• Published 14th Sep 2012
  • 1,435 Views, 25 Comments

August - 2012 (T.W.G.) - The Writer's Group

Short stories, a lot of authors, and more 'wut' than you can shake a stick at. Is your body ready?

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A song for the Princess - Aethraspex

Author: Aethraspex
Prompt: 5) You’re a royal guard who’s on station inside Canterlot castle. You’ve just had a very long day, and headed down to the local pub. Seven drinks later, one of the princesses walk in.
Title: A Song for the Princess

This song... boy do I have a story to tell you about this song.

So me and my buddy Smoke Wings- You know Smoky right? With the really pointy face and fat hooves? Ever since he got his bat wings, he’s been trying to pick up with that filly from Manehatten? Yeah, you know him. Got to say, glad I’m a day guard, those night guards have it tough. Well you know me and him used to take the southeast patrol together and we come down here for a drink when we’re done.

Well, last time we were here we’d had a long day, and I mean a looong day. I swear her highnesses must have been messing with us because we didn’t get off until I thought my feathers were going to fall out. And we were sitting down over there. Yeah, that’s right, that little table in the corner, the very last niche in the bar, if you know what I mean. Anyway, we’d had what... seven drinks? When suddenly our august princess of the sun trots straight through those doors like she was looking for the bathroom or something.

Long story short, she ends up with us, and it looks like she’s staying. So me and Smoky are flipping out. I mean, what do you just say to the supreme ruler of Equestria? ‘lovely day we’re having?’ ‘I know, I made it,’ OK, so my princess impression’s not the best, but you know what I’m getting at. And we can’t just leave either, I mean you simply can’t walk out on the princess, princess Celestia.

We’re pretty much looking for some excuse, any excuse, to not inevitably lose our jobs. And the princess, well you know she’s a big lady and she can certainly contain her fair share of liquor, but she starts having more than her fair share of liquor if you know what I mean. She’s swinging them back like there’s no tomorrow, which could well be true considering. Me and Smoky, we’re getting desperate, it’s like drinking with your parents, you know? I mean, some ponies don’t mind...

Well, it was a Tuesday, and Tuesday’s karaoke night. Then Smoky get’s this bright idea that he should sing for our princess. He rushes up to the stage and they ask him ‘what song?’ ‘Whatever,’ he tells them and grabs the microphone. The princess is delighted, of course, until she hears what song is coming on. It’s this song. Smoky, of course, goes through with it. It’d already started and he couldn’t back down then.

Celestia must have thought it was some kind of joke. I swear she was about to go bananas, if you know what I mean. Smoky finishes the song, sits down across from her highness and all three of us are just silent. Rest of the bar is too once they see what’s happened. Princess is all like, ‘very well then,’ and summons a scroll. She hands it to him, he unrolls it, and behold- he’s to report to Princess Luna tomorrow night to get his bat wings.
And that’s how it happened, that’s how he became Smoky the night guard.... Speak of the draconequus, there he is now. Hey! Smoky! You just missed Fly Me to the Moon!