• Published 25th May 2020
  • 3,334 Views, 93 Comments

The Lost Ones - Arceaion

If you lost your brother, what would you to get him back? What would you give to hold him once more? I will find my brother, even if I have to tear the whole damn Multiverse apart to do so.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Displaced Part 1

Red groaned as he slowly came to, his head pounding and ears ringing as he rubbed his forehead in a feeble attempt to stave off the headache. “How much did I drink last night?” He slurred before glancing at his hand and find it covered in traces of blood. “Probably a lot,” He said as he let out a strained groan and pushed himself off the ground in spite of his bodies’ protests. As he finally stood and properly surveyed his surroundings he grimaces at the dark, unending expanse of gnarled vines and twisted trees that greeted me from all sides. “Okay, why am I in the Everfree?” He asked before his ears perked at a sudden noise from behind him.

Red turned preparing to face down whatever hungry Manticore dared think it could have pounced on him however he was instead, met with the sight of a woman dressed in dark armor which reflected the warm glow of the billowing campfire before her, and sitting beside her was a human.

“Cador?” Red groggily mumbled causing the boy to glance up. As Cador saw red he nearly fell to the ground having darted over to the injured Pegasus and burying himself into the tall man’s chest crying his name in what sounded like relief.

“Oh, good, you’re awake.” The woman said staying seated and keeping her eyes on the fire and the hunk of food cooking within its embers.

“No shit,” Red said with a moaned as he attempting to take a step closer only to stumble to my knees.

“Whoa-whoa-whoa! Careful!” Cador exclaimed, pulling Red back to his hooves. “You shielded me when we fell; you really shouldn’t move. E-Eris said you might even have a concussion.”

“That so, huh?” He asked with a wince of pain and dizziness. “Greeeaaat…” He said as Cador helped support his weight and lead him over to the fire where Red managed a muttered thanks to him before finally collapsing by the campfire with a tired sigh.

As Red sat down at the campfire it flaring skyward in a glorious plume of smoke that looked suspiciously like an upward pointing claw.

“Classy, Iggy,” Red whispered, shaking his head in exasperation as he turned to observe his new campfire buddies.

Cador was still eyeing the now-peacefully crackling fire apprehensively, but the woman simply stared blankly at it as if she hadn’t even noticed the gesture.

However, once she realized Red was looking at her, she turned and met his eye. “So did I fall out of the sky or what?” Red asked the silent woman before him.

“You did,” she answered simply as she picked up a stick and began to poke the flames absent mindedly.

“Right. Thanks for keeping the kid safe while I was passed out,” Red said, gesturing to Cador.

“No problem.” The woman assured, nodding quietly. “Are you okay? You don’t seem to be too injured despite your fall.” She observed.

“I’m a quick healer,” Red replied with a cheeky winking. “Are you Eris then?” He inquired to the silent woman.

“I am,” she confirmed. “You?”

“Redsopine, but you can just call me ‘Red,’” He answered, extending a hand.

After a moment’s hesitation, Eris extended hers as well, but the moment her fingers brushed against Reds, his hand combusted causing him to yelp and swiftly retracted it, willing the fire away. “Sorry about that,” Red apologized smiling awkwardly looking more like he wanted to scream at something, or perhaps he was.

“Sorry,” He apologized to Eris again. “My powers are a bit wonky even at the best of times, so...?”

Eris blinked owlishly and tilted her head. “You don’t have to hide them, you know.” She said after a moment of silence.

“Um, what do you mean?” Red inquired, his face showing panic for a second before changing to a brief glance he shot at a confused Cador.

Eris glanced at the boy as well, blinking in realization. “Oh, I... see,” she emphasized with little subtlety before shrugging. “Never mind then.”

Red was silent, his eyes becoming unfocused as he seemed to be talking with someone else. Eris was silent leaving him be for a time however eventually she cleared her throat. “If you don’t mind,” Eris said snapping Reds attention back to her. “I’d like to know more about what happened to you. The young one, Cador, told me that he and you were attacked?” she said, raising an eyebrow at the end implying the question.

“Uh-huh,” Cador confirmed, nodding as he sat opposite the both of them. “W-We were on our way to the coliseum, and then the guards attacked us. And— and then this weird, er, thing!” He went with. “Appeared. And a monster came out of it and attacked us too!”

Eris looked at Red quizzically. “It was a portal,” He clarified. “Not sure what kind, and I couldn’t see through it.”

“And the monster it heralded?” She enquired.

“Some nut job in a lab coat. Dude almost killed us, ranted about me being a cheater—whatever that means—and then created another portal and threw us through it,” He elaborated with a dramatic flourish.

“Why did he do that if he aimed to kill you?” Eris asked calmly

“Another portal formed and whoever came out of it saved our skin.” Red stated.

“Did you happen to see them?”

“No,” Red replied and both He and Eris glanced at Cador, but he merely shook his head.

Eris hummed contemplatively and returned her gaze to the fire and Red seemed to fall into deep thought however he was once more drawn out of it by Eris speaking. “You said your assailant threw you through a portal, correct?” she questioned.


“And you, Cador, you spoke of a coliseum?” She asked looking at the kid.


“Hmm... alright, let me ask you both this, do you know where you are? What land you’re in?”

“Equestria?” Red guessed.

“Correct,” Eris confirmed.

“Wait, what?” Cador asked, scratching his head in confusion. “Where are we? I-I’ve never heard of Equestria before.”

“It’s my home, kiddo,” Red clarified.

“I assumed as much,” Eris said, pointing at Reds muzzle. “Although, I doubt this Equestria is your Equestria.”

The second her words registered Red groaned and held my face in my hands. “I dimension hopped again!? Oh, come on! Can’t it ever be a normal teleportation portal for once!?”

“I take it that crossing worlds is not uncommon for you?” she supposed.

“I wish it were.” Red lamented as his head fell into his hands which rested on his lap.

“Dimension... hopped...?” Cador nervously repeated. “W-What does that mean?”

“It means your attacker ripped open a hole in time and space and carelessly tossed you through it.” Eris explained bluntly. “This world you’re in right now? It’s not yours. Not just the location, mind you but the entire. world.”

Cador swayed a little, but after giving his head a small shake he protested. “But that’s impossible! Wh-What are you saying? That there’s really other worlds?”

“Correct.” Eris replied as she picked her stick up and poked the fire again in a casual manner.

“But I-I can’t— H-How could that— My sister; I— Wh-What am I supposed to do!? I-I-I need to get back!” Cador screamed, starting to hyperventilate. “My sister needs me!”

“Cador, it’s okay,” Red comforted. “We’ll get you back, no problem.”

“How!? I-I-I don’t even know where we are, o-or how we got here!”

“It doesn’t matter how,” Red deflected, attempting to ease Cador’s woes. “We’ll find a way to get you back to your sister; hell, we’ll find a way to help your sister while we’re here!” He promised confidently. “How does that sound?”

Cador was utterly floored by that declaration, muttering, “Y-You will?”



“Eh, I like helping people,” Red said, shrugging casually. “And I promise that I will help you.”

For one glorious second, Cador looked genuinely relieved. Unfortunately… “You shouldn’t make promises you may not be able to keep,” Eris advised tactlessly rendering Reds attempts to mollify Cador annulled, as he immediately started shivering with tears welled up in his eyes again.

“Look, Cador, I—” Reds voice suddenly cut out as he hastily slapped his hands against his mouth but small tongues of flame reached through his hands making him collapse to the ground in agony.

Eris and Cador both realized something was wrong, and while the latter jumped away in fear and confusion, the former standing and partially drawing her sword from her back and stared down at the writhing Red warily.

“R-Red?” Cador mumbled, grimacing in shock.

“Red?” Eris began hesitantly, letting her sword go and allowing it to return to its sheath. “Are you alright?”

Red wiped at his mouth and took several gulps of air, barely suppressing the urge to vomit before slowly nodding, an affirming, “Yep.” following after.

While Red rubbed his forehead looking as if he were trying to massage away a headache Cador turned to Eris. “Is he okay?” He asked worriedly.

Eris met Cador’s eye for a brief second before walking over to Red, looking him over with a faint frown. “Are you sure I shouldn’t be concerned?” She inquired, reaching a hand out.

“Heh, I wouldn’t bother.” Red grunted dismissively. “I don’t, I barely even know what their deal is half of the time,” He added, taking the offered hand however the moment their hands touched, Red's glowed like magma and he ripped it away from her, leaping back and glaring at her through draconic pupils.

"DO NOT TOUCH US!" A loud, ear-grating voice screamed from Reds mouth. “FILTHY VERMIN! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH OUR FLESH!"

Eris blinked and straightened up, regarding Red with disdain. "You should treat your host better Fire Demon." she said in an emotionless tone as she lowered her hand and returned to her spot opposite from Red and sat down on the ground. "Though I had no idea my touch was horrendous." She replied.

"Every mortal's touch is horrendous!" The Fire Demon snarled, utterly unconcerned as to the blackened, melted flesh dripping away from Red's arm to reveal a twisted, malformed dragon's claw. He then clenched said claw and snarled, "But yours is especially infuriating."

"Oh? I wonder why." Eris asked in a rhetorical voice as she shook her head slowly, knowing that this conversation was pointless. "In that case, I shall refrain from touching you again. Is that agreeable Demon?" She asked as she looked at the puppeted Red with a raised eyebrow.

A solid half of Red upper body now coated in a sheet of dark crimson scales, and his entire right arm had been replaced with the twisted, malformed dragon's claw and from his back wing could be seen growing. His original flesh had been discarded during the transformation having fallen to the ground as nothing more than blackened, melted gunk.

“‘Agreeable’?” The Fire Demon repeated via Reds now-fanged jaw. “What would be agreeable is if you were to die!” The Fire Demon spit back.

“Red, stop!” Cador shouted. “She helped us; don’t—” Cadors call came too late however as the Fire Demon now in control of Red had already launched himself forward. Only to be swatted away like a fly. The Fire Demon skidded against the ground for a second before righting himself and crouching on all-fours, snarling like a deranged beast.

Eris, meanwhile, shook her stinging wrist. “Ow." She muttered though her reaction to the pain was more amusement than actual pain. "Your scales are durable, I’ll give you that.” She said calmly as she looked at the Demonic Red.

“Just wait till you feel my claws.” The Fire Demon screeched, sending his power to Reds legs.

“Mhmm. Well, if it’s all the same to you, I’d really rather not fight.” Eris acknowledged, holding her hands behind her back and staring at Ignis coldly.

“And I’d rather you stand still and let me spill your guts out!” Ignis spat at her.

“Red, please stop!” Cador yelled as he rushed between Ignis and the demonically possessed Red. “She helped us; you can’t just— Y-You can’t just…” he trailed off, quivering under the intense hatred that radiated from Reds’ draconic eyes. Ignis let out a startled yelp as his body seized up and he began to struggle to move. The Demon glared at Eris with nothing but pure virulence as he stood in place truing to charge at her and only able to stand there and huff out fire and smoke from his mouth like a faulty flamethrower.

“Seems your host is quite angry with you.” Eris commented after realizing what was going on.

“Shut up!” The Demon roared with pure hate

“‘Host’?” Cador repeated, puzzled.

“That’s not your friend, Cador,” Eris said, keeping her gaze focused on Ignis. “It’s one of the demons within him.”

As Eris said this Cador's eyes widened and he finally passed out.

“Pathetic whelp,” The Demon sneered.

“‘Pathetic’?” Eris repeated, raising an eyebrow. “Being overwhelmed by having everything you’ve ever known and cared for be ripped away from you… you call that pathetic?”

“Weakness is pathetic!” he replied, struggling fruitlessly to drive away Reds influence again and failing miserably. “Being overwhelmed by anything is a weakness, so yes! It is pathetic!”

For the span of a heartbeat, the area around the two beings was consumed by what could be called a torrent of rage, it was blinding all-encompassing, endless and for a moment the Fire Demon possessing Red was sent reeling in pure terror roaring at the top of his lungs, draconic flesh rapidly burned away any remains of Red's body.

Eris closed her eyes and took a slow, steady breath and as abruptly as it began, the feeling ended, and the Demon froze. “W-What?” he muttered as he tried to blink away his confusion however Red seized the chance to take back control.

The Demon shrieked in protest but unfortunately he had been caught entirely off-guard meaning all he could do was desperately cling to Reds body and flail as, scale-by-scale, he was ejected from the pilot seat.

Realizing he wouldn’t be able to fight Red off, the Fire Demon turned his fiery gaze to Eris “If you had even the slightest hint of intelligence, you'd stay away from us! I know what you are! And I know what you carry!” He roared in pain as his claw began to evaporate away, revealing Reds burnt, bleeding arm. “You will not stop us! You will not stop me!”

Eris looked confused for a second before her face darkened. “So, you know about that, do you?” she asked darkly, standing and stepping away from the fire. “That must be why...” She sighed quietly “I’m sorry, Redsopine. I did not mean to incur your demon’s wrath.” She apologized. “Once you get control back, come visit me in this world’s Ponyville,” Eris urged, standing and stepping away from the fire. “I will help you get home, but evidently, I’m going to need to tell you some things before I do.”

And with that, Eris turned and walked away, disappearing into the thicket of the Everfree Forest. The moment Eris's presence faded, Red collapsed to the ground in a writhing, twitching mess.

After a minute or two to recover enough to sit up Red rose and cough his guts out. “Ignis... fuck. You.” He wheezed out on his hands and knees before he finally amaged to get up and weakly stumbled over to Cador who was still unconscious. Red knelt beside him and rubbed his hands together, stopping once the telltale hum of Pegasus magic could be heard.

One tiny pulse of static later, Cador was shocked back into the waking word with a yelp and after fully regaining his senses, he met Reds eye and practically threw himself away from him, beholding me with nothing shy of terror.

“Sorry you had to see that, kiddo,” Red apologized awkwardly. “You okay?”

“No!” Cador screamed, voice cracking. “I don’t know what’s happening, where I am, or what I’m going to do! I-I just wanted to fight… I just wanted some stupid Bits for my sister; I didn’t want…” Cador curled up into a ball and started sobbing.

“H-Hey! Cador, look, I know everything is going haywire right now,” Red said in acknowledgement and as gently as he could which he was ashamed to admit wasn’t much. “But I really meant it when I promised I’d get you home and your sister fixed, okay? And I always keep my promises.”

“H-How am I supposed to believe you?” Cador whimpered. “I don’t even know who o-o-or what you are!”

I sighed and sat in the dirt myself. “Sometimes, I have a hard time knowing that too, kid.”

“What was that?” Cador eventually squeaked out. “Wh-Why did you try attacking Eris? She— She helped us, a-and you…”

Red inhaled sharply and let it out softly. “Yeaaahhh, about that? That… wasn’t exactly… Me.”

“She said that too,” He replied, wiping his eyes dry only for them to tear up once again. “That you were possessed or something.”

“How freaked out would you be if I told you she was right?” Red asked skeptically.

“Wait, seriously!?” Cador squealed, scurrying even further away from Red.

“Hey, you think this head got so thick and big from ego alone?” Red jokingly asked as he pointed to his own skull. “Heh-heh. I mean, it probably did, but my roommates don’t help.”

“‘Roommates’?” Cador repeated questioningly. “I don’t understand.”

“Ugh, that’s a long story.” Red replied with an exaggerated groan, trying to hide an uncomfortable wince. “Let’s just say that I found a few, er, creatures. And after some magical hijinks, they all got stuck inside me. One of them—the asshole,” Red snarled. “Had an issue with Eris and wanted to make sure we all knew it.”

“So, he… Mind-controlled you?”

“Yeah, basically.” Red replied looking like he wanted to say something but reconsidered it at the last second.

Cador gulped and a small stretch of silence passed between the two, disturbed only by the creatures of the Everfree and subdued crackling of Eris’ fire. Red turned his gaze over to the fire hoping at least see the remains of whatever she had been cooking but it had been charred beyond salvation and scattered across the ground due to his Fire Demons actions.

“Good going, Iggy. We’re low on magic, and you ruined the only good meal around for miles,” Red growled however seconds later a low, irritated sigh, came from him and he began to cough out a cloud of dust.

Red stood up and turned to is companion. “C’mon Cador, let’s get out of this dumb forest,.” He said as he extending his right hand. only just then noticing that over half of it was still covered in patches of half-formed, blood red dragon scales, and the nails seemed longer and sharper than usual. Cador still took his hand regardless but seemed a bit angry as he looked at the arm. After helping Cador to his feet, Red shifted his cloak to hide his mutated arm.

“Great.” Red said as he gave Cador a comforting pat on his back and observed the area. “Seems this is the way back to town, and I think we’ve had enough surprises for one day. You?” He asked as he looked at the kid beside him

“I just want to go home,” Cador mewled, hanging his head low but proceeding forward anyway.

“Yeah. Yeah, me too, kid,” Red whispered. “Let’s go.” He said as the two walk side-by-side along the forest path.

Around a quarter of an hour later, Red and Cadon finally arrive at the forest’s edge, both bearing a few mosquito bites but were otherwise unharmed. Red let out a long low sigh and smiles sadly at the sight of Ponyville. “It’s good to be home,” He mumbled as he started walking forward, relieved that this Ponyville has the same layout as his own. “C’mon, Cador. If there’s one place we need to head to, it’s the library.”

“I’d rather find a place to lie down and sleep,” Cador’s reply in a tired voice.

Red chuckled. “Lucky you. If the librarian is who I think it is, she’ll practically beg for the chance to rent you out the spare room.”


“I ain’t kidding, kiddo. Knowing her, she won’t even charge you Bits. Just be ready to answer a two hour long questionnaire or something when you meet her.” Red warned slyly.


Red just smirked and continued walking, leading Cador past Fluttershy’s cottage and into Ponyville proper. A few minutes later the two neared the Library and Red hastened his steps however as they approached it they stopped at the sound of voices coming out through the open windows.

“—Come on, Twilight, it’s not like I didn't tell you about the Displaced!” A voice that sounded like Eris yelled.

"You said that Displaced came from Earth not from alternate version of our own world!" A voice that sounded like Twilight retorted back.

"Because I didn't know! I mean, I know a lot about the Displaced but not everything!" Eris retorted with a huff.

“Are you kidding me!?” Twilight retorted in anger earning an amused short from Red.

"I mean seriously Twilight; they just showed up out of a tear in reality while I was making sure the Human Transmutation circle was destroyed. They literally fell out of the sky, how do I prepare for something like that; how would you prepare for something like that?” She asked.

“I’ll tell you how I would have prepared for something like that!” Twilight retorted however before she continued Red hurriedly knocked on the tree house’s door, interrupting the conversation and causing the two voices to stop. After a moment Eris open it allowing Red in, Cador hesitantly following behind only for Red to vanish in a flash.

“Hey Er... son of a bitch.” Red said as he suddenly found himself in a cell with a large group of armed guards all pointing there spears at him.

“Well now, how many demon incursions into the library is it now?" A board voice asked as a Guard stepped forwards.

"Ten at this point sir." A second guard said.

"Busy month since the princesses Protégée moved in." The First guard said with a sigh. "Now just sit there while the princess arrives to judge your fate.” He said as he turned back to his desk to do what sounded like paper work.

Red sigh as he hat down in the cell and leaned back against the wall only to be shocked. "Well, fuck." He said with a groan.

Meanwhile at the library Twilight stood in shock as she watched the Pegasus be teleported away. "Oh god damn it Red." Eris muttered under her breath as she face palmed. "Right so I forgot to mention, that Red has a contract with four demons." She said with a groan.

"You could have warned me about that!" Twilight yelled angrily.

"Well I forgot that this world is one where Demons are actively seen as evil and not neutral." Eris replied with a sigh. "So where did he go? Please don't tell me he just go sent to Canterlot." She said as he looked at Twilight.

"Um... no, he was teleported to the towns guard." Twilight said as she shuffled her feet. "But because he tried to get into the library only Celestia can release him and even then he won't be able to walk free."

Eris groaned as Cador looked on in confusion. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Right so explanation time." She said with a sigh. "This world is in the middle of a massive demon infestation, well technically it's an undead and demon infestation but that's not the point."

"How could something like this happen?" Cador asked in concern.

"I can answer that." Twilight said in a sad voice. "Due to repeated wars, plagues and other events depleted the worlds overall population leading to an overabundance of souls that were trapped in a state of non-reincarnation. Due to the low population birth rates were extremely low and as a result This surplus of souls had nowhere to go and so they were pulled back into their old bodies resulting in the rise of undead beings."

"Okay, so the undead were a result of an overabundance of souls and not enough births for them to reincarnate in but would the population raise over time and eventually level out the ratio making is so that the souls would be reincarnated again?" Cador Asked as Twilight finished her explanation.

Twilight shook her head. "You would think that but no matter how many undead we defeat they are always reincarnating, this means they can never be defeated." Twilight said in a depressed tone. "No one knows when the demons really appeared but the first recorded appearance of them is about 2000 years ago, which is around the time that Equestria was formed."

Eris frowned as Twilight said this however didn't comment and Cador simply nodded in understanding. "So I guess we should go talk to the guard and release Red right?" He asked.

"That would be a good idea." Eris said before sighing and rubbing her temple "Besides Ignis might do something and I'm not taking responsibility for any collateral damage he causes."

Celestia sat upon her throne pretending to listen to a noble who was wanting land to build something, probably another mansion, and was proposing several 'logical' ideas for obtaining the land by removing an orphanage. As she sat there hardly paying attention to the Noble a letter appeared before here and fell into her lap, with a sigh she unfurled it expecting to see a report from Twilight however instead it was a letter from the Captain of the Ponyville guard stating a demon was currently in captivity for trying to enter Twilights library.

Celestia frowned at this and stood looking over the throne room. "Court is adjourned for the rest of the day, if you wish to speak with me please reschedule with my assistant, Raven. If your problem or concern is time sensitive then please give her the details and she will decide what weather this is needed to be addressed today or at another time." She said as she stepped down from the raised platform her throne sat one and walked out of the room, ignoring all the complaints of the nobles behind her.

As she exited the throne room she took a deep breath before in a flash her armor appeared around her and she looked to the nearby guards. "I'm heading to Ponyville, hopefully I won't be gone long but if I am then I'll spend the night at my students home." She said as she headed for where the chariots were kept.

Red sat in the center of his cell looking completely board out of his mind till he felt his stomach gurgle. "Fuck." Red said with a groan as he looked over the where the guards are ignoring him. “Hey, any chance I can get something to eat?" He asked. "I mean within the past two days I’ve fought in a war, died and was brought back to life, thrown through a dimensional rift, got a concussion, had my arm screwed up by a uncooperative roommate and now I’m jail doe doing nothing.” he said grumpily. "The least you all could do is get me some food." The Guard watching him didn't respond however as Red was about to speak again the one at the desk doing paper work looked up and directly at him.

“Never heard that story before but to answer your request for food, the answer is no. Just sit there and wait it won’t take longer than a few minutes for the Princess to show up and judge your fate.”

“Less than that captain should we begin now or do you need his name?” A voice asked as princess Celestia walks in.

Red grinned seeing Celestia standing across from him just outside the cell. “Hey sunny butt you should ease up on the cake.”

“Why you, how dare you talk to the princess like that.” The guard beside her yelled in anger as Celestia just sighs.

Celestia merely sighs and orders, “Leave him be. If he’s speaking so rudely, it’s obvious he’s not the one in control. Is he?” she asks me, thinking she was asking one of my roommates.

Still smirking, Red raise an eyebrow in contrast to Celestia's narrowed ones. After a moment though, he just roll his eyes and explain, “See? That’s where your wrong, Sunny-Buns. I am in control; I just don’t care for authority that’s not myPrincess.” That gets a blink out of Celestia which soon turns to an expression of some mix between amusement and exasperation.

“Then I suppose that makes you a rather rude pony,” She finally comments, her tone growing steely.

“I get that a lot.”

“Mhmm. And pray tell, why should I believe you’re that body’s true soul as opposed to one of the parasites I sense within you?” She questions, sneering disbelievingly. “I know your kind, Demons, and I most certainly know better than to expect honesty of you.”

“You wound us, Princess,” Gelu answers, and Red recoil slightly, coughing at the icy fog creeping out of both his nose and mouth.

“You know, you guys aren’t helping when you do shit like that!” Red snap.

“You’re really not,” Celestia concurs. “I would recommend not hurting my subject anymore than you already have, lest you know my ire.”

Both Ignis and Gelu are about to respond, but Terra swiftly stops them, urging, “Don’t rise, you two! This isn’t our Celestia; she doesn’t know us!”

And so we should excuse her pathetic attempt at threatening us!?” Ignis roars.

I’m saying we must earn her trust first, and that can’t happen if you two do nothing but harm Red!”

Speaking through him does not hurt him,” Gelu argues.

“Yes, it does. Every time,” Red deadpan.

“Is, uh, he talking to himself?” One of the other guards asks Celestia.

“No, he’s talking to them,” She explains, frowning. “Are they threatening you, my little pony?” She asks Red. “I can help you; I only need to know what magic binds you to them.”

At this Red groans. “Okay, Princess, look… I’m not your little pony, alright? And the idiots I’ve got swimming around in my head are just that; Idiots.”

Red says as he bang my head against the prison bars after speaking however he simply rubs his head slightly at the attack. “See? Idiots. I die; they die, but they still like making me bang my head against things.”

“I take it such abuse is a regular occurrence then?” Celestia responds in the same warm, motherly tone my Celestia uses. It peeves me off as much as it calms me down.

“Oh, you’ve no idea,” Red sneered. “I’d be happy to give you the full backstory behind how I ended up with them in my head all the time, but, uh? I don’t really have the patience for that,” He admitted chuckling. “And neither do they. We barely have the patience for this,” He grumble, lightly rapping his hand against the bars. “So, as much as I hate not whining about how screwed up my life is, could we hurry this along? I’ve got places to be, friends to save; wars to fight… you know. The usual.”

Celestia blinks again. “Wars… To fight?” she echoes.

Red facepalms. “Look, do you know Eris? That name ringing a bell?” He asked.

“It does.”

“Okay, good. She should be able to explain my situation. But since she’s not here yet, I'll just say I’m not from here.”

“From this world, you mean?”

red blinks this time. “Uh? Yeah, basically. How’d you know?”

“Eris has informed us of several things,” Celestia reveals calmly.

“Ah. That’s how.” Red clicks his tongue and taps his hoof. “Sooo…? About letting me out?”

“Out of the question!” a guard exclaims.

“At least,” Celestia continues, giving said guard an assuasive look, placating him. “Not until we know for sure you’re not lying. As I’ve mentioned, for all I know, you could be yet another demon merely pretending to be that pony.” Red groan at that.

“I’m guessing we’re not welcome here, huh?” Umbra’s voice suddenly pipes up, echoing throughout the room as the lights flicker for a moment.

Celestia and her guards all look about for the source of the sound; meanwhile, Red hang my head, wincing.

What is— What is he doing!?” Ignis shouts. “Where did he go!?”

“Do you intend to break out, Demons?” Celestia asks, glaring me down and reaching for the sword at her side.

“Yeah, uh, he’s already broken out,” I say, looking above her and snorting at what I see. “And is currently trying your crown on.” After Red said that, the guards look up and go wide-eyed at the sight of a shapeless, shadowy demon sitting atop their Princess’ head.

The aforementioned Princess, however, stills and cautiously reaches up toward her mane, feeling something ethereal flow around her hoof before forming into a ball of soft, fluffy fur. A gentle purring reaches her ear as the fluffy mass rubs endearingly against her hoof. On instinct, she gives it a small scratch, and the purring fades briefly so a young voice can plead, “Ooh, can you keep doing that? It’s been too long since someone last gave me an ear scratch!”

“W-What in the world?” Celestia mutters, pulling the creature down from her head and holding him before her.

The Demon is an odd, cat-like creature with a pitch black coat, the odd streak of deep indigo and dark gray barely visible through the smokey shadows bleeding off of it, and though it is somewhat larger than an average adult feline, it is clearly still a kitten. Its eyes are a soft, shimmering gold—the same shade of the crown it had stolen and now wore—and the Demon gazes up at Celestia with a look of purest innocent, aided by its happy smile.

“Hi! I’m Umbra!” the demon chirped, his tail swaying slightly. “How are you?”

“Um? Good?”

“That’s good. I’m good too; although, uh? Why is my host locked up, Princess?” He asks, feigning confusion. “Is my kind really not welcome here?”

“Err…?” Celestia hums, sharing a glance with her guards. They merely shrug back, at as much of a loss for words as she is, so Celestia returns her attention to Umbra and clarifies, “Unfortunately not, little one.”

“Awww, why not?” Umbra whines.

“Um, you are a demon, correct?” she checks.

“That’s what every creature back homes calls us,” he answers, blinking. Umbra then puts on a pout and adds, “It kinda hurts sometimes, being called that. Demons are mean, but I’m not mean!”

“You’re not mean?” Celestia asks, narrowing her eyes at the fluffy, demonic kitten in her hands.

“Yeah!” Umbra assures. “I mean? I try not to be… I don’t like being mean,” he mumbles, glancing away.

“And yet you force your host to bang his head against the prison bars?” she accuses.

“That wasn’t me; that was Ignis!” Umbra explains, pouting again. “He’s the mean, scary one!”

Terra barely holds Ignis back from responding.

“If that’s the case…” Celestia begins warily. “Why are you traveling with him?”

“We kinda have to,” Umbra elaborates, giving his tail a frustrated flick. “Our homes are being invaded by a bunch of crazy monsters, so we have to work together to fight ‘em all back.” Umbra then blinks and as innocently as he can, asks, “Do you have to fight against crazy monsters too?”

Celestia glances away this time. “In a sense, yes.” She confesses looking back at Umbra, searching him for even a hint of dishonesty or maliciousness and ultimately finds none in those bright, golden eyes of his. “I can’t tell you how often I’ve had to fight against demons, the undead, and all manner of other abominations… Or how many reports I receive detailing the deaths of my little ponies and the attacks we’re forced to endure almost every night.”

Umbra gasps, exclaiming, “That’s horrible! I’m so sorry you have to deal with all that stuff, Princess.”

The hardness in Celestia’s eyes doesn’t quite go away, but Umbra did wrangle a small smile out of her. “You need not apologize, little one; I know it is not your will that brings such hardships upon us.”

“Well, regardless, I’m still sorry,” he says. “And on behalf of all my kind, I apologize for all of the pain they’ve caused you and your ponies.”

Oh brother…! Red groans upon noticing tears forming in Umbra’s eyes.

“And on behalf of my kind, thank you,” Celestia says, her smile growing a touch brighter. Celestia then sighs, adding, “And I apologize as well for imprisoning your host, but surely you understand why we had to do such a thing, I hope?” she ends softly, gently petting Umbra on the head.

Umbra purrs in response, nuzzling her hand before conceding, “Yeah, we understand, Princess.”

“Eh, don’t worry about it, Sunny-Buns,” Red finally says speaking up again. “Back home, most creatures were pretty terrified of me anyway, avoiding me for being what I am and all that junk. I get it.”

Celestia looks at me, finally coming to understand I truly am in control. “Still, I am sorry we had to imprison you as well. I’m sure once Ms. Eris arrives, she will be able to clarify things just as you said.”

“I hope so because I’m hungry,” Red admit bluntly. “Seriously, would it kill anyone to give me a sandwich or a doughnut right now?”

Celestia looks at the guard closest to her left. He looks back, blushes, and whines, “Hey, don’t look at me; I haven’t restocked the fridge yet!”

“Well, best restock it fast then; I’m in real need of healing here,” Red says, raising my burned and slightly scaled arm up and giving the guard a wave with it. “You want this looking normal, ya gotta get me some grub I can chow.”

The guard blinks. “Why?”

“‘Cause regeneration ain’t cheap, and thanks to my jerk of a roommate who caused this,” Red snarled, flexing the razor sharp claws and savoring the guard’s subsequent gulp. “Some of my internal organs are looking pretty similar too. And, uh? It kinda hurts. Like? A lot.”

“Go,” Celestia commands, giving a nod to the guard in question and two others. They then nod back and run out the door. She then returns to petting Umbra, seemingly on instinct, and speaks to me again, “Ignis, was it? The one who hurt you?”

“Bingo,” Red replied.

“Hmm,” she hums. She intends to say something more, but before she can the door opens again, and in strides Eris.

Eris tosses her hair back over her shoulder and takes stock of the assembled guards, Celestia, and lastly, me. “Well, looks like you beat me here, Tia; how ya doing?” she asks, closing the distance between them and finally noticing Umbra still held in the Princess’ arms. Her eyes widen at the sight of the panther demon, shining for just a split second, but Umbra merely smiles innocently at her, even giving her a little wave of his paw.

“Well enough,” Celestia answers, reacquiring Eris’ attention. “You?”

“Fine,” she answers. “So, Celestia? If you don’t mind, could you let Red out?” she requests, gesturing to me. “He’s a Displaced, like me.”

“And as for the creatures inhabiting him?”

“Demons? Yes? What kind? Not sure, but definitely not the kind to go on a rampage without reason.” She coughs and deadpans, “You know? Like, say? Someone attacking him? Locking him up? Starving him…?” she ends, noticing my still malformed arm.

Celestia gives a slight cough and double-checks, “You’re sure they’re no threat to my subjects?”

“Not unless they make themselves a threat to him. And I trust you enough to ensure that won’t be the case.” Eris adds, allowing a small smile.

Celestia smiles herself and chuckles. “I thought as much from our conversation,” she says, glancing my way. “It’s good to know I truly can trust you. Also a bit refreshing to have a pony not bow and show only respect to me.” She titters again, but it soon devolves into a sigh, followed by a whispered, “I wish others would be so open.”

“Yeah, I know; I’m awesome, can you let me out now?” I ask impatiently.

Celestia nods, saying, “Of course. Guards?”

“You’re sure about this, Your Majesty?” the guard holding the key inquires.

“I am. This being is no threat, he's free to leave.”

“Even though he’s a demon host?” one of the other guards ask, eyeing Umbra with a look of concern.

Catching his gaze Celestia says, “Oh, hush. How could something this cute be evil?” she asks, holding up Umbra who played along by giving the guards his most adorable pout. “You’ve no need to fear, my ponies; nothing will happen while I am here.”

“While you’re here?” Eris inquires, raising an eyebrow.

Celestia nods. “Given the hour, I intend to stay the night at my student’s house.”

“Twilight will be happy to hear that,” Eris notes. “and panicked, considering she hasn’t prepared for you.”

“Yes, I’m aware,” Celestia grumbles.

“Ahem! Still imprisoned over here,” Red whine.

Eris and Celestia both look at him, unamused, but the latter returns her gaze to her guards, assuring. “Eris, Twilight, and myself will all be in the vicinity, so if Mr. Red attempts anything, he will have to face all of us. And trust me, my friends…”

Umbra, who had spent most of the conversation nuzzling against Celestia and purring his heart out, suddenly stills and falls silent when Celestia’s grip tightened around him, not enough to hurt him, but the meaning obvious.

“I will not let any demons bring harm upon you this night,” Celestia vows, looking down at Umbra and giving the panicking cub an icy smile that rivaled even Gelu’s causing Umbra to gulp.

“Told ya, Shadow-Cat; not everyone’s gonna fall for the ‘cuteness’ act.” Red said snickering.

“It is not an act!” he shoots back. “I am cute!”

“That you are,” Celestia concurs, loosening her grip and going right back to petting him.

Though initially thrown off by the sudden change in attitude, Umbra quickly rolled with it, savoring her gentle touch and repaying it with yet another happy purr. He did, however, discreetly return her crown back to her head with a swish of his tail.

The guards, meanwhile, share one final look with each other, clearly still hesitant, but before too long, one of them—the one who had been doing the paperwork for this little event, sighs and accepts defeat. “Alright, guys; you heard the Princess. Release the demon host,” he orders, massaging a headache as he returns to completing his paperwork.

The key-bearing guard slowly steps toward my cell door, flinching at the little wave Red gives him, and finally inserts the key into the door, unlocking and opening it. “You’re free to go.”

“Aww, thanks, dude,” I say, booping his muzzle as I step out, a free—relatively speaking—pony once more. Stretching out my arms, I nod at the other guards, notice Umbra poking his tongue out at me, blow a raspberry back, and finally give Celestia and Eris my full attention. “So, where we headed now?”

“Back to the library,” Eris answers, doing her best to avoid eye contact with me. I wonder if that’s because she knows Ignis is currently trying to melt me from the inside-out so he can lunge for her? “I’ll explain more about the Displaced there.”

“And about my ticket home?” I inquire, raising an eyebrow.

“Obviously, that’ll be another thing we’ll discuss,” she assures. “Although, you should know returning won’t be quite as simple as you may think.”

“Always a damn catch…” I snarl under my breath, facepalming. “Anything else?”

“Eris?” Celestia interjects. “Is there any chance you know how to prevent his, er? ‘Roommates’ did you call them?” Without waiting for an answer, she requests, “Can you perhaps help Mr. Red control them?”

“CONTROL US!?” Gelu and Ignis shriek, and though Red keep his jaw shut, the echoes of their fury ring clearly throughout that tiny room.

After shooing away the demons’ ambient rage, Eris rubbers her chin in thought and says, “I’ll see what I can do, Princess.”

“Wait, seriously?” Red blurt out. “You know how I can keep these assholes from…?” Red doesn't finish that thought, seemingly unable to.

“So long as you’re willing to let me train your pathetic ass up before I send you on your way,” She begins, turning and walking back toward the door. “Then? Yes. I’ll help you keep them in check,” Eris promises, sparing me on last solemn glance before exiting the guard station.

“Uhh…?” he mumbles, gaining everyone’s attention. Umbra gulps again before flowing like water out from Celestia’s arms and back into my shadow, promptly rejoining his fellows in panicking about just what Eris could do.

I smile. “Whelp? Thanks for releasing me, Princess,” I say to her. “And thanks for not trying to kill me, guys,” I add to the remaining guards. “That was nice of ya’ll. … Bye,” I end unceremoniously, exiting the building as well, enroute for the Golden Oaks Library.

“When the others return with his requested meal, please have them come to the library,” Celestia orders the guards who immediately salute and voice their understanding. She then swiftly follows me into the dark, chilly night.

Author's Note:

Notice: Due to an unknown error the top part of the chapter did not appear for some reason. This has been fixed but I apologize for the inconvenience.

This chapter was updated and edited on 11/06/2021, it was ment to be edited sooner but I never had the time till now.

Image of Celestia in armor: