• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 1,024 Views, 8 Comments

Five Nights At Pinkie’s: The Musical - Rainbow sparkle1

a pony version of "fnaf the musical" by Random Encounters. go check out the original version first before reading this version. you can find the link to the original in the long description of this story.

  • ...

night 5

Author's Note:

woooh boy, it's about freaking time I get this goddamn chapter up, it's been almost a year and I get that, just the fact that I usually write at school during a specific class and COVID interrupted that schedule, I just haven't been writing as much and now it's been almost a freaking year ever since I published night four. see guys, I didn't forget to hit the "canceled" status, it just took me almost a freaking year to finish this chapter with other things happening in the background like school, youtube, dealing with all the crap of 2020, etc., so I just kept on forgetting about this, but it's finally done and now I can work on other stuff without having to worry about this. just wake me up from this nightmare REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

the epilogue will be coming out the day after I publish this chapter.:twilightsmile:

in the day...

Rainbow Sparkle was giving vanilla orchid a tour of her home while the animatronics were waiting for the time to return home, and just like dash said the night before, she wanted to rest for the night to come, much to twilight's disappointment.

"Laying low is usually done quietly you know." vanilla said.

"I know, but you do know about how she has been yawning the whole way here last night, so I had to let her rest," RS responded.

"I guess you've got a point." vanilla stated her thought out loud, then a question arose in her mind how did she know that they were alive? She then asked RS the question and she responded.

"The same way you did."

"With a machine gun?"

"No, not really. I was working here when the bite from seven years ago happened, just the look of pure horror on sunset shimmer's face, and yes, sunset was a normal animatronic back then. Her expression gave me a strange feeling that the robots were alive."

"Seriously, I don't want you to make fun of me. I killed a pony, she was just sweeping the floor."

"Speaking of which, I heard yesterday that she's in stable condition."

"You're kidding."

"No, I'm not."

"I put three rounds in her chest, that pony must know some powerful magic."

"I'm starting to get the feeling that she's not the only one." RS continued the conversation as vanilla sat down on the couch.

"You have a plan uh, sorry I never got your name."

"Rainbow Sparkle and your name are..."

"Vanilla Orchid."

"Anyway, I plan to survive until 6 am."

"Heh, I'm pretty good at surviving until 6 am."

"Well, we should put that to the test tonight."


in the night...

When all the animatronics, vanilla, and Rainbow Sparkle arrived at the pizzeria, they all went straight to the security room to set up their plan.

"Oh well, how long has that been there. I don't remember that being there when I worked here." vanilla exclaimed when she entered the room, seeing the head of what used to be RS's distraction robot spike.

"Well, I guess that sunset has been distracted for this whole time." RS realized what vanilla was talking about and commented on it as well.

Vanilla and RS put their saddlebags in the usual corner where they usually put their stuff and went to the desk to begin their plan. RS opened the desk computer and looked through each camera to find sunset, eventually, she found her in the party room.

"OK, she's still in the building, but without her wiring active, I don't know how to shut her down," RS stated.

"Oh my," Fluttershy whimpered.

"Hold on, is she made out of spring-locks?" vanilla asked.

"From my memory, I think she does," RS answered.

"I've read that spring-locks tend to fail whenever they get wet with any liquid." vanilla said.

"I have an idea," RS said, "so we all know that Pinkie's isn't quite up to code."

"Yeah," dash answered.

"Though from what I remember, there is a fire extinguisher in every main room of the pizzeria."

"I think I know where this is going, and I like it." twilight stated.

"I think if we can find those, we could lure her into the office..."

"And hit her with everything we have." vanilla finished RS's sentence, figuring out where the plan was going.

"OK, we know what to do," pinkie said, "though where do we find the fire extinguishers."

"It says that there should be one in the office somewhere," RS said after hitting another button on the computer.

"I think it's over here," dash said, pointing to a broken game machine in the office.

Vanilla went to push it out of the way and look for the item. However when the machine was fully out of the way, the item was gone, all that was there was a safety outline and an empty hook.

"Darn, it looks like some pony got it already."

"Well with that gone, we have to search for some in the other locations around the building," RS stated.

"While you guys set up the trap, I and the others can look around and try to find them, if we all know where to look," pinkie said with determination, and the other animatronics agreed.

"Well, there should be some in these locations, " RS pressed another key on the computer and the locations of the other fire extinguishers appeared on the map.

i think i'll take the backstage.
i'll look in the kitchen.
of course, there has to be one in my area, *heavy sigh* i guess i'll check there.
i'll look on the main stage!

"OK, we'll set up the trap while you guys look for the extinguishers," RS said as the animatronics left the office.

"What am I supposed to do?" vanilla asked after the robots were out of sight.

"To spring the trap,"

After RS answered, vanilla face hoofed herself, for she understood the pun.

After a few minutes, vanilla had set up the trap while RS watched the cameras to look over the animatronics if sunset happened to be waiting to attack at any moment.

Dash had taken the vent towards her area and when she was at the other side, she pushed the vent cage open and climbed out, then heard RS's voice in the speakers.

"OK, by looking at the map, the extinguisher should be near the floor on your left rainbow"

"Got it, near the floor to my left." dash said, then began to look around. "Let's see, uh oh. Uh..there is nothing here!"

"Oh boy," RS said when she heard dash's reply.

"Come on pinkie, you have to find it. I won't let things get worse."

"pinkie, it's dead ahead, look in front of you."

"Oh no, looks like some pony got to it first!"

"Alright twilight, you're in the backstage, now you just need to look for the extinguisher."

"looking at the map twilight, it should be right next to the back door."

"Got it! Now to go to the back door," when she arrived at the back door, she instantly saw the place where the extinguisher was supposed to be. "Nope! Nothing!"

"I'm going to need help, I can't find this on my own!" Fluttershy called.

RS switched to the kitchen camera, though it was still broken.

“Camera is down! Look sharp, you are currently on your own Fluttershy” vanilla said, taking the phone from RS.

“Great,” Fluttershy stated, then started to look through everything around and under stuff in the kitchen until she opened a closet door and found a fire extinguisher still on its hook.

“I found one!” She called out, and the ponies in the office were relieved.

After she grabbed the object with her wing, she started to hear growling behind her, turns out sunset was coming to take away the last fire extinguisher, But Fluttershy had already beat her to it.

“Give me that!” She yelled at Fluttershy, who was already running back to the office where everyone else was hoping that Fluttershy wouldn't get caught after hearing the growls from the computer.

“Hurry, get ready to deploy the trap!” RS said to vanilla, who grabbed the rope in her mouth, ready to deploy the trap when sunset entered the room.

Then Fluttershy tripped over her own hooves while entering the office and dropped the extinguisher, who RS instantly picked it up in her wings.

Sunset tried to enter the office not too long after, but vanilla deployed the trap just in time.

“RS!” Vanilla called out in struggle from the trashing from sunset “dowse her, now!”

RS got ready to end this, but instead, the extinguisher exploded and the remaining stuff inside went everywhere, and very little went onto sunset, not enough to end it.

“Well, that did not go as planned,” RS said, then was instantly knocked out from behind as starlight was holding another extinguisher with her magic.

"You can say that again miss" starlight said.

"PURPLE MARE" vanilla shouted

"Hey guys, if you can't see right now I'm not in a great mood so can you drop the rope and release my murder buddy" starlight said.

"Wait, you were behind sunset all along?" Fluttershy asked

"Well, she was supposed to be scary though she gets a little carried away sometimes."

By now RS had woken up and started to get a headache from the impact.

"Ugh, so then what was the point in all of this in the first place?" she asked, but before starlight could answer, vanilla interrupted with a "wait"


"By the way how are you getting so many hours?"

"What are you talking about?" vanilla asked.

"You're scheduled four more nights this week!"

"What?" vanilla asked for a second time, fear once again in her voice.

"Yeah, you have four more nights."

"I know why, she just wants to have more hours" vanilla stated the truth

"Yep." starlight said "and I would have gotten it if they hadn't you two for the night shift"

"You know you can't legally work that many hours!" RS stated clearly.

"And you know you can't let stinky robots bite a foal's head off either!" starlight said back, clearly offending pinkie.

"It was all an accident!" pinkie shouted.

"I never wanted this job. OK." RS said, making the animatronics hang their heads, and seeing that made RS say "no offense."

"And I'm currently wanted for attempted murder," vanilla stated, remembering that incident from 3 nights ago.

"So, from what you all are saying, you're all letting me have the night shift?" starlight questioned.

"As long as these mares have somepony to stay up all night with," RS said while walking up to the animatronics and giving them a group hug.

"Well then, I think that was a lot simpler than what I originally had in mind, now I feel really dumb." starlight said while throwing the fire extinguisher with her magic across the room.

"You are kinda dumb," vanilla said, triggering sunset, "whoa whoa, I'm kidding" I'm not kidding

"Oddly enough everything turned out OK in the end, right guys" twilight asked.

i guess so
you got that right

After everypony agreed with twilight, the phone started ringing once more. Starlight hit the button on the phone with her magic so that everyone could hear what the pony on the other side of the phone had to say. Then, the same high pitched voice from all the other times before came forth.

"Hello? Oh hey there! I called just to say 'congratulations, it looks like you all managed to survive five nights at pinkie's' that's really awesome. Though unfortunately, I expected you all to have turned on each other by now, though you didn't, so I guess I need to drop by and finish the job for you all!!!!"

When the voice finished, it hung up and the door was mysteriously closed. Vanilla tried to open it, but couldn't, it was disabled. Then they all heard a *thunk* come from the other side of the room, they all looked in the direction the sound came from and it happened again, then they started to hear a wiring sound from the other side and a chainsaw, type of pole sticking out from the wall. It started to move and cut through the wall while something from the other side was trying to get in. When the hole in the wall was large enough for the figure to get in, it jumped through. It had some sort of costume on that looked like a bear. Then it took off the head to reveal its face. It was a mare that had the same colors as pinkie, but her mane was flat, like a wet piece of paper hanging off a table, it was a real pony, with a very smug and evil grin on her face. After a second of silence, vanilla spoke first.

“Can some pony please tell me what is going on right now!?”

The mysterious pony answered vanilla’s question by saying, “oh, this just a crime scene, and you all are the victims” she then gave a maniac-like giggle.

"Who are you?" RS asked the strange figure that just came in.

"Well, I am your employer Rainbow Sparkle. I actually go by many names: phone mare, pinkamena, etc."

"Is one 'evil cotton candy with a chainsaw'?" starlight asked, instantly regretting asking that question as pinkamena rammed the chainsaw into her chest, making everyone else in the room gasp in horror.

"Why, you are correct. Well, you know what, that's my favorite."

She ripped out the chainsaw from starlight with immense force, and she instantly collapsed on the ground, dead.

"For what you just did, I'm going to make you burn to a crisp!" vanilla shouted.

"Well good looks like I have the right tool for the job" she laughed while activating a flamethrower that was attached to the chainsaw. Pinkie spoke up.

"Will you just leave them alone! This is my pizzeria, not yours!" as she finished her sentence, pinkamena bucked pinkie with all of her might and knocked her out.

"PINKIE" Fluttershy shouted and ran over to see if pinkie was alright.

"Heh, honestly, I really have to thank you vanilla orchid. None of the ponies in this room would be right here, right now if you had just listened to me on night 1." pinkamena said to vanilla, still showing that evil grin.

"Don't be scared..." vanilla started.

"...they just want to play with you." pinkamena finished the sentence while putting back on her scary bear mask, then she started giggling menacingly.

Then vanilla got an idea, sunset was programmed by starlight just wants to attack whoever she was ordered to attack, she's the only animatronic here who doesn't not even in the slightest bit wants to play with the night guards during their shift, so, she tried not to get scratched while whispering to sunset, "sunset shimmer, instead of attacking us, how about you attack pinkamena instead." sunset heard the request and processed it for a few seconds, then accepted the command and prepared to be let go.

Once vanilla was going to release sunset, she said in a hushed voice as to not startle her allies, "not all of them." then she let go of her.

The others moved out of the way while sunset charged at pinkamena, and pinkamena readied herself to fight by activating her chainsaw part of her contraption.

The fight began with sunset jumping on pinkamena, she struggled to get sunset off but it was no use. While they were fighting, pinkamena accidentally activating the flamethrower part of her contraption, setting off smoke alarms all around the building. The fight continued and the flamethrower was just not shutting off, and RS realized what was going to happen.

"Someone better do something so we can get out of here now!" RS shouted over the screaming from pinkamena and sunset.

Vanilla looked over to the panel for the door and got an idea. She grabbed the panel tightly in her hooves and ripped it off of the wall, causing the circuit to malfunction and open the door.

RS noticed vanilla's plan and complimented it saying "I guess that worked, good job vanilla." and gave her a nod of approval. "Now let's get out of here everypony!" and everyone started to run out the door.

Vanilla stayed behind a little longer to get pinkie, who was still knocked out from the impact of pinkamena's buck. Vanilla hoisted pinkie onto her back and then followed everybody else to escape the upcoming fire.

Meanwhile, pinkamena had ripped off one of sunset's front legs, but it hadn't affected her fight with pinkamena and continued to fight, and one thing about being a robot was that you could not feel any pain whatsoever, so sunset had continued to fight without feeling any pain from the dismemberment.

Vanilla had looked through the window of the office for the last time and saw something that would be burned into her memory for the rest of her days, she saw a huge ball of fire engulfing sunset and pinkamena, and she followed the others to the exit.

Then the last of the group reached the exit just in time for the fire to finally leave the office with pinkamena's bloodcurdling screams fading into silence and the fire spreading all around the building, burning everything it had inside to the ground while the group watched the flames from a distance, pinkie had woken up in the meantime while heading to the place they were sitting on now.

"Well that was something," rainbow dash said, making everyone else burst into laughter, and RS just rolled her eyes while thinking in her thoughts...

classic rainbow dash.