• Member Since 3rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

*Rainbow Dash*

Rainbow Dash

Comments ( 16 )

Holy crap. First and foremost, break this into separate chapters.

I know someone who once put 96k words in one chapter. Please break it into a few chapters.

For anyone too lazy to go check the word count, it's 43,105 words, all in one chapter.

Okay the chapter thing I will take into advisement for the next fic.

Try to keep chapters between 2k and 9k.

Holy shit, look at that word count!

"A story chapter is like a penis. Longer ones are more impressive.
But eventually it gets to a point where it starts to scare people away."

if i had a little more time i would have reformatted it. i ddn't realize it would upset people. i guess im just a glutton for punishment as i guess i've always preferred reading a story all at once and i like longer than shorter chapters. and one thing i noticed when i uploaded it is i had put a -------------- line to separate the parts of the story which i could have used as a stopping point for individual chapters were gone when i uploaded. if i had a few more hours of time i would have reformatted it and i guess technically i still could but i was gone all day saturday.

but again like i mentioned to the others, for future reference i will most certainly break it up if i write anything more than 12-15k

but i do appreciate the big dick energy analogy :D and at least your not one to be easily scared away XD

Don’t worry about it, that doesn’t take away from the quality of the actual story, it’s just a bit daunting.

It should only take half an hour or so to split it up. Break this into 4 or so chapters in a google doc and then upload them separately before deleting the 43 thousand word chapter.

Really? Twilight just up and agrees to alter & forge government records without the slightest hesitation?

for a very important friend....yes

You know, ironically, you can really tell that the author of this was the opposite of autistic with the way that entire turns of phrase were used to convey meaning, almost exclusively, rather then any words intentionally structured into sentances from scratch and first principle.

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