• Published 6th Feb 2020
  • 5,789 Views, 397 Comments

Caught and Punished - ThePinkedWonder

Alternate take on Season 5 premier: here, Starlight gets caught instead of getting away.

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Chapter 19: Starlight Glimmer's atonement, part 4

Yes! We saved our friends, the Princesses, and the other ponies captured by Queen Chrysalis and the changelings! Not only that, the changelings all underwent some weird metamorphosis and seem to be FAR nicer now.

Except for Chrysalis. After she shot out a flash of light, she fled from the room of the cave we were all in before we could do anything. Princess Cadance, standing next to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, had just reminded us about it.

“You’re right, Cadance! We need to find her before she gets away!” Twilight exclaimed with an alarmed frown. I don’t know how she was doing it. The singes on her back and one of her wings had to hurt, but other than one of her eyelids being very slightly drooped, she didn’t appear too bothered by it.

“Thorax, do you have any idea where she might have escaped to?” Celestia asked.

Thorax set a hoof under his jaw. I still couldn’t believe changelings could transform the way they did. I never once heard it was possible. “I think she is heading back to our hive.”

“Uh-oh, that’s not good. Fluttershy and Discord are still there, and ain't there more changelings in y'all hive?” Applejack asked.

“Didn’t you also say your hive has an ancient stone that blocks all non-changeling magic from working?” Celestia asked.

Thorax nodded. “Yes, for both questions.”

One of the now-changed changelings still surrounding us stepped forward. “Well, as for the changelings there, we can just talk them into sharing their love like the rest of us did. Like us, they might not want to at first, but they'll LOVE it once they do!”

Another changeling said, “While we didn’t do it here, if we all try to talk to Queen Chrysalis, she just might listen. At the very least, we could get your two friends out of the hive if she won't listen to us.”

That intimidating feeling the sixty-plus changelings had prior to their transformation (save for Thorax, who didn’t have it from the start) was way down now. I wonder if I emitted a feeling like that when I still led Our Town? If so, it will be yet another reason to be glad I’m not that pony anymore.

“That idea could work. So, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Sam, Starlight, are you ready to go?” Twilight asked, turning her head to face the rest of us as she said our names.

We answered, "Ready!"

"And I will accompany you all as well.” Princess Celestia looked to Twilight with a concerned frown. "Twilight, are you sure you want to come? You really should have your back and wing looked at."

Twilight glanced at her injured wing for a second, then turned her head to Celestia again and nodded it. "I'm sure, Princess Celestia. I'll feel better if I go too."

Celestia stayed quiet for a moment and just stared at Twilight. She broke her silence with a sigh and said, "Okay, if you truly feel you should come, then I won't object." Celestia faced Luna and Cadance. “Sister, can you stay with the citizens of Ponyville and begin work on the spell that can detect changelings, just in case?”

Luna answered, ”Yes, Sister. If Cadance can help, the spell should require just ten minutes to be completed.”

"I can, and Chrysalis won't be harming anypony else," Cadance said. She's Twilight's sister-in-law, so I wonder if she secretly wanted Chrysalis to stay in Ponyville, so she could deal with her personally. The only clues of that possibility were that she wore a serious frown that felt different from Luna's, and she was the only one with a scowl.

"Good, but if you find Chrysalis, Cadance, be very careful and try to leave any fighting to Luna. Don't forget: you are expecting." Celestia turned her head to Lyra and the other innocent ponies that had collected into their own group in the room. “Did you hear all of that, everypony? Once we are out of here, stay with Princess Luna and Princess Cadance for the time being, but do not fear the fact that Chrysalis is out there.”

We all ran out of the chamber and through the tunnels. Or, Sam, I, and most of the ponies ran; Rainbow and all of the changelings flew. Wow. Can’t believe these changelings aren’t our enemies anymore. I am NOT complaining, but this would take a little getting used to.

As we ran/flew, Twilight groaned, making Rarity turn her head to her. “Twilight, perhaps you really should go to the hospital instead of coming along with us. Your back and wing have to be hurting bad.”

“As I said before, it looks worse than it is. Besides, you know me: I’ll worry too much if I don't come too,” Twilight said that ended with a chuckle.

Once we all hurried out of the gem cave, we broke into two groups.

The first group was of Sam, Twilight, Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Spike, Thorax, the rest of the changelings, and me. The second group was made of Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Lyra, and the other ponies.

My group sped off toward the changeling hive; the changelings led the way. The other group headed toward somewhere in Ponyville.

Inside the changeling hive, it was an eerie, chilly sight, not just because it was cooler inside. The walls and ceiling were full of holes, but those holes opened and closed seemingly randomly. Like Thorax said would happen, Twilight’s, Rarity’s, Celestia’s, and my magic was sealed, which happened when we got close to the hive. We just had to trust Thorax and the changelings with us to get the ones still in their hive to change.

We soon reached a huge chamber in the deepest part of the hive holding Fluttershy and Discord. The two were inside green cocoons that hung from the ceiling on stalks, which Chrysalis had already shown us. Like the rest of the hive, holes were buried all over the walls. Near one of those walls, a huge dark-green stone that was shaped into something of a throne. The air surrounding it appeared to be glowing somewhat in a lighter-green color. While we were on the way, Thorax told us that the throne was made from that stone that negated non-changeling magic.

Unfortunately, this part of the hive was full of changelings, who hissed when they saw us, but there was only about half the number we had with us. Thorax and our group of changelings quickly asked them to give sharing their love to each other a try. After a bit of protesting, one of them gave it a shot, entered a cocoon, and came out in a new form, a yellow one. This got the rest to follow suit and changed as well. Just like it did with the changelings that had already transformed, the intimidating air about the freshly changed ones plummeted.

“Whoa, you were right! This is incredible!” One of the newly changed changelings exclaimed with a big smile, staring down at his new body.

“I never knew filling full would feel so great!”

“I can get used to this!"

All of the changelings gathered in front of us in the center of the chamber, either showing off their new appearance or saying how well they looked.

It was a bit surprising just how fast they changed, not just on the outside, but on the inside. Then again, maybe there was even more to their transformations than it seemed. Just having real friendship for the first time in years did wonders for my own change, even if I didn't turn into a new form.

Twilight walked toward the changelings, so she was ahead of Sam, Celestia, and the rest of our friends. Twilight, kinda oddly, wore a nervous frown. It didn't appear to be out of fear, but out of...awkwardness? “Uh...hi. I’m happy that you are...full for the first time in your lives, but is Queen Chrysalis here?”

“Queen Chrysalis? No. The last time we saw her was about an hour ago, when she ordered us to stay here to guard those two up there.” The changeling that spoke, a light-blue one, pointed toward Fluttershy and Discord, still hanging in cocoons from the ceiling. “Why? What happened to her?”

Uh-oh. Even if Luna and Cadance could keep her in check, Chrysalis not being here in her hive wasn't good. Where was she?! Even so, the changelings that had just transformed would want an explanation of what was going on.

Luckily, Celestia knew it too, so she explained all that happened before they could even ask her to.

“Oh. That sounds like our Queen. I don’t know of any changeling with more pride in our way of life than her,” a yellow changeling said.

A different one, a blue one, said, “If she was embarrassed like that, I don’t know if she’d even come back here anytime soon.”

Those words made me think about how I used to feel about Cutie Marks. If I never considered how ponies might really feel without them or thought it was ultimately worth it, would I have ever changed? What would it have taken for me to do it?

Celestia said, “Well, the good news is that if Chrysalis really is in or near Ponyville, in her shape, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance can easily handle her. For now, let’s just concern ourselves with freeing Fluttershy and Discord.”

Rainbow flew to Fluttershy and Thorax flew to Discord, broke their cocoons off their stalks on the ceiling, and gently laid the cocoons on the ground. Sam, Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, and I ran up to and circled Fluttershy right after Rainbow set her cocoon down. Celestia stayed back. Maybe she was trying to keep a lookout for Chrysalis, just in case.

With a hoof, Rainbow chopped the end of Fluttershy’s cocoon to pop it open in a green slush, then tore the open part wider to free her; Thorax did the same thing to Discord’s cocoon. Even when freed, both Fluttershy and Discord had some of that odd slime on them. Rarity grimaced, probably because of the slime.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy rubbed the back of her head and weakly looked around. “Oh, what happened?

Discord slowly stood up, shook his head, and growled. “Ugh, just wait until I--” He turned his head to Fluttershy and gasped. “Wait, Fluttershy? You’re free?”

She turned her head to Discord. ”Dis--”

Discord threw his arms out to pick up Fluttershy in a big hug. Fluttershy said he can be a...softie, but seeing Discord showing it was stunning! I’m the last pony that should need to learn not to judge others, but I still found myself re-learning it.

After they broke it up and Discord set Fluttershy down, Fluttershy gasped and pointed at Twilight's hurt wing. "Twilight, what happened to you?! You're hurt!"

Twilight gave a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Fluttershy, I'm okay. It looks worse than it is."

Fluttershy didn't give as big of a relieved smile like the others did when Twilight told them she wasn't too badly hurt, but she still gave one. From what I learned about Fluttershy, it was because she was still a little worried. "Really? I'm glad to hear it, but still, who did that, and what happened anyway?" Fluttershy rubbed her back as she added, "The last thing I remember is something jumping on me from behind."

We all explained to her and Discord about what happened and how we saved them.

After our story, Discord stared at me. He had a sneaky smile.

“Sooooo, you helped save us, huh? Not bad for a pet!”

Great, here we go again with the pet talk. I let out one of the loudest groans I’d done in a long time. It even echoed through the room.

Discord snapped his fingers, but nothing happened, making him stare at them with a puzzled frown. At least he couldn’t put another “pet of the year” shirt on me like he did before. “Oh, right, this is a ‘no magic zone’.” He looked to me again; his frown again becoming the grin I was getting so fed up with seeing. “But anywho, I’m impressed! I do wish I could have seen you in action, but oh well. Can’t have everything, right?”

Sam groaned and asked, “Discord, are we doing this again? If not for Starlight, you would still be in that stupid cocoon! Picking on her is how you thank her?”

Discord innocently pointed at himself. “What? I meant it when I said I'm impressed and wish I could have seen her in action.” Discord leaned his head to me. “In fact, how did you do it? Play fetch? Chase your tail?”

My blood boiled and I gritted my teeth. To think I was worried about this guy.

“Oh! Or did you try--”

I took a deep, long breath. I was at my limit and wasn't going to take it anymore. At the top of my lungs, I yelled, “DISCORD, WILL YOU BE QUIET?!”

Discord stopped talking and just stared at me. Finally! The others stared at me as well.

I stomped toward Discord -- he backed away at the same speed -- as I ranted, “I don’t know what I did to deserve this -- wait, I suppose I do, but I GET IT! I used to be a bad, no, horrible pony, but I’m trying to make up for it!" I stopped walking and pointed a hoof at him. “Or, are you just picking on me for fun, because I’ve had it!” I pointed at myself and continued, “I am NOT a pet! I am a full-grown pony that’s trying her best to be a good pony, so can you please knock it off?! I’m SICK OF IT!!”

I panted after that yelling. That was two months in the making.

But, right before I was done panting, I noticed how everyone was staring at me with their mouths open, even the changelings and Princess Celestia. Maybe I overdid it?

However, what came next was one of the last things I expected.

Discord clapped in applause while cheering and whooping. He was still belittling me!

“Grr! Discord, what did I say?! Leave me alone!”

“Yes, yes, she’s doing it! More, more!”

Twilight growled and marched closer to Discord, so she ended up beside me. “Discord, what is your problem?! I know you have weird ways to teach lessons, but you’re just being cruel!”

Spike walked closer as well. "Twilight's right! Hasn't she been through enough?!"

“Yeah!" Pinkie agreed. "We should be throwing Starlight a big party, not picking on her!”

“So what do you want from me?!” I questioned.

Discord pointed at me. “That! That right there! That’s what I wanted!”

Okay, I wasn't expecting that. He wanted me to yell at him?

“Uh, what?” Applejack asked while rubbing her head. “Ya lost me.”

“He lost me too.” Sam leaned his head down to Twilight. “Is he always like this?”

Twilight answered, “More or less, but even for him, this is weird.”

“It’s like you wanted me to get fed up and yell at you."

Discord clapped in applause again. “Well, I was right: she can be taught!”

Rainbow groaned and stomped her hooves. “Discord, just spill it! What did Starlight do?”

“Oh, nothing too big.” Discord wrapped an arm around me. “You see, the first time I paid her and Sam a...visit, I saw how little miss Starlight here had trouble standing up for herself.” He let me go, took a step back, and pointed at me again with both his claw and talon. “But, with a little push, look at her now! Ready to stare down anypony that dares to mess with her!”

Well, his words made sense, I guess. It was true I didn’t have the confidence to stand up to Discord, but after I made friends with the others, I didn’t want to say anything that might make others mad at me. I was also scared of going back to the pony I used to be if I got too mad, so I just...took it when Discord was picking on me. Until now.

“So...all that was to just help me? You really don’t think I’m a pet?”

“Well, you being in Sam’s lap was cute, but I wouldn’t say you are a ‘pet’." Discord pointed at my collar. "Although you do rock the pet look with that collar.”

Sam asked, “Okay, so why didn’t you just tell her she needed to have more confidence in herself?”

“Why? Confidence isn’t something you gain by just being told to be more confident. It’s something you just feel, but the right push can help bring it out.” Discord leaned toward Fluttershy. “Isn’t that right, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy’s ears drooped. “Um...well, you are not wrong. I am a little more confident than I used to be, but it didn’t come from being told to.”

“I...see,” I whispered, more to myself than to Discord.

“And I did my research: you’ll need all the confidence you can get if you ever face your dear ol’ parents again.”

I gasped, then stayed still. For one thing, how did he know about the history I have with my parents? That aside, he was right: if I ever face my parents again, I would need all the confidence I could get. I don’t “hate” my mom and dad, but just the thought of seeing them again...made me feel like nothing. They never treated me "bad" like in foal abuse, but whenever I truly needed support, like when I was worried that something was wrong because I struggled with basic levitation longer than the average unicorn foal, they thought I was making a big deal over nothing. Some unicorns can levitate small objects as foals!

Sam gasped and leaned toward me. “Oh. I didn’t even think about if you would ever want to see your folks again.”

”Would you?” Rainbow asked.

“I...don’t know. Maybe someday, but…”

“Well, it will be wonderful, but none of us will try to force you to do it. You can go to them when you are ready,” Fluttershy assured.

Twilight smiled and told me, “But whether you ever see your parents or not, you have made a big step today.”

“I did?”

Sam, Twilight, and the rest of my friends gathered around me with big smiles; Discord and Celestia stayed back. What was this about?

Twilight placed a hoof under my jaw. I could feel the pride coming from her eyes and smile. “You wanted to atone for your past mistakes, right? Starlight Glimmer, we never needed you to, but if atoning was something you felt needed to be done, you did it today.” She set her hoof on my jaw back to the ground.

"Yep, we owe you, Sam, Lyra, and Thorax our lives," Applejack said.

"You told me before that you would be a friend to be proud of. You may never know just how much you are," Rarity echoed. "Same goes to Sam, Lyra, and even Thorax."

The others nodded.

There was no controlling the big smile that curled on my face about this. When our rescue started, I was thinking that this was my chance to pay my friends back. But once I saw Twilight being drained of her love and knowing the same was about to happen to Sam, I stopped thinking about my past mistakes: all I wanted was to stop Chrysalis and save Twilight, Sam, and my friends.

Still, a thought came to mind that made me stop smiling. Isn’t helping your friends when they need you just something friends do? Did I really atone by just doing something that a good friend is supposed to do in the first place?

“Well...maybe, but you were in trouble, needed my help, and I didn’t do everything alone. If you didn’t have the strength to help me fight Chrysalis and then Sam and Lyra distracted her, it wouldn’t have mattered what I tried. Against Chrysalis, I was nothing by myself.”

Rainbow Dash frowned and laid a hoof on my back. “Hey, what did I tell you about thinking like that? You are not nothing and never were nothing.”

“And even though I have helped defeat villains with our friends, on my own, I would have been powerless to do it. So, if you being unable to defeat Chrysalis by yourself makes you nothing” -- Twilight pointed at herself -- “then even I am nothing. Besides, when Chrysalis had me and I was moments from passing out, you were the one that freed me, and you did it both by yourself and with your own power.”

Celestia stepped toward us and said, “See? You are more than you think you are, Starlight Glimmer. However, when it comes to guilt from past mistakes, Princess Luna knows a...thing or two about it. I’m sure she will be happy to help you if you need it, and we all owe you that much.”

I couldn’t help but not just smile, but rub the ground in little circles. My cheeks were probably glowing red too. Yet something else came to mind that ended that feeling. I didn’t think that Twilight had told the others about the guilt she felt about not being there when Tirek captured them.

Sam got on a knee to Twilight and asked, “Twilight? I think you should tell them how you were feeling about ‘not’ being there when Tirek took them.”

Sam and I may be starting to think alike now, because he asked what I was about to ask!

Twilight gasped, looked away, and tapped the ground a few times. Yet another surprise: she didn’t seem to want to tell them. Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, told me that she used to be -- believe it or not -- asocial, so could this be a lingering effect of that? Or maybe that she didn't want to worry them about it?

Everypony turned their heads to Twilight. Rainbow rubbed her neck with a puzzled frown and asked, “Huh? What does Sam mean by that?”

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side. “Why do you feel like you weren't there for us?”

Pinkie reminded, “Yeah, you saved us!”

Twilight gave a big, deep sigh as her ears flopped. Her frown and eyes had that guilt we saw in them back in the gem cave. “I...well, I never told any of you this. After you were all caught by Tirek, I felt like I might have been a bad friend by abandoning you right before a time you really needed me.”

Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Spike all gasped and shouted, “WHAT?!”

Celestia didn’t say anything, but she covered her mouth. Discord raised an eyebrow, but stayed quiet.

Spike protested, “But you didn't know that would happen, and it wasn’t even your idea to take off at all, right? Besides, you still freed us by giving up your alicorn magic for our lives!"

Rainbow added, "We were even begging you not to do it, but you still did!”

“Yes, so did you forget all of that?” Rarity asked.

Twilight shook her head. “I didn’t forget, but if I had stayed closer, maybe it wouldn’t have happened at all. Now today, you each had to face the changelings by yourselves. I know it was something Queen Chrysalis had planned out, but still...it feels like I should have been there.” Twilight leaned her head down. She puts a lot of pressure on herself. It was weird, because I already knew she felt like that, yet it only now truly sunk in why Twilight refused to stay behind in Ponyville. I think she just needed to come, so she was probably in more pain than it looked after all, but was hiding it.

Rarity smiled and set a hoof on Twilight’s cheek. "Darling, I can understand you feeling that way, but did you forget about how we were bad friends to you?”

Sam, I, and even the changelings that were still in their own group yelled, "WHAT?!"

Thorax covered his mouth. “Uh, sorry. Carry on."

I wanted them to “carry on” too. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike, BAD friends?! That was impossible! Right? I stayed quiet. I just had to hear what this was about!

With a frown, Rarity asked, “Remember how, save for Spike, we laughed at you when you were stressing out about being ‘tardy’?”

Rainbow said, “But even that pales to when we did later: abandoning you when you were trying to tell us that the ‘Princess Cadance’ being a big grump was bad news.”

Spike sighed, rubbing the ground with a foot in shameful fashion. "I still can't believe I did that, Twi. What was I thinking back then?"

Celestia lowered her head in shame, her ears drooping. This is the first time I've ever seen her look sad. "I'm ashamed to say that even I'm guilty of this. I was just giving you some time to think things over when I left the room when the others did, but I should have at least assured you that you were still my student and I still cared about you. If you never found a way to break out of the underground tunnels--"

“But it wasn’t your--”

Applejack covered Twilight's mouth with her hoof. “No, sugarcube, don’t try to defend us. We were horrible.”

"We were big, fat meanies back then! I'm supposed to make my friends laugh and cheer them up, not make them feel worse and frown!"

Fluttershy admitted, “Even if you were wrong about her being ‘evil’, we should have never left you alone like we did. Not after when Shining Armor said that you were no longer welcome at his wedding.”

“Wait, he WHAT?!” Sam asked with a scowl. He looked even angrier than when I ruined his dad's chair. ”How could he treat Twilight like that?! She's his sister!”

Applejack turned her head to Sam. “To be fair, Sam, Shining Armor was partly under mind control when it happened, and he took back what he said anyway.” Applejack took her hat off to hold it over her chest. “However, the rest of us don’t have that excuse. We even almost lost Twilight because of our mistake.”

“But even so, Twilight forgave us.” Fluttershy formed a gentle smile to Twilight. “So, if you truly think you were in the wrong when you ‘left’ us, try not to think of it as 'being a bad friend', but instead ‘giving us something we had long deserved’? Okay?”

That sounded like a good idea to me if it would ease Twilight's guilt. But did Twilight feel the same way?

She smiled, giving me my answer. “Okay, if you say so.”

Our little moment was kinda ended when Discord rubbed Twilight's mane. “Aw, isn’t this just the best? Isn’t the magic of friendship just the greatest thing ever?”

I’m not sure if Discord was being serious, or just trying to mess with us again. I know that Twilight forced a chuckle after Discord's words.

“Even if the friendship speeches can be a bit corny,“ Sam remarked with a laugh.

We all had a good, long laugh. Hee hee, I think, deep down, Sam likes Twilight’s speeches about friendship more than he knows, but is embarrassed to admit it. I didn't know if Twilight would tease him if she knew about the one he gave me, but I was so tempted to tell her and find out!

Celestia said, “I hate to interrupt, but since it doesn’t appear that Chrysalis is here, let’s return to Ponyville. We need to inform Luna and Cadance that Chrysalis isn’t here and see if they found her.” She looked toward the changelings. “As for you all, you have a whole new life. I hope that ponies and changelings can now live together in peace and friendship now.”

“We hope so too, Princess Celestia,” Thorax rubbed his head and looked away from Celestia and at his fellow changelings. “We will still have to decide what to do next without Queen Chrysalis around.”

The other changelings nodded.

“I will wish you luck.” Celestia said while facing Thorax, then looked to Twilight and the rest of us again.

Twilight asked, “What should we do if Chrysalis isn’t in or near Ponyville either?”

“If she’s not, then I would have to assume that she is fleeing to somewhere far away. However, I know Queen Chrysalis: without the other changelings, she won’t try anything foolish. Someday, she may see the light and accept friendship as well. But for now, let’s go. The changelings have a whole new chapter of their lives to begin.”

After saying goodbye to Thorax and the rest of the changelings, we all made our way out of the hive and back to Ponyville.

Once we got to Ponyville, we found Princess Luna and Princess Cadance, who told us that the spell to find changelings failed to detect Chrysalis anywhere nearby, then took Twilight to Ponyville’s hospital to get her injuries treated.

I wasn't sure what to make of Chrysalis getting away. I felt a little nervous about how Chrysalis wanted me “to pay” someday. But on the other hoof, with Sam, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of my friends by my side, I’m sure we’ll handle her if she ever comes back. Still, it might be a good idea for me to improve my magical abilities.

In all, I had never felt so good about myself. I had used magic for...not so great things, but I really can help others with it. Now I know, without a doubt, that I will never have to ask Twilight to put another magic suppression ring on my horn. If I really couldn’t use my magic to do nothing but make things worse, it was something I wondered might be for the best.

But, when Sam, I, and the rest of our friends (save for Twilight) passed by Sugarcube Corner, cakes overflowing its windows and doors reminded us of something we all completely forgot about.

I still had a mess to clean up.

Author's Note:

Yeah, Starlight, you better get to fixing that spell you cast in chapter 14. At least Discord won't be picking on you anymore...probably.

This chapter ends the three-chapter experiment of Starlight narrating the story. What did you think of it?

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