• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 1,758 Views, 44 Comments

Choice - AnOrdinaryWriter

A choose your own adventure starring you as you wake up during a bright summer morning, ready to see what kind of adventures the day ahead takes you on!

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You open wide and tear a chunk out of the cupcake, chewing curiously. The curiosity quickly turns into delight, and you close your eyes, wallowing in the explosion of coconuty goodness washing over your tongue and overwhelming your taste buds. While Pinkie had always been renowned for her baking and you’ve had many of her deserts in the past, this one really takes the cake! …No pun intended.

Swallowing, you look back up at Pinkie to tell her how good it is, but then you pause. The look on her face is a horrifying combination of a grin stretching way farther than a smile could normally reach, and eyes that had lost their impatience, replaced by an eerie, morbid satisfaction. You stare at her for a moment in a puzzled manor, ignoring the slight light-headedness you feel, before asking her what’s wrong.

“Nothing’s wrong with me,” she replies in a tone no different from earlier. “In fact, I’d say you seem to be having a little trouble, you’re looking kinda woozy there.”

Your confusion deepens, only for you to realize that she is right. You are feeling woozy. Really woozy actually. The light-headedness you feel becomes more severe and your limbs struggle to hold you up off the ground. What is happening…?

Suddenly, your legs collapse underneath you and you fall to the ground, dropping the partly eaten cupcake in your hoof, which rolls on the floor and bumps Pinkie’s hoof. Pinkie looks down at the cupcake, then at you, and giggles in sinister amusement. As your rapidly declining consciousness puts two and two together, all sensation in your body leaves you, and the world around you fades from existence.


When you wake up, you find that it is completely and utterly silent. Darkness consumes almost every inch of your vision, and the atmosphere is thick and cold. You look around, but neither to your left or right is any light to give you the slightest hint as to your location.

You feel some sort of surface pressed against your back. It’s cool, and somewhat moist, but not water moist, it’s more… sticky and uncomfortable. You attempt to move your forelegs, but find quickly that they won’t budge. You give them another tug, followed by your hind legs, but that proves useless, both producing the same result. Then you notice that there is something firm and solid closed around all your hooves, restraining you flat against the surface on your back.

Questioning where you were and what was going on, you suddenly hear echoed footsteps coming from in front of you. They make their way in your direction, and you can also hear the squeaking of what sounded like a metal cart being rolled toward you.

“Wakey wakey!” a high, singsong voice calls out from the inky blackness surrounding you. The voice is instantly recognizable. “Rise and shine, there’s a whooole lotta fun to be had!”

You call out into the wall of blackness surrounding you, demanding to know what’s going on.

“Yay, you’re awake! Took ya long enough,” Pinkie says. “I know everything seems so sudden, but don’t worry, I’ll clear everything up for ya in just a sec!”

The sound of the cart stops, and the hoofsteps start making their way to the right until stopping again. “Watch your eyes.” You don’t register the warning in time before a bright white light suddenly blinds you, and you shut your eyes instantly. Inching your eyelids open bit by bit, your eyes adjust to the sudden explosion of white brilliance now present in the room. Soon enough, the darkness has retreated, and you can now properly view your surroundings. You freeze at the sight before you.

Along the ceiling are party streamers, which you realize are not party streamers, but what seem to be… pony innards, strung from one end of the room to the other with the appearance of streamers. The walls of the room are stained in red splatters and across the room are tables with skulls on each one, party hats attached to them.

At the center of it all stands Pinkie Pie, wearing some sort of outfit from sewn together cutie marks from other ponies and pegasus wings stuck on the back, all intricately manufactured, albeit slightly sloppy. She walks back over to the cart in the middle of the room, the necklace of unicorn horns around her neck jingling, and continues to push the cart toward you.

You look down at your own body and find that iron clasps are shut around your hooves, holding them firmly in place. The surface against your back is metallic and coated in red splatters similar to those on the wall.

“How do you like it?” Pinkie asks you, prompting you to stare at her. “Speechless, huh? I’m flattered you like it that much. Most ponies start screaming the moment I turn on the lights. To each their own I guess.”

As Pinkie parks the cart in front of your hanging body, you ask Pinkie what all of this is.

“What does it look like silly? It’s a party! One I’ve prepared specifically for you. In fact, I’ve invited a whole bunch of my friends. Lemme introduce you to some of ‘em!” She walks up to one of the tables and points at each of the skulls in order. “Meet Boney, Maxilla and Sinus. All of you, meet my new friend!” During the last few words, she points at you.

You can’t wrap your head around what’s going on. Your brain still tries to piece everything together as Pinkie walks up to the metal cart and removes the cover on the top with a quick swipe, causing a small blast of wind in your face.

A tray is revealed, carrying a row of different weapons—knives, scalpels, needles and other surgical instruments. You eye the tray wordlessly as Pinkie giggles, before you immediately begin thrashing against your bindings.

“I wouldn’t recommend that if you don’t want things to hurt a lot more than they already will,” Pinkie suggests in a mocking tone, but you ignore her and continue to struggle your way out. One of the iron rings around your hooves even gives slightly before a sharp pain shoots through your hips due to your stretched out position.

“Not gonna say I didn’t tell ya so, but I told ya so!” Pinkie laughs maniacally before taking one of the scalpels in her mouth and walking up to you.

You have to think fast. What will you do?

Scream for Help________________________________________________________________________________Try Breaking Free