• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 2,343 Views, 55 Comments

A Trip to Remember - Allegrano_Melody

Discord has a mission, and Celestia is not going to like it. Discord decides to send the young versions of the Main 6 to a particular school of magic.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Truth

Author's Note:

I understand that I mention I would have this out soon, but then I decided to work on a couple of chapters ahead and released that I needed to learn much about the other houses since Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are not as mentions as much.

Then I started learning about the classes that don't get mentioned much, but first years can take them, so I was learning different courses and gaining an understanding of how to do some of the courses to continue the story. Also, I got stuck on trying to learn how wands made and how you can pair them up.

To sum it all up, I got a lot of research done, and now I will be writing and publishing a few chapters in quick succession soon.

This was wrong. The darkness was all-encompassing. In every direction, things felt soft and indistinct. "Lumos." cried, Angel. Nothing happened. "Lumos!" she cried again. Still, nothing happened. "LUMOS!"

The light suddenly banished the darkness. The drop onto the hard floor provided some orientation. Excitedly, a young voice chattered. "I'm not Lumos; I'm Pinkie Pie! Did you like my big bag of fun? I haven't seen you before, and that means you're new here. EEEEEEEE! "

The blur vanished. In its place was a vanilla cupcake with cheery pink frosting.

Confused, Angel blinked. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she could see Pear Butter in the doorway, holding the cupcake. She could hear Bright Mac behind her.

Pear Butter said, "Hello, Angel. May we please come in?"

Angel picked herself up and stepped aside. Pear Butter handed the cupcake to Bright Mac before stepping inside and taking Angel's hands in hers. As Bright Mac headed for the table, Angel asked, "Um . . . ah . . . um . . . what just happened?".

Pear Butter chuckled. "That was just Pinkie being Pinkie."

"Pinkie being Pinkie?" asked Angel. "Do I want to know?"

Pear Butter shook her head. Angel asked, "What's going on?"

Pear Butter turned to her husband and asked, "Bright Mac, are you almost done?"

"Eeyup," he replied, quickly flipping through the forms.

Pear Butter released Angel's hands and walked to her husband. She whispered, "The forms are two-sided."

Bright Mac sat up in surprise. "Well, I'll be! I guess this will take a bit longer than I thought."

"Maybe you should finish them at home instead of taking all of Angel's time," Pear Butter suggested.

Bright Mac nodded before he turned back to the table. Impossibly, the cupcake had grown googly eyes and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. It begged, "Pizza?"

"AAAAAH!" screamed Bright Mac as leaped and climbed onto the ceiling fan.

The cupcake looked up and asked plaintively, "Pizza?"

Dr. Horse burst into the room, brandishing a fire extinguisher. "What's going on here?"

From the ceiling fan, Bright Mac pointed at the table. "The cupcake is evil!"

Dr. Horse groaned as he lowered the fire extinguisher. "Mr. Apple, I know hospital food is bad, but don't you think you're exaggerating just a little?"

"Look at it!" said Bright Mac.

The doctor walked to the table. "This looks like one of Pinkie Pie's."

Bright Mac blinked and looked again. The cupcake on the table was perfectly normal. Sheepishly, he lowered himself from the ceiling fan.

Laughing nervously, Pear Butter turned to Angel and said, "Don't mind him, dear. The incident with the timberwolves has been hard on all of us."

Angel ignored her as she stared out the window.

With concern, Pear Butter said, "Angel?" She gasped as she followed Angel's gaze. An impossibly bright spot was coming toward them, growing ever larger.

The window exploded as the meteor crashed through. The room disappeared in a bright flash.

When Angel could see again, she was lying on the floor. The cupcake was on her chest, staring at her. Screaming, she slapped it away and clambered to her feet. The cake splattered against the wall. As it slid to the floor, it re-formed, complete with googly eyes and a blood-stained mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

She backed into a corner as the confection bounced up to her. In a smooth tenor, it said, "Hello, there, my little creation. I hope you are enjoying your new senses."

Angel tensed every muscle. "What do you mean?"

From overhead, the voice continued. "Surely, you've heard of the prophecies that the Unspeakables safeguard."
Angel looked up. The creature that looked back seemed to have escaped from Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory. It had an elongated body like a serpent with limbs, but no two parts matched. The face was not human, and it seemed to be patched together from the hides of different animals. In a fraction of a second, she assessed the situation and made the logical response. She screamed like the little filly that she now was.

The creature vanished. Angel took several deep breaths as she waited for her heart rate to return to normal.
She started when she looked forward. Standing in front of her was a tall, gray-haired gentleman in a brown business suit. He had odd eyes, and his gloves, socks, and shoes were all mismatched. Angel asked, "What are you?"

The man replied, "I am Discord, master of chaotic magic." Behind him, a stage appeared. An elephant and a bear appeared one holding cake and the other pizza. From the ceiling, a banner reading "Welcome to Equestria" unfurled. Discord said, "I hope you enjoy your first day in this new world."

Angel managed a weak smile. "I hope this doesn't sound rude, but what in the world are you talking about?"

Discord snapped his fingers. A carousel slide projector and a portable screen appeared. With a click, the carousel turned, and a slide dropped into the slot. Angel frowned at what she saw. The figures looked to be young women at first, but they had hooves instead of feet. Two of them sported wings, while two others wore a single horn. The hair colors seemed to have been taken from a child's illustration, while the skin tones were in pastels that generally indicated disease or death.

"What are they?" asked Angel.

Discord replied, "For want of a better term, they are ponies. This was taken just before the end of Harmony. These six were the truest friends up until the end. The purple one was Twilight Sparkle, their leader; there was no finer mage in the land. The cyan one was Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier ever. The white one was Rarity, a generous soul. The orange one was Applejack, the most honest pony ever. The pink one was Pinkie Pie; she would always find a way to bring a smile to your face."

"Who was this?" asked Angel, pointing to the yellow one.

"This was Fluttershy." Discord's tears began to fill the room. "She was the only one who understood me."

Concerned, Angel asked, "Are you all right?"

As he and Angel floated toward the ceiling, Discord replied, 'I'm fine. I . . . I just never got the chance to let her know how much she meant to me."

Angel swam toward Discord and hugged him. Something felt different. Looking down, Angel was shocked to see that her arms had transformed. Ignoring the change, she asked, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

The tears stopped. "Do you really mean it?"

Angel nodded.

Discord beamed. "You have no idea how much this means to me; that is why I brought you and your friends here. I had to get to you agree first. As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't tuna fish."

Suddenly suspicious, Angel asked, "What do you mean, my friends and me?"

Discord chuckled. "The three of you looked like you could use some help, so I thought we could help each other."

"Where are my friends?"

"They're in the best hands you could imagine," replied Discord. "You'll get to meet them after they've recovered from their injuries."

"What are you planning to do with them?" Angel asked coldly."

"The first thing is to have them build their strength up. Their magic pathways were not as open as yours. That caused some . . . complications in their transformations."

Discord gently returned Angel's hug as the tears drained out of the room. She glowed as he infused her with his magic.
Angel asked, "What do pathways have to do with . . ."

Discord interrupted. "This is Equestrian magic, not human magic; it's more complex; it's more concentrated."

Angel groaned. "Surely, you have a better explanation of that. I do have a master's in magic theory."

Giving a wistful smile, Discord said, "Twilight would have loved to talk shop with you." He snapped his fingers.

Angel winced as she banged her ankles on the support rail of the classroom desk where she now sat. Discord stood behind a lectern. He now wore a black suit with a white bowtie. Over the suit, he wore a scarlet robe with a black silk lining. A mortarboard completed his ensemble.

Angel smirked. "Eh, what's up, doc?"

With a flourish of his pointer, he tapped the chalkboard behind him. It quivered like jelly. "Magic!"

The board now showed a picture of Twilight, a picture of Rainbow Dash, and a picture of Applejack, each with a taxonomic designation. Discord said as he pointed, "Let's begin with the basics. Equestrian magic is race-based. The three main races are a unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony. Unicorn magic is what most people think of when they say magic. It's the most obvious, and it's the type closest to human magic. As you've seen for yourself, pegasus magic gives the power of flight and resistance to collisions. It also is used to control the weather. Earth pony magic is the most subtle. It grants strength and endurance. It also is used to aid plant growth."

He looked back at Angel, who stared in disbelief.

"Wait, there's more! Every sapient species has its own magic!" The board changed to show pictures with taxonomic designations. "Griffons, Dragon, Penguins, Zebras, Kirin, Buffalo, Yaks, Sea Ponies, Diamond Dogs, they all have their own magic. Any questions?"

Angel asked, "What are you?"

Discord gave a sad smile. "I am a draconequus."

Looking down, she said, "So, these changes that are happening now are me transforming?"

Discord nodded.

"What did you do to me?" she asked.

"Now that the illusion spell is wearing off, I've changed things a little, so you'll fit in better. Be careful with those hooves, though; they're a lot harder than feet."

"Don't you think the people back home will get worried about us being gone?" asked Angel.

Discord shook his head sadly. "How do I put this delicately? You and your friends are dead, or at least you are at the time I found you. I was going to transform you into young foals, but I need you to have your memories. Since your bodies were in pretty rough shape, I managed to dig up some from long-departed children and transfer you into them as a starting point."
Angel stared at him in disbelief.

"I didn't mean literally! It's tricky blending in the individual part so that it doesn't show. You and your friends now have brand new lives in brand new bodies. The essence of who you are, your memories, your magic, your souls, is still with you."
Annoyed, Angel said, "My major was magic, and you're not even going to try to explain?"

Discord shrugged. "It's the equivalent of many of your lifetimes of postdoctoral studies. We only have time for the kindergarten version."

"Fine. Could you please tell me what you turned us into?"

Discord smiled. "Angel, you already know you're a pegasus; it fits your name perfectly. Solomon is a thestral since he's a night owl. Aetherdal was the most interesting, so I made him a kirin."

Flatly, Angel said, "You turned him into a beer?"

"No, I . . ." Discord caught the hint of a smile on her face. "You still have your sense of humor. That will help you."
Angel studied the three figures that were on the chalkboard. Under Aetherdal's name was a portrait showing off his green eyes and his midnight blue mane. A forked horn protruded from his forehead. Under Solomon's name was a half-body drawing. He had amber eyes and a chestnut mane with blonde streaks. Leathery wings protruded from his back. She inhaled sharply when she saw her picture; it was transforming as she watched. Her mane was darkening to a midnight black with a red streak. Her brown eyes faded to baby blue.

Angel stood and looked over her shoulder. She watched her wings and tail as she tried to move them. Each obeyed her commands.

Discord asked, "Are you ready for the next lesson?"

Looking forward, Angel nodded. With a snap of his fingers, Discord changed the chalkboard into a map. Theatrically, he exposed his sleeves and showed that his hands were empty. With a flourish, he pressed his hands together and rubbed them together. Six photographs came up and flew to the map. Two went to each of the three locations marked on the map. Looking closely, Angel could see that these were younger versions of the ponies who were in the group photo.

Pointing, Discord said, "This is where you are, Ponyville. Solomon is up here in Cloudsdale. Aetherdal is here, in Canterlot."
"What now?" asked Angel.

"Learn," said Discord. "I have to be quick, or Sunbutt will realize I'm out here. I've left a list of the things you and your friends will need to study on your glasses. You'll be able to meet them in a few months in Canterlot's castle garden. Seven months after that, you'll get your admission letters."

Discord began to pixelate. "As usual, if you or your friends are captured or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in ten seconds. WAKE UP ANGEL!" He snapped his fingers.

Ponyville General Hospital

The morning had broken. Angel's eyes snapped open. It seemed as though everything around her was white. She sat up and reached for the glasses on the table. The room came into focus as she put them on. There seemed to be something flashing in the lower-left corner of her lenses. She looked down and saw the picture of a closed book and a hand. The hand tracked her eye movements, allowing her to leaf through the book. She frowned. At least part of the dream was real.

She got out of bed and walked to the mirror. A pony with orange skin, black mane, and baby blue eyes looked back at her. She said, "Let's see what else is real."

She turned to the larger table in the room. Walking over, she found that it was a packet of clothing. She read the letter on top.

"Dear Angel,

Words can't describe how thankful we are that you saved us. Our duties prevent us from being here when you wake up but know that you are always welcome at Sweet Apple Acres. We would be honored if you could drop by after you check out so that we can accurately show our gratitude.

Apple Family

As Angel folded the letter, she heard the door open. Turning, she saw a young mare in a nurse's uniform.

The nurse said, "Breakfast is ready." She set the tray on a bright spot on the table and lifted the lid.

Angel inhaled deeply, taking in the scents of oatmeal, apple, and cinnamon. She said, "Thank you, Sister . . ."

The nurse giggled. "You must be from one of the lands beyond. Out here, it's just 'nurse.' I'm Nurse Blue Heart."

Angel shook the proffered hand. "Pleased to meet you, Nurse Blue Heart. I must say, when you first came in, I thought you were a fashion model in disguise."

Blue Heart smiled. "My, you're such a nice young filly. Now, enjoy your breakfast. I'll be bringing a doctor to talk with you afterward."

"Thank you."

Blue Heart cocked her head and then picked up Angel's chart. Nervously, she laughed. "That's funny. I could swear your eyes were brown yesterday."

Angel quipped, "I haven't had to talk to my boss today."

Gently, Blue Heart said, "Now, now. Little fillies shouldn't be talking like that. There'll be plenty of time after you grow up." With that, she left.

Angel read through the book as she ate her breakfast. She rose when she felt her legs going numb. She groaned. "It looks like a good time to try the exercises. Let's try the front splits. The bed frame gave a loud clang as she accidentally kicked it. "Ow!" Grimacing, she massaged her hoof.

A voice from the door said, "Did I come at the wrong time?

Angel looked up. The stallion at the door looked like the tastiest piece of eye candy from a bodice-ripper. Angel drooled as her imagination ran wild.

A gentle poke on her shoulder broke her out of her reverie. "Angel, are you there?"

Nervously, Angel laughed. "Yes. I was just daydreaming."

The stallion said, "I'm Dr. Horse, and I need to get some information for our files before I can discharge you."

Worried, Angel said, "Discharge? Is there someplace I can stay until I find a job?"

The doctor laughed. "Such a little filly shouldn't have to worry about such big things. If you can tell us how to contact your parents, we can send somepony to get them."

Angel looked down. "They're dead."

"Who's taking care of you?"

Drawing herself up to her full height, she said, 'I can take care of myself, thank you."

"That's very brave of you, Angel, but we can't have somepony so young on their own. The Apple Family has volunteered to take you in until we can make further arrangements."

"Apple Family?"

The doctor pointed. "Yes. They've sent over a couple of fillies to take you to their farm."

Looking out the window, Angel saw the two fillies whose photos had been pinned to Ponyville. She leafed through her book to be sure. Her mission had begun.