• Published 31st Jan 2020
  • 3,230 Views, 459 Comments

The Master Mev - kazamacat

Rainbow Dash becomes a master magic-eating vampire, forms her pack, and works on managing magic with her new role. Friends help out of course. It's actually kinda awesome, all things considered.

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Chapter 83 - Another Friendship School

On Monday at the School of Friendship, Rainbow Dash hovered by Rarity as the two listened to Twilight Sparkle. The alicorn was reading off her latest postcard from Starswirl the Bearded in her office. He wrote of continuing to learn about friendship on his journey after being in limbo for over one thousand years. Once finished, Twilight posted it next to several others lining the glass cabinets behind her desk.

"It must be gratifying to have your idol writing to you about the friendship lessons he's learning," Rarity said.

"Totally," Rainbow concurred.

"I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it," Twilight happily confessed. "Of course, if he really wants to learn about friendship, he could just come to our school."

"You learned from field experience too," Rainbow pointed out with a sly smile.

The three of them heard a door open, and Cozy Glow peeked into the office. She revealed several wooden crates that Rainbow and Twilight soon learned contained numerous sewing machines. Rarity had ordered them with her own bits for her class. Between all that, Cozy brought out a stack of fliers which caused Twilight to release a startled sigh.

Rainbow Dash saw a perplexed and stressed expression from her friend, so she grabbed one to read herself.

Rarity read the same thing aloud from the one Twilight passed to her. "'Why waste your time at a friendship school that's just a school? Learn everything they teach and more at Friendship University!'" The white unicorn grew alarmed, and Cozy Glow looked worriedly at Twilight as well.

Twilight looked side to side at nothing before sighing and looking up at Rainbow Dash. Her sky blue pegasus friend's expression was neutral and patient, staring back. "Tell me we can do something about this," the purple alicorn said hopefully.

"Of course we can. We need to start with a basic scout of the place," Rainbow suggested and folded her forelimbs with a knowing expression. "It's in Las Pegasus. I was actually thinking of going there soon to check out this awesome roller coaster the Wonderbolts told me is closing soon."

"Right, but we'd go there for this," Rarity told her. "If it's as good as you say, there's bound to be a long line."

"Probably, but if things work out to give us time for it, I'm taking it," Rainbow explained. "You're both welcome to tag along of course."

"Fine, fine," Twilight muttered in agreement, not especially interested. "Let's go see if there's anything to worry about first. Cozy, did the students already see these?"

Cozy quietly nodded.

The three teachers trot through the halls to see many students looking them over and overheard the Student Six discussing the place excitedly as Ocellus noted the same lessons in half the time. For her, that meant twice the learning. Gallus loved the idea of it being in Las Pegasus, noting a wish to skip Rarity's class for a road trip.

"Yes, I think we need to look into this school," Rarity said quietly among her observing friends.

"Let's bring Chrysalis along," Rainbow Dash suggested.

Before she could find Chrysalis however, she overheard Smolder tell the others, "Yeah, but then we wouldn't see Master Rainbow Dash as much. I still haven't even seen her dragon form."

"Good point," Silverstream agreed.

"Let's see if we can find her now. It is Monday after all," Smolder suggested.

Rarity and Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash.

The master mev herself blushed but stepped forward as if she were simply passing through the halls. "Did I hear someone mention my dragon form?" she asked them with an eager smile.

"Master Dash," Yona hopped ever so slightly in pleasant surprise.

"Ha, no need then I guess," Smolder said. "Master, can we see it today?"

"Sure, sure, let's head to the gym, just like old times," Rainbow told her and winked.

They all did just that, where Rainbow Dash happily showed off her dragon form.

"Hey Chryssy," Rainbow greeted.

"What is our task for today, Master?" the tall changeling inquired.

"We're going to Las Pegasus to investigate this Friendship University with Twilight and Rarity," Rainbow explained as she held up the flier with her wings to show it to Chrysalis.

"Like this?" Chrysalis gestured to her full default changeling form.

"I'll admit, I think your unicorn disguise would be best," Rainbow said.

"Very well." Chrysalis consented with a nod and transformed instantly.

"You up for a roller coaster ride too?" the pegasus asked

"I'll think about it," Chrysalis noted dryly as they soon left the room.

Rarity put a thoughtful hoof up to her chin as she said, "I don't like to judge solely on appearances, but what kind of friendship school is this?"

It stood in front of an amusement park with a large poster of a book tacked over numerous bright lights.

"Only the best friendship school in the West.." a unicorn nearby answered, "..and maybe all of Equestria!"

Numerous happy ponies enthusiastically galloped or flew to follow him, causing Rarity to stumble back.

"Ponies get that excited for friendship?" Chrysalis asked in confusion.

The three teachers looked at each other before Rainbow finally answered, "Honestly, this is kind of strange even for us, but it's our first time here. Fluttershy and Applejack have been here though, and they told us some things about the place. The ponies here are generally excited or excitable since Las Pegasus is kind of like a big party."

Chrysalis raised her eyebrows. "Really? That's...well, I don't know if it's anything, but consider it noted."

The others nodded with slight smiles.

The quartet of pony figures entered the same room as the ponies before them and saw two podiums. Chrysalis observed the numerous standing ponies clearing themselves out of the way at the sight of Twilight Sparkle. Eventually, they all reached the front.

"There's more ponies here than at our whole school," Twilight remarked.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow and glanced to the crowd more closely. "No, there isn't," she hissed.

Chrysalis stifled a laugh at the pair.

"Well, still, it's a lot," Twilight insisted. "Who is running this place?"

Just as she asked, the lights went out and a male voice announced, "Welcome friends. You are about to embark on a journey of amazing magnitude, one that will change your lives forever."

Another quickly followed and added, "Prepare yourselves to embrace a new path and become students of Friendship U!"

Spotlights shone upon a white paper background that was soon busted through by two unicorn stallions with red and white hair. They wore matching hats and attire.

"Flim and Flam. Of course," Twilight grumbled.

"Should I know who they are?" Chrysalis asked Rainbow Dash in a hushed whisper.

"Not already. You'll see for yourself. Just watch for now," Rainbow advised.

Flim and Flam sang together, declaring empathy for having trouble making friends and how far Twilight's School of Friendship was to Las Pegasus.

The audience looked stressed, including Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash for different reasons. Rainbow shook in place when they referred to Ponyville as "some backwater," as if to lessen its merits compared to a city like Las Pegasus.

Eventually, Twilight couldn't help interrupting as a chalked figure on a chalkboard that she smelled a rat.

Flim and Flam saw an opening, referring to her as a respectful competitor.

Twilight grew irritated, denying that was why she was here.

They continued on, ignoring her, eventually leading to a boast that their school was about to be accredited.

The enthusiastic audience smiled and chanted, "Friendship U!" over and over again.

Chrysalis watched them all in bewilderment at the musical act.

The song concluded, and a stunned Twilight could only ask, "Accredited?"

"It means officially recognized or authorized," one of the brothers offered.

"We know what it means," Rarity replied. "But who would accredit this place?"

"Why the EEA, of course!" a familiar voice to Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash answered.

Other ponies backed off and made way for a gray stallion with black hair to appear.

"Chancellor Neighsay?" asked a stunned Twilight.

"The Equestria Educational Association has taken an interest in institutions that teach friendship in a pony-first environment," he replied.

Chrysalis quietly raised an eyebrow at that phrasing.

Neighsay continued addressing Twilight. "Surely, you didn't think your school has a monopoly on the subject?"

Rarity smiled. "Well, she did write the book on it."

"Ah yes," he replied dryly. "How to teach friendship to creatures who will one day use it as a weapon against us."

"Friendship magic doesn't work that way!" Twilight protested.

Rainbow Dash descended from her hover to stand next to Twilight. "It's true."

Rarity nodded.

Chrysalis' eyes darted to them and then to Neighsay. She stayed quiet and continued watching everything.

"You'll have to forgive me Princess Twilight, but I remain skeptical. This university appears to be a promising option for ponies who prefer to stick to the EEA book on the subject," Neighsay said.

"You can't be serious. They're obviously up to something," Twilight stated with a disapproving frown. She emphatically pointed with her right hoof. "It's Flim and Flam!"

The two unicorn brothers gasped with indignance. "Well, that certainly wasn't friendly," Flim said. Their eyes watered with tears.

"One would think the headmare of a school of friendship, albeit an unaccredited one, would behave differently," Neighsay said.

"Excuse you?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight stared at the floor with a forlorn look.

"Unless she is trying to undermine the competition? Hmm?" Neighsay prodded further.

The prospective pony students all gasped in horror.

"I...No...What? I am not!" Twilight sputtered.

"Now wait just a minute," Rainbow interjected. "We are scouting the competition," she declared proudly. "These two have a track record with us." She pointed at the brothers.

"I thought the Princess of Friendship would be friendlier," a pegasus stated.

Flam seized the opportunity to offer the other ponies to demonstrate their friendliness by signing up for some classes.

"Why don't I show you around?" Flim offered, leading Neighsay away. Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Chrysalis quickly followed.

Sensing their approach, Flim turned around.

"I'm sorry," Twilight said to him, "but approval from the EEA won't convince me that this school is what you promise."

"And what would it take to convince you?" Flim replied with a sly smile.

"Well, somepony whose opinion I respect, for one," Twilight noted snootily, airing out her wings.

That only made Flim happier. "Really? Somepony like this?"

He opened the door, and everyone peeked through to see none other than Starswirl the Bearded sitting at a table next to a stack of papers. "Twilight?" he asked with a welcoming smile.

"Uh-oh," Rarity muttered.

Rainbow Dash face-hoofed in mild frustration.

Chrysalis could only keep watching, not entirely sure what was happening.

Twilight's lip trembled among clenched teeth.

She trot into the classroom, which was empty of other Friendship University students. Rarity slowly tread behind. Rainbow flapped her wings and hovered near Twilight. Chrysalis walked next to Rarity.

Flim trailed them all.

"Starswirl? What are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

He happily clapped his hooves together as he answered. "Why, studying friendship at Flim and Flam's wonderful school!"

Flam soon entered to join the whole group along with Neighsay. "How's it going in here?"

Neighsay followed. "I'd heard rumors you returned, but I didn't believe it until now. And if a pony of your stature is studying here, there really isn't anything else I need to see." He stepped forward. "I, Chancellor Neighsay, hereby confer upon Friendship University complete and unreserved accreditation."

The unicorn twin brothers smiled victorious.

Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow gave irked glances.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. For a pony paranoid about non-ponies such as herself, a changeling disguising themselves as Starswirl or any of the students didn't even occur to Neighsay.

"I-I don't understand," Twilight said as she approached Starswirl where he sat. "Why would you come here and not my school?"

"My travels brought me to Las Pegasus," Starswirl explained with a smile. "I didn't come for the school, but Flim and Flam convinced me to try it out."

"You can't trust Flim and Flam!" Twilight told him, almost growling. "They tried to con the Apples out of their farm! They sold fake health tonic! They run a resort in Las Pegasus!"

On her last point, she finally did growl and flexed her wings ending in an exasperated sneer.

"Technically, our resort is a legitimate business," Flam pointed out.

Starswirl got up from his seat. "I spent a thousand years thinking the worst of a 'bad' pony."

"Uh..." Rainbow started to say. As far as she'd been informed, those thousand years felt like an instant in limbo.

Rarity put a hoof to the pegasus' shoulder and shook her head. Given that, Rainbow decided not to press the issue.

The gray unicorn offered a forelimb to Twilight's shoulder with a gentle look. "You taught me to look for the best in him. Whatever Flim and Flam's past may be, starting this school shows they want to change for the better."

Flam hugged his brother, and they both grinned.

Twilight frowned with skepticism. She bowed her head in disappointment as she told Starswirl, "I wish I could believe that."

Starswirl smiled. "Besides, what's untrustworthy about opening a school of friendship?"

The alicorn's ears drooped as she became contemplative and suspicious.

Starswirl continued nonetheless. "They don't even charge for classes."

"I don't know," she admitted, "But I know they're up to something and until I find out, I'm begging you, please come to my school instead."

"I understand feeling threatened by competition," Neighsay interjected. "But my word, Princess, I wonder if the ill-manners of the creatures at your school aren't contagious."

Chrysalis grit her teeth.

"I think I will take my leave before I become infected." He started to exit the classroom and tripped.

"Oops, I didn't see you there," Chrysalis told him with a fake innocent smile.

Meanwhile, Rainbow took advantage of the delay and stood in front of the door.

"Excuse me," Neighsay said after he got up. "You're in my way."

"You just insulted several of my friends. Apologize," Rainbow ordered.

"You...how dare you!" Neighsay replied in angered disgust.

"I really would do what she says," Rarity suggested with a hint of nervousness.

Twilight nodded. "They are our friends too."

Starswirl thoughtfully stroked his beard.

Flim and Flam watched, bewildered.

Chrysalis smiled. "I third the motion."

Neighsay rolled his eyes, turned to Twilight, and bowed. "I am sorry, Princess." He looked at Rainbow Dash. "And for the creatures you call your friends."

Rainbow frowned but cleared herself from his path, and he left. She looked over at Chrysalis who nodded. That would do.

"Flim, Flam, I wonder if I might have a moment with these four," Starswirl said.

They tipped their hats, left the room, and shut the door.

Starswirl approached Rainbow Dash. "You know, it's impossible to tell just by sensing your presence or your magic. It's all the same, but I just know there's more going on here than meets the eye from how these other three are acting. Somehow, it all points to you. Care to explain?"

Rainbow blinked with a blank expression. She paused a second to think. "I turned into a master mev two months ago," she informed him plainly.

Starswirl's eyes widened, and his mouth fell agape. He took a moment to collect himself.

Rainbow gestured with a hoof to Chrysalis' form. "Starswirl, this is Chrysalis. She is the former changeling queen. Chrysalis, this is Starswirl the Bearded, a famous unicorn guy from way back, not sure if you two know each other."

"We don't," Chrysalis admitted.

"Chrysalis is one of my clients. Due to the nature of her request, I brought her along in pony form. We're here to help Twilight investigate this school."

Starswirl's mouth fell open again with another realization. "You're a fledgling mev?" he asked Twilight.

Twilight blushed but nodded with a smile.

"And me as well," Rarity admitted with a blushing smile of her own.

"You think the school is harboring a magical imbalance?" Starswirl asked Rainbow Dash with a hushed and concerned whisper.

"More like a scam," Rainbow replied, again, plainly.

Twilight sighed.

"I promise I will visit your school soon," Starswirl offered in comfort. He looked to Rainbow Dash. "I really don't think an investigation is necessary."

"They have a track record, sir. My fledgling has concerns. I must help her," Rainbow told him.

He smiled warmly at that. "Of course. But you know, be respectful of this competition all the same."

"Let's go girls," Rainbow said while still looking at Starswirl. She turned to the others. "We've got work to do."

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