• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 1,024 Views, 8 Comments

Five Nights At Pinkie’s: The Musical - Rainbow sparkle1

a pony version of "fnaf the musical" by Random Encounters. go check out the original version first before reading this version. you can find the link to the original in the long description of this story.

  • ...

night 4

in the evening, a few hours before RS' shift began...

Starlight glimmer was cleaning up the office from the night before. She hummed to her favorite song when she heard the phone ring, so she went over and pressed the play button.

"Hello, it's purple mare!"

"Hey it's rainbow sparkle, I'm going to be late for work but don't worry I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Ok. Also, have you seen any of the animatronics lately? None of them were here and I checked everywhere."

"Uh, nope not at all. That is very strange."

"Maybe they went outside to find some pony." another voice from the phone said, making starlight look in confusion.

"Shhhhhh you are going to blow our cover twilight," a third voice said.

"Did you say something?" starlight asked.

"No, nothing at all," RS said, a bead of sweat running down her face.


"Maybe you're hearing voices?" a fourth voice added.

"Or the pizzeria is haunted." a voice from before said.

"And the souls of the undead foals are speaking to you"

"Shut up." another voice from before came forth.

"Shhh," RS said to the voices before continuing, "I meant to ask if you happened to have found a yellow unicorn tied up in the closet, can you please not tell any pony about it?"

"You mean this animatronic? Found it earlier while looking for the others. And it smells terrible" starlight stated, moving towards sunset.

When starlight mentioned that she found sunset, RS and the animatronics stopped in their tracks. They were heading over to the house of the pony that twilight had mentioned the night before.

"I don't think you should touch that," RS stated in a slightly worried tone.

"It's fine, it looks like some pony burned its wiring almost about 10 years ago." starlight said, examining the animatronic pony slightly.

"Ok. Just, make sure you are out of the pizzeria by midnight tonight, got it."

"Copy that." After that, starlight hung up the phone and sat down in the office chair with a sigh.

"Actually, on the other hoof, a little bit of overtime won't hurt, I'll go ask the manager"

in the night...

RS and the other animatronics had arrived at the house and started to come up with a plan.

"What about sunset?" Pinkie asked.

"*gasp* what if she escapes out into the streets of the town?" Fluttershy wondered aloud.

"Pshhh, like that'll ever happen" dash retorted.

"Hey, hey, how about this," the robots leaned in closer to hear what RS had to say. "You guys go inside and get her, I'll handle sunset shimmer."

The animatronics agreed and started for the front door of the house. RS pulled out a computer and the screen came up with a camera that was very close to the floor of the pizzeria, hidden behind the security desk.

"Alright little buddy, let's keep sunset distracted." she pushed some arrows on the keyboard of the computer and the camera started to move.

Meanwhile, at the pizzeria, a small dragon-like animatronic appeared out from behind the security desk and started for the door, he had a balloon in one of his claws. His name was spike, and RS was controlling him from the house.

While RS was setting up the distraction, the animatronics had entered the house and whispering to each other on how to convince this pony that they need her help. It was a coincidence that pony was vanilla orchid.

When the robots entered, vanilla was lying in her bed when a loud thud was heard. She got up immediately and grabbed a flashlight with her wing and peeked around the corner. At first, she didn't see anything when suddenly, dash scared her by jumping out from the ground. Vanilla screamed and accidentally kicked dash in the face while trying to run back to her room. Dash grunted upon impact and that alerted the others.

"Rainbow! Are you ok?" Fluttershy had run over to dash while pinkie and twilight did the same.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a small headache," she replied.

Meanwhile, vanilla had hidden behind a wall so the animatronics would not be able to see her while they were making sure dash was fine.

is it true? she asked herself in her mind. are they back to haunt me again?

"Ok, one mistake is what it will take to make this go wrong, I need to stay focused." RS was looking for sunset when she found her at rarity's box. "Great, now will you follow me?"

She pushed a key making spike say something, making sunset alerted that she wasn't alone.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" sunset asked no-one in particular. "I'll get you!"

Sunset charged at spike, and RS started to push another key to make spike move away.

Meanwhile, vanilla orchid was still hidden behind the wall.

no pony is there, good. Now I just need to return to my...

"Hello? Is somepony there?" pinkie called, interrupting vanilla's thoughts.

why is that pink thing down the hall, I need to hurry. vanilla said in her head once again.

She got up and started for the door to her room when she suddenly saw a rainbow overhead speed into her room. She thought it was very odd at first, but she shrugged it off and ran to the door of her room and hid behind it.

"Somepony is there," she whispered.

"Hello!" Fluttershy shouted as she sprung from the floor, making vanilla scream again and shut the door in Fluttershy's face.

"Well, ok then good talk." Fluttershy said a few seconds after vanilla shut the door.

"Is everything going fine?" twilight asked while she and pinkie ran over to where Fluttershy was standing.

Sunset had lost spike for the moment when RS rounded two corners in time for sunset to lose spike. While sunset was scouting the area, RS had made spike go into dash's curtain and be very silent.

"Ok, now I need to fill the silence with some noise so she can try to track me down," RS stated out loud, then pushed a key to make spike say something.

The noise had alerted sunset and she went over to the curtain and pushed them away, only to find nothing behind it.

"Huh? I swear, I heard something behind here!" sunset exclaimed in confusion and anger.

What happened was when RS made spike speak, she had immediately pushed another key to move him out from behind the curtain from the side, and he successfully made it out without being noticed.

"Wait," pinkie said, noticing dash wasn't with them. "Where is dashie?"

"She's in there," Fluttershy said, pointing to the closed door in front of the three.

"just go away!" vanilla called from the other side of the door.

"Don't worry it's just us, I know you've met us before!" Twilight called back.

Meanwhile inside the bedroom, vanilla was holding the door closed so the animatronics wouldn't get in, then she heard something come from her closet.

"Why is there rustling coming from my closet?" she asked herself, scared to open the door. She opened the closet door and dash jumped out from something inside of the closet, making vanilla scream once more. Meanwhile, the others had entered the room and tried to reason why they were here, but vanilla wasn't catching on.

"Ok, the others better hurry, I'm starting to lose ground," RS stated out loud again, sunset had found spike and RS had started to hurry his pace to get away from sunset, though she was faster and once she was right behind spike, she knocked off his antennae.

"Uh oh, that can't be good." after she said that, spike shut down and stood in the middle of the security room. RS was still connected somehow and was seeing everything that was going on. She heard something from the doorway and her eyes widened

She saw an aura of magic grab spike and sunset started to tear him apart. Only when sunset ripped his head off is when the screen on RS's computer went to static.

RS closed the computer, stored it in her saddlebags, and headed inside to see what was taking the animatronics so long.

The animatronics were still trying to convince vanilla orchid though she was still not catching on.

please help us!
sunset has gone insane!
you have to trust us!
here. Will this make you understand?

Twilight showed vanilla an attempted drawing. Though vanilla thought it was something to make her feel more scared, so she grabbed a butcher knife in her wing, and pinkie in the other and put the knife up to her neck.

"STAY BACK!!!" she yelled.

"Well great, I guess it didn't work." twilight said to herself out loud while dash facehoofed herself.

"Heh, maybe we should sing a song together? Heh, heh" pinkie said with sweat running down her face

"Shut up!" vanilla demanded.

"Take it easy please." twilight said.

"Can you put down the knife?" Fluttershy pleaded.

"You won't take me alive please!?" vanilla pleaded the approaching robots.

we're not taking you at all, i swear.
we're not here to hurt you miss.
what they said.
go away, i'll carve out her endoskeleton and wear her like a suit!
come on, now she's just making excuses.
no kidding.
i'd be careful with that knife.

When the new voice entered the room, vanilla swung the knife but still held it in her wing to the direction of the voice.

"That's pinkie pie, she holds a very special place in the hearts of foals so, we should show her a little respect." RS came into view and tried to convince vanilla, but it still didn't work.

"Are you the night shift? Are you with these monsters?"

"No, I'm a friend of a bunch of robots"

"What do you want?" when vanilla said that, pinkie slipped out from her wing and returned to her friends' sides.

we need your help.
there is a very crazy animatronic at pinkie fazpie's!
we'd go to the princess, but she'll probably think we're crazy.
does that sound familiar?
hold on.

Vanilla got up and walked to another place in the room.

"Are you telling me that you robots aren't here to kill me? And even if I was willing to go back to the pizzeria, which I'm not! What will I have to get out of this? Phycological damage? A horrible death? 25 years to life with a cellmate named Freddy Krueger?"

"Absolutely not" dash commented in a somewhat disgusted tone.

"How about this? Proving you didn't lie to the guards?" RS suggested.


"Hooray! Group hug!" pinkie shouted, and the other animatronics moved in to give vanilla a group hug, forgetting she still had the knife in her wing.

"Don't touch me!" she said holding out the knife, and the robots got off of her.

Later, all the ponies were on the way to RS's house to spend the day since it was almost 6 am.

"The pizzeria opens in a few minutes, we should lay low until everypony leaves for the night," RS stated to vanilla

"Got it."

"And while we're there, we might as well get some sleep, I'm tired." dash said, then got a nudge by twilight.

"Is she always like that?" vanilla asked RS.

"Most of the time."

Author's Note:

Since I usually work on fanfics when I’m at school at a specific class or when there is work time and my teachers allow me to come to this website, COVID-19 interrupted that because I have more things to do while I’m at home so I rarely get the chance to write fanfics at home (or I forget), so school is a perfect time to work on it (if I don't have any work to do), I just happened to find perfect times to work on it, from now on, I won’t be publishing stories when they are finished completely. instead, I will publish my stories when I have the required amount of words written and continue working on the unpublished chapters from there like most people do, so it is easier for me since I haven’t published any stories in a long time, so yeah, expect the next chapter to be out in a little while. Tell me in the comments what should be improved on and I'll try my best to fix it in the upcoming stories.