• Published 25th May 2020
  • 3,348 Views, 93 Comments

The Lost Ones - Arceaion

If you lost your brother, what would you to get him back? What would you give to hold him once more? I will find my brother, even if I have to tear the whole damn Multiverse apart to do so.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Night of Death

Eris sat in the darkened recesses of the library listening to the sounds of screams and banging coming from outside, beside her Twilight sat shaking as she listened to the monsters outside. "It's never been this bad." Twilight muttered in concern as Spike paced.

"Somethings wrong." He said as they heard yet another monster banging on the shield outside. "They should have been gone by now." He said as he moved closer to the barricaded window and looked out. "Twilight, they're everywhere in town!" He called out in fear. "It's like an army of them!"

As Spike yelled this Twilight slowly rose and approached the window looking out to see the monster, her eyes widening in fear. "I've never seen this many, do you think the royal guard was defeated somewhere?" She asked, receiving a worried look from Spike.

"If that's true then we're trapped here until Celestia can send somepony to help." Spike replied in concern. "Or till she raises the sun in..." Spike looks up at the clock on the wall. "four hours.'' He finished in a defeated tone.

As Twilight and Spike talked Eris stood up and walked toward the door, her armor beginning to creak and groan as she grit her teeth. "Spike, Twilight, no matter what, don't come out of the library." She said as she stepped up to the door and grabbed the handle, the Berserker Armor now fully materializing around her encasing her arms and legs in its steel grip, as she removed the barricades on the door and calmly opened it stepping out into the horde of undead and demons.

Eris prov

As I stepped out of the library and into the night I sighed as I walked into the sea of monsters before me. As soon as I was out of the safety of whatever wards where in place they all had turned and looked right at me, their eyes glowing with hatred, that's fine, my eyes were probably reflecting what they were showing.

Slowly I reached for the Double Helix blade on my back and drew it, the sound of metal scraping against metal being the signal for the monsters to charge me. I grit my teeth and closed my eyes before I relaxed my mental focus allowing the armor's wrath to consume me. I felt the armors call and like a starved animal I was awash in the blood lust of war, for a moment I struggled to keep control before the armor overcame me and I lost myself.

3ed person prov

The sound of a roar echoed across Ponyville as a figure in plated armor charged towards the horde of monsters, their sword glowing as they swung it unleashing a helix wave of greenish blue magic that carved through the creatures before them. The Monsters roared in reply as they charged the person and all watching stared in awe as the women didn't even flinch at the charging mass before her. Instead she leapt forward intent to meet them head on and as they reached her she dodged their strikes before grabbing a demon by the horn and swinging him around without hesitation knocking other demons and undead away before she threw the demon into the air and drove her sword down its throat and then swinging forward cleaving the beast in two as she used the momentum to bring the blade down on a charging monster cleaving its skull in half as well.

As she did this a minotaur undead charged from behind her pulling its arm back to deliver a massive blow however the warrior women nimbly dodged the attack letting go of her sword as four glowing portals opened up around her. "Rank D Noble Phantasm, Maria the Ripper: The Holy Mother of Dismemberment!" The Women roared in a demonic voice as from the portals four strangely shaped knives shot out and moved with terrifying precision as they slashed the monster's arm apart before coming to float beside their mistress. The monster roared in agony as he glared at the women only for its eyes to be pierced by two of the blades as the women leapt forward, the other two blades in her hands as she swung them at the monster's neck severing its head.

Another group of monsters charged, one of them looking like an undead Pegasus who was flying ahead of the group, the warrior didn't even seem to be concerned as the knives returned to the golden portal and from it she drew that looked like an L shaped weapon which she pointed at the Pegasus as she drew a second smaller version of the weapon covered in golden engravings.

As the portal closed the armor seemed to melt into shadows which quickly dissipated revealing a strange set of armor covered by a brown duster and a helmet with glowing red eyes. The warrior didn't even flinch as she raised the second weapon and two loud bangs were heard as flashes of fire were seen from the strange weapon and the Pegasus in the lead suddenly fell to the ground as their wings were blown apart. The warrior lowered the smaller weapon and sheathed it at her hip as she took the bigger one in both hands and without hesitation fired releasing several much louder bangs from the weapon. Every bang was flowed up by a spray of blood from one of the charging enemies as heads and limbs were turned into sprays of blood while holes were blown into the monster's bodies.

One of the larger demons like monsters that managed to survive the onslaught reached out for the women as he neared only for the armor once more to be covered in black shadows and change back to the steel plate, only this time there was no helmet. Without hesitation the woman charged forward grasping the hilt of the sword on her back and as they neared she pulled the blade off slicing the monster. When the two stopped their charge the women didn't even turn as the creature fell apart, bisected down the middle. As the warrior stood in the center of the demonic army she didn't even seem concerned as monsters charged at her from all sides, in fact it seemed as if she were smiling as she attacked again. The woman moved with near unnatural speeds, her silver hair flowed behind her as she seemed to weave through the monsters as if she had no care.

With a roar the monsters charged her in an unorganized wave and any watching could have sworn they saw the women smile as strange symbols across her body began to glow and she leapt forward becoming a blur of movement as she expertly dodged the attacks of the wave appearing to not even be winded as she did so. As the women moved expertly through the attacks a light began to shine and ponies looked up hopeful of seeing the dawn approaching but instead they saw the the glow of thousands of swords floating in the air, finally the warrior women leapt into the air floating up to the center of the cloud of blades both her eyes glowing, the left a golden glow while the right a crimson red, with the light of twin suns as she looked down at the army of abominations below her. "Rank B+ Noble Phantasm, Sword of Manjushri Daishintou, Love Blast, Heavenly Demon Rain!" The Women cried out as the swords began to fall from the sky impaling the monsters.

As this happened the onlookers watched in awe as this warrior slayed what seemed like an endless horde of monsters with ease however as the rain of swords ended and the women began to fall to the ground a beam of red energy shot out from a monster and hit the warrior sending her back and into the ground.

Those watching from behind shuddered windows and warded homes watched in fear as from the demon hoard one who was far taller and looked to be a horrible abomination between Dragon and Demon walked forward. "So, you are the one causing such trouble to stall our master's arrival." The creature growled out. "You seem to have not been much." He laughed.

"You have seen nothing." A voice replied as from the rubble the warrior stood revealing herself to be the strange pony like creature that the Princess's apprentice had living with her. "As for you, I never expected to see an Apostle here." She said with a dark look in her eyes as she looked at the monster. "Let me show you just what I am capable of." She said as she shot forward a grin on her face.

"Rank A Noble Phantasm, Gram: Sword of the Sun!" She roared as she leapt into the air, as she leapt a longsword with a golden crossguard and grip appeared in her hand and she grinned as she swung it. The monstrous demon moved to block the attack but as he raised his arm the blade easily carved through his flesh causing him to scream in agony.

"Impossible, none can pierce my scales!" He roared as he looked at his arm that was already slowly regrowing.

"The Noble Phantasm, Gram: Sword of the Sun. Once wielded by the hero Sigurd, it was originally an enchanted sword wielded and pulled from the trunk of a mighty tree by Sigurd's father, Sigmund." Eris said calmly causing the Demon to look at the blade with what appeared to be fear. "Later, it was shattered from clashing against Gungnir and reforged into a cursed demonic blade that was capable of killing even a dragon after that, it became renowned as a demonic sword of both glory and ruin said to be the strongest demonic sword that can only be equal to the strongest holy sword Excalibur." She finished her grin turning predatory. "You apostles think you are undefeatable but I will tell you this, you and your master have their days numbered." She said as she shot forward her blade coming down again however this time it was stopped by the demon who had drawn his own massive blade from his hip and managed to just barely block her strike.

"I will not die to some mongrel mutant pony!" The demon yelled as he swung his massive blade again sending Eris skidding back. The demon didn't wait for her to regain her bearings and shot forward, embedding the sword in her chest. "DIE!" He roared as he split her in two at her chest and stomach. Eris's top went flying while the lower half fell to the ground. The Demon took several deep breaths before standing and laughing. "Was that all?!" He roared and laughed harder. "That was all too easy!"

"Oh but this is just the start of this fight." Eris said as her lower half dissolved into ash and Eris stood once more, her lower half still regenerating but she still walked forward "Noble Phantasm Conversion Rank A, Gram: Dawn of Ruin." She said as the sword in her hand changed, splitting into what appeared to be two Ulfberht Swords, one green and the other Red. Eris calmly walked forward both swords held out to her sides she set a stunning appearance, the blood coating her armor and cape flowing behind her she looked to be a dark hero walking out of a story book, her glowing gold and crimson eyes looking into the soul of the being before her.

The Demon roared as he charged forward without hesitation and swung however Eris simply raised her blade meeting the strike and blocking it with her red sword as she calmly turned, pirouetting behind the demon and sending her second green sword into his back severing the spine in the center of his back causing the demonic monster to fall, catching himself with his hands, barely able to turn and see the sword change again to now appear as a beam of green fiery light.

"Noble Phantasm Conversion Rank A+, Bölverk Gram: Heaven's Wheel of Destruction." Eris said calmly as she released the energy which shot toward the demonic monster. "Burn in hellfire, Apostle." Eris said calmly as she turned her back on the being who closed his eyes and lowered his head as the fire enveloped him, burning him to ashes. Eris raised her hand out to her side and the fire flew back to her and condensed into its original appearance as a steel long sword.

Around her the demons and monster hoard looked upon her in fear as she looked at them however before they could do anything the sky at last began to lighten and the first rays of the sun began to light the world causing the gathered hoard of creatures to scream in fear before collapsing into dust or in the lesser demons case simply die, their bodies unable to handle the light of the sun. In but a few moments all that was left in the center of the town was Eris, who stood calmly, the sun at her back and gleaming sword in hand till it returned to the golden portal. Eris turned and walked back to the library, walking slowly and carefully, like she was injured however no injuries were seen.

As she neared the Library she saw Twilight standing at the door in shock. "I need a nap after that." She said tiredly as she passed Twilight only to collapse to the floor behind her. Twilight turned in panic to Eris as Spike ran to her side and knelt down looking her over and feeling her neck for a pulse before sighing.

"She's just asleep." He said in relief as he turned to Twilight. "So... that is the power of a displaced." He said a low whistle escaping him as he looked at Eris's passed out form. "Gotta say it was cool." He said with a smile.

The morning after the fight where Eris risked her life was a quiet one with many of the residence working to rebuild anything damaged by the undead and demonic hoard as well as the fight that occurred. A few of the ponies stopped by the library to thank the warrior but were all turned away by Twilight who explained that she was still sleeping off her exhaustion from the battle. It wasn't till dawn had long since turned to day that a group of royal guards arrived at the train station from Canterlot and made their way through the town to the library, a grim look on their faces as they stopped and their commander knocked at the door and were let in by Twilight.

Author's Note:

SO my next chapter may take a while, the last two I had partially written so not a lot of work was needed but this is where I take everything in a new direction and see where it's going to go. I have tow ideas for what's to come but nothing concrete yet. I mighty even merge the two paths because that would also work. Well just have to see.

Anyway, thank you for sticking with the story so far and I hope you enjoy it, I'll see you in the next chapter.

Comments ( 1 )

great chapter love the battle was wondering if she would protect the town and i am glad she did

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