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Outcome 2: The diary.

Today was supposed to be the day. The day I would've gotten exposed for the horrible things I did. I wished it would get cancelled or interupted and my prayers were heard because I got a message from Twilight saying they would do it later. But she also said they were coming over to see me. I guess they were planning to do it there but I quickly got my place ready and patiently waited for their arrival. I also hid my diary in one of my desks in my room just to be sure.

After a few minutes waiting and getting ready for their arrival I heard a knock. I took a deep breath and walked to the door. I got a smile on my face and openned seeying all my friends. there. "Hey guys!"

Twilight gave me a smile. "Hey Dash. Great to see you!"

I let them in and we got to my couch. I looked over to the kitchen and back to them. "Do you guys want anything?"

They shuck their head before Twilight spoke. "No. We just want to talk to you."

"Sure.." I stayed there trying to hide the fact I was nervous as much as possible. "What is it?"

"Ah'm sure you know damn well what it is." Apple Jack commented.

Twilight continued ignoring what Apple Jack just said. "It's about the diary entries. You flew off yesterday before we could talk to you. We planned on doing so after the test but this was more important."

I was ready to defend the fact I wasn't suicidal. "I didn't write that!"

"Rainbow Darling, you can quit the act. We're just here to help you." Rarity gave me a smile.

"Yea, ya can be honest with us." Apple Jack followed.

"I'm being honest!" I shouted. "You have to believe me! I'm fine."

They stayed quiet for a bit just looking at me. Pinkie spoke up now. "Dashie, I know smiles. And you haven't had a real smile in a while.. I want to see you happy again Dashie. Truly happy." She sounded very serious. Which wasn't often the case with Pinkie.

I stayed quiet for a bit before responding again. "But I didn't write it."

"Then who did?" Fluttershy gave me a serious stare. "I want you to be ok Dash."

I couldn't tell them Soarin did it without getting questions about him. "I.." I didn't know what else to say.

They looked at me waiting for an answer. After a few seconds Twilight gave me a smile. "It's going to be ok Dash. We're here for you." She gave me a hug and the others quickly joined in.

I didn't know what to say or think. I wasn't depressed. Atleast I don't think so.. After what I did, did I even deserve a hug like this? I created suicides and now it backfired. I was the victim of my own stupid prank. But what could I do? Admit to it. They would hate me if I did that.

After a few seconds they let go of the hug and gave me another smile. All I could do was smile back. "T-Thanks guys.." I saw Pinkie wasn't completely convinced but didn't say anything.

I wanted to let go of the subject so we spend the rest of the day with some games. I noticed Twilight was still tense about something but kept herself quiet. We spend atleast a few hours playing games. It was really fun and I forgot all about the last couple of weeks while I was with them. No one brought it up too. But then..

Twilight openned her mouth. "Dash, I think it's best if we stay with you for a night. We want to be here to keep an eye on you and support you through this."

"Oh! Oh! Like a sleepover right!" Pinkie looked excited. "Count! Me! In!"

Apple Jack also nodded. "Ah think it's a great idea Twi."

"Yea. It would be good for you to have your friends around in a time like this." Rarity gave me a smile.

''If you don't mind of course." Fluttershy quietly added.

"Oh I.." I wasn't excited about the idea but I guess one night won't hurt. I just got to keep an eye on them. "Sure! Let's do it!" I gave the best smile I could and I think I almost even fooled Pinkie. But of course there's no fooling her.

I had a pretty messy room but I cleaned some stuff up and made space for some sleeping bags. We had nights like this before and knowing how random Pinkie can be sometimes I always have them. Just in case.

After we got everything ready in my room we played some slumberparty games and had a lot of fun again. This is probably the happiest I've been all month. That sounds depressing but it felt good after all that had happened.

Eventually it got pretty dark and Fluttershy quietly asked. "Hey Dash? Are there any lights here?"

"But it's so much more fun in the dark!" Pinkie whined.

I rolled my eyes and pointed at my desk. "There should be a flashlight in there somewhere."

She got up and made her way to my desk. By this time I forgot all about the diary and what was in there. She openned the desk and saw my diary in there. She pulled it out and looked back at me. "What's this?"

I looked her way and a wave of panic went through me seeying what she was holding. "Don't look in there!!" I quickly got over to her and grabbed it out of her hooves.

She got a bit startled. "I-I wasn't going to.. Sorry.."

I sighed in relief having it back in my hooves. I quickly put it in the top of my closet shelf between some of my daring dos and looked back at her. "It's fine Flutters. Maybe it's better if I get the flashlight." I walked over to the drawer and after a bit of searching I pulled one out and handed it to her. "Here you go." I got back on my bed and hoped no one would mention it.

But of course, I was unlucky. "What was it?" Twilight asked curiously.

"It's nothing important. Let's just continue." I tried to brush it off.

Apple Jack wasn't confinced tho. "Ah don't know Dash. Looked pretty important to me. Havin' to get it like that."

"It's nothing, really!" I almost snapped but tried to act fine still.

"Rainbow darling, don't think I didn't see 'diary' writen on there." I felt small panic by Rarity's comment again. "But you don't have to worry. We won't make fun of you. All of us has a diary in atleast 1 form."

"Right.." I tried to continue again. "Can we continue now?"

Suprisingly they let it go and we continued our game. After a bit I stopped worrying and went to bed peacefully after all the games were done. I didn't feel any worry. No stress. It was a pretty good night.

Aside from that I did keep hearing some noices. Voices that I couldn't make out and other sounds that were very faint. I didn't want to make these small noices ruin my a good night I now rarely had. Eventually I gave in and openned my eyes.

I looked around and saw my friends were gone. My heart skipped a beat when I saw my closet openned a little with the diary not in there anymore. I didn't waste any time and quickly got up ready to look where it went. If my friends got it all I could hope is that they didn't read it thx to all those friendship lessons that came before it. I don't know how I could be so stupid to write it all down anyway. I guess it just helped with the stress and I didn't stop. But I didn't have time to think about my poor choices though all of this. I had to find that thing.

I walked through my bedroom door and saw noticed a small light shine in the living room. I took a small peek and saw my friends reading my diary on the couch using the flashlight as a small lightsource.

Fluttershy had tears in her eyes while the others looked mostly shocked with tears in the corners of their eyes aswell. I felt a pain in my heart seeying them like that.

"H-How..?" I heard Twilight mutter still scaning the page she was reading.

I tried to walk back to my room like I saw nothing when I saw Fluttershy notice me. She gave Twilight a nudge on the shoulder and they all noticed me.

We just stared at eachother for a bit before Apple Jack spoke. "Is this true..?" I heard tears and slight anger in her voice.

I felt tears filling my eyes. "I-I'm sorry.." I tried to keep back the tears but they kept rolling down my face with no stopping.

It stayed quiet for a bit before Apple Jack whiped her tears and got up. "I need some time alone. Bye Dash." She walked to the doors and before I could say or do anything she left slamming the door a little too.

I looked back at the others who still looked shocked and sad. "I just.." Twilight started in the middle of her sob. "Can't believe you did all of this.."

I looked away. "I told you I'm sorry.. It was an accident.."

There was a silence again until Fluttershy broke it. "I know.." She whiped away a tear. "We read it.. Are you ok..?"

I was confussed now. "Me..?"

"Yea.. Going through all of that.." She attempted to give me a smile. "It must have been hard.. Right..?"

I couldn't keep it in anymore and broke down crying. Fluttershy reacted quick by giving me a hug. Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity looked at eachother and at me and joined in a bit after. I didn't expect something like this. I honestly thought they would hate my guts after this. I mean.. Apple Jack maybe but if I'm lucky I'll get enough time to explain myself. I mean the diary already had everything writed down but I can still try my best.

We stayed like that for atleast half a minute. I just couldn't get the tears the stop. Eventually I stopped and we left the hug. I gave them a smile. "Thanks.."

They also got a smile. especially Pinkie. "Now THAT, is a real smile!" It made all of us let out a small laugh. It still suprises me how she can make ponies smile even at times like this.

I got up and whiped the last of my tears away. "Are we still friends?"

They gave me a smile. "Of course. We know you didn't mean to do anything. And Soarin was the one to-" She stopped seeying my smile fade.

Rarity looked a bit worried. "Are you sure you're ok? We read you two were pretty close.." Of course Rarity would be the one to ask that.

I nodded. "Yea. I got more things to worry about than psyco stalions." I gave them one last hug before walking to the door. "I'm going to see AJ. Also, thanks for coming. It was fun."

They all got a smile. "No problem Dash!" "Of course Dashie!" "No problem darling!" "I'm happy you're ok." They all said in unison before I left to see apple Jack.

On my flight to Apple Jack I was preparing what I was going to say. I expected not having to explain too much since most of it was in the diary. And seeying the others earlier it looked like they knew about Soarin so they already read most of the story. But I could still clear up some things if she wanted to know more.

I got to the barn and knock on it. After a few seconds I see Big Mac infront of me. "Is Apple Jack here?"


"Can I go talk to her?" He nods and lets me in. He points upstairs to a room. "Thanks Big Mac." I say as I fly up the stairs. I got to the door and softly knock. "AJ? You in there?"

It took a few seconds before I got a response. "Ah said I wanted to be alone Dash.." She sounded both angry and upset.

"I just came here to clear things up. If you need more time that's fine." I didn't feel like pushing anything since she knew most of it already.

"'Clear things up'?? What do you possibly have to add to all of this?"

"You tell me." She stayed quiet. "Look, I know you're probably upset with me but if there's anything you want to know, now or later, just ask. I don't want any confussion."

After a few seconds of silence we started a talk about the whole thing. I answerd her questions and after a few minutes of talking it all out she openned the door.

"Rainbow?" She still had small tears in her eyes.

"Yea AJ?"

"Are ya sure you're alright?" I got quiet so she continued. "Ah mean, ah knew somethin' was up but ah never expected it to be this big. Ah just want to know if you're alright."

I gave her a smile. "I'm fine." I looked down and back at her. "Are we still friends?"

She gave me a soft smile and hugged me. "Yea, Ah know ya didn't to do mean anythin'. Ah forgive ya."

I felt some happy tears form in my eyes and hugged back. "Thanks AJ. You have no idea how good it feels to hear that." We both shared a hug before we parted ways again.

I got back to my house to find the others not there anymore. I found the diary back in the drawer with a small note on it. "Lets keep this between the six of us. Ok?" I got a smile on my face and respnded out loud. "Sounds great."

We promised to keep it between the six of us and continued life like usual. They were always there for me whenever I had a random emotional breakdown or just the trauma from the whole situation. With my friends by my side everything was fine and it was sure to stay that way.

Author's Note:

Only one ending left! Hoped you liked this one!

If you want you can tell me which one you like best. Depending on when you read the next one will be out or still in production. Still counts tho!

Comments ( 2 )

Is this the only heathers mlp fanfic?

idk but if it is, I'm glad to take that title

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