting into her shield. As she realized she was about to overpower Chrysalis' magic, the star cutie mark at the center of the tree turned black and remained so, instead of just flicking like the others. From there, the black branched to the other Elements in the tree. White wispy tendrils shot out from each one of the cutie mark shaped crystals and grabbed their respective mean copy. Mean Twilight gasped as she felt the power around her own neck.

"Uh-oh," Rainbow Dash muttered to herself, sympathetically for them.

Chrysalis watched with shocked awe as her creations melted from the power of the Tree of Harmony right before her eyes.

"Fools!" Mean Twilight declared. "You ruined everything!" she shouted.

The whole tree glowed white except for the black of each element as a mass of power spread out in a large circle. The light flashed away, and six logs, each bearing a color matching the coat of its pony copy, fell to the ground.

Rainbow Dash at last descended and stood before the logs. She tapped at them with an intrigued hoof and blank expression.

Chrysalis silently observed and realized she had forgotten about the master mev entirely amidst all the chaos.

Rainbow Dash sat on her haunches. She picked up the orange piece of wood with her hooves and bit right in with her fangs as if to eat a long sandwich. She chewed and swallowed. "Not what I had in mind, and I have to admit not my preferred physical form of such food, but it will do." She stared at the tree for a moment and gave it a little salute.

Every element twinkled back, as if in approval.

Rainbow glanced over to Chrysalis. "I guess copies can't use the Elements of Harmony after all. I'm glad we got that cleared up."

Penny snorted as she and the others approached. "I could have told you that."

"And miss out on this?" Rainbow asked, referring to the log she was eating. She took another bite.

Penny giggled. "I can't imagine wood tastes better than water."

"It's not just any wood, just like you're not just any water. With some magic flavor, trust me, this is delicious. This one tastes like baked apples, no surprise there," Rainbow said with a devilish grin.

Applejack chuckled. "Are you really eating mine first because it's Friday?"

"Yup. I think I'll save each one for each day," Rainbow Dash decided.

"Does this mean you can't summon them as mean ponies since the tree already switched them back?" a curious Twilight openly wondered.

"Let's explore that idea some other time," Rainbow suggested. "I'd like to speak with Chrysalis alone."

"As you wish, Master," Twilight agreed. "We'll be nearby cleaning up the camp site."

The other Awesomevs and Penny nodded before leaving with the alicorn princess.

Author's Note:

Discord | Patreon

We are officially three-fourths done with the chapter numbers of this story.

Promoting other works of mine:

My Vampire Companion

Utaan: Chapter 42 - Loyalty's Never Gone For Long (Audiobook Reading)


The Master Mev: Chapter 12 - Revelations Begin (Audiobook Reading)

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