• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 2,345 Views, 55 Comments

A Trip to Remember - Allegrano_Melody

Discord has a mission, and Celestia is not going to like it. Discord decides to send the young versions of the Main 6 to a particular school of magic.

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Chapter 3: Settling In?

Author's Note:

Discord is going to be different as I am going to make him the more mad king and a schemer. If someone wants to help me write character lines, I will be pleased about that as I can’t get a good grasp of some of the characters.

For now, Discord is going to having an influence on events without any character noticing so except random things to appear. Also, I will be taking a different route with characters in terms of how they speak.


The expression on the mare's face was one that Aetherdal hoped never to see again. It was pure, unadulterated anger. He could swear he could see wisps of smoke coming from her ears as her powerful muscles flexed. He could not tell whether she was about to punch him out or chew him out. Whatever she had planned was sure to be unpleasant.

Slowly, her hands reached for his shoulders. He could not help but shut his eyes and shield his face as he waited for the inevitable. He opened his eyes when he found his shoulders held in a gentle grasp. To his surprise, the mare was now looking at him with concern.

"I . . . is there s . . . something wrong, m . . . miss?" sputtered Aetherdal.

The mare replied, "I am fine, my little pony. Who did this to you?"

"Huh?" Confused, Aetherdal rubbed the back of his head. He stopped when he felt something sticky. He held the hand in front of his face; the palm was stained red. "Tis just a flesh wound." With that, he fainted dead away.

Quickly, Celestia caught him before he reached the ground. Calmly, she said, "Twilight, hold him steady."

A magenta aura surrounded the colt and laid him on his back at Celestia's waist level. A beam of yellow magic painted his body, sealing the scrapes and cuts. The reds that had decorated the colt's body were now dull brown.

Satisfied with her work, Celestia said, "Stand by me, Twilight." Once the filly was beside her, there was a crack of displaced air as the three vanished.

The trio reappeared in the medical wing of the palace. The duty nurse produced a gurney and shouted, "Trauma Alert!" as she wheeled the colt into an operating room.

Celestia turned to Twilight and said, "I'm very proud of you, my faithful student. There's no telling how badly he would have hurt himself if you hadn't kept him calm."

"Thank you, princess."

"Now, can you tell me how he was so badly hurt?"

Twilight shook her head. "No. I found him wandering in the maze. I don't even know how he got in there."

"And how are you doing?" asked Celestia. "You're looking a little green."

"I . . . I've never seen so much blood before."

"Why don't you go to your room and get some rest?" said Celestia. "I'm sure it will do you a world of good."

"Of course, princess." With that, Twilight left.

Several minutes later, a doctor walked out, stripping the mask from his face. He said, "It's a good thing you brought him in when you did. I was able to treat his wounds, but somepony stole all his magic. It's a wonder he's still alive. We tried giving him an infusion, but his body rejected it."

"I see," said Celestia. "Might I take a look at the colt?"

"By all means, your highness." replied the doctor.

Celestia followed the doctor into the recovery room. The monitors showed that the colt's vital signs were barely out of the critical range. The doctor said, "He's hanging on, but barely."

A yellow aura surrounded the colt for a moment before fading away. Celestia said, "I think I see the problem. Could you please project a map of his thaumatic system?"

The doctor complied. A network of orange lines and nodes appeared above the colt. Celestia said, "I found blockages here." Suddenly, the system looked more black than orange.

The doctor said, "How is he even breathing? It would take me years to unblock all that."

"Perhaps I can help," said Celestia. With the precision of a microsurgeon, she traced each path with her magic, unblocking it. The black of the display was gradually replaced by orange as it tracked her progress.

After an hour, the display was utterly orange again. Celestia said, "Try your infusion now."

The doctor complied. The effect was galvanic as the colt's vital signs shot back into the normal range. The doctor ran another scan. "His body is absorbing the magic. We should let him rest for a while. He needs to regain his strength before we give him any more magic."

"Might I have a moment alone with him, doctor?"

"Of course." With that, the doctor walked out.

Softly, Celestia said, 'Philomena, please come here."

In a burst of flame, a majestic red bird appeared, hovering in the middle of the room before roosting on Celestia's shoulder. Celestia stroked the bird's head and said, "Philomena, this colt needs special attention. Could you please look after him?"

The bird cocked her head and then flew over the Aetherdal. She perched on his chest and eyed him critically. For a moment, she stood in concentration. She nuzzled the colt and then turned to Celestia and nodded.

Celestia smiled before returning to the lobby. A pegasus mare in a blue uniform was having an animated conversation with the admitting nurse. Celestia asked, "Capitan? What seems to be the matter?"

The Wonderbolts captain saluted sharply before replying, "Somepony tried to murder a colt by crippling his wings and dropping him from the weather factory. I'm here to file the report."

Celestia was about to reply when a guard pony galloped through the door. Celestia asked, "Are you injured, sergeant?"

The guard replied, "No, your highness. I'm here to report that a filly injured in a timberwolf attack in Ponyville."

"How badly?" asked Celestia.

"Minor scratches and bruises, but we think she may have a concussion. We were unable to get any coherent information about her parents."

Celestia said, "Please send a notice to all towns in the vicinity, and have someone from Foal Protective Services make sure that she fostered until we can locate her parents. I will visit her after I investigate the captain's case in Cloudsdale." With that, the princess stepped outside and took flight.


He was dead. There could be no other explanation. He felt as though he were floating in darkness as he heard the voice of an angel. He could not understand the words, but the melody soothed his troubled mind.

Solomon opened his eyes and immediately regretted it as lances of pain seemed to bore through the back of his skull. Weakly, he gasped, "For Merlin's sake, would somebody turn down the lights?"

There was a gasp followed by a soft click. A scratchy voice said, "Light's off. Who's 'Merlin'?"

This time, Solomon opened his eyes just a crack. Satisfied that the light was sufficiently dim, he opened his eyes fully. He saw that he was on a bed with side rails. The smell of disinfectant, coupled with the sight of bandages wrapped around his chest, could only mean one thing. He was in a hospital.

Looking to his left, he saw a filly with a scruffy, rainbow-hued mane, sitting. She looked at him with an expression of grave concern. Looking to his right, he saw another seated filly who hid behind her long, pink mane when he turned her way. She, too, was worried.

Looking back to his left, he said, "I remember you. You saved my life, uh . . ."

"Rainbow Dash," replied the filly. "You were lucky. I saw you. What's your name?"


Rainbow clenched her right hand in a fist and gently moved it toward Solomon. After a moment of confusion, he mirrored the gesture and touched his fist to hers. She said, "And this is my friend Fluttershy."

Turning to his right, he saw the filly shrink away, mumbling. Rainbow said, "It's all right. She's not good with strangers."

"Where am I?" asked Solomon.

"Cloudsdale General," replied Rainbow.

"W . . . would you like me to get a nurse?" asked Fluttershy.

"Please," said Solomon. As the filly rose, Solomon realized that she wasn't one who would like to draw attention to herself. That meant her mane color was natural. That said that she had to come from a magical bloodline. Playing a hunch, he activated his magic sight.

"Ah!" he exclaimed as he shut his eyes.

"What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy.

"I took a peek at your mana pool. I've never seen anyone that strong."

Puzzled, Fluttershy said, "Strong?"

Solomon turned to Rainbow and instantly regretted it. "Ah! That 's twice!"

Rainbow gave a small smile and buffed her nails on her blouse. "I know I'm awesome."

Solomon turned off his magic sight before opening his eyes again. Fluttershy was gone. Rainbow said, "Solomon, who did this to you? Let me know, and every decent pegasus in this town will track them down."

"I don't remember. I was with my friend when the building collapsed. I think he pushed me clear."

The filly looked even more worried. "Kid was in Cloudsdale. The buildings made from clouds."

Desperately, Solomon said, "You have to help me! Whatever happened to me is nothing compared to what happed to Aetherdal! With his magic level, he's practically a cripple! You have to find him!"

A mature voice said, "I believe I can help."
Solomon turned back. He saw Fluttershy peering around a tall mare wearing a tiara. Her magic levels were so high that he could feel her strength without using any spells. She looked at him with concern and said, "Hello there, my little pony. My name is Princess Celestia. I came as soon as I heard about your case."

"Forgive me for not bowing," said Solomon. "Could you please tell me how you can help?"

"Your friend is being treated at my palace. He will recover in time. Now, can you tell me how to find your parents? I'm sure they're worried."

Solomon sighed. "No parents."

"Can you tell me who did this to you? Can you tell me what happened?"

"I . . . I can't remember."

"I see. There is one more thing I can do for you."

Solomon gasped as he was encased by a yellow aura. He could swear he could feel himself healing. In a moment, the princess said, "That should take care of the worst of it. When you have recovered, please come to the palace as my guest. I'm sure it would do your friend a world of good to see you."

Solomon yawned. Drowsily, he said, "Thank you." He then drifted off to sleep.

Celestia turned to the fillies. "I am leaving this colt in your care. I will provide you with a royal warrant for any supplies you may need."

"We got this, your highness," said Rainbow. Fluttershy nodded in agreement.


Angel winced as she woke to the world's biggest headache. She groaned, "Wasn't that a party?" She fumbled about, feeling the nightstand. "How am I supposed to cast a detox charm without my wand?"

"Ah!" she exclaimed as she touched her head. "Bandages?" Her eyes shot wide open. "This isn't my flat." Looking around, she said, "This isn't St. Mungo's."

Gingerly, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. There was a distinct clop when she stood. Tentatively, she took a step. Another clop greeted her ears. Looking down, she exclaimed, "Hooves?" She staggered to the bathroom and threw open the door. For some reason, the sink seemed higher than usual. Looking up at the mirror, she saw a filly staring back at her. Instead of her standard jet black, the pony had an electric blue mane. Where she expected gray eyes, she found a deep orange. Experimentally she flexed a bicep. "That's different." Her hand traveled down to her belly and gave it a tentative rub. "Nice firm. Goodbye, kevlar!"

She walked to the closet. "Empty? How am I supposed to sneak out of here in a hospital gown?"

A knock came from the door. Startled, she jumped. "Come in."

The door opened, revealing a stallion and a mare dressed in work clothing. The stallion said, "Hi, there, little filly. I'm Bright Mac, and this is my wife, Pear Butter." Who might you be?"


Smiling, Pear Butter replied, "I can't think of a more appropriate name. If it hadn't been for you, we'd have been goners."

Holding up a brown paper package tied in twine, she said, "We brought you some clothes to show our thanks."

"You didn't have to get me this, but thank you for the gift," said Angel.

Bright Mac asked, "Can you tell us how to get in touch with your parents?"

Angel shrugged. "They've been dead for years."

"Who's taking care of you, then?" asked Pear Butter.

"I can take care of myself, thank you."

Bright Mac and Pear Butter looked at each other with concern. Looking back, Bright Mac asked, "Is there anything we can get for you?"

"Well, I really could use my glasses." Angel sighed. "Going by these bandages, I'm willing to bet they've smashed to smithereens."

Pear Butter said, "We'll go see if we can get you some help." With that, the two left.

After the door shut, Angel opened the package. It contained a black tank top and a pair of ragged cutoffs that cut to expose the hips. She said, "I suppose they think that punk is my style."

Quickly, she donned her new clothes. She opened her door, only to find a pink-maned filly staring her in the face. The new filly gasped and dashed off before Angel could say a word. She blinked for a moment and said, "Note to self. This place is crazy."