• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 1,236 Views, 36 Comments

Over the Moon - Silver Wit

What is a princess to do when her heart is feeling the struggles of love? She seeks advice of course.

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Chapter 2: A Helping Hoof

Luna Felt like she was going to burst with excitement. Finally, somepony to help her in her endeavors in winning Twilight’s heart. Oh, how Luna longed for the day where she could turn her feelings into actions and finally take steps forward in sharing her affections with the mare she loves so deeply. And it’s all thanks to this stallion, this very puzzled stallion; to whom goes by the name of Wit, is the “lucky” pony who will assist Princess Luna in her venture.

“Ok, so, what’s the plan Wit?” Luna asked giddily. “A sonnet? A song? Perhaps I could name a wing in the Canterlot library after her?”

All good and, uh, flattering ideas,-“ Wit took out a small blue notebook and pen. “-but why don’t we start with something easier. Like, for example, just telling Twilight your feelings outright.”

Luna gave Wit a pinched expression.

“Oh, right, let’s put that on the back burner for now. Next idea, find some common ground.”

“Common ground? Like what?”

Wit twirled his pen. “Um, I’m not sure. What do Princesses normally do in their spare time?”

“Well, I enjoy arranging lavender around the castle. But I don’t think Twilight does that in her castle.”

“Do you know any of Twilight’s interests?”

“I know she thoroughly enjoys reading, studying, teaching and her friends. Ooh, maybe if I read books on the history of magic, we can discuss them together!”

“Good idea, but maybe save that for later. Next idea, spend time with her.”

Luna gasped, “Spend time with her? I-I-I’m not sure if I’m ready for that step quite yet. Isn’t that a-a… a date?”

Wit stifled a chuckle, “Princess, you have to get to know Twilight if you want to, uh, ‘woo’ her and the best way to get to know her is to spend time together, not so much a date, per sé, as much as just hanging out casually as friends. You are friends with Twilight, aren’t you?”

“Of course, we are. Twilight said so herself.”

“Then this shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I mean, look at us. We just met and we’re spending time together and you’ve known Princess Twilight far longer than you’ve known me. All relationships have to start somewhere and the best way to make a strong connection, is to deepen your bonds as friends first.”

“Well, when you say it like that, it makes sense. So, spending time with Twilight is the plan. Where should we, um, meet?”

Wit rested his cheek on his hoof. “Hmmm… that’s a good question.” Wit than looked up with sparkling eyes as if a bolt came out of the blue. “Aha! I know! Why don’t you ask Twilight if she needs any help at her school?”

Luna sprang from her seat. “That’s a superb idea Mr. Wit!“- Luna’s ears flattened and her eyes became fixated on the ground as she kicked a pebble. -“But, help her how? I don’t think I’d make a good teacher, that’s more Celestia’s specialty.”

“Uhp, uhp, uhp!” Wit scolded wagging his hoof. “What did I say about not giving yourself enough credit? I know there’s something you can do to be a great help and more importantly, I’m sure Twilight would appreciate anything you’d do for her.”

“Luna perked up and nodded. “You’re right, I’ll go see Twilight and I’ll spend time with her and be as much of a help as I can.”

Wit pumped a hoof into the air. “That’s the spirit!”

And with that, Luna teleported away leaving Wit alone on his bench. He took his comic book out and continued reading from where he left off.

“Glad that’s settled.”

With a pop and flash, Luna appeared before the steps of the Castle of Friendship in scenic Ponyville. Luna took a deep breath as she gazed upon the crystalline walls of Twilight’s home that glistened like stained glass in the afternoon sun.

“Ok, Luna. You can do this!” she said aloud. “All you have to do is find Twilight, strike up a conversation and ask if she needs a helping hoof. Nothing to be nervous about, so what if you might be… alone with her, it’s not a big deal! Even if the idea of being near her fills you with swarms of butterflies, you’re going to spend time with her and nothing will deter you!”

“Uh, Princess Luna?”

Luna jumped and let out a small ‘eep’ as she spun around and came nose to snout with a purple drake about the same height as her. Luna coughed awkwardly, “Spike! How, um, nice to see you! What brings you to the castle?”

Spike tilted his head. “I live here.”

“Oh, right! Right, you do live here! I-I-I was just, um, wondering if Twilight was around?”

Spike narrowed his eyes on the Princess of the Night. “Hmmm…”

Luna puled back from the dragon. “Um, is there something on my face?”

“OH MY GOSH!” Spike said as a smile spread across his face. “You’re crushing on Twilight!”

Luna broke out in a nervous sweat as she avoided his gaze. “W-what? Don’t be silly! I-i-it’s not like that at all! I merely want to- hey have you been working out? You’ve got some great muscle tone!”

Spike’s smile turned smug. “Uh-huh. Nervous sweat, avoiding eye contact, stuttering, trying to change the subject? You’re crushing and you’re crushing hard, I’d know, cause that’s how I get around Rar-“ Spike clamped a claw over his mouth before he said too much. “-I mean, around the mare I have feelings for. Also, I kinda heard your little speech before.”

Luna waved a hoof dismissively. “Oh, no, no, no! You misunderstand! I merely need to see Twilight because… because-“ Luna teleported away and a few seconds later teleported back with a bespectacled unicorn suspended in the air who landed on his rump with an audible thud and an ‘oof.’ “-Because my dear friend Wit wants to meet her! Yes, he’s been a big fan of Twilight’s for years and he really wants her autograph!”

“I do?” Wit questioned while rubbing his backside.

Luna nudged him. “Yes, you do.”

“Yes, I do. Oh, nice to meet you mister…”

“Spike and nice to meet you too Mr. Wit. Twilight’s at the school, Princess. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to see you,” Spike said jerking a thumb towards the school.

“Perfect! Come along Wit, let’s get you that autograph!”

Spike sighed and rolled his eyes as he strolled into the castle.

“Uh, Princess?” Wit said as he dusted himself off. “Quick question, why exactly am I here?”

“Moral support!” Luna said quickly. “Spike found out my feelings for Twilight and I was a complete wreck!”

“You wouldn’t happened to have been monologuing again, were you?”

“Point is,” Luna huffed. “I need you around so I don’t panic and stay level headed. Now let’s go, I have a certain pony to see.”

Wit sighed and sagged his shoulders. “I have a feeling this is foreshadowing…”

“Princess will you please relax?” Wit said as his eyes glanced around the halls of the School of Friendship as the students watched in awe as the Princess Luna strolled past them with an unknown stallion in tow, whispers and gasps were heard in the crowds and this was gearing up to be the most interesting day in the entire school year.

“How can I relax?” Luna said through clenched teeth as she continued her jerky march similar to that of a wind-up toy. “I’m about to see Twilight, I’ve been a bundle of nerves since we passed the front door.”

“You’re over thinking this Princess. You’re not asking Twilight to marry you, you’re just asking to spend time with her, it’s not a big deal. After all, the worst thing that can happen is-“

“She’ll deem me unworthy and scorn my love and be overall disgusted that I would even have a shot in Tartarus with her?” Luna said in one quick, anxiety laced breath.

“I was going to say ‘she says no,’ but your way is far more creative. But let me ask you, do you really think the Princess of Friendship would say such awful things?”

For the first time since arriving in Ponyville, Luna took a deep breath and calmed herself down. “No. No she would not.”

“Exactly,” Wit said cheerily. “Now c’mon, if the directions we got are right, that should be Twilight’s office right there. Remember, stay calm, cool and collected. You’re just going to ask her if she needs any help, got it?”

“Right. Ok, I can do this.”

Luna and Wit came to the large wooden doors leading to the Headmare’s office. Luna stood tall and puffed out her chest, raised her hoof and gave the door a firm knock with a stalwart look of confidence.

“Come in!” a voice called out.

Luna froze and her mind went blank.

“Go on,” Wit said with a nudge. “She said ‘come in.’ Don’t keep her waiting.”

Luna raised her hoof and pushed the door open. Twilight was sitting at her desk, nose deep in papers and scrolls, her quill jotting quick notes with precise surgical precision. Twilight peeked out from behind her stacks.

“Oh, Princess Luna!” she said happily as she stood and trotted to her guests. “How nice to see you. What brings you here?”

“Uh, um…” Luna stammered.

Wit coughed and that seemed to snap Luna out of her nerves. “Good afternoon Twilight, I’m here to ask if you’d…”

Twilight raised a brow. “If I’d what?”

Oh bother, not again! Luna’s magic shoved Wit forward. “This is my very good friend, Wit. He’s a very big fan of yours and he was hoping that you’d be so kind as to give him an autograph.”

“Yeah!” Wit exclaimed with the best enthusiasm he could muster. “After all the times you’ve saved Equestria, how can anypony not be your fan?”

Twilight blushed as she rubbed the back of her head. “You’re too kind Mr. Wit. But I can’t take all the credit, my friends saved Equestria just as much as I have. Now, do you have anything for me to sign?”

Wit pulled out his small blue notebook from his breast pocket and flipped to a blank page. “Right here, Princess.”

Twilight took a quill from her desk and with a quick, steady motion, signed the blank page of Wit’s notebook. “There you go Mr. Wit; I hope you enjoy it.”

“Oh, I will princess. I’ll cherish it forever.”

“Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“As a matter of fact, there is one other thing,”- Wit’s horn lit up and pushed Luna forward. –“I believe Princess Luna wanted to ask you something.”

“Really? Well what can I do for you Princess?” Twilight asked eagerly.

Luna felt the butterflies begin their mad fluttering. “Y-yes, well, um, you see…”

“Go on…” Wit whispered. “Ask her.”

Luna twiddled her hooves. “I-I was wondering if you needed any help. Around the school. Yes! I would like to help you around the school. So! Do you need any help? Around the school?”

Wit rolled his eyes and groaned, “As smooth as shark skin.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Uh, well… if you’d like, you can be a guest speaker at my next lecture.”

“That sounds like a splendid idea!” Luna said enthusiastically. “Sharing my wisdom with the next generation of passionate students is something I’d like very much!”

“Ok, reel it in a bit Princess,” Wit whispered.

“Great!” Twilight trotted to the door with Luna and Wit following close behind her. “Thank you, Princess. I really appreciate the help and I’m sure the class will love whatever you can contribute.”

Luna blushed. “No thanks are needed, Twilight. I’m just happy to help.”

“And that class,” Twilight announced from her podium as her yard stick tapped the large chalkboard. “is a textbook example of camaraderie and the mutual benefits it gives. Now, I’d like to introduce our very special guest speaker, Princess Luna!”

The crowed of students began cheering. To think that they’d get to see the Princess Luna and that she’d be taking time out of her day to talk to them. It was officially the best class ever!

“You sure you can do this, Princess?” Wit asked.

“Of course, this part’s easy. I’ve given speeches before, how is this any different?”

“Now that’s the kind of confidence I like to hear, go get ‘em!”

Luna strode to the center stage of the lecture hall and turned to the class, cleared her throat and said, “My dear students, I’m honored and thrilled to have been given this opportunity to speak by your… wonderful Headmare. Now, I’d like to start by saying-“

As Luna began her speech in her experiences in friendship, some of the students began to whisper amongst themselves.

“Hey,” said an earth pony colt. “Who do you think that guy is?”

“What guy?” asked his unicorn friend.

“You know, that guy. The one Princess Luna was hanging around before.”

“Oh right, duh.” The unicorn smacked her forehead with her hoof. “Hmm… do you think that, maybe he’s Princess Luna’s coltfriend?”

“Her coltfriend? No way. That guy? Dating a princess?”

“Why not? He seems nice.”

“Oh. My. GOSH.” Said a nearby, eavesdropping griffon. “I just heard that guy off to the side is Princess Luna’s coltfriend.”

“Are you serious? The Princess is dating somepony?” asked a changeling.

“Unicorn lucky,” said a yak. “To date Princess is great honor.”

Needless to say, the words of wisdom and experience being given by Luna were unheard as gossip quickly and quietly spread throughout the room like wildfire.

The bell rang and the students filed out quickly eager to have some free time to themselves. A few seconds later, two alicorns and a unicorn stepped out.

“That was quite the speech Princess Luna,” commended Twilight. “I could tell it really gave my students something to talk about. Thanks again for offering to help.”

Luna’s heart was a flutter. “You’re very much welcome Twilight. I’m always willing to be of assistance if the situation arises.”

“Great, I’ll be sure to keep you in mind is anything else comes up. But if you’ll excuse me, I have some numbers to crunch for next month’s budget.”

Luna nodded. “Of course, Twilight, good luck in your work.”

It was nice to meet you Mr. Wit.”

Wit bowed. “The feeling’s mutual Princess Twilight.”

Twilight smiled and waved as she trotted off towards her office.

See, Luna?” Wit said with a hint of smugness. “That wasn’t so hard was it? You stayed calm, didn’t trip over yourself and to top it all off, you were great during-ACK!” Wit was silenced by a bone crunching hug from Luna.

“OH, THANK YOU WIT!” This was absolutely splendid! And did you hear her say that if she needs my help again, she’ll keep me in mind? I’ve made more progress in one afternoon than I’ve made in years! And it’s all thanks to you!”

“No… problem… princess…” Wit wheezed.

Little did Wit and Luna realize that off to the side, from the concealment of a potted plant, a camera was busy snapping away at the scene unfolding before it.

“Oh boy,” whispered a young pegasus. “I guess he really is her coltfriend. Wait till the school paper hears about this.”

Author's Note:

Well here we are again. Hello readers and thank you for your patience for the 2nd chapter of Over The Moon. I feel like this is starting to become disingenuous, but I am sorry for the delay, a combination of anxiety/depression and my microsoft office subscription ending so I had to buy it again, which was a very expensive annoyance. Granted I've used the same Office program since 2008 so they don't owe me anything, but still.

Anyways, I think I'm starting to get a nice groove going, work on OTM and than write Life and Times. Hopefully I can get a good rhythm to keep my work going. As for LAT I'm working on the next chapter as you're reading this, I'm excited to get it done and hopefully you won't have to wait too long for that.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments and feedback.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit

P.S. Yeah, I put Sparity in my TwiLuna story, deal with it :coolphoto: