• Published 14th Sep 2012
  • 1,436 Views, 25 Comments

August - 2012 (T.W.G.) - The Writer's Group

Short stories, a lot of authors, and more 'wut' than you can shake a stick at. Is your body ready?

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Be careful with what you wish for - Lucefudu

Author: Lucefudu
Prompt: The crossover that never should've happened.
Title: Be careful with what you wish for.

Lyra was cranky. No- cranky would be an understatement. Lyra was ready to tear anypony’s head off with her bare [strike]hands[/strike] hooves if need may be. Last night she went drinking with her marefriend and, after downing cups after cups of hard drinks, she could do naught but massage her temples to keep the migraine at bay.

“Fucking ponies!” she said, blowing a raspberry at nopony in particular. “I bet that if I were a human, this would’ve never happened.” Her trot grinded to a halt and she looked down dejectedly. She felt a pain in her heart and a sudden sadness grabbing hold of her being.

“I wish I was a human...” she muttered forlornly.

Almost at the same time her words escaped her quivering lips, her ears perked up at a sudden jovial screech, most likely coming from Pinkie Pie.


At first, Lyra thought the Pink mare to be pranking her. But after a few seconds of waiting, nothing happened. ‘That,’ thought Lyra, ‘and the fact that Pinkie Pie isn’t nowhere near me... hmmm.

Lyra trotted towards Sugarcube Corner with a certain hope constricting her heart. She was already planning on giving Pinkie Pie a good smack in case it really was a prank. As she rounded the last corner, Lyra stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes widened with terror as she saw the things that resembled the Holders of Harmony and, at the same time, didn’t.

“What... are you?” Was the only thing Lyra managed to blurt out. The sight before her made her coat’s fur stand on its end as goosebumps crawled relentlessly down her spine. She knew what a human was. She had seen them before in books. And Lyra knew that the things before her were not part of the mythological Homo sapiens.

“We’re a different kind of animation now!” the horrendously deformed Pinkie Pie chirped. “We’re an anime!” At this, everypony within earshot looked at Pinkie as if she was crazy. In her shock, she didn’t see the-thing-that-certainly-wasn’t-Twilight-Sparkle approaching and placing a hand — the appendix that up until early this morning, Lyra once had thought as the best thing ever to ever exist in the history of the universe — upon her shoulder.

“Ohhh! This pony is so kawai! Let’s hug it, uguuu~”

Lyra’s reaction was instinctual; she quickly jerked her body away while her head dove in and bit the monster’s finders. Lyra tasted blood, something that prompted her to relax her tightened jaw and gallop away. She was thankful for not completely clenching her jaw, or else she would be tasting the thing-that-also-wasn’t-human’s fingers by now. She heard the monster howling in pain and dared a look back. It looked so pathetic, a thing that resembled a grown human crying like a disabled baby.

Lyra wanted nothing to do with those abominations. She rounded the corners so fast that she nearly slipped onto the ground. The fact that her migraine has subdued a bit — or, more likely, the biology student inside her said, just because you aren’t feeling it, doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.

“Bonnie, we have problems!” she screamed as she quickly opened the door to her house, closed the wooden portal and slammed it behind her. She stood still, panting as her numb muscles slowly stopped to ache. Hearing no reply from her marefriend, Lyra tried again.


This time, she heard some sounds coming from upstairs. Lyra was a little scared that, on top of what happened today, a thief was inside her home or worse, Bon Bon was with somepony else. She slowly climbed the stairs and came face to face with one of those things. She had the same characteristics as the deformed, wannabe humans; gigantic eyes, sleek bodies, expressionless faces and bodies that seemed to move on spasms.

“Oh, Celestia,” she said, sobbing as her legs faltered and she fell to the ground. She couldn’t take it anymore. It could’ve happened to anypony, ‘So why, why did this had to happen to my Bonnie?!

“Oh, what a cutie pony! Eeeeeeee-” the thing gave a strange, high-pitched squeal. “I’ll call you Haruto Stringuso-Chan”

Lyra curled into a little ball and allowed the tears to pour freely from her eyes. “Please! No... no!” She hit her own face with both forehooves, as if trying to wake up from a bad dream. “I’m so, so sorry!”


>inb4 raeg