• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 1,236 Views, 36 Comments

Over the Moon - Silver Wit

What is a princess to do when her heart is feeling the struggles of love? She seeks advice of course.

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Chapter 3: Dream On

The clip-clop of hooves trotted on the cobbled streets of Canterlot as a very pleased unicorn stallion skipped along his merry way with a large bag in his magic. “Ahh, nothing like a bag of cinnamon nuts on such a glorious day,” Wit said as he downed another hoof full of his candied treat.

It was the time of year where Spring was ending and Summer was right around the corner, warm but not uncomfortable. A perfect day to stretch your legs and take a stroll around the capital. It was days like this where Wit wondered if Celestia orders Cloudsdale not to ruin this time of year with rain under any circumstance.

“Wit hummed with delight, “Oh yeah. This is the best. I can’t even imagine what could make this day any better.”

“OH MY GOSH! THAT’S HIM!” cried a voice, followed by a cacophony of screams and a stampede of ponies that surrounded Wit. The most peculiar thing about this mob was that it was made up entirely of mares. Earth ponies, unicorns, pegasai and kirins (lots of kirins actually). All of them seemed to be gawking in awe and giggling every time Wit looked over them.

“O.M.G!” said an earth pony. “It really is him! Mr. Wit I’m a huge fan of your work! Would you please sign my copy of your book?”

“Not before he signs my issue of ‘Dragon Warrior’ number one!” cried a pegasus as she shoved the earth pony aside.

“Mr Wit!” a unicorn said while pulling out a camera. “Can I get a picture for the Canterlot chapter of your fan club?”

“I’m putting a stage play together in your honor Mr. Wit!” said a kirin as she shoved passed the first three mares. “Any chance you can take a look at the script and give me some feedback?”

A wave of arguments broke out among the adoring fans, each one one-upping the other as to who gets to interact with the stallion first. Wit stared dumbfounded before he tucked some stray hair behind his ear, adjusted his beret and held his hooves up to the audience.

“Ladies, ladies!” Wit said in the most charming, debonair and suave voice had had with a prize-winning smile and alluring gleam in his eyes to boot. “There’s no need to fight, I’m sure I can accommodate with whatever you want.”

Wit levitated two pens and quickly signed both the earth pony’s book and the pegasus’ comic in a pair of smooth and quick motions. Next he struck a pose for the unicorn’s photo opt.

“May I?” Wit asked before the unicorn relinquished her camera and he held it up for an overhead shot of himself and his fans. “Smile everypony!” Wit called out before snapping the shot.

Wit was then given the kirin’s script. The pages of the script flew at a rapid pace and Wit concluded, “Looks pretty darn good so far. Can’t wait to see the show.” Wit winked and the kirin fainted.

“Now,” Wit said as he buffed his hoof on his chest. “how about a nice ‘Q&A’ session?”

The cries came up from the ocean of mares again.

“Mr. Wit!”

“Mr. Wit!”


“Mr. Wit!”

“Uh, yes! You there!” Wit pointed at a unicorn with a quill and a pad of paper at the ready.

“Mr. Wit, you’ve just won the award for most outstanding new artist at this year’s comic fan expo, how did that make you feel?”

“Like a million bits! I can’t even begin to tell you how honored I was for even being nominated, let alone actually winning. I put a lot of effort into my work and it was nice to know that it resonated with so many creatures. Next question?”

“Mr. Wit!”


“Mr. Wit!”

“Mr. Wit!”

“You!” Wit pointed to an earth pony.

“Mr. Wit, I’m with the Michicolt Times. Think you can give us a quick rundown of your biggest influences and/or idols in your very successful career?”

Wit puffed out his chest. “Well, I have many influences and I strive to be as great as them someday. But if I were to name a few, I’d say they’d be Tezucolt and Leadwing. Both geniuses ahead of their time. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if it hadn’t been for Tezucolt’s riveting stories and characters and Leadwing’s incredible use of ink and shading, pure perfectionism. He’s one of the reasons I worked through my fear of becoming an artist. Those are the big ones, but if I were to have another idol it’d probably be-“

“Wit!” a tall dark unicorn mare pushed her way through the crowd. But she wasn’t a unicorn, she had wings too, in fact she looked awfully similar to…

“Princess Luna!?” Wit said in confusion. “What are you doing… wait, if you’re here, than that means-“

Luna grabbed Wit by his shoulders. “I need to talk with you right away!” with a flick of her horn, Luna summoned a door that opened with a soft click. “We haven’t a moment to lose!”

“W-wait Princess! Can’t this wait till tomorrow?!”


Luna shoved Wit through the doorway and he promptly belly flopped on a red carpeted floor with a loud “thump.” He was in what looked like an ever-growing hallway with an infinite number of doors on either side. Every so often a bubble would pass by with a scene playing out within their veiled surface of ponies in a variety of situations. One had a pony grow to the size of Canterlot castle so she could devour an equally big muffin. Another had a pony at a party and she was surrounded by dancing cakes and pies.

“What the hay Princess?!” Wit exclaimed as Luna stepped through the door. “That was my favorite dream! And there were more kirins this time too!”

“I’m terribly sorry to interrupt you Wit, but I couldn’t help myself! I’m just so excited from visiting Twilight!”

“Still? That was two days ago.”

“Technically three,” Luna corrected. “it’s past midnight.”

Wit grumbled, “Of course it is. And I suppose you had to come to me in my dreams to brainstorm your next step? Um, where are we?”

“This, dear Wit,” Luna dramatically waved a hoof over her head. “is the dream realm. Every door leads to somepony’s dream and it is my duty to safeguard the citizens of Equestria from their nightmares and guarantee a good night’s rest.”

Wit looked around in amazement. He squinted his eyes to try and see the end of the hallway, but the red carpet and countless doors disappeared over the horizon of this world. “Wow… there’s no end to the doors. You manage all of these ponies on your own?”

Luna nodded. “Indeed. Tis a dauntless task and not for the faint of heart. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.”

Just then a scream echoed throughout the hall.

“What the heck was that?!” Wit looked around nervously.

“Oh dear, one moment please.” Luna’s horn glowed and the two of them were transported to another section of the hallway. Luna trotted up to one of the doors and poked her head inside. “Rarity’s not your mother Sweetie Belle!” she called out. “She’s your sister!”

“Thank you princess!” replied the voice of a filly.

“Well that seemed rather easy,” Wit commented with lidded eyes.

“She has this dream every once in a while,” Luna said as she shut the door. “I just simply remind her of reality and her mind is put at ease. Some cases are harder than others, but enough small talk, let us get down to brass tacks.”

“Ah yes. The reason I was pulled out of my sea of adoring mares- fans!”

“Correct.” Luna motioned Wit to follow her as she continued her rounds of the dream realm. “My helping Twilight at the school was a resounding success and I want to capitalize on this progress and move to the next step.” Luna peeked her head through another door before closing it and continuing on.

“Alright, how’s this for an idea? Maybe you can just tell Princess Twilight that you have feelings for her.”

“Next idea,” Luna said dismissively.

Wit facehoofed. “Well, there’s always the tried and true method of ‘hanging out.’ Perhaps you and Twilight can bond over mutual interests. Or maybe learn about one of her interests.”

Luna paused her inspection of her next dream. “That’s a great idea! Bonding to not only strengthen our friendship, but to work towards a relationship! This is why I come to you for these issues.”

Wit rolled his eyes. “Happy to help princess. Now may I please go back to my dream? I’d like to indulge in it as much as I can, if you don’t mind?”

“Yes, yes, of course. Sorry to bother you. We’ll pick this up again tomorrow, please meet me at the palace in the afternoon and we’ll continue our conversation.” Luna’s horn glowed and a door appeared in the middle of the hall, opening it to reveal a gaggle of mares.

Wit gazed through the door with a rather mischievous grin. “Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow, bye!” he said quickly before diving back into his dream. The door along with Wit disappeared.

“Oh, this is just wonderful!” Luna exclaimed. “With Wit’s help I’ll be one step closer to being with my one true love! Such a reliable stallion, I shall remember to repay his kindness in full when this is over.” Luna trotted off to continue her task as warden of the dream realm.

Little did she know that she forgot to close a certain door.

Far away from Canterlot, in the frozen north, a pony began to stir in her bed. Princess Cadance, ruler of the Crystal Empire was sleeping soundly in bed with her husband Shining Armor when suddenly, her eyes shot open and she rose up from her bed like her flank caught fire.

“OH MY GOSH!” she cried.

“WHAAA!” Shining Armor fell to the floor in surprise but quickly rose to his hooves with his horn aglow and at the ready. “What’s wrong Cady!? Are we under attack!?”

Cadance grabbed her husband by his shoulders. “No, no Shiny! I heard Princess Luna in my dreams and I heard the most wonderful news! Some of the best news I’ve heard in ages!”

“What? What news?”

Cadance’s eyes shined like strobe lights as she exclaimed, “Princess Luna’s in love!”

Every so often, something comes along that raises your spirits to such a degree, that an earth pony can feel like a pegasus. That you could run from Applewood to the Peaks of Peril and not even break a sweat. That you could type a best-selling novel in an afternoon without even trying. There’s many reasons how somepony could reach this level of euphoria, but one of those reasons, and the main reason at hoof, was love. Princess Luna was filled with so much love, she practically floated down the halls of the castle on a cloud with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“Good afternoon my fine stallion!” Luna greeted a guard on duty.

“Oh, good afternoon your highness. I hope you’re doing well,” the guard replied.

“Well? I’m doing better than ‘well.’ I’m exuberant, elated, ecstatic, euphoric, excited, and so many other words not beginning with ‘e.’ I hope you have a glorious shift and a wonderful rest of the week!”

The guard wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the delighted diarch and her dreamy disposition. Which is not to say that the Princess of the Night was dower or dreary, but to see her skipping about and smiling was so rare, he couldn’t help but feel baffled.

“Uh, thank you Princess. And I wish the same to you as well.”

“Has my guest arrived yet?” Luna inquired. “I did leave you with a description, did I not?”

“Yes, you did your majesty and no he hasn’t arrived yet. But we’ll be sure to inform you as soon as he gets here.”

“Please do, I have much to discuss with him. Have a pleasant day!” Luna said as she skipped off.

“You too princess!” he called back.

Luna resumed her stroll through the castle, filled with anticipation for Wit’s arrival. She then came to the hall where the most important moments of Equestria’s history were recorded on stained-glass and she stopped before the window marking the day of Twilight’s ascension to an alicorn princess.

“Soon Twilight,” Luna sighed. “I’ll be able to share my heart with you. I hope you will share yours with me as well.”

“That’s awfully sweet, Luna.”

Luna blushed heavily as her habitual narration drew the attention of her sister.

“Ce- Celestia! What are you doing here?”

“Well I live here for a start,” Celestia giggled. “and second I wanted to see why my sister was in such a good mood. I’m guessing it has something to do with Twilight?”

“Um… well yes. I made a lot of progress with Twilight thanks to a very helpful stallion.”

“Ah yes, this ‘Mr. Wit’ I’ve heard about. The guards seem eager to see who this mystery pony is. After all, it’s not every day a civilian gets a personal invitation from either of us.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “I’m sure the guards already have the wrong idea about me inviting a stallion to the palace,” she huffed.

Celestia waved a dismissive hoof. “Oh, don’t give it a second thought, Lulu. Let them assume all they want; it doesn’t change the fact that your heart already belongs to Twilight.” Celestia gazed up at the window depicting the Princess of Friendship. “I must admit you have impeccable taste. Smart, talented and a famous hero known through-out Equestria. You certainly aim for the brass ring don’t you?”

Luna blushed. “Sister! I told you I’d prefer it if you didn’t speak of this out loud!”

Celestia chuckled, “I should be telling you that.” She put the back of her hoof to her forehead. “Oh Twilight, you’re in my heart every waking hour of every day!” Celestia said in her best dramatic, mock Luna voice. “You’re beauty knows no bounds and your wisdom has no equal! You’re in my very soul and I want nothing more from life then to confess my love and kiss-“

Luna placed both of her forehooves over Celestia’s mouth. “MUST you be such a blabber-mouth pest!?”

The corners of Celestia’s mouth tugged upwards under hoof. “Mmmph, mmph hmmpf hmmmm! Mmm hmm hm hmhm mph!” (I can’t help it! You make it soo easy!)

“Celestia, if you breathe a word of this to anypony, so help me-“

“Princess!” a guard pony called out as he trotted briskly towards the royal sisters.

“Ah, hello again my good stallion! Has Wit arrived yet?” Luna asked removing her hooves from Celestia’s face.

“Uh, no, not to my knowledge. But Princess Cadance has just arrived and she says she needs to see you as soon as possible, Princess Luna.”

“Cadance? Very well, inform Princess Cadance that we will join her shortly. You’re dismissed.”

The guard saluted and scurried away.

“Oh my, what a surprise!” Celestia said as she clapped her hooves together. “I didn’t know you sent for Cadance’s help.”

“I-I didn’t,” Luna responded as her mind raced with the reason of Cadance's sudden arrival.

Celestia and Luna entered the throne room and were immediately greeted by a wide smiling and eager looking pink alicorn.

“Good afternoon, Princess Celestia and Luna. I’m sorry for visiting unannounced.”

“Cadance, Canterlot castle is as much your home as it is ours,” Celestia said warmly as she gave Cadance a hug. “there’s no need to apologize. But we are curious as to why you’re here.”

"Why, I’m here to see Luna of course, I had to congratulate her on the good news.”

“Good news?” Luna cocked her brow. “What good news?”

“That you’re in love!”

Luna blushed as her jaw hit the floor, her eyes began darting across the room to find a nice hole to crawl into. “I-I-I have no idea what you’re talking about! Love? I’m not in love!”

“You don’t have to be embarrassed Luna,” Cadance said with a reassuring smile. “I think it’s great that you finally found that special somepony!”

“Why Luna, what an excellent idea to invite Princess Cadance to help you in your love life!” Celestia said mockingly. “No wonder you’ve been all aflutter today.”

Luna glared at her sister so hard she was on the brink of setting Celestia ablaze.

“Oh, I wasn’t invited!” Cadance giggled. “I heard Luna talking in my dream!”

“Y-your dream?” Luna asked.

“It’s still kind of fuzzy,” Cadance said rubbing her head. “and I couldn’t make out all the words, but I remember hearing you speaking with somepony about being in love, so I knew I had to see you as soon as I could to offer any and all assistance I can give.”

Luna’s eyes were wide with shock as a sudden realization hit her. There was one door she neglected to close during her late-night chat with Wit. And now it came back to bite her in the flank.

“So, who’s the lucky guy?” Cadance asked. “Is it somepony I know? I could help you break the ice if it's somepony I know.”

“As a matter of fact-“ Celestia’s mouth was sealed shut with a dark purple haze.

“It’s nopony you know!” Luna said quickly, horn aglow. “You’ve never met them before! And it’s certainly nopony close to you!”

“Ooooh, I love a good secret!” Cadance said as she skipped in place. “So, when can I meet this mystery stallion?”

“Hello?” a voice called out. “Princess Luna? Sorry I’m late, I couldn’t find my beret! Had a slight panic attack!” A bespectacled unicorn stallion trotted into the throne room and upon seeing three princesses in one place, Wit bowed low. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry your majesties! I didn’t mean to intrude! You must be busy, I’ll just come back later!”

Cadance gasped, “Wait! You!”

Wit was wrapped in a sky-blue aura and was pulled before Cadance. He stayed in mid-air, held by the Princess of Love’s magic as she smiled gaily and said, “I know you! I heard you in my dream!”

Wit looked over to Luna in desperation. “Uh, Princess! What is she talking about?”

“I know this sounds crazy,” Cadance continued. “but I heard your conversation with Princess Luna in my dream, mister?”

“Wit. Silver Wit, but you can call me Wit.”

“Silver Wit? What a charming name. Well Mr. Wit, let me be the first to congratulate you as well!”

“Congratulate me? For what?”

“For being Princess Luna’s special somepony of course! I hope the love you share with each other will bring you nothing but happiness for years and years to come!”

“WHAT?!” Both Luna and Wit cried out.

There comes a time in everypony’s life, where they encounter something so funny, so uproariously hilarious that it threatens to shatter their funny bone into a billion pieces. Princess Celestia was stomping her back hoof and pressing her lips together as hard as she could to suppress the crippling wave of laughter trying to escape after witnessing the “funniest thing” she’s ever seen.

Author's Note:

Hiya there everyone! Sorry for the delay, I really didn't want to take so long to post this chapter, but like I've been saying in my other updates, the "pandemic got me feeling a kind of way." Which is super annoying because I was hoping to be done with this story at this point and I can work on another project and get it done by Christmas time. But I digress.

This chapter was slightly annoying, mainly because I wasn't sure where to take it. I was going to have Cadance show up later, but my proof reader told me, "No, add Cadance to the chapter, I like that idea more," or something along those lines and she was right, I actually like having Cadance here. My original plan was for a gradual snowball of comedic misunderstandings, but I'm kind of enjoying Luna digging herself into a deeper and deeper hole with each new development and her dragging Wit along for the decent into madness. Since "Life and Times" is a slow boil, it's kinda nice to write a story with a faster pace.

So some fun facts, Wit (and by some extension, I) dreams of being a cartoonist. I've always had a love for comics but for the longest time I was TERRIFIED of drawing. That is, until I met the artists that work on the MLP comics. They were really nice and offered any advice they could give me. Especially Tom Zahler, great guy Mr. Zahler. So I work towards that goal as much as I can. Heck, I'd love to write for comics as well, go the Katie Cook route of writing AND drawing.

Also Wit loves and has a BIG weakness for kirins. Just thought I'd throw that out there :rainbowlaugh:

As always, let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments and feedback.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit