• Published 6th Feb 2020
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Caught and Punished - ThePinkedWonder

Alternate take on Season 5 premier: here, Starlight gets caught instead of getting away.

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Chapter 27: Like mother, like daughter

*Starlight’s POV, first-person*

I could barely believe it. I was walking to my parents’ door. This time, it wasn’t a dream.

I felt bad asking Sam, Twilight, and my friends to come all the way out to Sire’s Hollow, even Sunburst. They told me they didn’t mind, but I’m a full-grown mare. I shouldn’t be dragging them all over Equestria like this. Sam was even fighting dizzy spells for me, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something else was wrong. He didn’t say it, though, and it’s not like he lied to me much. He hardly ever did. Maybe it was in my head.

You can do this, Starlight. Don’t make their trip out here be for nothing.

I walked up the steps and, for a moment, stared at the door. It didn’t suddenly feel bigger like it did in my dream, so that at least was a good sign. I knocked on the door -- at normal strength -- and waited.

The door opened, not as slow as it did in my dream. Didn’t have to wait forever for it to start opening either.

Once that door fully opened, I was face-to-face with my dad. His mane style was similar to mine, so that was something this and my dream shared.

“Hi,” I greeted meekly.

“Starlight? Is that you?”

“Y-Yeah, it’s me. Been a long time, hasn’t it?” I asked. It was like my lips smiled on their own, even if it were an uneasy one.

I prepared for him to frown, or even scowl at me. He did frown, but no scowl came with it. I’d take it.

“Wow, Starlight! It has been a long time. I’m...glad to see you.”

“You are?” I asked.

“Of course!” He actually smiled a little. “Sure, we didn’t hear from you for a...few years, but I’m sure you were off doing your own thing. I see you changed your mane to--wait.” He pointed at my neck. ”Is that a collar on your neck?”

I tapped my collar. As was common at this point, until he pointed at it, I forgot it was on. “Yes, and I know it might look weird, but--”

Behind my dad, deeper in the house, walking into the living room, my mom came into view. It was like the wind was knocked out of me by how the nerves of seeing her hit me.

“Who’s that?” She laid a hoof on her cheek and stared toward us, or me. Somehow, it felt like it was only my mom and me here. “Wait...Starlight?”

I gulped and nodded. “Yep. Starlight.”

“Oh...well, good to see you,” she said, seemingly nonchalantly. She looked away for a second.

I could feel it. She wasn’t happy. That alone cut a bit of fear into my heart. No, I couldn’t be scared of Mom. Even if she were mad at me, she wouldn’t want to hurt me over it. Right?

I slowly turned around to my friends. If I were alone, I might have cut my losses and left.

“Uh...hi there,” Twilight said, waving a greeting hoof. I was so glad for her to try to ease the tension, even if her smile had nervousness all over it.

“Oh, Princess Twilight? Is that you?” Mom asked in a more friendly tone. “What brings a princess such as yourself out here?”

“I've become pretty good friends with Starlight, so I...thought to accompany her when she said she wanted to come. Uh, nice day, isn’t it?”

“Um, yes! It is,” Fluttershy answered.

“And I hear old stallion Jenkins is doing pretty good,” Pinkie chimed in. Guess most of us were sticking to the classic ice-breaker question.

I expected Sam to join in, but he just stared at Mom and crossed his arms. Something was on his mind, but what? I would say he was mad at her, but he had never shown signs of it.

Dad glanced behind me and toward Sunburst. “And Sunburst? Is that you over there?”

“Yep.” Sunburst took a quick look behind him. “My mom...isn’t around, is she?”

“No, she’s at her house, I think. You still don’t get along?”

“Nope,” Sunburst answered with a frown. Once I saw my dad, I forgot about Sunburst being worried about running into his mom.

“But where are my manners? Who are the rest of you? My name is Firelight Glimmer, and my wife here is Starshine Glimmer."

“My name’s Sam, Mr. Glimmer.” Sam took a step closer and just seemed to eye both my parents, but especially my mom. Could I have asked what was wrong? Did they meet in the past and Sam didn't tell me for some reason?

The others said who they were, one by one, but none of them gave any strange glares like Sam did.

Sunburst took another look behind him and asked, “Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Glimmer, do you mind if I...hide inside for just a little while?”

“Sure, and it’ll be nice to have you back," Dad answered with a smile. He and Sunburst always did have some kind of connection, but I could never figure out what it was. "You always loved coming here to spend time with Starlight and to get away from your mom.”

“And...I suppose the rest of you can come in, if you like,” Mom said. At least she didn’t sound angry or even annoyed.

Sunburst zipped by me to get inside, then the rest of us more calmly went into the house and into the living room. Sunburst wanted to stay away from his mom even more than I thought.

Inside, Twilight sat on a chair, Sam and I sat together on a couch by that chair, and the rest of my friends remained standing. Mom and Dad sat in two other chairs across from me, but we were half the length of the room away. Mom had four pink teacups, one was half-full, on a table beside her chair; I figured she put them there because she was always the one to do so. I didn’t think of it until now, but Sam’s living room is close to the same size as my parents’ living room, but a bit larger.

It might have really only lasted fifteen or so seconds, but the agonizing silence felt like it lasted for hours. Sam was tapping a foot and had his arms crossed. My friends were either rubbing the floor, taking peeks in seemingly random directions, or just stayed still. Mom took glances at me, but was mostly looking away. It was like she didn’t want to look at me, but why? Was she that mad at or even hated me?

If things didn’t feel awkward enough, I felt chills that weren't just because of my parents. For some reason, it felt like we were being watched. I didn’t know nerves could even have that effect.

“So...this is a nice place you have, Mr. and Mrs. Glimmer,” Twilight said while looking in one direction after another. I thought about how there were no books around to grab her attention; anything to try to calm myself down. The blue curtains covering a window behind us apparently did, since she pointed at it. “Those curtains are pretty,”

Fluttershy pointed toward three vases of white and blue flowers on a shelf by a wall. ”T-Those flowers are lovely as well.”

“Yeah. Starlight and I have roses at our place, where she’s been staying over the past year, feeling cared for,” Sam said, his arms still crossed. Whatever that put him in a bad mood was still present. I just had to hope it wasn't because of something I did.

Rarity twiddled her hooves. “A-And their roses was my idea. I thought it would help brighten up their place.”

“I see. Some time after Starlight left, Starshine gained a fondness for flowers. Those flowers there are known as ‘Granda Remosa’ and was the first to catch Starshine’s interest...that she didn’t want to eat, that is.”

“Eh, flowers are okay to decorate houses with, I guess,” Rainbow remarked with a shrug of her hooves. At least she didn’t sound tense.

“You sound like I used to about flowers,” Mom said with, surprisingly, a smile. She took a sip of tea, or I figured it was tea. Thought she would have gotten annoyed by how Rainbow said flowers were “okay.” I bet she would have if I said it.

“Uh, tell us more about yourselves,” Dad asked, leaning forward a bit. “I heard that Princess Twilight has a castle in Ponyville, but where do the rest of you live?”

Applejack, with a prideful face, answered, “Well, save for Sunburst, we all live in Ponyville, and I live on its farm, Sweet Apple Acres, with my family. We grow some of the finest apples in all of Equestria.”

“I work at a bakery, Sugarcube Corner, and throw the bestest parties!” Pinkie also answered with a big grin. Surprised she didn’t start hopping.

Rarity raised her head with a proud smile of her own. If I didn’t know her so well, I might have thought it was a pompous one. “I design dresses at my Boutique in Ponyville. Quite fabulous ones, if I do say so myself.”

Rainbow pointed at herself. With the smile on her face, no one can say Rainbow doesn’t have confidence in herself. “I’m one of the Wonderbolts, or a Reservist one anyway.”

“I spend much of my time caring for animals and watching over them. I can even speak to them.”

“I’m Flurry Heart’s crystaller and live in the Crystal Empire.”

Spike laid a claw on his chest. “As for me, I’m Twilight’s #1 assistant.”

“That so?” Dad rubbed his chin. “Seems like you all live busy lives and yet you came all the way out here with Starlight.” He glanced at me and gave a small sigh. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but it made me lean back and shrink on the couch.

My mom turned her face to look at me directly. “So, Starlight, what have you been up to after you left?”

My eyes widened. Should have thought things through some more. I was so worried over seeing my parents again, especially Mom, I didn’t even think about how I would tell them about my Cutie Mark-stealing days. I never told my parents any of the details of why I left. “Y-You see, I…”

She glared at me. “Wait. Were you out there stressing out and whining over every little thing?”

That wasn’t what I thought she’d ask, but I didn’t want to answer that either. “Kinda, but--”

She stood up. That glower of hers intensified and a scowl joined it, making my stomach drop. I even leaned closer to Sam. It always scared me when she looked at me like that.

“Starlight Glimmer, are you kidding me? Before you left, we told you over and over to start calming down and cut out the whining.”

“I can’t believe it either. I thought you were finally over that!” Dad scolded, but at least he stayed in his chair.

“B-But I have! I am!”

“Then why did you say you were doing it then?” Mom countered, now in a belittling tone. If it were anyone else talking to me this way, I would have stood my ground, as I once did against Discord.

Unfortunately, I was up against my parents, most notably Mom. I looked away. Couldn’t even look at them. “It’s just--”

In the corner of my eye, I saw Twilight point at the teacups. “Uh, did I say how nice those tea--”

“In fact, why did you leave anyway? You said you ‘had things to do’, but never said much else about it. Did your friends come here just to keep you from stressing out?”

I didn’t expect Mom to act like even the Princess of Friendship was nothing by cutting her off. Twilight might have well said nothing as far as she was concerned.


Rainbow growled and yelled, “Hey, flower-lover! That’s going too--”

“Haven’t you learned how to do anything on your own like your father and I always told you?”

Arguments always went like this with my parents, but especially with Mom. She in particular never listened. The few times I tried to argue back, she’d just get madder and force me to give in. Compared to her, I was a powerless little filly.

No. Not this time. I wasn’t a powerless filly anymore. Mom was right about one thing: I did need to do things on my own more, not have my friends hold my hooves every time like I was...nothing.

“Okay, that’s it!” Sam yelled. He stood up and stomped a foot, making Mom not be able to ignore him. If I didn’t know better, he was holding that back. “I tried being quiet, but that is your daughter, you--”

Mom pointed at Sam and shouted, “You stay out of this! This is between me and Starlight!”

I lifted my head and gritted my teeth. How could she?!

”As for you, Starlight, now what’s wrong? You can’t explain why you left without whin--”

“Mom, will you SHUT UP?! No one yells at Sam!”

She shut up and just stared at me. She wasn’t even scowling anymore. Finally! Now, I could say the words I had been holding back for years.

I stood up, but also took a deep breath. Losing complete control of my temper might make me say or do something I’d regret. I looked up at Sam and told him, “I got this, BF.”

He just looked at me for a second before he sighed and sat back down. Twilight, Spike, Sunburst, and the rest of my friends weren't moving a muscle and just watched. I locked eyes with Mom. It was time. “Okay, you want to know why I left? Fine. One of the reasons was to get away from you and Dad. I was sick of you two always talking like my worries were nothing.”

That scowl came back to her face. “Wait, you were mad--”

“I’m not done!” I yelled with a stomp of my hoof. Oh, that felt good. “Maybe I did whine a little too much, but all you two did was say ‘you’re overreacting Starlight’ or ‘stop stressing out Starlight’ and that just made me ‘stress out’ even more!”

“So, again, you’re mad because we wouldn’t ‘foal’ you?”

“Who the buck said I needed to be ‘foaled’?! All I really needed was to know that I was loved and that nothing was wrong with me!”

“So how were we supposed to do that if all you did was whine?” Her frown and the look in her eyes stayed the same. She wasn’t backing down, but this was to be expected from my mom.

“Well, did you ever once try giving me a hug? Or to teach me to use my magic when I was struggling with it? Or, oh, I don’t know, tell me that even if I never learned how to use magic well, you’ll love me no matter what? For that matter, have you ever told me you loved me, because I can’t remember you ever saying it! Well? I’m all ears!”

Her scowl, at last, weaned. I had never seen her even remotely back off to anypony before, not even to Dad. “Uh...well…”

Maybe it was because I knew the tide was turning, the anger I was keeping under control and my confidence spiked, filling me with a burst of invigorating energy. I was done trying to suppress it, so I chose to hold nothing back, gritted my teeth, and yelled, “That’s right, you DIDN’T! And you know what? Maybe I can’t do everything on my own, but I’m not ashamed! I’m not perfect, but I have friends that would be there for me if I need them, and I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to be there for them without question! I would even die for them! I’ll take being whiny over being heartless toward those they are supposed to love, like you are!”

Mom gasped. I covered my mouth, the rage surging in my body all but left me. I immediately regretted my last words. No matter how mad I was, I crossed the line by calling my mother, the mare that gave birth to me, heartless. That was something the Starlight that coldly stole Cutie Marks might have said.

This might have been the most awkward silent moment yet.

Mom’s mouth quivered and she looked away. It’s strange how it’s possible to go from feeling fury to remorse so quickly.

“Mom, I--”

She ran out of the living room, down the house’s hallway, and to her bedroom. The sharp crash of something shattering in there made me shake for a moment. Then the wailing following it broke my heart. It didn’t matter how Mom treated me in the past: I had to fix this.

I solemnly turned to Dad, who was still sitting quietly in his chair. “Dad, I didn’t mean--”

“No, Starlight. I need a minute to think. Just go talk to your mother,” he said in a low voice, his head down. I must have broken his heart too. It was also weird how he didn’t even try to step in when Mom and I went at it, but that was something to think about later.

With my head down, I walked from the living room and crept down the hallway. It often felt lonely when I went down it as a filly, but this time, it was shame, not loneliness, I felt. Her bedroom door was cracked, so I opened the door with my magic and slunk inside.

Near one of the bedroom's walls, broken pieces of what -- I guess -- was a vase and the yellow flowers that were in it lay on the floor. So that was what shattered, besides my mom’s heart. It seemed like my dad had a new favorite kite. A big blue one, not a yellow one, hung on a wall.

But what took most of my attention was the pony lying on her bed, head face-down in a pillow, still weeping. She still had white bed covers even after all these years.

I crept closer, each weep that filled my ears being a cut to my heart. “Mom? About what I said about you being hea--”

“No, you were right. I was heartless to you,” she said with her head still buried. Even with it muffled, her voice was in a softer voice tone than even the friendlier one she used on the others. It was even somewhat...timid, and it was a voice I didn’t remember her ever using. “I...I...I’m your grandmother!”

“Huh? Grandma? What do you mean?”

She lifted her head to me. Her eyes were baggy and her face was soaked with tears. I didn’t know she could even cry like this. “I’ll tell you. Please, come over here to your mom.”

I walked across the bedroom to her bed and sat beside her. For the first time, she looked and felt...vulnerable. That air of toughness and at times coldness she usually emitted was gone. Was this really my mom?

She did what I had done a lot -- take a deep breath -- and explained, “Okay. First, you never knew this, but your grandmother was a harsh mare. She wasn’t evil and was supposedly nicer in the past, but for as long as I can remember, she rarely showed anypony any kind of kindness, not even to me. Sometimes, she even seemed heartless. I still have no idea why she acted like that, but it was why I never talked about her.”

Okay, this was new. I always thought it was odd how Mom never talked about my grandmother from her side, but I never asked why. “Was Grandpa like that too?”

“He passed when I was still a foal, so I barely remember him. From what your grandmother said, he was much nicer than her, which she often thought of as ‘being soft.’ When she was nicer, it probably appealed to her. You might be surprised to know that I was a lot like you when you were younger. As a filly, I felt like I couldn't do anything right. I was just a mess.”

She was right. How my mouth was agape showed that surprise. I hated how she treated me, but it at least felt like Mom had no trouble with confidence. She was looking more and more like a whole different mare than the one I knew...or thought I knew.

“You were?”

She gave what felt to be a particularly slow nod. “Yes. When you were talking about yourself like that, you reminded me of myself, and it broke my heart. I couldn’t let you be like me, so I tried to get you to toughen up, so you’d grow up faster than I did and someday become a stronger mare than I’d ever be.” She smiled, and the look in her eyes, which I didn’t even know were green, changed into...pride? Happiness? “When we heard the news about how you saved the Princesses from Queen Chrysalis, I was so proud. You grew into not just the great mare I dreamed for you to be, but a hero.” She sighed and looked down, fidgeting her forehooves. Her ears drooped. “But deep down, I think I already knew how bad a mom I was. That is why I acted coldly when you got here: I was just too ashamed to face you. Later, when I thought you still were like how I used to be, I felt that I failed you, and that was why I lashed out at you. I was really just mad at myself.”

I had no idea of her true feelings and reasons. She was actually trying to protect me from feeling like nothing, and I thought she just didn’t care! Could Dad have even felt the same way?

“Was all that true? All you really wanted was for me to grow into a strong, great mare? You’re even proud of me?”

“Yes, and I’m more proud than you will ever know,” she answered with a smile that had to be screaming pride. The smile quickly faded, and she looked down and away, probably due to that shame she told me about. “But, if I had known I was so awful, things would have been different. I would have done what you called me out for not doing and more: personally taught you how to levitate things with your magic effectively, given you the hugs you needed, and definitely told you that I love you.” She raised her head to face me again. This time, it felt like she was looking at me in the eyes. “I love you more than anything, and I’m SO sorry I acted so heartlessly.”

My lips quivered. She really was the mom I always wanted, but I just never knew she was. A question bubbled in my mind, but it was a possibility I never remotely imagined: was it my own fault that my mom didn’t show this side of her? “Oh, Mom...I don’t know what to say. I didn’t know about how bad grandma was to you.” Shame of my own and new guilt forced me to look away. I was a bad daughter. “Now I really feel--”

She gently turned my head back to her with her hoof, which felt so soft. The warmth emitting from her eyes warmed me from within. The look in those eyes had to be of a loving mother, something I only saw other mothers give their foals. Until now. “No, sweetie. Don’t feel bad for what you said, because I deserved every word, even the heartless part. How I was an awful mom was far crueler. All I want now is for a second chance to be a good mom, and this time, I’ll give you the love, support, and kindness I should have given you as a filly. Can you give me that chance?”

My eyes were practically leaking. I longed for this moment and wasn’t sure if it would ever happen, but it did. My forelegs wrapped around my mom before I was fully conscious of it. They must have decided on what to do before my brain had the chance to give them orders. “Yes. I missed you and Dad, and despite all I said, I love you both. That was why I came back.”

She wrapped her forelegs around me in a tight embrace. Her fur was so soft and fluffy against mine. “I love and missed you too. Welcome back, my little Starie.”

“Huh? Starie?” I let her go and just stared at her. Where did “Starie” come from?

“I never gave you pet names when you were a filly, so I might as well do it now. You like it?”

“I like ‘Starie’, but...try not to use it around my friends? It’d be a little embarrassing.”

“Well, embarrassing their kids is something even good moms do sometimes, isn’t it?” she asked with a wink.

I giggled. If I wanted the upsides of having a good mom, I’d have to take the downsides too. “Okay, you got me there. Just, try not to do it too much?”

“That I’ll do,” she answered that ended with a titter. I’m going to have to get used to this, but I WON’T mind.

“But maybe--oh! I need to apologize to Dad too. I--”

“You don’t have to. I deserved it too.”

I swung my head to the doorway. Dad was standing there, frowning. His eyes were a little watery, even if tears weren’t flowing from them.

“You did?” I asked. Whether he really deserved it or not, the urge to ask got the better of me.

He walked to the bed. Something felt different about him. Was he also hiding something like mom did?

“I wasn’t as tough on you as your mom, but, like her, I wanted you to grow into a wonderful mare too. I also didn’t have the best relationship with my parents.”

I was right.

“You didn’t?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Unlike your mom’s mom, my parents did give me love. Too much love.” He lightly gritted his teeth and growled. “They always tried to do everything for me and foaled the Tartarus out of me! It was like they thought I couldn’t do anything on my own! For a while, it made me wonder that.”

“Really? That sounds like Sunburst’s mom.”

“Yep, they were a lot like her. It was even a reason why I let him hang out with you so much: I understood how he felt all too well. I…*sigh*...I tried so hard not to be them, I went in the opposite direction, and I’m sorry too.” He walked forward to stand in front of the bed. “I was just trying to show that you could do anything with enough effort, but I went too far. Can you forgive your old stallion?”

The answer to why Dad stayed back when I was going off on Mom became clear. Even if I was mostly focused on Mom, I was really talking to both of them, and Dad knew it.

My eyes had leaked already, but some tears that were still hiding in my eyes flowed out. “I do, and I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too, and I am so proud of you, hero of Equestria.” He leaned to me and gave me a little nuzzle. It was the first time he did it. “I’ll have to think of a pet name of my own for you. Unlike your mom, I got nothing right now, but I can come up with a few later.”

Why did I get the feeling it was going to be more than just a “few”? Maybe it was just in my head.

“I can wait, if you try not to use any around my friends too much...even if sometimes embarrassing me is your job as my dad.”

He chuckled. “I’ll try not to do too good a job, then.”

The three of us shared in a group hug, and my insides practically tickled from the fuzziness I felt inside. This hug was like the one I saw Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart have. I wanted that with my own parents so much, and it finally happened. I even did something I thought I’d never do: lean my head against my mom’s warm, fluffy chest and close my eyes. The heartbeat from within proved for sure that she wasn’t heartless, and she stroked my mane with what was...a mother’s touch? It was calming, whatever the foal in me sensed.

I had never felt so at peace and safe before. The trace of sadness still buried deep in my heart flamed out, and I almost wondered if it were ever there at all. Could it be because my gradually healing heart was, at long last, fully recovered?

If so, it felt better than I had ever expected.

When Twilight caught me and sealed my magic away, I hated her guts. I would have loved nothing more than to have gotten revenge. Now, more than ever, it was clear that it was the best thing that could have happened to me. It was the beginning of what would end with me having what I really wanted all along. Friends, the feeling that I was worth something, magic or no magic, and the love of my parents. They were even proud of me.

After our hugs were done, Mom asked, “Oh, that reminds me: what did you do after you left? I...got carried away earlier, so you didn’t get to answer.”

I didn’t want to tell them about how I used to be. Not after we finally understood each other. They thought I grew into a great mare, so how would they feel knowing I was a terrible one?

Yet I couldn’t hide my past misdeeds, even though trying was so tempting. It would be best to just tell them everything. From how I learned to remove ponies Cutie Marks to when I made my first friends in years, and the reason why I was wearing a collar despite it being quite unusual for ponies to wear them. At the very least, they would think I was a “great mare” for a while.

I shed some tears as I was talking about the part when I stole Twilight’s and my friends’ Cutie Marks. It was only then did I realize why I smiled when I took them: the cold-heartedness that surfaced was a side of me I got from my mom. Or at least, how I thought she was. Either way, like mother, like daughter.

“...And what’s what happened.” I looked to the floor, bracing for the worst. “I understand if you don’t think I’m the great mare you--”

They both pulled me in another big, tight hug.

My mom said, “I can’t believe you had to go through that. You felt even sadder and more alone than I imagined. How could I have not seen it?”

“I can’t believe I was so blind too, but I am amazed at how strong your magic is now. Princess Twilight is an alicorn, and your level of magic can rival hers?! You might be a legend in the making!”

Were my ears playing tricks on me? They were sympathizing with me, not upset or disappointed. “R-Really? You don’t hate how I used to steal Cutie Marks?”

“Well, yes, but you’re not that pony anymore and have worked to make amends, right?” Mom asked.

I nodded. “I did, and that bad pony in me is long gone.”

“Then why would we judge you for it?” Dad asked, resting a hoof on one of mine. “The Starlight we might judge isn’t you, and even if you were, you’ll still be our daughter. Besides, if we had treated you better as a filly, that never would have happened, so some of that is our fault.”

Mom joined Dad in holding my hoof, or “hold” it the best they could with hooves. “So, don’t think it was all your fault.”

My lips might have curled into the biggest smile ever. My parents still loved me, no matter how horrible a pony I used to be. “I’m so glad to hear that! I was worried that I let you down.”

“You might be able to make your dad or me mad, but no matter what you do, you can never let us down in that way.” Mom rubbed my mane. “Okay, Starie?”

“Okay.” I gasped. My friends were still waiting in the living room! It was like when I was at Sunburst’s house all over again.

“What’s wrong?” my dad asked.

“My friends are still waiting for us. I should tell them everything is alright.”

Mom turned toward the doorway. “Oh, they are still out there. I should also apologize to them for what they had to see, especially to Sam and--oh no!” She facehoofed. “What was I thinking?!”

“What’s wrong?” Dad asked.

“I was so disrespectful to Princess Twilight when I cut her off earlier. I hope she’s not mad and is willing to pardon me for it.”

“Oh, I think she’ll be willing to let it slide. You and Dad remember what she forgave me for, right?” I asked with a little wink.

“Let’s hope she’ll be that forgiving to all Glimmers then,” Mom answered with a laugh.

My parents and I walked back into the living room, Mom’s foreleg around my neck. The gang was still sitting and standing about, but Rainbow and Applejack were whistling. I had a feeling they were listening in: Rainbow and Applejack wouldn’t have been whistling otherwise.

“S-So, have you all made up?” Twilight asked with a little stutter that proved even more that they were overhearing my parents and me. I would have done the same thing if it were the other way around.

Mom must have noticed what they were up to as well, given the little laugh she gave. “Yes. After all these years, we have our little filly back.”

“This time, we'll be good parents to her, and I’m glad that she gained some great friends.”

“Yes.” Mom lifted her foreleg off me and leaned her head down, now frowning. “We are sorry you all had to see our little family drama, and I’m especially sorry for yelling at you, Sam. And Princess Twilight, I am so sorry for being so rude to you earlier. I hope you’re not angry.”

Sam rubbed his hands and gave a little sigh. “Well, if you two will treat Starlight better, I can let it go.”

With her usual friendly smile, Twilight assured, “I wasn’t bothered by...earlier. I’m just glad you three are a happy family now.”

“I am sure you two have a lot to catch up on,” Rarity said.

“We do, but we have plenty of time. So, uh...I know!" My mom's face lit up with a smile. "If you haven’t been out to Sire’s Hollow before, would you like a little tour? It’s the least we can do for...earlier.”

Fluttershy responded, “That would be nice, if Starlight won’t mind.”

I shook my head. There would be plenty of time for that, but it might be a good while before all of us were out here again. “Nah, I won’t. I’ve been wanting to show you all some of the things I used to do here anyway.”

Dad looked over the Sunburst. “But...you and I can stay here, Sunburst, unless you don't mind the risk of running into your mom.”

“Uh...yeah, I’ll stay in here.” Sunburst straightened his glasses. “The next time I come, maybe I’ll go and see her, but just not today.”

Sunburst and Dad stayed behind and Mom and the rest of us went outside.

We checked out the school Sunburst and I used to go to before he left for Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Its swing set and sandbox were just as I remembered. There were even a colt and filly, both unicorns, laughing and building sand castles in that sandbox. Was that how Sunburst and I looked back then? We loved racing to build the biggest sand castle.

Next, we headed to a bookshop Sunburst and I sometimes went to--partly because Twilight asked us to check it out. Sam chuckled at the sight of her flying from one bookshelf to another talking about there being a book she had never seen before. Knowing him, he thought it was cute.

We checked out some other places, such as the fruit stand we saw earlier, a store that sold kites -- it was my idea to go there -- and to the local store, though we just window-shopped. The cakes they had looked and smelled great, but Pinkie thought they were “alright.”

Around an hour or so later, after we went back to my parents’ house and got Sunburst and my dad, we all went to the train station. The Friendship Express was minutes away from leaving.

“Now, it’s not going to be years before you come back, right?” Mom asked with a teasing voice. It was still hard to believe that she really was my mom.

“No. I’ll be back in about a week so we can really catch up, if that’s okay.”

“Of course it’ll be okay. Come whenever you feel like it, Sugarplum,” Dad said.

“Sugarplum?” I shivered a little. He must have thought up some names while we were gone. I did like it, but why did it have to be something so CRINGY when said in public? How Rainbow and Sunburst snickered further proved it.

“Yep, and there are more names where that came from,” he answered with a wink. Definitely would have to get used to this, even if I’d never get used to some of the names he might think up.

Mom laughed and asked, “Firelight, we said we wouldn’t try to embarrass her, remember?”

He rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish-looking smile. “Whoops. Ha ha, I didn’t scare you from coming back, did I?”

“Of course not.” I leaned to him and whispered, “I like ‘Sugarplum’, but can you call me that when it’s just you, me, and mom?”

“You got it,” he whispered back.

After our goodbyes, my friends and I got on the train and started our trip back to Ponyville. I looked out the window and gave one last wave to my parents, who waved back.

Once they were out of view, I leaned back in my seat. As usual, Sam was in the seat beside me, and Twilight and Rainbow were in the seats in front of us.

“Well, Starlight, you made up with your parents,” Sam said. “I know you said you were feeling bad about asking us to come, but I’m still glad we came.” He rubbed my mane. “You were amazing standing up to them.”

“You were,” Twilight said with a nod. “I was worried we might have had to get you out of there, but we didn’t need to. I’m proud of you.”

“But, Sam, you got pretty mad in here.” Rainbow chortled. “I’ve never seen you like that!”

“Yes,” Rarity agreed. “If I didn’t know better, I would say that wasn’t something that just happened in the moment."

I’ve seen him like that. It was when I wrecked his living room trying to force that magic suppression ring off my horn. Rarity did bring up a good point: was Sam holding that anger back?

Sam rubbed his neck and sighed. It was already looking like Rarity was right. “I was. I never told any of you this, not even Starlight, but I’d been ticked at Starlight’s parents ever since she told us how they treated her.”

“Oh, my. You were?” Fluttershy asked with a hoof on her chin.

“Yep. It took all I had to not chew them out when we finally met them.” He looked down at me, his lips becoming a smile. “But, pretty much what I would have said, Starlight herself said, so that made me that much more proud seeing her stand up to them. She's really not the same pony as she was when Discord--”

A voice said, “Well, well, if it isn’t ‘Sugarplum’ and her pals.”

So I can see, I stood on my hind legs and we all looked to the seats behind Sam and me: it was where the voice came from. This was something I didn’t expect in the slightest. It even made me not care too much of how anyone other than us and my parents knew about my new “Sugarplum” pet name.

On a seat behind us that was empty, Discord was sitting there, eating from a bag of popcorn.

“You all are taking this train too, huh? What are the odds?”

“Discord? Is that you?” I asked. Again I asked a question I knew the answer to.

“The one and only.” He shoved a pawful of popcorn in his mouth. I wasn’t even sure if he even needed to eat. “Who did you expect? Grogar?”

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked with a sigh. She definitely didn’t hate him -- if she even could hate anyone -- but Twilight seemed to have a hard time getting along with Discord. He didn’t appear to mind her, though. It looks like even the Princess of Friendship can have those she’d struggle to connect with.

Discord floated off his seat to be right behind mine and patted my head. It felt like I should feel belittled, yet the pat really did feel like just a friendly one. “Oh, just here to check on my gooood friend, Starlight. I heard from Fluttershy that this was a big day for her.”

“This ain’t some excuse to pick on her, is it?” Applejack asked, one of her eyebrows raised. I’ve seen other ponies do it, but Applejack does that motion more than anyone I know.

He pointed at himself. “Me? Pick on her? So suspicious. Don’t good friends be there for their friends when they need them?” He floated back to his seat. He snapped his paws, and a shirt saying “good friend” appeared on him out of thin air.

“Yeah, but why are you here now?” Rainbow asked. ”Starlight’s already made up with her parents.”

“So you’re too late,” Sam said. He didn’t sound annoyed like the others did.

“Are you suuuure about that?”

“Huh? I don’t understand,” Fluttershy said with a tilt of her head. “Do you know something we don’t?”

“None of you noticed there was a teacup with a quite nice-looking goatee when Starlight was talking with her parents?” Discord brushed his goatee with his claw.

“No, I--” I started until I (thought) I understood what he meant. One of my mom’s teacups did have part of what looked like Discord’s goatee. I wasn't sure, but that goatee might have been gone when my parents and I returned to the living room after we reconciled.

“So, you get it now?” Discord asked with a knowing smirk.

“I think.” I pointed at him. “Was one of my mom's teacups you?”

“As I said before, she can be taught!” Another snap of his paws and diploma fell on top of me and shirt saying “Starlight is #1!” poofed onto me. Compared to the shirt he once “gave” me that had “Pet of the year” on it, this shirt was much more flattering. Of course, I’m not “#1.” If anyone was, it was Sam or Twilight.

My friends and I stared at one another. Fluttershy was right. Discord can be pretty sweet once you get to know him...kinda.

Twilight, this time in her regular, not annoyed, voice, said, “Oh, so, were you there because Starlight needed us and you felt--”

He gasped. He snapped his claw and a clock appeared in front of him, which he stared at. “Oh, look at the time! I must be off. Ta-ta!” After yet another snap, he teleported out of the train. That was something.

“So...that happened,” Rainbow said with a rub of her head.

“That guy is hard to read. At least he really seems over picking on Starlight, so I say it’s all good,” Sam remarked.

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “Yes. He just has his own way of showing he cares.”

Maybe we might never truly understand Discord, there was one thing I did understand very well: I had friends that wouldn’t leave me and now the love of my parents. I literally couldn’t think of anything else I still wanted. Perhaps I’ll think of something in time.

For now, I was going to more than enjoy what I did have.

Author's Note:

After almost 30 chapters, Starlight has made up with her parents, and Sam didn't even have to punch one of them! Now that she has all that she had ever wanted, is there anything that's next for Starlight?

Also, let's see if anyone can figure out the foreshadowing in this chapter with the  "Granda Remosa" flower. Did you see why it drew Starshine to it after Starlight left home years ago? The first one that gets it right wins a prize...maybe.

Even though I took some extra time with this chapter, it was rough on me. If there are any errors I'm usually good at finding and fixing, or any, let me know.

And one last thing: this is the new longest chapter of both "Caught and Punished" and of all my stories up to this point.

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