• Published 12th Feb 2020
  • 2,410 Views, 127 Comments

Chaos Runs Rampant - RK_Striker_JK_5

Discord escapes from his stone prison and wreaks havoc.

  • ...

Chapter Fifteen

Megan let out a small sigh as she watched her family file into one of Canterlot Castle's many tea rooms. It had been nearly a week since Discord had been stripped of his powers. And even though she and Mike had reunited that day, her husband still plopped down next to her on the couch and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Hello to you, too," Megan said, exchanging a kiss with him.

Danielle, Michelle and Molly walked in, with Danny rolling in after. Danielle collapsed into a large chair and leaned forward, arms resting on her legs. "Most of downtown Ponyville's been surveyed for damage," she reported. "Been going slow. Most of the populace is a bit, how shall we say, jumpy after what Discord did to them."Her hands clenched into tight fists. "On the bright side, the mental health business is booming helping out everyone's trauma!"

Mike leaned back and sighed. "Yeah, Mister Robinson gave everyone in the company a week off with pay. I think Maria and Gina want to get back to work, just to have something to do so they don't think about what Discord did to them." He snuggled closer to Megan. "How you holding up?"

Megan shifted slightly in her seat. "Well, better for you all being here for me." She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I'm not entirely sure how to start this."

Danny rolled over to an end table and poured a cup of tea. "Usually the beginning works well with my students," he said, pivoting about and bringing the cup over to Megan. "I'd give you something from that liquor cabinet over there, but brotherly instincts tell me you don't need anything stronger."

Megan took the cup and sipped for a bit. She stared at the liquid inside before her head shot up. "I'm not human anymore," she blurted out. "At least not fully." Megan held her hand out and her brow furrowed. A teacup on the table shuddered for a second before it flew over to her hand. "See?"

Michelle's eyes tracked the teacup's movement. "Mom, you've got telekinesis."She grinned. "You've got magic. Any other kinds?"

Danielle held a hand up and waved Michelle off. "Okay, take it down a few notches. Let's not overwhelm Mom on this." She paused and looked up at the ceiling. "So, can you teleport?"

Molly held up a hand, but Megan spoke up. "Actually, I can teleport." She straightened up and grinned. "Twilight doesn't think I'm half-bad at it."

Danny smirked. "Doesn't mean you're half-good at it, either."

Mike held a hand up. "Okay, let's not get into a snarking contest. Megan, has Twilight or Celestia had a chance to run any tests on you,figure anything out? Because last time you told us about this, that Granny Bonnie told you that the human body can't handle an alicorn's magical power." His expression darkened. "So, how are you? Are you all right? Anything we can do to help?"

Megan smiled at him. "I'm fine, for the moment. As for getting checked out, no. Not yet, at least."

Danny leaned forward a bit. "You are planning on having them take a look at you, right? You're not gonna procrastinate because you don't wanna hear bad or weird news?"

Molly swatted at him. "Ah, lay off. Megan will take care of herself." She glanced to her older sister. "Right?"

Danny batted at Molly. "Hey, hey! I'm speaking from experience,here!" He waved a hand over his wheelchair and legs. "I didn't like going and seeing the doctors and physical therapists back when I got crippled in '93. I didn't like any bad news, wanted to live in a little bubble. It's natural for us humans and most other sapients in the galaxy."

Michelle crossed her arms. "Mommy, you're going to the see Twilight Sparkle or Princess Celestia. You and Daddy always told me not to put off problems, to to solve them as soon as possible."

Megan nodded to her. "You're right. And you're right too, Danny."She slapped her hands onto the tops of her thighs. "Okay, tomorrow I'll meet with Celestia and give Twilight a call so we can figure this whole thing out. Mike, Danny, Molly, force my phone into my hands if you have to. All right?" At their nods of approval and, in Danny's case, mild snickering, Megan nodded. "All right, then. Nothing to do but wait and eat."

Danielle cleared her throat. "Ah, Mom? I've got an idea." She pulled out her phone and tapped the screen. "There's a stallion in Ponyville named Doctor Whooves. You've met a few times. Ditzy's husband, originally from another alternate reality and the planet Gallifrey, Time Lord." She flipped the phone over and waved it about, showing a picture of the light-brown stallion with the hour-glass cutie mark and ancient eyes. "In case you find out you're immortal or really long-lived due to being part-alicorn, he should have some advice and perspective on that."

Megan glanced to the phone, then locked eyes with Danielle and smiled. "I'll keep him in mind."

It was a long walk in the dead of night for Princess Celestia down to the dungeons in the lowermost levels of Canterlot Castle. She could have teleported, but Celestia relished the time to organize her thoughts. She glanced at the clean but bare walls, her eyes focusing on the newly-installed electric lights as they flickered and buzzed slightly. Other than that, the only sound was her hooves on the concrete step as she descended.

All too soon, she stood in front of the cell holding Queen Celestia. Twiley, AJ, Pinkie, Flutters, Rare, Dash and Shiny were all asleep,but the Queen awake for the moment. Princess Celestia watched as her inter-dimensional counterpart sat at a small table and fumbled a bit with a plate of food. "I could help with that," she finally said.

Queen Celestia barely glanced up from her plate. She looked back down, then raised her head fully to stare at Princess Celestia. "It's all right," she finally said. "Your Elements and that... thing stripped me of all but the most basic and ingrained of my magic. It was done for a reason, so this is how I shall remain." A bitter smile crossed her muzzle. "My first trial. The second is still to come. The humans will not be kind to me."

Princess Celestia shook her head, her mane trailing back and forth and leaving lines in the air. "I spoke with their leaders. Yes, you and the others are be sent to Earth for trial, but the harshest penalty would be life imprisonment."

A snort escaped Queen Celestia's muzzle. "Yes. That punishment is actually feasible for me in my current condition." She managed a bite of food. "Why are you here?" she finally asked. "You haven't visited me since the humans took me and the others prisoner. What's changed?"

Princess Celestia swallowed and kicked a bit at the floor. "I'm sorry about Discord. We should've listened to you about him. There's no excuse for ignoring you. If we had–"

"I was ranting and raving and screaming my head off," Queen Celestia said, interrupting the quickly-rambling apology. "I had invaded your Earth and tried to genocide its inhabitants, then had my magic forcibly stripped from me and reduced to this shell that sits before you." She waved a hoof over the bare stump of what remained of her horn. "If I were in your horseshoes, I wouldn't have listened either." A bitter smile crossed her muzzle. "Perhaps in that one instance, we're a bit alike. Tell me, where is Discord, and what do you have planned for him?"

"We're alike in other ways," Princess Celestia said. She jabbed awing to her right. "As for Discord, he's at the far end of the dungeon, under heavy guard. His magic was stripped of him, too. What's to happen to him has yet to be determined, but it won't be just by me. The Equestrian Alliance isn't a dictatorship or absolute monarchy."

Queen Celestia mulled her counterpart's words over before finally nodding. "Very well. I... thank you for coming to see me, before we're shipped off. You didn't have to."

Princess Celestia shook her head once more. "You're welcome, and I did." With that, she turned and trotted off, leaving her now-puzzled counterpart behind.

Author's Note:

1. Sorry about the wait. Epilogue is being written even now.